
Look What I Found This Week

This week, since the weather has been so un-winterlike, I decided to do a little "spring" cleaning. Since I travel so much, all my stuff (except for my one suitcase that I travel with) is in storage. This week, I went through that storage, to see what I could get rid of. Of course, if you are like me, you know that sometimes going through your storage to "get rid of it" results in a walk down memory lane. So, grab a beer (inspired by Kim) and look what I found this week! In addition, I did do a few other things. They are also included below.

Before I went crazy and started doing a major sorting movement, I had my extended family's Christmas party (in January)! It was great to see all the cousins! 

My Dad (yup, that's a kilt) and cousin
Some of my younger cousins -- pretty in pink
I went running. Only twice! I have been slacking due to the fact that I have had so many other things to do this week! I need to get back on track, so to speak! 

I found a new trail! A little overgrown but FUN!
Instead of running, I have been helping re-roof a house! It is a lot of work! 

I also went to an auction -- not to buy anything, but to see how it worked, in case I want to sell anything. BUT...you can get some darn good deals on things! I saw one 46 piece dish set, a nice one too, go for about 5 dollars! 

Okay, so you have gone through old stuff, right?
I wonder if you keep as strange of things as I do. 

{1} My diary from when I was about 8. Complete with fool proof locking device!

 {2} My first medal from my FIRST running race! 1986.

{3} My first digital camera!

{4} My "best friends" necklace from Jr. High! Remember those!?

{5} SO MANY books. It is really hard to get rid of them though! 
*in case you can't read, they are "travel/memoir/reference" and "Not Read Yet" *

*These are the "not read yet" books! 
A whole box. I am SO embarrassed! I need to get a move on with my book reading goal!*

But...and you should be very proud, I got rid of FOUR bankers boxes of books! FOUR! I am sad, but happy!! 

And, last but not least, we had a bonfire. To burn the old files I threw away (tell me, WHY did I keep some of them?) as well as....the Christmas tree! How sad. Except I don't know if you can see or not, but my parents were VERY excited about it. 

Okay now, you need to help me. Am I normal? Or do you keep things too? What item is it hardest for you to get rid of? What do you do with your Christmas tree once you take it down?


One Step at a Time

I have run on and off for a long time. From May 2010 to May 2011, I did not run at all. I traveled; I did some hiking; I did some lifting of the 40 pound backpack from time to time, but otherwise was not that active. I did not want to worry about when I would run or the safety of running (very often a concern in some of the places we went). I wanted to have fun and see the sights. So that is what I did. I also gained about 10 pounds. When I got home from my travels, I felt blah. I knew I had been eating badly and not exercising. I decided to put an end to it.

I did not start running again to lose weight. I did it for many reasons. I had just moved to a new place and started a new job. I needed to have a goal. I needed a way to keep myself busy in an otherwise unknown place. I needed to get rid of that heavy feeling.  I also changed my eating habits. Before, I had been eating out a lot. I ate everything on my plate because I did not know when we would eat again. Even when I did not eat out, food often consisted of whatever I could get my hands on and even better, what was easy to travel with or get while traveling. There were a lot of sandwiches, cup of noodles, tuna, crackers, jerky and other non-perishable items.

Six months later, I feel 100% better. I have lost weight, but more importantly, I lost that heavy feeling that I had. Running has played a big part in this feeling. I have something to look forward to and it is not only good for my health but it is good for my mental stability. My suggestion to you, if you are trying to achieve the same is:

Make a Schedule: If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Even if your plan consists of “run 1 mile, 1x per week”, make it and try your best to stick to it. Achieving goals, no matter how small, makes you feel productive, which in turn makes you feel good about yourself, which in turn keeps you going strong and making new goals (next month maybe you will run TWO miles, 2x per week!)

