
Spaten, Spaten, Who's Got the Spaten

As you are reading this, hopefully I am at the Heidelberg drinking a Spaten and eating a schweinshaxe. Ah, you are not sure what that is? Here is a photo of one. (photo credits: beer, schweinshaxe) Sorry vegetarians. The schewinshaxe is a pork knuckle, and is usually served with seuerkraut. And beer, naturally. It may sound kind of gross, but it's not. It's yum. It has a nice crispy outer skin and the inside meat is tender and juicy. I think they roast it for hours! So why not grab one for yourself and join in on a Sunday tradition, this week's edition of Look What I Did Last Week (inspired by Kim). PS. If you feel like reading about it IN GERMAN, go HERE.


I finally read this book. What have I been waiting for? I am cheap and I didn't want to buy it AND sometimes when things are all hyped up I am hesitant to do them for fear of too high expectations letting me down. BUT, I got it from the library (free) and I loved it (hype confirmed).

My spelling is getting worse, not better. I also frequently misspell accommodate (with an "i" or only one "m" or...) and decision (with an "s" - oops).

I've also been getting audio books from the library. Where have these been all my life!? I put it on in the car and even though I don't drive much, it's an extra book every couple of weeks!

I'm still learning how to share. 

I'm literally living out of a suitcase. This time I didn't even unpack. Work has been busy and I knew I was going to travel soon so...why bother! We are still on standby for where our next job will be. And yes, that IS my sports bra right on top. It's clean, I swear.

I got my Road ID! FYI if you ever run over a jogger, check their shoe and wrist for identification! I also ran 30 miles this week, which is the most I've ever run in one week! Phew!

My dad gave me these apples from the farmer's market. Look how ugly they are! They were delicious! Beauty IS only skin deep! 

We went to Elephant Rocks State Park. You can see more pictures HERE.

Fredricktown, MO, as seen from my car window.

And last, but probably one of my favorites. WHO DOES THIS? I was in Walmart in the Athletic Department looking for some leggings and....THIS was on the shelf. I mean, REALLY? No wonder the people of Walmart get such a bad rap. They really are bad. 

OH! If you haven't seen THIS, go and check it out. A bunch of world class athletes, showing their bodies, their muscles and the beauty of being an athlete. In the nude. Don't worry, I promise there are no dangly bits. It's awesome! Pure strength. (ESPN Bodies We Want)

I leave you with a few questions: What's the weirdest/grossest thing you have ever seen in Walmart? Have you ever tried audiobooks? What's a word you commonly misspell? Have you ever had a schewinshaxe?

Don't forget to come back tomorrow. I have a giveaway planned!


Hal's Schedule: Take II


"Do one thing every day that scares you" - Eleanor Roosevelt

So you have probably already heard me say this...a dozen times last week...or on Facebook...on on Twitter. Yes, I have been wondering for the last week or so what the heck I was thinking when I decided to bite the bullet and...

...sign up for my first Marathon! I have been wanting to do it for a while (it's on my Life List) but I have had doubt in myself. And then I talked to a bunch of wonderful runners, who have faith in me, even when I don't have it in myself. They are encouraging and strong and they made me feel like a rockstar. So.... I signed up. Then I immediately began to be scared. Are you happy Eleanor?

It's not like I didn't think about it for a while before doing it. 

It's not like I am not ready for the training. Although running in the dark and the cold, especially for 20 miles, does not sound that fun right now, as I sit in my warm room in my pajamas. However, since I had already run a half marathon a couple of weeks ago and have another one scheduled in three more weeks, I fit right into week 9 of the Hal Higdon Schedule of Hell (which will be even MORE hellish now, I bet!) **you can keep track of my progress HERE**

It's the ice baths that scare me. Like we don't already torture ourselves enough.

No, in all seriousness, I think that I can do it, but the training is a bit daunting. The other thing that I don't know a lot about is fuel. I have never eaten a Gu. I don't like Gatorade. All of those sports drinks are too sweet. So, I went to Walmart and got one each of some of the different types of candy fuel (I also have a Cliff Shot, not pictured). I plan to gag a lot practice with them over the next several weeks. I also need to get a hydration belt. I already bought a Road ID. What am I missing?

So, I need your help. Does anyone know of a fuel source that is not too sweet? Any training tips? All you seasoned veterans out there, what should I do to keep motivated?

Also, I just want to say thanks for ALL the support so far. To the running and blogging community, which Rocks and makes me feel so much more confidant that I normally would alone. To my friends and family, who don't get it but still like me anyway (and have already promised to come and cheer me on!) And for the future, because I know I am going to be bugging people about this for at least the next...8 weeks. Thank you!

Don't forget to link up with Jill for Fitness Friday!


