
A Method to My Madness

You’ve probably seen the movie Planes, Trains and Automobiles. It’s been a long time since I have seen it, but I remember John Candy trying to get somewhere (for Christmas?) and he has to take all these different methods of transportation. I can relate to that! I thought I would go over a few different weird ways to get around that I have come across in my travels....

...Want to hear more? Head over to Women Rockin' The Road, where I talk about huge mountains, strange animals, hitchhiking, fearing for your life and more! You can also read stories from other women travelers and you can contribute your own!

 Also, if you haven't seen it before, check out my post about 10 Interesting Things that I've seen on the road!

 In honor of different methods of transportation, here are a few examples! 

Egypt - the true MINI van
India - Waiting for the train. 

India - Rickshaw Taxi

India - Fancy Bike

India - "Sleeper" train

Africa - Things you can buy from the bus

Nepal - The porters carry EVERYTHING on thier back!

Nepal - Yak power

Italy - Gondolier
 What is the weirdest method of transportation you have ever experienced? Have you ever ridden on a bus with a chicken? What IS the weirdest animal or thing you have shared a bus ride with?


Ten on Tuesday (17)

These questions were hosted by Chelsea and brought to you by...yours truly!

1. When you are on a plane and the kid behind you is kicking your seat, what do you do?
I WANT to turn around and yell at the mother to pay attention because her kid is being rude and annoying but usually I do nothing. If it goes on for a while I will turn around and give them both the stink eye. That's the most confrontational I get.

2. What food that you KNOW is bad for you and you shouldn't have, but you love/eat it anyway?
I love a Starbucks coffee. I try to only indulge once in a while. It's as many calories as a meal!

3. What is your favorite book of all time?
A Tree Grows In Brooklyn. I also loved The Hobbit.

4. If I came to visit you in your town, where would we eat?
If you came to San Francisco, we would have a snackapalooza and go to Turkish food, Peruvian food and Mexican food (Ala Turka, Limon & Pancho Villa) and maybe to Michells ice cream for desert.

5. You have 500 dollars and 40 minutes to spend it at any store you want. Where do you go?
REI. And I could probably spend it in about 4 minutes!

6. What blog do you read every day/the most often?
S&R, Lisa's Yarns, A Little Light Reading, KTs Refinishing School, Dude & Sweeties, Yep They Are All Mine.... There are a few more, but since the questions says what "blog" I guess I will stop now.

7. What's the longest you've ever been stuck at an airport?
Well, one weekend I flew Back East from New Orleans and I didn't get there until about 3 am. Then on Sunday when I went to fly home, it was the same thing...so...maybe 10 hours the first day, 8 the second. That weekend was way more airport/plane time than fun time, that is for sure!

8. What's your daily makeup/face/cleansing routine?
Nothing. I take a shower at night after I run. If I am going out, I may put on makeup, but every day, nada.

9. Where is your farthest away friend?
Really GOOD friend -- probably CA or MA (from where I am now!) but I have friends in many places around the world. Probably Australia would be the farthest.

10. Where is your favorite place to go hiking (or to enjoy nature)?
Sierra Nevada Mountains! Represent! 


Cheap Reads

Wow, it's been a while since the last time I updated my 2011 Reading List! Here's what I have read since then. You can see the entire list at my Bookshelf page. Total Current Book Count: 28

Last Chance Saloon - Marian Keyes ***
This book was total girl fluff, but a great book to read at the beach or on a plane when you don't want to have to think too much about it.

Tarantula Woman - Donald O'Donovan (review here)

Sea of Glory - Nathaniel Philbrick ****
This book was about the exploring expedition of the United States, when they went out for four years and discovered land in Antarctica (before they didn't know if it was all ice or not). They also explore the Polynesian islands and the West Coast of the US, which belonged to Mexico and the British at the time. This book is historical, but not boring, like some of them can be.

Surviving the Extremes - Kenneth Kamler ****
This book was good! It is broken down into categories -- desert, jungle, high altitude -- and talks about what happens to your body in such extremes and how to combat the issues that you face. The author is a tad hung up on himself, but he is very knowledgeable and this was a very interesting read.

My Korean Deli - Ben Ryder Howe (review here)

Forrest Gump - Winston Groom **** (I won this at JC Martin - Fighter, Writer)
The book was very different than the movie, but I enjoyed it just as much! The only thing that sometimes bothered me was that it is written in 1st person and the grammar is (purposefully) horrible. Sometimes I have a hard time getting around that.

Beyond All Measures - Dorothy Love (review here)

Crossroads Road - Jeff Kay **
To be honest, this book was a little strange. It started off good. The premise is that this guy's overbearing mother in law wins the lottery and gives them a house and 2 million dollars, BUT they have to live in the same cul-de-sac as she does. They have funny in-law fights, but it gets a little ridiculous at a certain point.

