
Everything is Random Today

Today is Labor Day. In a normal year, for basically the past ten years, I have taken my two week vacation on this week and the next. I only have to take nine days off to get ten (or really 16 days total including weekends), the kids have gone back to school (mostly) so the places I want to see aren't packed, and the weather is perfect for backpacking and traveling. Is it weird that I am currently jealous of my past self and am kind of wishing I was somewhere in the mountains hiking? Is it possible to have FOMO when you are simultaneously doing something else that is fun? I guess it is! I guess we always kid of want the grass on the other side, even when ours is growing great and is healthy and green. Or is that just me? I actually like my grass now, but kind of want to pop onto the other side for a few too! 

As a side note, did you know that the Portuguese do not talk about the grass being greener? Instead they say something like this, a galinha do vizinho sempre é mais gorda, which I believe translates roughly to, "your neighbor's chicken is always fatter," but you can probably Google it to get the actual translation. I love things like this, where you learn how other cultures say the same thing as you do. I also enjoy hearing how they say things differently, for example, when I learned that in Spanish or French you do not take a pee, or go pee, but instead you make a pee, or you do not go grocery shopping, instead you, do/make your shopping.

The other thing that I loved when I learned it was that roosters crow in different languages! Knock me over with a feather. I am not sure why my English centric brain did not realize this, as it seems obvious, but I was surprised and delighted by this news. Here are a few examples. Portuguese/French - cocorico. Chinese - wo-wo-wo. Korean - kkokkiyo. Arabic - SiyaaH. Spanish - quiquiriquí (this was the first one I learned). Also if you start to research this, you will realize that cows do not moo and cats do not meow, and then you can really get your mind blown. I took a year of French in college, and then went to work at a grocery store in Bordeaux for a summer, but to me, the roosters (and other animals) still sounded like they were speaking English. 

I am writing this from Tim Horton's. If you would have asked me six months ago how many times I'd been to a fast food joint in he last decade, I would probably be able to count the number on one hand. However, on the last six months, between this and McDonald's, I've increased my visits by probably 5x. Am I eating a lot of donuts and big macs? Nope! I normally go in to use the WiFi, charge electronics, use the bathroom and get out of the weather, and will usually buy a coffee. Today it's hot and humid and the air conditioning feels great. However, there is a man sitting next to me that looks like he slept pretty rough, and he's been sitting there milking the same coffee for a long time, but as I look at him, and then to myself, I wonder if people think the same about me. I do have helmet hair, and due to the humidity am quite sticky and sweaty, I don't smell great, and I've been milking the same coffee for awhile now too. I wouldn't say that the Timmy's coffee is great, but just like having a real toilet, when you've been going without for a while, even the most basic one is so nice. The other good thing about Timmy's and McDonald's is they don't kick me out, except for the McDonald's in Canmore, which had a sign saying that you could only stay for a half an hour. 

The other place I go if I'm in a smaller town is the library. It's not just for books, and they will let you sit for awhile and use the WiFi and plugs at your leisure. Thanks to all of you who are paying the taxes to allow me to do this, as it is a life saver! Also the librarians are normally nice and even have local information. When I was in Wisconsin, I got stuck in a bad rainstorm and the place I had planned on camping was like a lake. I went into town and into the library (soaking wet) to find out if there was any kind of lodging in town and the wonderful librarian Kim not only was super nice but she called around to find out if one of the women in town had availability at her rental and then went outside to make sure I was connected with the landlord! 

Speaking of the library, I have two things to say. First of all, if you need more ebook or audiobook library holds, you can get a card at the Broward county library in Florida. They don't care where you are from, and so you can get ten more books added to your queue! Secondly, I'm struggling right now to concentrate on audiobooks and so have been listening to tons of podcasts. For some reason, if the audiobook has two time periods or points of view, I get lost easily and the lose interest, so I probably DNFed at least five books in August. It's not you; it's me. It's probably just a phase, and I need to clean out my podcast queue anyway, so I am okay with that. However, I have capacity for 24 holds, and of course they are all becoming available now, and I already have about ten books checked out because usually I can go through about a book per day, so I need to decide whether or not to pause some of the holds now. First world problem, eh? 

Speaking of books, this is not one that I DNFed, but I read David Sedaris' Holidays on Ice and it was his worst book that I've read so far. I generally enjoy him, but am not a huge fan of the stories including animals; nor do I love that he is pretty offensive about disabled people (FYI, he uses the R word a lot). If this is the only book of his that you've tried, please read a different one, as it is not a good representation of him as an author. 