5:12 Compostion

For those of you who voted last week on which photo I should make into a canvas print, thank you! Here are the two winners.

And now, for week 5 of 12 Weeks to Better Photos, our task was to concentrate on Composition, with these six tips in mind:

1. Keep it simple - eliminate distractions
2. Apply the rule of thirds
3. Keep an eye on the horizon
4. Frame your subject
5. Fill the frame
6. Try a new perspective

I took a few photos this weekend, and I had friends take a few photos of me, to give examples of these.

This first one is a great example of rule number 1 (eliminate distractions), 2 (rule of thirds) and 4 (frame your subject). In photo number one, there are people behind me and I am right smack in the center of the photo. Take a look at photo number two. What are you looking at now? Not the people behind me. You are looking at the subject. Also, I am not right in the middle anymore. I am off to the side so you can see both the subject and the other important elements of the photo. 

This next one is a great example of rule number 2 (rule of thirds) and 3 (eye on the horizon). In photo one, the photo is split in half. You are not sure where to direct your eye. Should you look at the road or the sky?  In photo two, it is better proportioned, with the sky taking up roughly one third of the photo instead.

This is a classic example of what NOT to do. In photo number one (bottom right), the pole is obstructing the subject of the photo. Also, again, the subject is right in the middle. This can confuse the eye and the brain when trying to figure out what to focus on / what is important. The other two photos not only clear up the space a lot, but put the subject closer and in more of a pleasing position in the photo. Notice the rule of thirds, not only for the horizon, but for the subject as well.

The next one makes me laugh. Every time I ask someone to take a photo for me, they put me (the subject) right in front of what I am trying to get them to take the photo of me WITH. For example, I've been positioned right in front of the Eifel tower, and had many strange things (poles, signs, church spires) coming out of my head instead of being beside me.

Sometimes the easiest thing to do when composing a photo is to have either the subject or the photographer take ONE STEP to the left or the right. For example, in the photos below. My friend took photo number one first, in which I am not only obstructing the path, but I am right in the middle of the photo again. So he took a step to the left and BAM, now you can see me AND the path and I am off to the side, which satisfies (accidentally in this case) the rule of thirds (now we just need to work on the dappling sun/shade combo.)

Oh...what is the rule of thirds, you ask? You can read more about it here, but basically, you section your photo off into 9 equal sections, like in the photo below. You want your subject to be basically along these lines or their intersections. See that the horizon as well as the girl are placed along these lines? Your camera, even if you have a point and shoot, should have a "display" mode where you can see these lines as you are taking the photo. It makes the photo more pleasing to the eye. Try it and see!

This week, I have an assignment for you. No matter what kind of camera you have, try using the rule of thirds to place your subject in a more pleasing position in the photo. Even if you only have sky and land, try placing your sky either 2/3 up or 1/3 up from the bottom of the photo! Come back and let me know how you did!

Have you ever asked someone to take your photo and ended up blocking the thing you wanted the photo to be with? Have you ever experimented with the rule of thirds or composition in general?

You can link up with Kate this week and/or join us next week, when we learn about Shooting Indoors.


Taum Sauk: High Point 4

My Dad wants to hike as many of the highest points from each state in the US as he can. He has hiked many more than me, but I have been lucky to hike several of them with him. We started with our home state of California. Mt. Whitney is the highest mountain in the continental US. I was 17 and I enjoyed the hike a lot more after I reached the top.

Luckily, and maybe becuase he took me on the most difficult one first, our next stop was Florida. The high point of Florida is the LOWEST high point in the USA. After that, we had "bagged" the highest high point and the lowest high point in the continental US. Since then we have been working on the in between ones.

Last weekend we went to the highest point in Missouri, Taum Sauk Mountain, which is 1,772 ft above sea level. The funny part is that you drive to the top. Afterward, you can then hike around on the Ozark trail, which is what we did. The Ozark Trail is in Southeast Missouri and goes all the way to Arkansas. (info source)

The Ozark Trail. 

 Fall has sprung! Look at those colors already!

 A stick bug. I almost stepped right on him.

We had a great hike and then afterwards went and ate lots of fried foods. Because driving up to 1,700 feet above sea level REALLY makes you hungry. Stay tuned for more photos on Thursday when I am doing the 12 weeks to Better Photos course on Composition!

California Highest Point: Mt. Whitney, CA -- 14,494 FT -- California Elevation Map
Missouri Highest Point: Taum Sauk Mt., MO -- 1,772 FT --
Missouri Elevation Map
Louisiana Highest Point: Driskill Mt., LA – 535 FT--
Louisiana Elevation Map
Florida Highest Point: Britton Hill, FL – 345 FT --
Florida Elevation Map

You can get elevation and location information for ALL of the high points HERE.