Sign Up For a Race: If you feel brave, signing up for a race, a 5k maybe, is the best thing to do. It gives you something to look forward to/strive for. Also for me, it seems harder to back out once I am signed up. And I am not going to go at it half-way. Once I sign up and pay, I have made that commitment to myself to do as well as I can. It makes you more accountable. Besides, the most fun part about running is the races. If you don’t experience a race, you may never know the true joy of the sport. If you are not ready to run, join one and walk! It's fun to be surrounded by such energy!

Baby Steps: Everyone starts somewhere. I ran a lot in the past, but having time off brought me right back to the beginning. When I first tried to run 2 miles, I had trouble. Don’t worry about it. A good strategy is to run until you can’t run anymore (100 feet? That’s okay!), then walk for a little while, then run again until you can’t, then walk. Alternate this pattern for a certain amount of time. You can also use time as your guide. A run one minute, walk two (or three or four) minutes schedule is a good idea. Then you gradually increase your running segment and decrease your walking segment little by little and eventually you will get rid of your walking segment altogether.

Change in eating habits were also a huge part of my increase in energy. But this post is long enough. Stay tuned for information on how I changed my food intake in order to feel more energetic, healthier, faster and slimmer. 

Dont' forget to go check out Jill's Fitness Friday link up! 

Have you ever taken a long break from running? What advice would you have for someone just starting out (or getting back into it after a break?)


A Hiking We Will Go

Mr. Lovely hails from the Northeast and has never been to Yosemite! So we decided that although it is winter, we would go and see what adventures awaited us. I was expecting snowshoeing and hot chocolate by the fire to be honest, but it couldn't have worked out better. Since we haven't had a lot of snow this season, the high passes were still open and we made good use of the late arrival of winter!

I know that you have seen enough cliched photos of Yosemite and I know that I will never be able to compete with Ansel, so I will give you a few alternatives. We decided to hike up the Four Mile Trail  to Glacier Point, which was a 4.8 mile one way hike, with a 3200 foot elevation gain. It was a nice path actually; it wasn't too steep and it was smooth and even paved for part of it. I know...paved! The views were fantastic! I am not really sure why it's called the Four Mile Trail.

View from four mile trail

Once we got to the top, we had a snack and decided to brave a longer hike around, instead of going back down the way we came. We took the Panorama trail, which ends up going over near Half Dome and then back down near Vernal Falls. From Glacier Point around and back down was about 8.5 miles.

View from Glacier Point
Illilouette Fall
So, total mileage was about 13.3 miles. Afterwards, we went and each had a hamburger, an order of chicken wings AND a bowl of chili! We were starving!

We also went to the Tunnel View for the sunset view of the valley. It was gorgeous! Except why is it that when you ask a person to take a photo for you, you either get a blurry one, or one with your feet (or head) chopped off, or something of the sort?

First, I took a photo of Mr. L. Isn't the view nice?

Then he took one of me. El Capitan! Half Dome! Oh My!

Then we asked a Random to take one of both of us. 


We actually asked ANOTHER Random to take a photo and he took one of us standing (RIGHT) in front of (ie BLOCKING) Half Dome. AND he had a huge Canon, so I thought he knew what he was doing!  Sheesh!

PS. Our calves were SO SORE the next day! 

What is the longest hike you have ever done? Have you been to Yosemite?


Bookmark Break Challenge 2012

Last year I participated in AubrieAnne's Bookmark Break Challenge. She challenged everyone to get their dusty old books off the shelves and finish them! She said that if we read more books than she did in 2011, she would give us prizes! Well, I read more books than she did! In 2011, I read 66 books. Here is what I got for my efforts!

I also got free ad space on her blog for one year! This year, I plan on taking part in her challenge again.

My personal goal is to read at least 52 books this year, or one a week. I also think I already mentioned this, but I would like to try to read at least one book a month that I already have laying around. I am going to try not to buy any books this year (except for the ones I buy with my B&N or Amazon gift cards!) This means I will be downloading a lot of free classics from Amazon as well as reading a lot of free reviewer books from Dorrance and LibraryThing. I also plan on reading a lot of library books. At least that's the goal!

