
Bidwell Classic Race Recap

Race #3 of the 12 in 2012 Running Challenge started off good. It was a little chilly, maybe around 40 degrees, but I knew that it wouldn't last for long. After about 1000 feet, we ran into the 5k racers who had already finished and I slowed down a little to see if I could see my Dad. This got me a "get out of the way" from one guy and a shove and a fake "excuse me" from another. I am not saying I didn't deserve a few complaints, but in case you want to seek revenge, his number was 197.

After that, I probably spent the next mile going over in my head what I should have said  back to him. Don't you hate that, when you don't say anything but then you keep thinking you should have? I mean, he didn't need to shove me! He kind of looked like an ugly Will Farrell. He was somewhere around 6'4" and 10 years older than me. I guess it makes him feel better to shove around people half his size. And way better looking. Sorry. It's all out of my system now.

Luckily his rudeness made me ignore the first mile, but for the entire second mile, I was thinking that maybe I should have just signed up for the 5k. I was still not feeling 100% and I was thinking that maybe I made the wrong decision when I decided to run the Half. But then I looked down at my Garmin. My first two miles had been run at 7:43 and 7:53. NO wonder I felt tired; this was faster than I normally ran (except for this race, which was "fast and flat"). So at this point, I told myself a couple of things: 1) stop being a baby (yes, I do this) and just keep running, and 2) I was going to try to keep it under 8 minute miles. Even though I was still a little sick, I thought that under 8 was a realistic goal.

So I powered on. The rest of the race went pretty well, especially when I got pleasantly surprised by the water distributors on the course at mile 5 and 11. Yummy. Everything went well until the last few miles, when I started to feel tired again. Usually during a half, I don't take any fuel. But this time I had about a quarter of a packet of disgustingness Gu just to try to stay awake. I was pretty fatigued. I haven't felt like that since my first half marathon, which was hot and my feet hurt and I was so ready to be done. Well, for this one, I was kind of ready to be done as well.

I crossed the finish line with a chip time of 1:44:02 (7:56/mi). Here is my Garmin readout. Don't mind the extra time; I always, ALWAYS forget to stop it right away. This time I was lucky to catch it pretty fast. As far as the extra mileage goes, I don't remember walking very far at first, so maybe the course was a tad long.

It's no PR (my PR is 1:42:40), but I am happy that I was even well enough to run this race, and even more happy that I kept it under an 8 minute mile. So that's a win in my book. 

To see some of the other races I've done, go to my Races & Places page.  There, you can also see suggestions of where to run in several US cities (International page still in discovery stages). Also, pop over to Jill's blog, where she hosts Fitness Friday each week! She is also the mastermind behind the 12 in 2012 Challenge! 

Did you race last weekend? When someone is rude to you, do you think of quick comebacks or do you think of a bunch of witty sayings only when it's too late?


I'm On Fire; I Need Water.

Remember the race that I was almost too sick to run? Here are a few of the highlights of the race and areas we thought could use improvement (supplemented by Dad). First good thing: the price. This race was only $40, which is a lot less than some of the Rock n Roll Half Marahons or other big races which can be over $100. When you are running 12 Half Marathons in a year, price comes into play, a lot. I often pick my next race based on price rather than other factors.

My Dad came with me and ran the 5k. It was good because he started at 8:30 and I started at 9, so finally I got to watch him start his race and cheer him on (and take photos of him) for a change! He did really well; he got about 26 minutes! Unfortunately, the start for the 5k and the start for the Half were in different places and since the half started at 9, so I did not get to watch him finish. However, he did finish in time to watch me run past him on the first mile of the course.

The fastest mouse in all Me-hi-co.
The race was the Bidwell Classic, which is a smaller race (about 1200 people in the 5k, Half and Half Marathon relay put together) put on by the local running club. It's one of the NorCal Half series, which includes about 20 in total. I would recommend this race to anyone in the area next year. It was a nice course through Bidwell park, the volunteers were very supportive and enthusiastic and the logistics of packet pickup was easy. The t-shirts were moisture-wicking short sleeved shirts in women's sizes (hurray! Unisex never fit right). There were plenty of water stops.


Okay, lets talk about the water stops for a minute. This was actually the best part of the race. As I was running along, I noticed a fire truck up ahead on the course. I figured someone must have been hurt or passed out or something and I was worried and sympathetic. Until I saw what was actually happening. The firefighters were handing out Gu and water! Isn't that fitting? Firefighters with water? They should have firefighters at every race. I am a big fan. I almost stopped running and had to drag myself away to finish the race. As it was I did take a Gu, even though I hate Gu.