Do you have any strange experiences like this that you "collect"? Do you like hiking? Have you ever been to any of the high points?  
*************Also, check out my post about Why I Travel over at WRTR!


Where I'm From

I am from red wagons, black Labrador retrievers, and sandwiches made from crunchy Skippy peanut butter and Smuckers strawberry jam.  

I am from the hundred year old house where my Dad grew up, the green, cold river where the otters play and the hot granite rocks where we lay like lizards in the summer.

I am from the cedars, the pines and the fir trees, and from the apple trees, the lilacs and the blackberry bushes.

I am from being the first to swim in cold creek in the springtime and from tenacity and independence, and from Barbara and The Leonards and The Nyes.

I am from the bossy ones who sometimes interrupt people and the ones who are frequently late.

I’m from if you make that face it will someday stick like that, from I’m going to give you the wooden spoon if you don’t behave, from put your napkin in your lap, don’t interrupt and sit up straight.

I am from Agnostic and Episcopalian and random churches visits on Easter day. I’m from Hercules and Aphrodite and Thor.

I’m from the Bay Area and the Mayflower, tuna casserole and omelets.

I am from the ones who went and got married without telling anyone, the reformed alcoholic, and the self-employed.  

I am from a box in the attic, a stack of VCR tapes, photos with yellowed edges and 8mm reels, from classic cars, journal pages and games played around the living room table.

I am from laughter and love, family and friend, from chaos and tears, from good and from bad.

I am from them all, and I wouldn’t be from anything or anywhere else.   

This prompt was taken from MamaKat -- go here and you can do it too!


Das Boot

I don't buy a lot of "things". I usually spend my money on experiences such as travel or dinners out or events. However this week there must be some itch I am trying to scratch, because lordy, I hit the internet hard! So, instead of grabbing a beer and looking what I did this week (inspired by Kim), it's time to grab a beer and: Look What I Bought This Week. But first, a beverage.

Have you ever drank a tall boot full of beer? I have. If you ever go to NYC, go to the Heidelberg on 2nd Ave and get their 2 liter boot-full of beer. To get it, you have to put down a 60 dollar cash deposit. It's that good. I also recommend the Schweineshaxe, but you have to wait until dinner time to order it. It is completely worth it.

So, in honor of Oktoberfest, I give you: Das Boot.  Prost!
And now for the ridiculous stuff that I bought. 


I bought a tent a few years ago and it took me forever to pick it out. I wanted to use it for a backpacking trip, which meant in had to be light (it's amazing what ONE extra lb will do). I was traveling with a friend so it had to fit two people, PLUS two backpacks. I bought a nice little 2 man tent from the REI outlet and it worked out well. However, my Dad borrowed it to go to the Grand Canyon and one of the poles broke. The good thing about REI is, they have a lifetime guarantee on a lot of their stuff. He took it back and got a refund for the full value put onto a gift card.

I didn't want to go through the whole tent buying thing again, but I got an email saying that all the camping gear at the outlet was half off, so I went and got this:

It's a three man tent with an extra door (which we needed before) and it cost less than the other one. The downside: it's 2 pounds heavier. That makes a HUGE difference when you have a sleeping bag and a stove AND the tent on your back! But I think it's worth it to be able to put your backpack INSIDE the tent if it rains! 


Next I bought a marathon. Yes, a marathon. And YES this counts as "stuff" to spend money on. I think I am in race hoarding mode lately. Since I have a limited (read: a suitcase) amount of space,  and am craving buying something, I am buying stuff that just doesn't take up as much space but still satisfies the purchasing urge. 

Now I just have to train. Hmmm... maybe I should have just bought a new pair of shoes instead. 


Speaking of shoes, I bought these: 

I have never tried Brooks before, but have heard good things. I just received them today and they are comfy for walking around the house but I have not tried them outside yet. I will keep you posted.


Obviously I will be doing even more running now and since it is darker earlier and Lisa and I just discussed how sometimes people don't really know where or when you went running, it can be unsafe... I am all for "safety first", so I bought this. It goes on your shoe and has your info on it in case you get injured, since I usually carry little more than my iPod with me on runs. Obviously that is not my info.


Okay, I guess that's it. It seemed like a lot since I bought everything in the same week! Here are a couple other things I want need (someday). Kate just bought a new camera and she keeps telling me about these things that are so handy and not too pricey!

This bounces the light so your flash is not so harsh. I think it's about 30 dollars as opposed to the hundreds that an external flash will cost you.


This is a remote so I can take more photos of myself, naturally. 

Wireless remote

 This lens is very wide angle and is cheaper than many of the others.

The nifty fifty

Or any of these, really. (KIDDING!)