Dirty Little Angels - Chris Tusa (review on it's way)

Just as a side note, I think I spent a total of 12 dollars on all these books, and most of that went towards Sea of Glory, which I bought at Borders at full price. The rest have been bought at Goodwill (.70 cents for paperbacks!) or were giveaways, either from LibraryThing, BookSneeze or other bloggers. I also frequently visit Amazon and get free classics for my Kindle. 

What books can you recommend to me for summer reading? What is your monthly book budget? Do you have any cheap reads tips? 

Don't forget, you can friend me on Goodreads if you haven't already! I want to see what you are reading!


Recap & A Beer

Well, I think I finally got my S(tuff) in gear enough to participate in Kim's Grab a Beer and Look What I did Last Week series. Actually, normally my week is not that exciting, so I don't want to bore you too much. This week was not that exciting either, but I do have a couple of photos, so I thought what the hey. 

I made lists. See number 3 -- I am TRYING!

I worked a lot. 12 hours a day, 6 days a week.

And drank LOTS of coffee. 

I got to play with a GPS for work! Fun!

Getting out into the field.

I had to stop to take some pictures of barns and stuff. 

I tried to stay out of the rain.
And made more lists and plans for next week!

What did you do this week? 

(I am also participating in:)


Vietnam Fun

In case you missed my story the first time, pop on over to Women Rockin The Road, where I am blogging about how I almost got ran over by several motorcycles in Vietnam. While you are there, make sure to check out the How Do You Rock page, where you can find out how to tell YOUR story.

If you have already read that story and want to know more about Vietnam, here I have a few funny signs, for  your Saturday viewing pleasure.

Sooo...they will rub you with some garlic?

Check out number 5.

Dong. Hehe.

Well Kept Your Jewels!

Middle of the Night Escape

Yummy! Hedgehog!

This one is self explanitory

No Buffalo Riding!
Have a good weekend people!


Good For A Laugh

Need a good laugh? This made me laugh until I cried. Literally.

Here is a sample from DYAC

 We've all had issues with our phone's auto correct feature, right? Go to THIS SITE for more. Enjoy!

(sometimes Texts From Last Night has some funny ones too, but I can't guarantee it)


No Work Chili

There are many ways you can make this. Add whatever you want! Sometimes I use real beans. Sometimes I make it with a ton of veggies (almost like soup). Sometimes I use veggie meat or ground turkey instead of beef. However, this time I did it the quick and dirty way, which, if you are short on time, is a great way to have a hearty meal with barely any work. Also, as a bonus, this is fairly low in calories and fat, depending on serving size (see stats at bottom). AND it’s gluten, dairy and nut free. AND it’s cheap and easy. What more can you ask for?

1 lb ground beef
1 medium onion, rough chopped (don’t waste time making tiny pieces!)
1 clove garlic, rough chopped
Salt and Pepper to taste

1 can each (usually 16 oz) of:
Black Beans
Kidney Beans (or any bean you want! I also like pinto if I do it fresh)
Diced Tomatoes
Mexican Tomato Sauce (Salsa de Chile Fresco or Jalapeno Salsa. I use El Pato. It comes in an 8 oz can)

Quack, quack. This gives it a little kick!
(optional: green bell peppers, real jalapenos, cayenne pepper)

In a large pot (big enough for everything), brown hamburger meat with onions and garlic.

Once hamburger is cooked, add all cans of everything, including liquids.

Cook for about 2-3 hours, or longer if you want.

Eat it! I usually like it even more the 2nd day which works with this recipe, since it makes a lot. 

Yummy! (as you can see, I don't even cut the olives. Super lazy!)
Makes: 15 x 2/3 cup servings
1 serving = 183 cal/4.9 g fat/22.8 carb/14 g protein.

Cost: $0.49/serving.

(** or 10 x 1 cup servings. Nutrition for 1 c serving:  274 calories. Cost: $0.73/serving)

This post is being linked up with:

Weekend Bloggy Reading


To Eat, To Sweat, To Walk

Yesterday started like this. 

I have to get my butt in gear! Even the internet is telling me this.

{To Eat or Not To Eat}
Today I wasn't sure whether to eat or not before I went running. I was super hungry, but yesterday I ate beforehand and, well I won't get into details, but it's probably NOT a good idea to eat a bowl of chili before running 3 miles. Or any miles at that. So I didn't eat today. But let me tell you, I was slow. And tired. 

{To Sweat or Not To Sweat}
It was 90 degrees at 7:30 pm. I kept making excuses not to run waiting for the heat to go down, but it never did. I hoped thought it was about to rain, but it never did. Finally I just went out and ran. And it was hot. SO hot. My face and a tomato are about the same color. 