Where was I? *drooling* Ah yes. There was a ton of food at the end: wraps, chips, bagels, peanut butter, rice cakes, drinks, bananas and oranges. There were tons of picnic tables, so you could sit down and eat in the sun or shade. There were free massages which I never, ever get, but Dad got one and said it was sweet. The only complaint I would have was that there were no napkins. Also, there were not enough port a potties, and they were kind of far from the start and finish line. Otherwise, it was well managed and fun! Would I do this race again? Yes!

I signed up for 12 in 2012 Race #4! April 7th in Tilden Park in Berkeley. Anyone going to be there?

Race recap coming tomorrow. 

Does anyone in your group of friends and family ever run races with you? How do you pick your next race -- location / price / swag / number of participants? Do you have a crush on firefighters like I do?


WIAW (1) & Meal Budgeting

I have never done one of these before, but I always sometimes take photos of my food and so all I needed to do was get on the ball and take everything in one day and then remember to post them! (I didn't know it was green month, but oh well).

I know that some people get tired of food photos; everything looks so gross. So, my post is twofold. I have recently been doing a little meal planning. Not so much that I am changing any buying habits, but I made a goal to do a couple of things. 1) Try/Cook a new meal each month. This has actually turned out to be more like one a week**, but I didn't want to overload myself at first. And 2) Figure out how much this is costing me.

One of the reasons I decided to do this was that a friend of mine, who goes to Starbucks EVERY day, eats lunch out probably 3-5 days a week and eats dinner out probably 1-3 times a week, was saying how she wanted to get on track with her spending. She also wants to lose weight in time for a late summer wedding. She asked for my help.

So, on top of trying a few fun new recipes**, I decided to both price out some of my meals and do a calorie count for certain meals, so I could give her a good idea of what to make for herself. It's easy for me to tell her to just stop eating processed foods, but it's hard when you work long hours, don't really like to cook, and have kids. It's easy to buy things that you can nuke or throw in a pan. So, one step at a time. First, a few easy meals. Next, the world.

So, here, without further ado, is my first What I Ate Wednesday, hosted by Jenn at Peas and Crayons. And my first Meal Budgeting post, with both dollars and calories per meal sited. I tried to keep it short, so I wouldn't bore anyone to death. To me, crunching numbers is fun. I like to be aware and this helps me.

Quinoa/Craisins/Sunflower&Pumpkin Seeds/Almond Milk (**adapted from THIS recipe) - $0.85 /254
 Coffee (x 5 with creamer) - $0.60 /100 
{total breakfast:$1.45 / 354}

Brussels - $0.25 / 66
Greek Salad (goat cheese, tomatoes, cucumber, corn) - $1.04 / 201 
{total lunch: $1.29 / 247}

Mac n Cheese (**adapted from THIS recipe) -$1.58 / 220  
Brussels - $0.25 / 66 
{total-$1.83 / 286}

Orange-$1.02 / 62
The whole bag of 1/2 cup Dried Apples - $0.72 / 220
12 Chocolate Covered Gummy Bears - $0.50 / 134 
{total-$2.24 / 416}
TOTAL: $6.81 / 1303  

(note: these totals may be off. I am not a mathematician, nor a dietician, nor an excel mastermind. I apologize in advance for any rounding errors. Calorie info taken from Loseit) **this week I also made THESE. See, Pinterest isn't a waste of time after all. 

So, what did I learn? One, even though I hear that some people spend less than $200/month on groceries, clearly I am not one of them. Not with my snack habits the way they were today ($6.81 x 31 days = $211/mo) Two, eating out is expensive. Whether your habit is a latte ($5/day) or lunch out (easily $10/day), it not only can add up, but is more than an entire day's worth of home cooked food! Now, obviously I am not making gourmet meals over here, but even with a nice piece of fish ($2-$3 per serving) or meat or a fancy sauce or dessert, you can still spend less for an entire day than you can for one meal out!

Now, having said that, next week I am going to be traveling, so will be eating out a lot. Hey, you win some, you lose some. But today I am saving my money for next week's meat with fancy sauce and  dessert!

Have you ever broken down the cost of your food by the month/week/day? How much do you spend on groceries per month?Do you ever eat only one food group or one food as an entire meal (see above lunch)?


One Year Ago

One year ago yesterday, I wrote this post because I had just chopped off all my hair in the name of Locks of Love.

At the time, the cut I wanted was something like this:

This is what I ended up with:

Not quite the same. In the last year, I have gone through H with this darn head of hair, trying to grow it out long enough to put in a ponytail so I can keep it out of my face so I can run. No clip could tame it.

