
Tuesday Training (6)

I thought I would start off today's post with some jokes. I did not think of these myself, although I may add some to the list. They came from the website run100s.com, which is a great resource if you are ever thinking about doing an ultra. Some of you can probably relate to these! I know I can.

You might be an ultra runner if (sung to the tune of "you might be a redneck"):

- You wonder why they don't make all running socks a dusty brown color.

My feet after the Ultra

- You postpone your wedding because it will interfere with your training. (I thought of Amber on this one; she did not postpone her wedding, but she DID train for a marathon and plan a wedding at the same time!)

- You don't recognize your friends with their regular clothes on. (or this one should be that MY friends don't recognize ME!)

 the party dress that got all the comments

- 6am is sleeping in

- You're tempted to look for a bush when there's a long line for the public restroom

- Your ideal way to celebrate your birthday is to run at least your age in miles (almost did it!).

- You can recite the protein grams of each energy bar by heart

- You know the location of every 7-11, restroom, and water fountain within a 25-mile radius of your house.

- You rotate your running shoes more often than you rotate your tires.

- You walk up the stairs and run down them.

You can find more here. And now, I want to specifically comment on a couple of them:

- Your crew tries to keep you motivated by saying, "You're in second place and only 6 hours behind first with 25 miles to go!"

This kind of happened to me on Sunday. I was told I was the 5th girl and the girl in front of me was ONLY 10 minutes ahead. I thought the guy was joking. Now I am not so sure. 

- The start of a marathon feels like a 5K and you're wondering "Why is everyone in such a rush? Where the ##@@**!! is the fire?"

I found this one funny for two reasons. (1) I have a marathon in two weeks and I only hope it feels like a 5k. I doubt it will, although I did try to do the ultra first, so it would seem "shorter", and (2) It's kind of true in regards to pace. I can only imagine, since my 50k (which is the shortest of the ultras) was done at a pretty easy pace compared to marathon pace. I bet those 100 mile runs are pretty "slow and easy wins the race" kind of attitude.

An actual recap of the ultra will be up later in the week. For now, here's the low down on this week's training.

Week 1 - 4
Week 5 - 8
Week 9 - 11
Week 12 - 13
Week 14 - 15

Week 16:

Monday: Rest / 6 mile walk
Tuesday: 4.5 miles @ 8:47 pace / 5 mile walk
Wednesday: Rest / 3 mile walk
Thursday: 10 miles @ 8:13 pace / 2 mile walk
Friday: Rest/ 2 mile walk
Saturday: Rest / 2 mile walk
Sunday: 31 miles @ an undisclosed pace :) (you have to wait for the recap!)

I have been walking every day, both on running days and rest days. This week was a little strange, as I only ran 3 days, because I wasn't sure about how much rest I should have before the ultra and I was pretty tired most of the week, so I decided not to overdo it. I walked instead, to keep some miles, but to take it easy a little. I am glad I did, because I am not really sore today! I may even go for a run this evening!

Total Miles: 45
Miles This Cycle: 648

According to RunningAhead, those miles were completed in 102 hours, giving me an approximate average pace per mile of 9:22. This week I have a pretty easy taper week ahead of me and then next week, it's "Take It Easy" time and then...marathon weekend!

Do you do a lot of walking? Do you have any "you might be a runner / ultra runner / marathon runner if..." jokes? Do your friend's recognize you if you wear a dress (or slacks if you are a boy)?


Shoot the Breeze

I went to a friend's house last weekend for her daughter's 2nd birthday party. The good thing about 2nd birthdays is that the kid doesn't care if there are other kids there or if it's just an excuse for all of Mom and Dad's friends to get together at a party with a Mickey Mouse theme and eat cupcakes and shoot the breeze. My friend's parents and her husband's parents were also there. We had a great time hanging out and I even wore a dress, just for fun. I am normally a pants wearer; I have an aversion to my own knees. So this was a big deal.

Here are some of the conversations that were floating around. They will be A and I will be Me.

A: You look nice. What's the occasion?
Me: It's 104 degrees in your neck of the woods. (it was 75 in Oakland)
A: I know; that's why I am not wearing a shirt and I am sweating and I am downing beers like it's going out of style.
Me: Oh? That's why? I just thought that was your normal Saturday style.
A: Actually, it is.

A: So you have a race tomorrow?
Me: Yep
A: How far is it?
Me: 50k
A: (quizzical look on face) How far is that?
Me: 31 miles
A: (shocked look on face) 31 Miles? How long will that take?
Me: About 6 hours
A: (incredulous look on face) 6 hours! That's crazy!
(as I secretly agree and start to doubt why the heck I am doing this race)

A: So you must eat really healthy since you run so much
(as I am stuffing my face with my third coconut toasted cupcake in less than 5 minutes in the name of "carb loading")

A: My niece ran a marathon in Hawaii. You should do that one. I am not sure how far her marathon was though. Maybe yours is longer.