{To Walk or Not to Walk}
Last weekend I was playing volleyball and I slipped on wet grass and twisted my ankle. Yesterday it hurt a little while I was running and was pretty stiff once I was done. Today it got stiff right around mile 2. I stopped and tried to stretch it out a little and it did get looser eventually. However, I was afraid of hurting myself, so I took it easy. 

So, all in all, today was NOT the best day of running I have ever had. I am finding myself making excuses not to run beforehand. However, afterward I am glad I did it. That's how it is with running for me. I hate it, but I love it. It is hard. It is not always fun. I like the challenge but don't always like the work.

Lisa invited me to join her a 10 mile race in September and I am going to try to make it! I downloaded the Hal Higdon Half Marathon training schedule (which seems like it has a lot less miles than the last one I used!) This week the longest run is 5 miles. We shall see!


Ten on Tuesday (16)

1. What do you traditionally do for 4th of July?
We used to have water balloon fights and then (illegally) set off fireworks. Nowadays, there is no “tradition”. It’s about hanging with family and friends (and illegally setting off fireworks).

2. Did you follow your tradition this year? How did you celebrate yesterday?
We played volleyball, ate too much and illegally…okay, see above.

3. What’s the best fireworks show you’ve ever seen?
Probably over the Sydney harbor. Maybe it was the setting more than the actual incendiary devices.

4. Have you ever been injured by a firecracker?
I once didn’t throw it fast enough and I was deaf for a few hours!

5. Burger, Brat, or Hot Dog?
I am not a hot dog fan. I would go for the brat or burger; depends on my mood. I do love me some spicy sausage!

6. Do you sport red, white and blue on our Independence Day?
Nope. I am not an elementary school teacher.

7. If you had to be from any country other than the USA, what country would it be?
Switzerland. Or one of the Scandinavian ones. They have good health care.

8. Charcoal or gas?
Whatever the cook wants. I will eat from either one!

9. What’s your favorite thing about this fair country of ours?
It is really nice to have clean drinkable water. And RIGHTS. We have it pretty easy compared to some of the other countries I’ve been to.

10. God Bless the USA, My Country Tis of Thee, or the Star Spangled Banner?
I would have to say the Star Spangled Banner. There is just something so great about singing, “what so PrOOOOOUUUDLY we hailed…”

Thanks to Chelsea for hosting! 


Eating For One

So I am living alone now. It's a little weird.

First I was on the road, where you barely stay in one place for more than a day or so. Your meal plan consists of whatever you can carry that won't melt or spoil OR eating out (if it's cheap). So, you eat a lot of tuna and crackers and top ramen.

Then I stayed with my parents. They make a (mostly) round meal at least once a day. Actually my Dad forces them on my mom at least once a day. She (and he too) would eat gorp all day if the other one wasn't around. But while I was there, we ate a real meal once or twice a day. With three food groups and all that good stuff.

When I am with my boyfriend, he is a meat eater. His family could eat MEAT and nothing else almost every day.

When I am living with someone else I love to cook. However, now that I am on my own, I don't really cook anything elaborate. AND I pretty much eat the same thing every day. All of these lovely ladies (and by the way, that bacon mac and cheese that Nora made looks YUMMY) have been talking about their meal planning and I thought I would give you a little taste of what I am eating.


FRUIT with Cottage Cheese

FRUIT with yogurt and granola

Plain Yogurt (with fruit!)
Yummy Salads
Have I told you I used to be a vegetarian? It's all coming back to me now. I have also been eating wraps, burritos and lots and lots of coffee!

Have you heard of Lose It? You can download it for your phone and then enter in what you eat and how much exercise you do. It's kind of like free Weight Watchers. Also it's good to know. You know? Just for kicks. Like THIS:

Coffee Creamer is going to be the Death of me!
Hey I even exercised a little this day!
 A Burrito a Day keeps the Dr Away
And there you have it. Eating: For Single Women.


Alone in The Dark

I was by myself in Brazil. My friend had flown to Peru to meet up with his family, my other friend had flown home and I wasn’t supposed to meet up with someone else for a few weeks. I was a little nervous to be honest; I had heard many horror stories.

“Did you know that Salvador da Bahia is the most dangerous city in the world?” some people asked me. “You should NEVER take your camera out with you. If you take your camera with you, you will surely get mugged, or killed!”

“Make sure you try not to act like a tourist. They will rob you for sure.”

“You should never walk around at night, even WITH someone else”.

“You shouldn’t stay in the Pelourinho (the old town). It’s very dangerous.”

I had heard it all before....

You can read the REST of THIS STORY and find out if I survived, on Women Rockin' The Road, a new collaborative travel blog! Please join me over there today!

Also, (you can find more information in this post) you too can contribute your travel stories! Go HERE to find out more.