And then finally, about a week ago, success! No clips needed. I could put it in a ponytail. All on it's own! I was ecstatic. I had been waiting almost a year for this.

So hurray, right? Now I will finally leave it alone. But no. Not really. It was growing out all uneven and it looked like a rat's nest. I attempted some home repair, but only made things worse. So yesterday I bucked up and went to Berkeley to be a hair model. For $20, you have someone who has never cut hair before is in training practice on you. So that is how I got a new do.

This is what I wanted. Ironically, I had forgotten that last year I also wanted to be like Katie Holmes. Apparently I want whatever she's having, hair-wise. However, I have a pretty bad cowlick and bangs like that are a far away dream to me. I bet her stylist flattens hers down every day. My stylist only knows how to do pony tails.

So I got this instead. Notice I am already clipping it back. I hate having hair in my face.

So, just when I could finally put my hair up, I chopped it back off. Figures. What I thought was funny is that March 5 last year and this year both were chop of your hair day. It's my Hair-iversary. So --  Happy Hair-iversary to me. Here's to growing the new do out faster (and with less clips) than the old one.

Do you cut your hair often? (in the last year I went once) Have you ever been a hair model? Have you ever donated to Locks of Love? 

Also, I was featured over on Who's Your Editor yesterday! Pop on over and check it out when you get the chance! 


Sick Leave

My plan this weekend was to drive to my parents and stay the night, since I had a race on Saturday morning in their area. Everything was fine until Thursday, when I felt horrible. I was achy and hot and cold and tired. Remember the yoga and weights I did? I thought maybe I was just sore from that. But it didn't get much better, so I decided to go up to my parent's house early, since I wasn't going to get anything done. Soooo...Road trip!

I arrived Thursday evening and got right on the cozy chair with my blanket. It's so nice having Mom around when you are sick, even if she doesn't do anything. Just her presence is enough. She used to feed me chicken noodle soup and orange juice when I was a kid, but this time I was so hungry! Remember I mentioned that? And the not being motivated feeling? Well, now you have it. I thought it was feed a fever, starve a cold, but I was confused; it's actually starve a fever, feed a cold, so I guess I had a cold? Whichever I had, I ate a TON of food!

There's this place on the drive up that started as a Farmer's Market type store that sold whatever fruit and veggies they had in season. Now they have all that, plus candy and tortillas and nuts and pickled things and dried things.  So I stopped and bought a few of each ($0.99/lb for brussels sprouts) and ate most of a two pound bag of dried apples on the drive. I also stopped for a Frappuccino. Once I got home at ate some coconut peanut brittle, a piece of Mexican bread (Pan Dulce) and then dinner. What the heck! I guess what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I am usually not a fan of sweets. At all. Or bread. But these ones are red!

Pan Dulce -- This one is called a Concha
Friday was spent pretty much the same way and so I was wondering if I would feel well enough to run on Saturday. Luckily by Friday night my temperature was down and I decided to play it by ear the next day, but was leaning toward running the race. I know, I know, I need to take care of myself, but I was feeling fine Friday night and was banking on feeling even better the next day.

Saturday dawned bright and clear.

I felt good, so I decided to run. Race recap will be coming in a few days! 

What was your mom's go-to meal/drink for you when you were sick? Do you have a sweet tooth? Have you ever had Mexican bread?


Wine and Love (5)

Happy Thursday and Welcome to March! You know the drill; today we talk about what makes us whine, or why we feel like we need a glass of wine, vs what we love! Thanks to Nora for hosting. Make sure to go over to her site and link up!


- Top Chef is over! I won't spoil anything but the one I wanted to win, won! I guess this is kind of a funny wine, since I didn't watch the season really during the season. But I just caught up with it on my friend's On Demand and now I am sad that there is not another season to watch. That's what happens with the On Demand. They hook you!

- I have been very unmotivated lately. It's like being unmotivated begets being unmotivated. The less I feel like doing, the less I do and then I just feel like doing even less. Why is that? When I am super busy, I get so many more things done, even though I have less time. When I have time to actually do all those "to-dos" I always wanted to try/do, I don't WANT to!

- I have also been very hungry lately. Oddly enough, I have been eating more, but the things have less calories. I have been eating a lot of fresh veggies and salads and things like that, but I must be eating 10 pounds of food a day! ps I checked on Answers.com to see what the average person eats and it's 4.7 lbs/day.

- The weather has been a lot cooler this week. I am not REALLY complaining, because it's snowing in Mr. Lovely's neck of the wood (and yours?) but still, I was LOVING the 70 degree days last week! 