On Sunday, I ran the race. All 31 miles of it. I did not die. I will do a recap later. All I can say right now is:

Dear Toilet -- Were you always so low? I think you should be about 2 feet taller so I can stand up and don't have to bend my knees to use you.

Dear Belly -- When are you going to stop crying out for food? You are insatiable.

Dear Feet -- I am deeply sorry. I have abused you greatly. Will you ever forgive me?

How was your weekend? Do you ever have weird conversations (about running or anything else) with your friends' families? Do you have any "dear" questions for anyone today?


Oh Dear

Dear Saturday -- I can't wait to see you. It seems like it has been so long since we hung out. Please pick me up a good book and some nice weather before you stop by my house.

Dear Popcorn -- I haven't seen you in years, but for some reason, you popped into my life just when I needed you. I have been glad to share my last few evenings with you. Your friend salt ain't bad either. See you again tomorrow!

Dear San Francisco -- You have been so clear lately. It has been a joy to look over at you and see your hills and your blue water and your bridges. You make me very happy.

Dear Garden Zucchini -- Where are your friends? I have been told that you never travel alone and to beware, as you can quickly become overwhelming, but right now there is only one of you. I can't wait to get this party started.

Dear Neighbor Who Was Out Watering His Lawn the Other Day -- You said good morning to the guy getting into the Honda, but when I walked by and said good morning to you, you mumbled several things that sounded like curse words under your breath and turned away. Did I do something to offend you?

Dear Unnamed Dog -- Please don't poop on my lawn. It's gross. If you really must however, do it on the neighbor who was watering his lawn's lawn.

Dear Dog Owner -- Please pick up your dog poop. I am tired of having to duck and dodge it when I am running on the sidewalk or when I am getting my newspaper from my own yard.

Dear Running -- We have not been very good friends lately. Maybe it's time we gave each other a little space. Maybe it's time to see other fitness methods for a while and see how we feel in a couple of months.

Dear Marathon -- You scare me. You are big and you are hot and you are way stronger than me. I am not sure I would win if I fought you. Please play nice.

Dear Wine -- Will you go out with me? On Friday night? Can we make it a threesome? I have a glass who is very interested in meeting you. 

Dear Facebook Friend -- Yes, your baby is very cute. But I do NOT need to see a bazillion photos of the baby. I also do not need a status update about the baby every 4.5 minutes. Let it be cute once a week; that would make you a better friend in my opinion. 

Dear Current Books -- I am sorry, but I am just not that into you.

Who do you want to write a letter to today? 


Tuesday Training (5)

If you hate training posts, check out the first few days of my hike to Everest base camp.  Otherwise, read on McDuff! Also, whether you do or don't like training posts, can you please send some well wishes towards my parents, who are in the middle of a pretty nasty forest fire right now!? I appreciate it.


And now onto the training recap!

Week 1 - 4
Week 5 - 8
Week 9 - 11
Week 12 - 13

Week 14: This week I still had trouble getting motivated. I was really, really not feeling like running. It was a struggle to get out the door. Every day. However, as usual, once I went and did it, I felt fine. Also, my pace was faster than it had been the week before, when I ran more miles, but at a much slower pace.

Monday: Rest
Tuesday:  Rest
Wednesday: 7 miles @ 9:29 pace (run with Dad)
Thursday: 5.5 miles @ 8:28 pace
Friday: 10 miles @ 8:37 pace
Saturday: 13.1 miles @ 9:01 pace (Bad Bass Half)
Sunday: Rest

Total Miles Week 14: 36

Week 15: After asking for your advice the other day, I decided to flip this week with week 16, which meant a low mileage week this week and the 57 mile week for week 16 (the week of the Ultra). Not only that, but I even decided to skim a few off Hal's suggested mileage. I only ran three days, which is two less than normal. It felt good physically, but super, super lazy mentally. It's still hard not to feel like I am wasting time or being lazy when I am not running! However, my 13 mile run on Saturday felt great! It was also about a 2200 ft elevation gain, but I was really feeling good, the weather was cooperating and my feet just kept moving! I need more of these runs!

Monday: Cross-Train -- 1.5 hours of painting
Tuesday: 12 miles @ 11:07 pace (trail run)
Wednesday: Cross-Train -- 1.5 hours of painting
Thursday: 7 miles @ 8:14 pace
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 13.1 miles @ 8:25 pace
Sunday: Rest

Total Miles Week 15: 32

The verdict? I think 18 weeks is too long for a training program (my last one was 12 but was added to a half marathon base). I am not feeling very much in love with the idea of running right now. I still love it once I get into it, but it's been really hard to get motivated to get out and do it. I also notice that even my faster paces are not fast enough. In order to get a 3:30 marathon, I need an 8 minute pace. For 26 (point two!) miles.

So, next up for this week? I have the Ultra on Sunday, which is a 50k, so I plan to have three shorter runs this week, giving me a total of 4 runs and somewhere around 50-60 miles. Then it's taper time for the Santa Rosa Marathon!

