
Have You Seen This Food?

There are some really strange foods out there, that you may or may not have seen before. Here are some of the ones that I enjoyed trying, looking at, laughing at, and of course, most importantly, taking photos of while traveling around the world.

Egypt: Chicken Livers

Cambodia: Squid on a Stick

China: Jews Ears (a type of mushroom)

Montenegro: Chicken Pate

Nepal: You thought it was a hamburger, but it's a Yak-burger.

New Zealand: Fejoas (a fruit, not a bean)

Portugal: Caracois (Snails)

Italy: Tiny Octopus Babies, with olive oil, naturally

You can find more weird foods over on WRTR, where I talk about Snake fruit and Dragon fruit!

Have you tried any of these? What other weird foods have you seen or tried?


Is Your Comforter Your Worst Enemy?

I admit to being a neat freak. Sometimes. It's strange. I like to have certain things in certain places. However, other things I am not as worried about. For instance, I am not really germophobic. Don't get me wrong, I wash my hands after I use the bathroom and I don't *usually* touch the doorknob afterwards, but otherwise, I am lax. I sometimes use the 3 second rule.

I recently talked about how I pretty much live in a hotel most of the time. This girl, with her comment about comforters on my post, reminded me about an article I read in Conde Nast a few years ago about the dirtiest places in a hotel. You may think it's the toilet, but you would be wrong.

They tested one 5 star hotel, one mid line hotel and one low end hotel. You would be surprised; the 5 star hotel was not necessarily cleaner than the low end hotel. Here are some of the worst offenders (germ wise).

The ice bucket.
The remote control.
The phone.
The door knob.
The alarm clock. 
The desk chair.
The comforter.

These items were covered in E. Coli (fecal borne) and other bacteria which causes yeast infections. While I can see why the desk chair may have fecal material on it (even though I don't like to picture it), I never really considered the comforter before reading this article. It makes sense though. How many hands, faces and butts have touched that comforter in between washes?

I suggest wet wiping the obvious ones - phone, remote, clock and door handle and taking the comforter off the bed all together or at least folding it down so it doesn't touch your face while you sleep.  If the chair is fabric, put a towel down. I wouldn't even use the ice bucket. And above all, wash your hands.

Okay, now that I have grossed you out, let me add this. They say that even after these findings, the average hotel room is CLEANER than most people's houses and definitely more sanitary than flying, since you are confined in a limited amount of air space with so many people.

Just some food for thought.

Are you a neat freak? Are you a germaphobe? How often do you clean your bathroom? Do you ever stay in hotels? Do you wipe anything down or do you just use it?


Sam I Am

This week's beer is... Sam Adams. I have to admit, I am not a fan of their Summer Ale. However, I may have to try one of their fall or winter brews this weekend, while I am at...guess, guess....

You guessed it, I am in Massachusetts this weekend, racing in the Newburyport Green Stride Half Marathon. I am probably running right now, as you are drinking your coffee and reading this post. So, you know the drill, put down the coffee, grab a beer, and look what happened to me this week! (Inspired by Kim) (photo credit)

It was another busy week, but in a different sort of way this time. On Monday I finished up with my last client in Cape Girardeau and headed to Columbia to check out of the office. Now I am once again jobless! Back to the old drawing board. But first, let's start at the beginning...

Last weekend one of my very dearest friends came to visit me! She and I have been friends since...well probably about 20 years. We played little league together. Her nickname is Red.

We decided to do some hiking at the Trail of Tears State Park. Along the way, we found....More Ponies! These ones let us touch them! 

Then we went hiking! It was great! Except I told Red that the trail had "a few hills". I didn't remember that it was quite strenuous! We took her dog Lucy and poor Lucy was tuckered out afterwards (and so were we!)

Even though she was tuckered out, she was happy to dress in this banana split costume and pose for the camera. Can't you tell how happy she was? 

The foliage, or as my family likes to jokingly call it, FOILAGE, is beautiful right now!

After Red left, I took at 16 mile run, my last run in Cape. It was 90 degrees. It was brutal. This is the Cape LaCroix Creek trail, where I have been running for the last 4 months. 

And then it was time for me to leave Cape. A departing shot of my "home", the Candlewood Suites.The drive to Columbia is about 4 hours. It rained the entire time.

I had to check out all my equipment and I said goodbye to my friends in the office in Columbia. More importantly though, I checked the color of my urine against this chart in the bathroom. My favorite? The second one from the top...in case you can't read it, it says, "You're just fine. You could stand to drink a little water now, maybe a small glass of water." Who writes these? And who has pee the color of the bottom one? If you do, you better get to the doc ASAP! (or maybe you ate beets?)