Speaking of camera gear, I thought it would be fun to get an underwater housing for my camera. I did a little research and...they are a "tad" over my price range. The CHEAPEST one...was $1400.

So maybe THIS is more my price range. $56 for a 5 MP Waterproof (up to 10 ft) Sharper Image P&S.

So, have you bought anything exciting this week? If not, what's on your wishlist?


Then and Now: September

I can't believe that September is over already. This month went by 17 times faster than the month of August. I have been very busy with work, friends and running. I was thinking the other day about how quickly time passes and how quickly we forget about some of the things we have done in the past (days/months/years). I also frequently think, "last year at this time I was ____". So, in order to remember the good times and the crazy ones, this is the first episode of Then and Now: The Who, the Where and the What of September 2010 vs 2011.  

The WHO: 

Last September, I was hanging out a lot with this guy:
To Be or Not to Be... (yes, I made him dress up like that. And I hated that beard.)

This September, I hung out a lot with these guys: 
98 Miles in September (vs. 0 last year!)


Last September I was here:  
Udaipur, India

This September I was here:
Random, MO

Last September, I was sleeping here: 
Drying out the blanket due to the humidity!
This September, I slept here:
Not IN the chair, but in this room!

Last September, I wrote about:

This September, I wrote about: 

I can't believe that (insert cliched statement here) last year at this time I was halfway across the globe. It seems kind of surreal to think that now I am back in "real" life, working every day and living the every day life instead of gallivanting about.  Weird. 

What were you doing in September 2010? How was your month this year? Are you glad (can you believe) it's October already?


Women Run The Cities: Part II

As I mentioned in this post, I had a wonderful time last weekend with Lisa in the beautiful city of Minneapolis. But we didn't just eat and see the sights. One of the things that I went to visit for was the Women Run the Cities 10 Mile Race, located in Minnehaha Park.

The night before I set out all my gear. Those striped things are either leg warmers or arm warmers, and were one of the free things we got when we signed up. The race was (shoe) chip timed. The race I had the weekend before was chip timed, but the chip was on my bib, which was super convenient.

This time there was no funnel cake carb loading, just a nice dinner of chicken and pasta, cooked by Lisa and served with a beautiful salad and lots and lots of water. Before the race, as always, I had to pee and not-surprisingly, I also had to go again around mile one. I have a pea sized bladder. It's ridiculous.

Aside from Lisa and I, we also met up with Raquelita, who lives a couple of hours away. She and her husband were really nice! And then we were off! This race was great, it went along the sides of the Mississippi river and was along a tree lined road. There were a few hills, one really big one around mile 4 and one around mile 7. The weather was about 44 degrees when we started but warmed up into the 50s during the race.

I finished first and then ran to the car to get the camera so I could take photos of the girls coming in.

Here is Lisa.

Here we are afterwards. 

Here is Raquelita. 

Afterwards, we went to Victors 1959 Cafe for brunch and some great Cuban food! We also bored Raquelits's husband to death had some great conversations about running, traveling, books and life! These girls were great and it was nice to finally meet up with them! I felt like we had known each other for years.

For those non-runners, you can look away now. Runners, here are my stats:

Total Miles: 10
Total time: 1:23:36 (according to Garmin)
Average of: 8:22/mile
Place overall: 140/1050
I was 14 minutes behind the 1st place girl in my age group and 20 minutes behind the first place overall. That means I need to run at least a 6:22 mile to win next time. YEAH RIGHT!

I felt good the entire time. I always try to keep up with someone who is a little faster than I want to really go. In this case, I was trying to keep it under an 8:30 pace. The first mile was packed with people and so most of it was spent dodging and weaving. Finally around mile 2, the course freed up and I was able to get into a steady pace. It went well until I was running mile 7 and I thought that I only had one mile left and when I got to the 8 mile marker, I was a little disappointed. My right hip and butt cheek were really starting to seize up by then. However, I just pretended I was doing a Yasso and my last mile was actually my fastest (7:55).

All in all, this was a good race. I would recommend it to anyone. OH, I almost forgot to tell you guys. I have never run a 10 mile race before, so this was also my 10 Miler PR! It sure is nice when it's your first time; you ALWAYS PR on your first time!

You may also want to read:
Raquelita's Race Report
Lisa's Race Report 
My Races and Places Page: Other runs I have done. 

One other thing. I JUST signed up for THIS Marathon. It's 10 weeks away. Do you guys think I can be ready by then? I can already run 13 miles. I figured I may as well just keep adding on, rather than trying to start from the beginning next year. However, it is going to be dark a lot (and cold) during my training times. What do you think? Is it do-able? 

What races did you run this weekend? How did you do? Have you ever run a marathon? Was the training intense?

Don't forget to go over to Jills and check out the other Fitness Friday posts!