Ha! Something to make you laugh? I put my best half marathon time into the McMillan Pace Calculator, and, according to that, I should be able to run this weekend's 50k in 4 hours and 15 minutes. At a pace of 8:13. Um, I am sorry Mr. McMillan, but you need an elevation factor in that equation! Can you imagine running 30 hilly miles at an 8 minute pace? No? Me neither. Good luck with that.

Have you used the McMillan calculator? What kind of natural disasters have you been through where you live? Do you count painting as cross training?


Monday Misc

- I am back in Oakland.

- The plants survived the move. I was a little worried, as some people have had trouble when they moved their container garden mid growing season. Mine seem okay; in fact, I even transplanted a couple (squash, tomato) to the ground and they haven't died yet. I also have teeny tiny cherry tomatoes! Right now they are green and about the size of my pinky nail, but they are real tomatoes! Hurray!

- I have been cooking up a storm. I made garbanzo brownies, white bean chili, hummus, banana bread and curried chicken with veggies. I don't know how I am going to eat them all, but I am sure going to try!

Spinach Hummus

- On top of that, I went to Costco. In case you don't realize, there is absolutely NO way to escape a Costco trip without parting with at least $100. Not only that, but there is never enough room in the fridge for the huge bags of veggies and fruits! So now I am trying to eat all the fruits before they go bad also! Not that it's that hard. I love fruit.

- Did you know that they have baseball tickets at Costco? Two tickets in the lower level PLUS $20 spending money for food...all for about $50.That's a pretty good deal. Of course that food allowance won't even get you two beers.

- I went to my cousin's wedding this weekend. I put on a dress. It was a miracle. However, it was not super warm so I ended up wearing a sweater over it pretty much the whole time.

- 6 days until ULTRA race day. I am not "nervous" per se, but I have those newbie runner worries, like, what if I am last, or what if I eat too much/don't eat enough, or what if I don't make the time cut off? I don't really have a time goal. I just want to finish before the course sweepers!

- This week I am participating in Run With Jess' Virtual Olympics. You have to run a 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m, 5000m, 10000m and marathon (can be split up). It will be interesting to see how I do for the sprints!

How was your weekend? Anything random you want to talk about? When was the last time you ran 100m and timed yourself?


Bad Bass Half

I've been having a bit of a "dry spell" race wise, but last weekend I barely squeaked out my July half marathon (#7) for the 12 in 2012 Running Challenge! The race in question was the Bad Bass Half in Castro Valley. It was put on by Brazen, which have put on two of the other races I have run this year as well. Remember the Its-Its?

***Before I start, I want you all to know that I went on a commando run yesterday and it was wonderful. I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. Thanks for all your words of encouragement. I couldn't have done it without you.***

I thought this was going to be more of a road race. The race started at the Lake Chabot Marina, which I have been to before. You can walk on a wide paved path around most of the lake, which I think is about 9 miles around. So I thought it would be 7 or 8 miles of pavement and 5 miles or so of dirt. I was wrong. The weather was perfect, overcast and about 55 degrees. I didn't have to use my sunglasses the entire time.

The first mile was good. I started off at a pretty good clip. I felt good. I was on pavement. Somewhere during mile two we veered off into the woods, but it was okay because it was still a pretty even up and down, with not too many very steep hills.

Mile 1: 7:37/mi -- Elevation Gain: 140 ft
Mile 2: 8:19/mi -- Elevation Gain: 328 ft
Mile 3: 8:31/mi -- Elevation Gain: 221 ft

And then we got to mile four. Mile four was pretty much all uphill. At one place, according to my Garmin, the grade was 56%!  Mile five was better, but only because it was mostly downhill, although sometimes the downhill feels harder on my body than the uphill! I notice that I was passing a lot of people on the uphills and then they would pass me on the downhills, so I guess downhill is not my strong suit.

Mile 4: 12:26/mi -- Elevation Gain: 585 ft
Mile 5: 8:38/mi -- Elevation Gain: 155 ft (Descent: 300 ft)
Mile 6: 10:29/mi -- Elevation Gain: 444 ft

I have to be honest with you; I have no idea how I kept under a 9 minute pace for mile 7. It was almost 600 ft of ascent and almost 800 ft of descent! Mile 8 was almost 700 more feet of descent. Notice I actually went slower on mile 8 than on mile seven! By this point, all the miles seemed the same. Up, down, up, down, pass some people, get passed, pass them again, get passed by them again...etc.

Mile 7: 8:48/mi-- Elevation Gain: 581 ft
Mile 8: 9:16/mi -- Elevation Gain: 482 ft
Mile 9: 9:27/mi -- Elevation Gain: 538 ft

At mile 10, I stopped at the aid station for a full minute, had a handful of pretzels, some water and a quarter of a chocolate Gu and went on my merry way. I am surprised that this mile was not slower due to that! It was also mostly downhill, with a descent of 350 ft. Mile 11 was also mostly downhill. I think somewhere during mile 12 we got back on the pavement again. I would like to say that meant no more up and downs, but we were still going around the lake and the topography was a bit varied.