And then? One last run in Missouri. This time the weather was in the 40s. 
Total miles this week: 30.

And now? 

Wish me luck. Hopefully I get a beer when I am done!

What did you do this week? Do you live close to your best friends? What friend have you had the longest? Have you ever dressed up your dog in a costume?


Lose Yourself in The Music

'Cause sometimes you just feel tired,
Feel weak, and when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up.
But you gotta search within you, you gotta find that inner strength
And just pull that S*#^ out of you and get that motivation to not give up
And not be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse.'

-Eminem (Til I Collapse)

This song came on Sunday as I was beginning mile 15, my last mile before the end of my run. It was hot, hotter than it had been all week. Someone was messing with me, making it hotter on the one day that I had planned on running in the middle of the day. For the last five miles I had been fighting against throwing up. The heat, the Gu I took around mile 10, too much or not enough water...it was all collaborating against me,  trying to make me "fall flat on my face and collapse". And believe me, I wanted to. I wanted to just give in and let it all win.

And then the song above came on. I take a lot of motivation from my playlist. Whether it's the beat, the words or a memory that I associate with the particular song (Pearl Jam, anyone?), they all inspire me to keep running, to keep going after my energy leaves me. Today this song came on right at the perfect moment. I did not plan it that way. I put my playlist on random most days. But Mr. iPod knew exactly what I needed. And a white rapper who's opinions I usually don't agree with helped me finish my run.

It's funny how that works. Who would have ever thought that Eminem would be inspiring? He talks down about everyone. He does drugs and is proud of it. He swears way too much. He's angry at the entire world. Yet, somehow he IS inspiring. And the beat of his music is almost exactly the same timing to my footfalls. Or what they should be!

In "Lose Yourself" he says:

"Success is my only $%^& option, failure's not
So here I go it's my shot.
Feet fail me not, this may be the only opportunity that I got

You better lose yourself in the music, the moment
You own it, you better never let it go"

I do lose myself in the music. And I am learning to own the moment. Thanks, M.

Don't forget to join up with Jill for Fitness Friday for more inspiration! 

Who inspires you when you exercise? Which artist inspires you when you are not exercising?  Do you find yourself listening to different music when you exercise vs other times? 


7:12 Shooting Outdoors and Macro

Ah...Week 7...shooting outdoors, (<----pdf here) where once again you need to have a "subject". So...I have to admit, I went fishing through the archives and used my little niece as my guinea pig this week. This week we learned about shooting outdoors and what things you may compete with out in the big wide open.

First, you need to try not to have your subject in harsh sunlight. At first you may think that it's great to be outside becuase there is plenty of LIGHT! But, alas, another problem with photography is that you can have too much! So, you may get subjects that look like THIS. Too much sun makes squinty eyes and harsh light/shadow combinations. 

(Actually she looks pretty good. I look like a classic "DON'T")

It is better to put your subject under a tree, an umbrella or a porch to get a result more like this.

The other thing this lesson talks about is using an overcast sky to your advantage. Now you CAN stand outside without an umbrella and you don't have harsh light. The clouds act as a natural filter.

I am not exactly sure why the authors of this lesson did this combo, but this lesson also covers Macro, or close up, small photography (maybe they didn't want 13 weeks of better photos?) You can use the "flower" setting on your point and shoot to get really close to your subject and get the fine details. I actually used my point and shoot for these. With a DSLR, you can use the flower setting, but it works better to have a macro lens, which I have not yet splurged for. They do have an adapter you can use that is a little cheaper. Or you can turn your lens backwards with THIS and you get a fun effect!

Don't forget to link up with Kate! And join us for week 8: On The Go!

Have you ever taken one of those bad squinty sun photos? What's your favorite thing to photograph close up?


Going Round in Circles

You may remember the post that I wrote when I first got to Missouri. I was just getting back into running. I had just arrived in Columbia and had found a great running trail: the MKT. The day I wrote that post, I ran 2.5 miles at a 9:33 pace. It was not easy. At the same time, I set a few goals for myself. They were:

1. Find a training program
2. Get in Shape.
3. Speed up pace.
4. Sign up for a Fall race. 

After the day of that run, I was sent to Cape Girardeau, which is about 4 hours south of Columbia (and also the home of Rush Limbaugh). I didn't get to run on that trail but that once.

Tomorrow, I am leaving Missouri. Remember the change I was talking about? It's changed again. Instead of moving to a different place in Missouri, I will be heading home for a while to see some friends and family and regroup and wait for the next job to come along.