Tell me something random about you. What custom or phrase from a different culture or language have you found interesting? How do you feel about fast food coffee? What book have you DNFed recently? 


  1. Tim Horton's - it's such a Canadian thing!
    I read the Santaland Diaries every year at Christmas. I don't love Holidays on Ice generally, but I always love reading the Santaland Diaries, imagining him dressed as an elf. I also love the line "you're not a dancer, you're an elf."

    1. Something random about me - I have an incredible memory for lyrics and a great love of music and so I feel like at least half of my brain is taken up by song lyrics. I once amazed my husband while we were watching Downton Abbey, that I knew all the lyrics to one of the popular songs from WWI (I was a candy striper at a senior's facility and I used to play old-timey piano music for their singalongs).

    2. I can't remember if I've read the Santaland Diaries, but I love his stories about his disfuncional family!! Holidays just did not do it for me. Do you listen to This American Life? He is on it a lot, and I enjoy most of those episodes. I also went to see him live, which was fun!

      Re your random fact, that is awesome! Did you know that I also remember all kinds of weird lyrics. We could have a karaoke party!! My mom used to be amazed that I could sing along with Disney songs after only watching the movie once. However, though I am musical (instrument, not voice) I never really pursued it, so cannot play any instrument at this point. But maybe it's like riding a bike, and I will pick it back up!!

  2. I learned about the sound roosters make when the kids were at a Spanish inmersion daycare. When Phil stayed with a host family, he had a lot of convos with the host family kids about the sounds animals make. The kids were blown away that we are taught that animals make different sounds! Too funny!

    Holidays on Ice is one of the few books by Sedaris that I have read and I think I gave it 2 stars. I thought it was so MEAN! I read another one of his and didn’t care for it so I think he is just not for me!!

    I have been on a bit of a DNF’ing spree as well. I DNF’d ‘everyone in this room will someday be dead’ which just wasn’t working for me. I think I have abandoned 4 books in the last 2 weeks which is a lot for me. I don’t know what the deal is but I have gotten more ruthless about abandoning books if they aren’t working for me. 2 of my recent DNFs were at 25% which is quite far into a book!

    I rarely drink fast food coffee because I am kind of bougie about my coffee and prefer a Starbucks latte but I have had a latte at McDonalds and it was surprisingly good!

    1. Sadaris is very snarky, which can be mean, or in the right light, very funny. And he often vocalizes things that most people would be thinking but would never say because they are mean, which is what makes him funny sometimes!

      You are a bit bougie with your coffee! I am more of a, "does it have caffeine? Yes? Good enough!" kind of person. Don't get me wrong, I love a good quality cup of coffee, but I'll drink what is in front of me. Some hikers carry an aero press and sit around making high quality, fair trade, sustainable coffee at camp, but I ain't got time for that shit. Let's put some instant in a cup and get on the road. To each their own!

  3. Your neighbor's chicken is always fatter! I love it!!! You're allowed to want to be on your normal vacation for this time of year. Heck, you're allowed to want anything that you want.

    I have nostalgic memories of Timmy's from my Canada work travel days. I remember absolutely nothing about whether the coffee was good or bad, all I cared was that it was something different from back home - in other words, it seemed like a fatter chicken. I often visit libraries when I travel because the odds are that the bathrooms are nicer than the other options.

    Something random about me? Back in my early adulthood I had library cards with every library within reasonable driving distance. I live in suburbia where 4 library systems intersect and I had a university library card as well. But that was before Libby! Today I only have two cards/two Libby slots. Sigh, folks get boring when they get older.

    1. That's funny about the library cards because I am the exact opposite. I had one at a time for probably the first 30 years of my life, then I started moving around, but although I had more than one sometimes I only used one because they were not online! It wasn't until the pandemic, when you could get the cards without going into the actual library, that I ended up with four! I was up to five but two need to be verified now, aka I have to go show proof of address, so I will not be renewing them any time soon.

  4. love this random format, it makes me wonder what would I write if I'm siting in a cafe while raining, nowhere to be, just be with my thoughts.
    I love learning about culture through languages too. I love watching foreign movies in original language when I know the language, the translation is just off.
    random thing of the day: it has been 4th night that my husband is sleeping in the couch because he's a bit sick and can't tolerate AC. I enjoyed the solo bed with extra low AC. I also enjoyed reading 5-10 min before getting up in the morning in bed.