Mile 10: 9:02/mi -- Elevation Gain: 109 ft
Mile 11: 8:23/mi -- Elevation Gain: 252 ft
Mile 12: 8:43/mi -- Elevation Gain: 207 ft

I would like to say that the last mile point one was flat, but it wasn't. I ran as fast as I could given the terrain. I was trailed closely by two men, one with no shirt and one with a white shirt. I could hear their footfalls behind me the entire time, so I kept pushing it as much as I could. For the last point one, I sprinted it out, but was passed by a guy in a red shirt that came out of nowhere! The photo below was actually taken at the start of the race, but this is the guy. His name was Chris; I know this because as he was passing me at the end, his friends (or people reading his bib) were calling his name.

photo source

Mile 13: 7:58/mi -- Elevation Gain: 204 ft
Mile 13.1: 6:43/mi

Total Time: 1:58:39 (a new trail PR!)
Total Elevation Gain: 4295 ft
Place Overall: 45/294
Place Age: 5/30

The verdict? I should have had more breakfast. I only ate a bowl of Cheerios. I didn't even add a banana. Bad move. I was sluggish for much of the race and was not caring that people were passing me. I should have looked at the course map, although I don't know what I would have changed really. Maybe I would have had a bigger breakfast?

The course was well marked and once again, the photos are free if you can find yourself (note to self: do NOT wear a black tank and black shorts if you are going to have to try to find yourself in the race photos). I could have used an aid station around mile 7 or 8 rather than at 10; I was so thirsty and totally out of energy by the time I got to 10 miles. There were Its-Its and I didn't even have to wait in line for them. The spread at the end was really good actually, with trail mix, tons of fruit, chips and snacks.

Would I do this race again? Sure! It was fun! Also, part of this race is on the same trails as my 50k, so it was good practice for next weekend! A trail run. I mean trial run.  

Don't forget to head over to Jill's today for some other Fitness posts!! 

Have you ever run a race where you have actually stopped at the aid station for several seconds/minutes? Do you prefer uphills or downhills?


Missed the Boat

Sometimes I find out about things a little late. I see them and think, "wow that's cool", and I go running to a friend and say, "have you heard about this!!?" and they say, "yeah, that's been around forever".


But I don't care. I am still excited because it's new to me. Here are a few things I have recently found about about and like. You may have heard about them, maybe even months or years ago, but they are new to me!

NextBus: This is an app, or website, where you can see when the bus or train you want is arriving in real time. Often I use Google Maps, as it has transit information, but it only has the "scheduled" time, not the actual time, which can be VERY different! You can even set up auto alerts to warn you when you are about to miss your bus let you know when your bus is on it's way. This site works for several cities in the US and Canada. Maybe yours is on the list!

Safeway: If you have a Safeway card, you can either go online or download an app where you can add coupons straight to the card. No more clipping coupons; just add it to the card and when you get up front, put in your number or swipe your card and voila! A discount! Don't worry Mom, I already set your card up and loaded all the coupons! You can also make a shopping list, check the weekly ads and email them to  yourself.

(You can also print out coupons from the Target website and the Hyvee website; you can upload them to your card on the P&G website).

PayByPhone: If you live in the city, you know what a pain it is to have to feed the meter all the time. This app lets you park and then pay automatically with your phone. Here is an article with more info.

Nutritional Yeast: Yup, I finally tried it. The price ($30/lb) at my local store was off-putting, until I realized that a whole scoop only weighs practically nothing, so it's not as expensive as I thought. Plus I found it for a good price at the Berkeley Bowl's bulk aisle. I put it on popcorn last night with a little salt. It was delicious!

Couscous Salad: I have made Quinoa salad and pasta salad and bean salad and rice salad, but I never jumped on the couscous bandwagon. Yesterday I had some fresh veggies in the garden, so I used them to make a couscous salad with tomatoes, green beans, mint, basil, lemon, red bell pepper, olive oil, feta cheese and a bit of salt. I ate three servings of it in one go!

Kinvaras: I ran a race last weekend wearing the Kinvara 3 and it was good. My feet were a little sore since it was a trail race and the shoes don't have a lot of support, but other than that, they were great! I may add Saucony to my list of approved running shoes!

Next up: commando running! 

What is new to you that other people may have been using for a while!? What's a cool and useful thing that I should know about?


Do as I Say, Not as I Do

Despite my excellent advice just a few days ago, yesterday I went for a 12 mile run with my worst enemy, a bad pair of underwear. Why is it that no matter how many miles we have run, we still do stupid things? In this case, I am talking about things we KNOW are bad, so much so that we dedicate a bullet point in a blog post about it. I am shaking my head in disgust at myself.