The job here has been good. I have met and worked with some interesting people and been involved in some interesting situations. I have to say I am not totally sad that I am leaving at the onset of winter. I spent a winter in Iowa and as much as I love snow, I do not love -47 degree windchill. But I was not quite ready to go home. Oh well. I am now.

Before we leave, we have to check out through our office in Columbia. So I drove to Columbia to get all the logistics taken care of. After taking care of that, I took my last run (ever? for a while?) in Missouri. It was a lot different from the one I took 4 months ago. The weather was about 30 degrees cooler and the fall colors are out. I have satisfied all my goals from above.

1. Find a training program Hal Higdon
2. Get in Shape. lost 10 lbs
3. Speed up pace. current average: 8:45
4. Sign up for a Fall race. (x3)

What wasn't different was the trail. I went back to the location of my first ever run in Missouri and did my last run in the same place. It was very therapeutic. It felt like a place I already knew.

I have come full circle. 

Goodbye Mizzou-rah.

Have you ever been to a place that you just can't wait to go back to? That has a special place in your heart? Where is it and why did you love it?


A Touch of America

Set in America after World War II, this book details an Austrian woman’s adventures when she journeys to the United States as a Fulbright scholar. She starts in Arizona, where she meets up with her beau and has adventures in Mexico, Tombstone and the Grand Canyon. She then travels around several States, including New York, Pennsylvania and California. 

I was interested in reading this book because I was excited to see what America looks like from a foreigner’s eyes. However, it is more of a journal style play by play of where she went and what she did. It is not really spiced up as much as it could be. I feel like she went to many interesting places that could have been described in a bit more detail and with more pizazz. I don’t mean to say that she needed to needlessly embellish something that was nothing special, but I do think that more description was needed.  I would have liked to hear more about her impressions of where she went, and what it looked like for the first time. 

I also felt like the man that she came to visit in the beginning kind of disappeared all of a sudden. At first, I thought the book would have more of a tale of what happened to them, but she kind of stops talking about him and never really picks it back up. Also, the book was kind of hastily wrapped up, without a lead in to the conclusion. 

I was very interested in her tales of what it was like to be a Fulbright scholar, as far as what she had to do. She had to do a lot of public speaking, where she explained what life was like in Austria, to both children and adults. She also talked a lot about the relationships she formed, especially with the Native Americans, while she was traveling. I would have liked to hear more about her adventures as a representative of her country. 

I don’t want you to get the idea that I think this book was bad. I just feel that it could have been more descriptive. I give it a 3 out of 4. 

I received a complimentary copy of A Touch of America: Memoirs of an Austrian Fulbright Scholar as a member of the  Dorrance Publishing Book Review Team.Visit dorrancebookstore.com to learn how you can become a member of the Book Review Team.


Can You Spare Some Change?

Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes.
Hugh Prather

I bet you thought I was going to talk about money. Well, I'm not. I AM going to talk about change, but not the dollar and cents kind. 

I have been working in the same location for about 3 months. I have a manager who I finally figured out what he wants. I have coworkers who I know and trust and can call up if I need advice or help or a coffee break. I have clients that I have developed a relationship with. They know me (and maybe even like me). I have a running trail and I know exactly how long it takes to get there and back and where each mile point is. I have a grocery store close by. I know exactly how long it takes to get to the airport from here. I have a kitchen in my hotel room and I can make a big meal and stockpile it for the week.

Well, just like Mr. Prather (above) says, just when you get comfortable, boom! That is when things change. We have finished our work here and are moving on today, to a new city, with new clients, a new manager, and new coworkers. I will be in a new hotel and have to figure out where the best place to run is. I don't WANT to have to figure it out. I want to be where I know what I am doing. I hate the feeling of not knowing. I don't have time to check it out. I want to know NOW. (Violet Beauregard anyone!?)   

The only hotel is a Holiday Inn. No kitchen. I will be lucky if I have a fridge and a coffee pot. Not that I am snobby about the hotel, but I do like to have certain amenities to help me eat cheaper and healthier. I have not yet found any running trails. I have to run 17 miles the weekend after next. I really don't want to have to run on the streets the whole time. 

Some people like change. A new hairdo, new house, new dinner menu or new friends. I am not adverse to any of those...sometimes... but usually I stick with what I know, the same long hair, a big pot of chili and that great girlfriend who you can tell anything to. Those are comfortable. They take less time and effort. So maybe that is what is scary about change, you have to take more time and work harder in order to make it work.  Or maybe you just anticipate having to work harder, whether that is the reality or not.

I am sure I will go to the new place and then new manager will be a great guy and all my new coworkers will be very helpful and the running trail will eventually be found and my new hotel will have free healthy dinners ever day (okay I just made that one up). It's hard, starting at the beginning again. But I've done it over and over, as much as I don't like it (and let me tell you, that's a lot). And I can do it again. Everything will work out in the end. I know everything will be fine. But right now I am not looking forward to it.  