Last year I not only took part in AubrieAnne's challenge, but I also joined an online book club at The Many Thoughts of a Reader. We are currently reading State of Wonder by Anne Patchett. One of my other book goals for 2011 was to read more classics. I did read A Christmas Carol as well as several of the Anne of Green Gables series, but I need to get more on the ball this year for that.

You can find out more about what I am reading, reviewing, planning on reading and hoping to read on my BOOKSHELF page. Also, if you haven't already, come see what I am reading on Goodreads!

What are your book related goals for this year? Are you involved in any book clubs?


A New Kind of 52

I mentioned in this post that I had done a few different 365/52 projects over the past years. I really think that they are a good idea, becuase they do encourage you to get out and about and to take in your surroundings. Whether you are taking photos of your pets, the grass, things around the house, the beach or even the kitchen sink, you realize there is beauty in everything! And it's fun to learn how to use your camera, the light and different angles to make something that makes you happy!

This year I am not doing a 365 project per se. Actually, since this year is a leap year, it would technically be a 366 project. But I am not doing that either. I do plan on taking photos pretty much every day, just like I have for the last couple of years, but I will not be posting them online. I am also not doing a 52 week project per se.

However, I AM doing a project. This year, two of my aunts and I are doing a photography project together. We are calling it Triptych, because it is the three of us and our three different interpretations of things. Based on words sent in by friends and family last year, we will each take a photo a week and post it online. We encourage all of you to participate as well! You can link up with your photo showing your interpretation of the word! Our first post went up last Wednesday and our next post airs today, Monday the 9th. Posts will go up each Monday from now on.

Our first word was BEGINNINGS. Come over and see how we each interpret the word and share your interpretation as well! Today's word is HAIRY. Our link up for HAIRY will be up until next Sunday, January 15th. Please post your photos and link up with us!

Also, if you have a word you want featured, leave me a comment or shoot me an email. We like weird words!

What weird things do you take photos of? How would you express "beginnings" in a photo?


Winter Break

I've kind of been absent this week. Not only have I been busy, but I have also been in "no internet land". This makes for good stories, but nowhere to put them! So next week you will hear everything! Until then however, Grab a Beer (inspired by Kim) and check out a quick version of WIDLW!

Last weekend was spent with my friends from the East Bay. We stayed in, made dinner and celebrated the New Year by watching the ball drop in New York. At 9 o'clock. Just kidding! We actually made it to midnight this time! But I did go to bed at 12:01.


The next day we went to The City and had a snackapalooza! One of the items on the menu: Dungeness Crab! Yummy!

Then it was Road Trip time! First stop: Yosemite!

Next up: Monterey, Carmel and Big Sur!

Monterey, CA
Monterey, CA
17 Mile Drive
Carmel, CA
Hwy 1
After that, we drove north on Highway 1 and went to Santa Cruz, where the waves were HUGE! 


Then we took a nice hike in the Marin Headlands at Point Reyes

Last but not least, but with no photo, we had our extended family "Christmas" last night, where we ate, drank and were merry until late into the night! It was so good to see family and eat turkey again (I can never get enough! Hello turkey pie!) 

Were you busy this week? Are you back to work yet? To school? Did you take any time to relax after the hectic holidays!?


A Change of Pace

Today is the last day of the Holiday Booty Buster Challenge! I took advantage of the new year to try a few different ways of keeping in shape! Actually I went to visit some friends and then did a little mini road trip around California! It's been bad for blogging, but great for hanging out and believe it or not, good on the exercise front (but BAD on the food intake!) Here are my days and points, with pictures to prove it! Total for this week: 50 points.