However, despite the minor setback, I had a great run! I am back in Oakland, where the trails are easy to get to and I had a fantastic run on the West Ridge section of the Bay Area Ridge Trail. Remember I talked about someday hopefully running, walking and hiking the entire thing? Well, yesterday I tackled 6 more miles of it. Now I am up to approximately 24 out of 325. Not bad, right? Funny story: the ultra I signed up for is mostly on the BA Ridge Trail! I don't think it covers any parts that I have not been on yet, but it will still be fun to run a race on trails close to home!

Speaking of the Ultra, I have a question for the runners out there. I have a marathon coming up in approximately three and a half weeks. So, if I follow my training schedule, I would have a mile heavy week this week (58 miles), a lower mileaage week next week (37 miles) and two taper weeks right before the marathon weekend (30 and 37.2 respectively).

HOWEVER. I have the ultra (50k = 30 miles) next weekend (Aug 12), on the week that is supposed to be a 37 mile week. I was thinking I would just flip flop this week and next week and run 37 miles this week and 58 next week....OR I would run 58 this week and maybe only run 7 additional miles during the week next week. Or....maybe you have a better idea?

Now, just for fun and to TRY to remind myself of the things I should not do, eat or wear for this ultra.


- Peanut butter or any nuts really (I have a problem with this one because it's usually at the aid stations and it's easy to grab and easy to eat...and I like it, but it doesn't like me.)
- Fruity Gu (tried it, almost puked, will stick with chocolate or chomps/chews/baby food)
- Champion Tank top (I love it and it's going to be hot, but it gives me chafe. What a bummer)
- Loose undies (see above)
- Gazelle action in the beginning (this is an EnDuRaNcE race. Remember that!)

I am sure there are other things that even though I know they didn't work last time, I have done again and again. I have a really hard time resisting those PB filled pretzels, but I will just have to wait until the post run BBQ to indulge.

Have you ever done something even though you know it doesn't work for you? Or maybe you have a food you love that doesn't love you back? (Runners: any advice about the last few weeks of training? )


Then and Now: July

Another month gone! Yes, I know it's cliche to say it, but where did the time go? I think the combination of traveling and/or having people visit pretty much every weekend this month made for a pretty quick month! Not only that, but I have been working on organizing and packing to get ready to move back north! Time flies when you are entertaining, traveling and packing! Here is another month of Then and Now, in terms of the Who, the What and the Where!


In July of 2011, I spent a lot of time with coworkers and a little time with Mr. L and Mark Twain. In 2012, my time has been spent mostly with Mr. L, but also entertaining guests, including my Dad, The K&A family and friends from Wisconsin! Not only that, but we made a quick trip back east and got to see more friends and family while there!  It's been a friend and family filled month! 


2011: 62.7 / 2012: 204

It's kind of fun to pull up the stats on RunningAhead! Last July I ran less than a third of the amount of miles as this year. My average pace was 9:54/mi, whereas this year it's 9:08/mi. I ran for approximately 10 hours last year; this year I ran for about 30. I have to admit; I am kind of ready for September when the mileage will be a little lower and I can focus on "only" running one half marathon a month.

2011: 0 / 2012: 2

I ran two races this year: Living the Fit Life's Birthday Virtual 10k and the Bad Bass Half Marathon, which was number 7 of the 12 in 2012 Running Challenge! Recap coming soon!

2011: 6 / 2012: 6

Of the 6 books I read in 2012, my favorite was probably Cutting For Stone by Abraham Verghese. This was a tale of a twin child born in Ethiopia to two interesting characters of parents, who survives the strife with Eritrea to grow up as a doctor. He eventually goes to America to find his way in the world and the story ends with a strange twist.  In 2011, my favorite July read was Anne of Avonlea by L.M. Montgomery. I really enjoy the Anne of Green Gables series! Check out my bookshelf page for more info! 


Last year I ate so many fresh fruits and veggies. This year has been much of the same, including some new recipes using cabbage!  When my Dad came to visit, he brought a special treat: hand picked blackberries AND a flat of peaches. I have been definitely getting my "apple" a day!!


Last year I was working in Missouri, in the heartland of America. This year, I have been on the beach. It's been quite a difference! 

How was your July? Have you read the Anne of Green Gables series? What's your favorite fruit?


What I Learned (3): Running

I was running the other day and I was thinking about how many things I didn't know when I started running. Through much trial and error (mostly error), you end up figuring out what works for you, food wise, water wise, shoe wise and more! Obviously, I didn't have a pen and paper with me, and my brain is very similar to Swiss cheese. Therefore, once I sat down to make the list after getting home, it was much, much smaller than I had planned. However, here are the few things that did stick. So, here are a few things I have learned about running in the past several years.

It's okay to walk.

This took me a while to learn. It seems like it's a bit backwards, because usually you walk before you run, but I didn't. If I had to walk, I considered myself done. This was keeping me from running farther. If I would have just stopped to walk and recover, I could have kept going. However, since I started trail running and the hills were brutal, I realized that by walking up the hills, I can save more energy for later! The same goes for any run whether it's on the trails or the roads.