Do you like change? What is a big change that has happened in your life recently? How did you deal with it? 

***Also, we have a winner for the My Memories Giveaway... picked by Random.org***
** Lisa of Lisa's Yarns ** 
I will contact you via email to confirm details!  


Autumn Brown

Time to grab a beer!! This one is a new one for me. I live close to Chico, where the Sierra Nevada Brewery is, but have never tried this Autumn Brown Ale (photo credit). I think I would like it, as it looks dark enough for my tastes. Hmmm..

You know the drill. This is the point where we grab a beverage, make yourself comfortable and enjoy a recap of the week (a la Kim's Look What I Did Last Week).

This week was a busy one. I had the day off on Monday, so the (short) work week was more hectic than normal. Plus we are trying to finish up work in the area we are in and will be moving to a new area on Monday. So of course this week has consisted of tying up a bunch of loose ends and finding out at the last minute what the issues with certain projects are. Monday will be the last meeting and then we are out of here!

On top of that, I have been training for the marathon and so have spent most of my evenings running, running, showering, driving to running and....washing running clothes. But...in between all that, here is what else I did this week.

I got more books from the library. My stack is growing.

Beware of the Evil Gost.

The running shorts get funkier and funkier! 

I went to New York. I love New York. Really, not just the I heart kind but REALLY. 

We went to Le Parisien for dinner. Yum.

I couldn't resist. Pluck U too buddy. 

We met a friend at Zabars for some cheese shopping. I love cheese. 
Almost as much as I love New York. 

We went to see the Freedom Tower. Expected to be done in...2021.

And of course, no trip to NYC is complete without a trip to Central Park. 

Goodbye New York. I will miss you.

Or should I say...Until Next Time. 
You can read about some of my other trips to NYC HERE

What is your favorite place to visit in the Fall? Do you have a place you keep going back to over and over? Do YOU heart NY? What did you do this week?


I Run New York

50 cent ain't got nothin' on me! So you may have heard the song that he sings? I Run New York? I think he's talking about how long his gun is and how important he is in the City, but I, I actually RUN New York. Yeah. MOVE OVER, 50 (fitty); I will do the running of New York, thank you very much.

Last weekend I spent a marvelous weekend, if you can't guess where, in New York. Knowing I had to do a long run of 15 miles, I got prepared before I went. First I found the local running store and found out that, yippy, they had a group long run on the weekends. I emailed them. I did not get a response. Next, I contacted this runner, who lives in the city, and asked her if she could give me some advice. Hurray for the running community. Not only did she give me advice, she gave me a play by play of where I should run. So I google mapped it to figure out which specific streets I would need to go on to get in enough miles (and not accidentally do too many!)

So, as you can see from above map, I started in Midtown, ran East to the East River and then south along the East River to Battery Park. Here are a few examples of the views I had while running on the East River.  These photos were taken with my phone, which I carried.

I also carried a pack of Black Cherry clif shot bloks and a bottle of water. I still have not purchased a fuel belt, since the only one I have been able to physically try on is the Nathan Speed 2 and the Nathan Trail Mix. I like the feel of both of them, but want to have something to compare them to before making my decision.

FYI, in case you were wondering how my Fuel Experiment was going...the Bloks taste okay. They are a little sweet, but pretty easy to eat. I drank lots of water and only took two bloks over the entire 15 miles (one at mile 6 and one around mile 10). The only thing I did not like is that the aftertaste is a bit like cough syrup; it's a little medicinal.

After running to Battery Park, I headed north along the Hudson, which was a nicer path but in my opinion, the views from the East River were better. By the time I got to this side, I was pretty tired and did not take any photos. Also by this time (around 9 a.m.) there were TONS of other people out jogging and riding bikes and walking dogs. I may suggest getting an earlier start than I did (7:45).

From there I cut across to Central Park at 72nd St and then around the park and back down to my starting point. All in all, although my legs were screaming, the rest of my body, lungs and stomach felt great. To celebrate my longest run ever, we went to Zabars to fight the crowds for the last piece of lox meet up with some friends and have a huge (and I mean HUGE) turkey and pastrami sandwich on rye. Yummy.

Where did you run this weekend? Have you ever been to New York City? What's your favorite place to run and/or eat there? What fuel belt (or bottle) do you use?

Don't forget to link up with Jill for Fitness Friday! And if you have not already done so, go and Enter My Giveaway for Fun Scrapbooking and Photo Software! Ends October 16th!