- Running or lack thereof. So far, I've only run twice this week. Again, see wine #2. It has been very hard to get out the door and just do it. 


- Remember the Pilgrimage? My goal was to write 400 words a day, starting the 8th of February and going (at least) through the end of the month. My average per day was 488! I am happy about this, but want to try to step it up a little more in March.

- The weather this week. Okay, so it's not as nice as last week, but it's still not winter! So that makes me happy. It's actually perfect for running.

- Spring Break! Mr. Lovely, who went back to school, has a break coming up and we are going to hopefully spend it lying on the beach, sipping cold drinks and watching all the drunk college kids make fools of themselves. I mean, why not?

- This weekend I go to see my parents and to run my #3 Half Marathon. It is in a beautiful place and I am looking forward to the location, the race, and visiting with family!

- Remember this friend of mine? The adult? Her and I are going to a Chinese New Year celebration. Yes, we know it's a little late, but her friend, who is Chinese, is too busy during the actual time, so she has a party a month later. She spends over a week prepping for it by cooking up various things. I can't wait to see what she made! And eat it!

- Yoga. I did a half an hour today. I also did a half an hour of weights. It was one of my goals for the year to try to do something besides running at least once a week. It felt great and I did it while watching Top Chef so it was easy! I don't know why it's so hard for me to make time for it!

Do you do yoga? How was your hump/leap day yesterday? How is the weather where you are?


Then and Now: February

Maybe because we had an extra day this year, February was a little long for me. It went by fast but it was a weird month motivation-wise, emotion-wise and mentally in general I guess. This is strange, because I had a month filled with family, friends and good food as well as adequate exercise. However, for some reason, I am feeling a little strange this month. Hopefully March will bring a change in seasons and attitude!

Here is my February recap, the Who, the What and the Where, where I compare what I was doing one year ago to what I am up to now.


Mr Lovely, 
A Vietnamese Butcher and 
a thousand people, chickens and items on motorcycles.

K and A and A, 
The parentals and
the Broski.
(as well as many other friends and family who are not pictured).

Squid on sticks, 
Dragonfruit and
Pho for breakfast. 

Frjtz fries,
Turkish sampler,
Beet salad and
an apple crepe.

Miles Run
2011 = 0 / 2012 =111
Lucky number 111! This is good, because I would like to keep up a base of at least 100 miles a month, since I may sign up for a marathon at some point this year and I want be halfway ready at any time!
2011 = 0 / 2012 = 3
Thank goodness for virtual races! They are a fun and inexpensive way to supplement your normal racing schedule!
Bay Breeze Half Marathon (Race #2 of 12 in 2012)
Run For Sherry Virtual Race

Books Read
2011 = 3 / 2012 = 5

Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet - Jamie Ford: This book was about a Chinese boy growing up in Seattle during WWII. He has a Japanese friend, and when she gets sent to the concentration camps, he is devastated. Not only that, but he has to deal with his father's hatred of the Japanese.
TishaRobert Specht: This is a true story about a young teacher in the 1920s who gets sent to a small town in Alaska to teach. She learns quickly that the divide between the whites and Indians is deep, but somehow manages to not bend to the white men's prejudices. Her struggle is moving and her courage is inspiring.

You can see the other books HERE.

Vietnam and 

San Francisco, 

What I see by looking back is that I am spending way more time with family and friends this year, which is great. I have also traveled this February, but only within the State, whereas last year I traveled much further. But no matter what year it is, the food is always good!

Do you like squid? Are you loving this February more or less than last February?


Beer Week

The week before last was beer week in The City and I actually just missed it (in case you were wondering, February is still strong beer month. There is still time!)  However, lucky for me, my brother likes to brew up beers of many colors. So I went to visit him last week and together with my broski, we bottled some brewski.

I have never bottled beer before so to me, it was fascinating and fun. Another fun fact is that the beer we were bottling was my favorite kind, Stout. So let's begin shall we? But first, a warning.

Maybe you can't read it. Maybe I had too much beer before taking that picture. But it says: "Drinking may cause memory loss, or worse, memory loss".

Also, the broski schooled me on the rules for bottling. {#1 Rule} When bottling, one must have a beer. One does not drink the beer one is bottling. However, one cannot bottle without a beer in one's hand. {#2 Rule} There is no number two rule.

Before getting started, we went to the beer store. I don't think that is what the actual name of it is, but to me, it is The Beer Store. They had hops, barley, bottles and much, much more. I could have looked around in there for a long time. But broski was in a hurry, so we got our bottles and caps and got out.