You are faster than you think. 

For a long time, I stayed at about a 10 minute per mile pace because it was comfortable and I didn't really (a) want to push myself and (b) think I could go much faster. However, I decided to try speed training (intervals) after a friend told me how hard but rewarding it was, and by doing that I realized that I was selling myself short. I was a lot faster than I gave myself credit for.

Sometimes you need a buddy. 

I am usually a solo runner. However, sometimes I run with my Dad or my friend K, and it's fun. The time goes by a lot faster, you talk the entire time and it puts the fun back in running. It makes it more of a social session with exercise, instead of a chore.

My running buddies

A bad pair of undies can be your worst enemy. 

I think this is self explanatory. However, as I have mentioned before, some people chose to go without. I am not one of them, but I do believe in the benefits of a good snug pair of undies (but not TOO snug!).

Always carry water. 

I have done the bad thing and assumed that there would be drinking fountains on the trail, or that I was "only going a few miles" so I wouldn't need a drink or that it was not as hot as it really was. Let me tell you, I believe that it is well worth it to carry water, even if you don't end up using it.

It's okay to take a rest day. 

Okay, maybe I am lying about this one, as I still have a hard time taking a day off. I do know though that I feel better, am less sore and am more ready to go the next time when I have a day of rest. It's just hard ON that day to get over the fact that I am "sitting around".

Do you call them undies, underwear, panties, knickers (or...)? What have you learned about running? Do you exercise with a buddy or solo?


Finish This: July

This is San's idea, and I love it. Maybe you should join in too!

Maybe I should go running instead of doing this.
I love the smell of pine trees.
People would say that I’m more of a text person than an phone caller. 
I don’t understand the complexities of physics.
When I wake up in the morning I have breakfast right away. 
I lost my wallet in Ireland and almost missed my plane home.
Life is full of interesting people.
My past is full of
days spent outdoors.
I get annoyed when
that screechy bird sits outside my window and squeaks.
Parties are good when they are smaller.
I wish I had more creativity.
Dogs are
cute but they smell.
Birds are a strange thing to have as a pet.
Tomorrow I’m
running a half marathon.
I have low tolerance for people who feel entitled for things they don't work for.
I’m totally terrified of
getting injured.
I wonder why I
sometimes don't feel like running.
Never in my life have I
watched the Godfather series.
High school was
a time for fun and friends.
When I’m nervous
my voice warbles. I hate public speaking!
One time at a family gathering
my cousin beat me at ping pong.
Take my advice: Don't underestimate yourself.
Making my bed
makes me feel more in control of my day.
I’m almost always
dressed in a t-shirt, jeans and flip flops.
I’m addicted to
baking, but then I have nobody to eat the stuff, so I eat it all, which can be bad.
I want someone to
buy me a house on a cliff in San Francisco. Do you have a few million dollars?

What do you get annoyed at? What have you never done? What is your past full of?

Even though today I am not talking about fitness, head over to Jills to meet people who are!


Three Bean Salad

I have been wanting to write a post on this for a while, but I was sure that the non-gardeners will be totally bored, so I have been holding off. However, this year, whether you know it or not, I tried vegetable gardening for the first time. In case you too are a new gardener (I have had house plants for years and they have always flourished but this is my first food garden) I thought I would talk a little bit about the garden and some of the snags I have run into so far.

First, let me say that this post is to celebrate the fact that I have food. Three beans, to be exact! So, although a three bean salad may be a little small, I am very excited that I have made something that is edible! I made food with my own hands! I also have eaten basil, cilantro and chives from my little garden so far! It's very exciting.

Let's start off by saying what I started off with. I started seeds on May 14: cucumbers (bush), zucchini, tomatoes (bush), beets, butter lettuce, spinach, eggplant (bush), tri-colored beans (bush), cilantro, parsley, basil, chives, squash, scallions, southwestern pepper trio, carrots & dill.

So far I have killed: the cucumber, both lettuces and the dill. So I am 13 - 4. Maybe that's not Superbowl worthy, but it's not too bad.

The details: Most of my plants are in 8" pots. I bought them at the $1 aisle in Target and poked holes in the bottoms. The cherry tomato and the squash are in cardboard boxes lined with plastic shopping bags (with holes poked in the bottom). I used Miracle Grow potting soil and Renee's Garden Seeds.

Peppers, Squash, Cherry Tomatoes

What's going wrong? I think my worst fault is OVER watering. I know. In fact, the cucumber started "wilting" so I watered it. It wilted some more; I gave it more water... when my squash also started "wilting" I realized that since they grow along the ground, all they were doing was bending down so they could grow! Oops! Also, my squash leaves started yellowing. A couple days without water did the trick!

I was paranoid, since I am growing everything in containers, that the plants would not get enough water. I read that they dry out more quickly since they are getting sun from all sides. However, I still ended up giving them too much water. I think (correct me if I am wrong!) that tomatoes need more water than many of the other veggies, but many of them need to be left alone once in a while! Too much "care" was killing them!