Saturday, Dec 31: 10 points
6 mile run
7 servings freggies
1 hour (3 mile) walk

Sunday, Jan 1: 3 points
1 mile walk (Resolution Run - x2 points)
7 servings freggies

Monday, Jan 2: 4 points
1 hour Pilates (3 points)
7 servings freggies

Tuesday, Jan 3: 14 points
9 hour (13 mile) hike
7 servings freggies

Yosemite, CA: 13 mile hike

Wednesday, Jan 4: 7 points
2 hour (6 mile) walk
7 servings freggies

Monterey, CA: 6 mile walk

Thursday, Jan 5: 6 points
5 mile run
7 servings freggies

Thursday and Friday's Running Route: Monterey

Friday, Jan 6: 6 points
5 mile run
7 servings freggies

All in all, not a bad week. It was fun to do some other activities besides running and to realize how sore they can make me! I see that I need to incorporate at least a day of weights, Pilates or other cross training into my routine!

Don't forget to check out Jill's blog, where she hosts Fitness Friday! Also Amanda at Run to the Finish is doing a Food Journal Challenge!

Did you do the HBBC? How did you do? Have you ever tried Pilates? Do you have as much trouble as I do keeping your hips straight?


Grab a Flute

Happy New Year everyone! And goodbye to 2011! Instead of grabbing a beer and looking what happened last week, let’s get in the mood and grab a glass of bubbly. Also, since this week has been filled with Christmas and things like that, I think we’ve had enough photos and recaps of the last week! I am going to take a different tack, and talk a little about photography.

As you all know, my posts are peppered with photos. I’ve always loved taking photos, but my “career” really took off in 2010, when I started a 365 project. I did not post a photo for each day, but it did help me learn that there is beauty all around us, not just when we are on vacation in Mexico. I still take a photo almost every day, and I find it a great way to record memories and to open your eyes and look around a little rather than taking things for granted.

In 2011, I decided to take it down a notch, to a 52 week project. Again, I slacked on posting photos each day, but once again, I DID take a photo pretty much every day! I also took an online course, 12 Weeks to Better Photos, which helped hone my skills even more. I look back on the last 2 years of photos (and beyond) and realize that I have improved a lot.

But what do you DO with all the photos!? Obviously, I post a lot of them here, but there are so many more that never see the light of day. My addition and computer skills aren’t that great, but I think I took somewhere around 25,000 photos this year. That’s 69 photos a day! So, for my own satisfaction and yours, I am pulling some of them out of the archives, for A Year in Photos, 2011. Post Card Style. Got your Champagne? Okay, let’s go.

Also, in 2012, I am happy to say that I am doing another photography project! I will talk more about it soon, as it is still in the works. I am very excited to share it with all of you!

Did you do a 365 / 52 (or any photo) project this year?  Have you ever not reached your goal but still learned something from the process?


Then and Now: December

Happy New Year's Eve! I hope that wherever you are, you are having a great weekend! Have a wonderful time tonight and I will see you next year

The holidays are often very similar each year. There are holiday parties, get-togethers with friends and food to be eaten and presents to open with family. This December was no different. There were many people to see that I see every year, and many holiday traditions that were observed this year, just as they were last year. There were also a few things that were different. Here is December 2010 vs 2011, The Who, The What and The Where.

The Who:  Every year I get together with friends in San Francisco for a snackapalooza. This year was no different, except we got together in November instead! So we met up in Sacramento for some carb loading before the marathon instead. Also, I get together with my old HS buddies on the day after Christmas each year. It's great fun and I am glad we have kept the tradition alive!

2010: Snackapalooza, San Francisco, 2011: CIM carb loading

2010: Hail, grey skies and a large group, 2011: Sun in the eyes and less people
The What: Last year I did many of the same things as this year. I went to see the birds; I ate cheese platters; I make cookies. The only huge difference was the running. Last year I took lots of walks; this year I took many runs instead (mileage last December: 0 miles, this December: about 100 miles).

2010: Walks, 2011: Runs

2010: Birds + great reflections! 2011: Birds but no reflection

2010: Small cheese platter, 2011: large cheese platter! (2012: Cheese table?)

2010: Pumpkin Choc Chip, 2011: Macaroon
The Where: Last year I went on a road trip from California to Iowa, where I met up with my friend Red at her new house. This year, I have been in California all month.

2010: Iowa


What were you doing last December? Do you do the same thing every Christmas or are your holidays varied?