Three of many different types of bottles.
Barley and stuff. Isn't it fun!? It's like Whole Foods for beer lovers.
Then we went home, poured ourselves a beer and got started. To bottle, first you move the beer from the keg to a handy 5 gallon bucket. Or two. Before the beer transfer begins, you have to add a little bit of sugar water to the bottom of the bucket in order to get the carbonation process going. Notice the broski hiding behind the bottles? He's shy. Also, note the plastic cup of beer next to the buckets? See? I told you it was a rule.

Bottles at the ready, you siphon the beer into them one by one. I did this, and I managed to get a lot of beer on the floor in the process. After I filled up the bottles, broski put the caps on. To put the caps on, you get to use a cap thingy. That is the actual name of the device: the cap thingy. Go ahead, ask a brewer if you don't believe me.

After being capped with the cap thingy, the bottles were done! We labeled them and now they are ready for drinking.

This growler is mine!
Have you ever made your own beer or bottled beer? What is your favorite kind of beer? Have you ever seen or used the cap thingy before?


Hills for Lill

When R at Livin the Fit Life, who is a fellow runner and 12 in 2012 member, let us know of her plans to run a virtual half marathon in honor of her 95 year old grandmother, I was automatically in! I had my Bay Breeze Half last weekend that I had already run in her honor, but last weekend I thought maybe I would just run another 13.1 and use that one instead.

I am currently living in Oakland, and am finding new running routes each day. You may think that Oakland is like this all the time:
But it's not. There are a lot of nice places in Oakland. And by nice, I mean hilly. According to Garmin, the total elevation gain was about 4275 ft. See the hill right around the 40 minute mark? It went on forever. Well, 10 or 20 minutes, but they seemed like forever.

I went uphill for a really long time and finally found the park I was looking for. I asked some bikers if they knew of a path that was fairly flat and then directed me to the Sunset trail. Either I was not on the Sunset trail or those guys mislead me because the next mile or so was variable. It did "flatten" out after a little while and I had a nice couple of fast, easy miles before deciding that I had no idea where I was and so I turned back. I did not go the same way; I decided to take a different trail, which went pretty much straight down (see above around 1 hour and 15 minutes).

The good thing about all these hills was the view. I had a view of the entire bay and San Francisco, including the Bay Bridge and the Golden Gate. It was priceless and well worth the effort.

I took a photo for Grandma Lill and kept going down the hill.

Since I turned around too early, this is how I ended up not running 13 miles. Instead, I ended up with about 10.5. I have this hangup about after I turn around, I don't want to just run around in circles to add miles. I don't know why. But once I turned around, I was like a horse to the stables. So I ended up finishing with about a 10 minute/mile average. But, since I didn't complete my distance, I will just use my Bay Breeze for Grandma Lill's 95th!

I leave you with this. Wessssiiide!


Do you prefer out and backs or loops? Do you like running or walking in new places or do you stick with the same route? Have you ever been to Oakland?


Feb Photo Fun

I am still working on the February Photo Challenge.  I have some posts in the works about other activities from this week, so until I get my butt in gear (and my mind!) you will be entertained with #febphotoaday only!

Day 16: Something New
I recently swapped books with fellow blogger Suz. I was so excited that my box arrived! 
Hurray for new books! This also falls within the guidelines of my 12 in 2012 book challenge.

Day 17: Time
I spent most of this day driving to the Bay Area to see friends and run the Bay Breeze

Day 18: Drinks
Post race wind down beverage

Day 19: Something I Hate to Do

Day 20: Handwriting
My planner.

 Day 21: A Fave Photo of Myself
Bottling beer with the broski. 
This one is a Stout. My favorite!

Day 22: Where I Work

Day 23: My Shoes
Same shoes, different closet.

Day 24: Inside My Bathroom Cabinet
Actually, this is my roommate's cabinet. She likes to have fresh smelling armpits.
My cabinet is a toiletry bag.

Day 25: Green
Running in Oakland yesterday.
You can't quite see it, but that glow in the distance is San Francisco. 
It was a gorgeous day!

In a few minutes I am heading to San Francisco for an Oscar party with friends. I have no idea what movies are nominated, but it will be fun to see everyone anyway! Also, my friends are on a fast; no dairy, booze, sugar, sodium, bread or caffeine (as well as a long list of other things), so it should be an interesting (and grumpy?) party!  What do you think? Should I bring a huge bottle of wine and a cheese platter?

How was your week? Did you do anything fun this weekend? Are you going to any Oscar parties?