All The Ladies In The House

Are you a lady? (Sorry fellas, it’s not about you this time).

Do you like to travel? Do you sometimes travel by yourself?

OR…are you afraid to travel because of horror stories you have heard?

OR…Do you have a horror story you want to tell?

OR…Do you have a tip? An antidote? A happy moment? A scary one?

Do you have any questions?

Well, if you do…I have something for you!

My friend Sarah has started a new travel blog called Women Rockin’ the Road.  She has asked me to be a part of it and I think it’s a great idea. Her and I plan to co-write some stories of our times on the road as women – how sometimes the horror stories your grandma told you are myths…and sometimes they are true but you deal with it.

What we hope to accomplish is a few things: ladies, it is always good to hear other people’s stories to get an idea of what you are up against or in for. Also, we hope to debunk any fears people may have that travel for women is unsafe. We also hope to talk about and figure out ways to get around challenges. And of course, we try to be funny if possible. Don’t we all?

So, please come on over and check out what we’ve got started. 

Also – and this is the most important part. We want YOU to contribute. We will be looking for a person to guest post once a week if possible.

What’s your story?

If you don’t have a story, perhaps you have a question you want to know the answer to.  For instance: where do you go to the toilet in Nepal? Good one! We will be happy to answer anything!

Tomorrow I will be posting about traveling alone in a scary place.... Stay Tuned!  


Missing Home

The above photo is part of the FTLOB Picture Perfect Challenge. 

And here is one more I took on the same day: 

While on that walk, I ran into this:

In case you are unsure, yes, that is a rattlesnake. I don't miss him! 
Don't miss more great photos of: 
Where I Live I
Where I Live II
Where I Live III


Beyond All Measure

Beyond All Measures by Dorothy Love

Paperback: 320 Pages
ISBN-10: 1595549005

Just after the civil war, Bostonian Ada Wentworth goes to Hickory Ridge, Tennessee to take a job as a lady's maid.  Not only does she encounter a different life that she was used to financially, but she also encounters some of the prejudices of a post civil war era. Attempting to eventually start her own business, she runs into problems due to her gender and her background, as well as also running into love. But, will her love prevail, or will her past come back to bite her? You will have to read to find out.

This book was a very quick read, as many romance novels are. I won't spoil anything for future readers, but it pretty much follows the same plot as several other romance novels I have read. However, the author does bring history into it as well and it was definitely interesting to think about how hard it would be to live in such a tumultuous time, especially if you are a woman in a man's world, a northerner in a southerner's world, or a white among recently freed blacks, in a place where prejudices still run rampant.

I haven't read a romance novel in a long time, and the reason is they are usually too much silly romance and not enough hard evidence or a believable story. However, this one did keep my attention and I finished it in about a day and a half. The characters are likable, the setting is interesting and the story does keep you turning pages. I would recommend this book to anyone is into a bit of fluff interspersed with history. The author could have made it more Historical and less Romance but if you like it better the other way around, it may be just the thing for you. However, I would give it a 3 out of 5 for that reason alone.

You can find more information about this book HERE

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Ten on Tuesday (15)

1. What’s the recipe for your favorite drink? (Smoothie, alchoholic, coffee, whatever.)
I used to get this Java Freeze thing at one of my favorite restaurants. I found out later what it was make of: vanilla ice cream and a couple of shots of espresso. YUM!

2. What kind of razor do you use?
Gillette Mach III.

3. Who is your favorite Sesame Street character?
Oscar. I never really watched Sesame Street so I am not really sure but he is green and grumpy.  Perfect.

4. What makes the perfect salad? (Lettuce type, toppings, dressing, etc.)
There are so many perfect salads. I love a good spinach, strawberry, walnut, goat cheese with a raspberry vin. Also, a good greek salad - no lettuce! I guess my answer is -- GOOD lettuce/greens or none. And I like LOTS of veggies (non lettuce veggies).

5. What was your favorite subject in school?
Gym. haha. Just kidding. I loved Physics! And English! And Math. Anything but History... But now I like History. And kind of don't like Physics. I still like English and Math.

6. What’s your favorite summer tradition?
I don't really have a summer tradition. Every year I am basically somewhere different. I do love going to the beach, but that's such a formula answer!

7. Do you suffer from season allergies? How do you combat them?
NOPE! Yay!

8. How often do you have to charge your cell phone?
I just do it every night, but I guess if I left it, it would be maybe a day and a half. It depends on what I use it for. If I go online, it dies FAST.

9. Do you have a bucket list?
I have a Life To Do list.

10. Do you have any desire to go back to school?
Yes. Oh wait. No. I mean.....um....maybe. Okay...YES. Oh crap, I don't know. I think so.

Thanks to Chelsea at Roots and Rings for hosting!