I also should have used bigger pots. Some of the plants are much smaller than they should be and I am afraid that my bush tomatoes may not bear fruit, since the cherry tomatoes I put in the box are flowering right now and they were planted afterward. 

What's going right? I also read that watering will wash out many of the nutrients, so I recently added a bit of miracle grow, which really perked everything up! This also beefs up the argument against over watering. Since then, I have been watering with "coffee ground tea", which is just the coffee grounds mixed into a couple of gallons of water.


Where do we stand? After about 2 months, like I said, I have harvested basil, green beans, chives and cilantro. I have no cherry tomato fruits, but the plant is getting big and bushy and I just got flowers, so it's only a matter of time! I have squash flowers (tons!). The eggplant, beets and peppers are still just leaves.

Do you have a garden? Or a green thumb? Do plant posts bore you?


Tuesday Training (4)

Hate training posts? Love lists? Check out this list of 10 things that may make you realize that you are in Africa!

As I mentioned last week, I have been very unmotivated lately as far as running goes. However, this has not stopped me from getting out there and doing it anyway! I spent one of the weekends in Massachusetts, where it was HOT and humid. The rest of the time, I've been running in Santa Cruz, where its been in the 70s mostly. For both weeks, I pretty much ditched my speed work and am mostly running what some would call "junk miles". Junk or not, I am just happy that I managed to do any!

One thing I am really noticing lately is that the more I run, the more I eat. I know this is nothing new, but on my rest days, I am always hungry, so I am continuously eating! I'm like a 12 year old boy, appetite-wise. Also, I have a sock tan line which is pretty attractive.

Week 1 - 4
Week 5 - 8
Week 9 - 11

Week 12 - 13

Week 12:

Phoenix Rail Trail

Monday: Rest -- my right calf was giving me pain
Tuesday: Rest -- still in pain, so I decided to take an extra day of rest
Wednesday: 12 miles @ 9:36 pace (calf still hurting)
Thursday: 12.5 miles @ 9:53 pace (hilly trail run)
Friday: 7 miles -- 6 @ 9:40 pace / 1 mile walk on beach in middle
Saturday: Rest -- Travel Day
Sunday: 9 miles @ 9:00 pace

Total Miles: 40.5
Overall feeling: Tired

Week 13:

Norwottuck Rail Trail

Monday: 6 miles @ 8:57 pace (Norwottuck Rail Trail)
Tuesday: 8.5 miles @ 9:19 pace (Phoenix Rail Trail)
Wednesday: Rest -- Travel Day
Thursday: 11 miles @ 8:46 pace
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 10 miles @ 8:31 pace
Sunday: 20 miles @ 9:06 pace (Wilder Ranch)

Total Miles: 55.5
Overall feeling: Okay (better than last week!)

Wilder Ranch SP

What I have learned these past two weeks is that...I don't think I can sustain the required BQ pace of an 8 minute mile for 26.2 miles! I am having a hard enough time sustaining a 9 minute mile! This weekend I have a half marathon, which should give me an idea of my race pace, but I am feeling like maybe I am biting off more than I can chew with the BQ goal right now.

How is your training going? Do you have a hard time maintaining your pace in the heat?


Oregon Recap

Better late than never, I guess. I had a great time in Oregon a few weeks ago with the ladies. It's nice to travel with people who are easy to get along with, give you space when you need it and company when you don't! Also, as I mentioned before, we were all on the same page when it came to diet and exercise, so we spent a lot of time walking, hiking, running and eating great summer salads! It was pretty cool when we were there; the lowest was about 30 degrees while the high was maybe in the low 70s. 

On the drive up, we stopped in Redding to visit the sundial bridge, which spans the Sacramento River. We also passed Mt. Shasta and stopped to eat lunch in Weed. I love Weed! :)

Sundial Bridge -- Redding, CA

Quite a brood!

Mt. Shasta

While in Oregon, we went hiking up the Black Butte mountain, which is 2 miles each way and about a 1,600 ft elevation gain. We also went for an ice cream at Camp Sherman and went over the McKenzie Pass, where we saw snow. Other fun things we did there were to take walks to the Head of the Matolius, to walk around the towns of Bend and Sisters and to hike to the Sahalie Falls.

Black Butte Hike

Camp Sherman


View from the house

Head of the Metolius

A's first snow!

Fun in the summer snow!

McKenzie River

The Stitchin' Post -- Sisters
Sisters is famous for it's quilting show, which is in July. In fact, when I told my grandma I was going to Oregon, she mentioned that she would love to go to the show in Sisters! So although she couldn't go, I sent her some of the fun brochures about the activities they have there for the weekend. After walking around the Stitchin' Post, I almost want to start sewing something myself!

Have you been to Oregon? Do you sew? Do you remember the first time you saw snow?