    1. Bummer about your hubby being sick, but yay for you getting the cold room to yourself for a bit!! I love reading in bed in the morning, and it's even better if I can get up, get a comp of coffee, and get back in bed to read for a while.

  5. I am NOT a fan of Tim Horton's coffee or really any of their food, to be honest. Their plain sugared doughnuts are okay, but I don't get all the hype and I'M CANADIAN. My Dad loves coffee and he swears that McDonald's is the best coffee aside from what he makes at home.

    1. I have never had a Timmy's donut or any of their food. However, I am not a big donut fan, and I feel the same way about Krispy Kreme as you do with Tim's. Meh! The coffee is not great, but it's good enough and it's something to warm me up while I use the WiFi. However, I do agree with your Dad in that McDonald's coffee is better than Tim's, and their WiFi is faster too!! (I literally did a speed test)

  6. I was thinking about David Sedaris before I read your last paragraph because if you haven't read the story about him learning French and the Easter bell versus the Easter bunny, you should! It's so funny.
    https://365thingsiloveaboutfrance.com/2014/04/20/no-210-jesus-shaves-easter-explained-in-french-class-by-david-sedaris/ (written)
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0yqn_OK6eE (audio)

    1. Yup, I'm pretty sure that one was in Holidays on Ice. They were not all bad, but a few were, hence it being his worst book of his that I've read.

  7. I've never been to Tim Horton's, but I love that they let you sit there with your coffee and stay dry and so on. And don't get me started on Libraries and Librarians. They are the absolute BEST. My SIL is a librarian and she is also the BEST.

    You talking about the fast food at Tim Horton's for some reason made me think of In 'n Out Burger, which as you know is practically a cult in California. I posted on Facebook once that I find their food to be entirely 'meh' and boy, I got some blow back on that, including one (ex) FB friend insulting another because he had the nerve to agree with me that there are in fact better burgers out there. WTH people? Why? Over a burger?

    1. Well I was born and raised in California but did not try In n Out until I was maybe...in college? And it was okay, BUT I was a vegetarian, so I would get a grilled cheese, so I actually probably did not have a burger until maybe 2013!! Again, it was okay but nothing to gush about. I also feel that way about Krispy Kreme; why are they so popular?? They are just donuts and are not even as good as my local bakery!

    2. Agreed. I feel like if it's something you grew up with, that's a memory taste, I get that. But no one who grew up in Nor Cal grew up with Krispy Kreme or In n Out. We have better here. And yea, it's usually somewhere local. That's probably true where these cult faves started too, local places are better.

    3. Also, when my daughter was in HS, her cheer troop stopped to eat at In N Out, and asked for a veggie burger. She would have asked for a grilled cheese if she had known better. Their veggie burger is just lettuce, tomatoes, bun. She was SO HUNGRY.

    4. Yes! We used to stop at the Truckee diner and get fries and milkshakes and they were 100% better than what you get at In n Out. Also PS the grilled cheese is probably exactly what Maya got but with cheese!!

    5. PPS you can get the grilled cheese animal style though, which is what I always did.

  8. Oooh! I spy a Bruce County library! You were in my county! I can't wait to hear where you travelled/visited here...wonder if you were/are going up the Peninsula? There's not a lot in Lucknow 😂
    I've never been to that branch, I'm about 45 min away but I love how our county system is connected so we have access to books from all 15 or so locations in the county...you can request a hold and it shows up at your preferred branch in a few days, and you can return books to any of the locations. Helpful when I live in one town and work in another. And our librarians are great!

    1. Yes, that is Lucknow! Nice spotting! I was passing through from Kincardine to Brucefield, where I was staying with someone, before continuing on to Lake Erie and eventually Toronto. My original intent was to stay along Lake Huron but I ran out of time and had to cut through the farmland.

  9. Libraries are gold, as I've recently discovered. Stephany mentioned Broward county when I was lamenting my limited # of holds, but I think they do charge. That said, it's cheaper than buying books! :) Love reading your random thoughts. I would vote for more random entries as you traverse the world!

    1. Anne, Broward did not charge when I signed up, but I just Googled it and it said $38!! Wow. I wonder when they started that.

      I will do more random posts for sure!! Stay tuned!


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