Run The Day

I have mentioned this before, but right now, I am having a hard time getting motivated to run. I think it is a combination of things getting me down. I once took a class in Sociology where the professor talked about "Life Changes" and how ONE life change could affect your stress levels/motivation/happiness. If, she said, you have more than one, it can be really hard. Even when the changes are positive, for example moving to a bigger house, getting married or having kids, they can affect you greatly. If they are negative, it can be even worse.

I am not going to get into it into too much detail, but I am in the midst of several life changes right now. Instead of running the day, as Jim Rohn says in the quote above, I am letting the day (or the changes in this case) run me. And the day is really running all over me. Instead of going out for a run in order to make myself feel better, I am putting it off, making excuses and feeling sorry for myself.

The additional dilemma is that right now I have some free time. In a couple of weeks, I will be busy doing things with family and dealing with my life changes. I will not have as much time to run. So I really need to be doing MORE running right now, not less. However, it is hard to get out of this funk and to think positive and to make the most of the time that I have, even when I know that if I don't, I am going to kick myself in a couple of weeks when my Ultra is looming up ahead and I am "not ready"!

I need to snap out of it. Usually running is what makes me feel better; right now not doing it it is making me feel guilty, lazy and worse about things, but I don't really want to do it even so. Just for sanity's sake, I am going to list a mini running version of "Looking Forward" to try and remind myself why I run.

In the next day, I am looking forward to running along the ocean, listening the waves crash on the cliffs and smelling the salty sea mist as I watch the surfers in the distance. 

In the next week, I am looking forward to the Bad Bass Half Marathon, and race #7 of the 12 in 2012 Running Challenge.

In the next month, I am looking forward to my first Ultra race! (days left: 23)

In the next year, I am looking forward to attempting to BQ, either in Santa Rosa or somewhere else. I am also looking forward to the Santa Rosa marathon being over, so I can start doing more trail running without a specific plan in mind. (days left: 37)

Are you motivated to run/work out this summer? How do you fit it in when you have a lot of other things going on? How do you handle life changes?

Edited to add: After I wrote this, and I procrastinated for a few hours, I went out for a nice and easy 11 mile run on the cliffs. It was a sunny day, the surfers were out (just like I said) and I returned from my run in SUCH a better mood. Folks, running really is like crack. I just need my fix and it makes everything better. :)


Currently: July

Current Book - Cutting For Stone -- Abraham Verghese (so far, so good!) 

Current Celebrity Crush - Tom Colicchio (when I googled to find a photo, I found this! Haha. I have never seen him with hair!) There is just something about a guy that can cook. He is sometimes a bit sarcastic, but then he will say something so nice 2 minutes later.


Current Drink -  Creamsicle -- 8 oz Orange Juice, 2 tbsp plain yogurt, ice. Blend up and enjoy!

Current Excitement -  This weekend K and A and the babe are coming to have a beach day with us! I can't wait to take them to my favorite burrito place! Or maybe that pupusa place I have been wanting to try.

Current fashion trend - I bought a couple of brightly colored tops, which I wear with jeans when I am feeling frisky. I wear it with these shoes.

Current Favorite Blog/Website - You've probably already heard of it, but I really love Read it Later, which is now called Pocket. It allows you to "bookmark" a page to read later offline or transfer to your eReader to read at a later date. It is also very easily searchable. I use it a ton! 
Current Favorite Film - I went to the movies and saw To Rome With Love. It was okay but not great. Other than that, I haven't seen a movie in AGES. 

Curent Food - Steel cut oats. I have them almost every day for breakfast. With whatever fresh fruit I have on hand, plus craisins, chia and sesame seeds, it's so good!

Current Guilty Pleasure - Booze. I normally don't drink very much, but lately I have had a few nights where there have been one too many glasses of wine. It's been great but it's making me a lot less motivated to run the next day!

Current Indulgence - Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee. I am still trying to figure out how to order though. Since when does "light on the cream" mean EXTRA cream?

Current Mood - Good!

Current New Find - The store down the street from me has the best bulk aisle. They have pretty much anything you could ask for -- spices, baking products, herbs, nuts, seeds, grains...you name it. It's so great when I need a bit of cinnamon for a recipe to be able to just get $0.13 worth!

Current Outfit -  Right now? I am in my pajamas. Pants are overrated.
Current Peeve -  People who are untidy/unorganized. I had a dream last night about it. I started a new job as a manager and the place I took over was a mess! 
Current Song - I have that Payphone song stuck in my head. I don't LOVE it, but there it is.

Current Triumph - I ran every day this week so far. I know it's only Wednesday, but I will take my triumphs where I can get them! 
Current TV Show - Top Chef Season I

Current Wish-List - I want a new iPhone. Little by little, things on mine are slowing down/stopping.

Currently Delaying - Buying a new iPhone. I figure I will use the old one until it's gone completely.

What's currently going on in your life? Do you like Top Chef? Do you ever shop in the bulk aisle?