
March Madness

March seems to be one of those months that things happen. You may recall that two years ago, I wrote a post about the 23rd of March. I know most people probably equate the pandemic as the 16th, but for me, the 23rd was the day that had the most impact on me. Last year, on this very day (the 24th), I was riding off into the rain for my first day of my bike trip! I was looking back at that time, and realized that this day, and the couple of days to either side of it, are days that for some reason things happen. I am guessing it is because winter is starting to thaw and the urge to get out and about is high. Here is a quick recap! 

On this day in 2010, I was in New Orleans, getting ready for a RTW trip. 

City Park, NOLA

On this day in 2011, I was in Bali. 


On this day in 2012, I was in Kansas City (the week before that I was in Naples, FL and the week after that I was in DC running the Cherry Blossom 10 miler. I got around!)

Kansas City

On this day in 2013, I was getting ready to fly to Boston for the Boston Marathon. 

We both survived!

On this day in 2014, I ran the Rim to Rim to Rim in the Grand Canyon with my brother. 

Somewhere between the north and south rim

On this day in 2015, I was touring the house that I bought! Less than two months later, I would be a proud homeowner! 

Photo I took at the Open House. 

On this day in 2016, I was in Yosemite. 

Yosemite Falls, beer in a sock. 

On this day in 2017, I ran the Rim to Rim to Rim in the Grand Canyon with some friends. March is a good time to do this, as it is not too hot, and the North rim is still closed (less tourists). 

Headed down from the North rim to the South rim. 

On this day in 2018, I walked over the border into Tijuana and ran a 50k and then went back to San Diego for some beer. 

Oceanside, CA

On this day in 2019, I ran in the Marin Headlands. This is one of my favorite places to run and hike. 

Pirate's Cove

On this day in 2020, we all know what happened! 

Everything is closed? No problem! 

On this day in 2021, I worked from home from Oregon. 

Deschutes River

On this day in 2022, I went to New York for a wedding that was supposed to happen on March 14th, 2020. 

This is not my wedding outfit ;)

On this day in 2023, I am the soccer chauffeur. I drop off the kids and take a hike. The east bay in March is beautiful and green. In summer it is brown and dry. This was right after the collapse of several regional banks.

Sycamore Valley Park

On this EXACT day in 2024, I was setting off for my bike trip! 

Happy anniversary, Bob! 

So what happened this year? I spent some time in Granada and Malaga and am headed off on a new adventure today, which I will talk about more later! 

What were you doing on this day over the last few years? Or if March is not your jam, what month do you usually have a lot of things going on? 


  1. March 13 rings a bell as an eventful day, but the only specific that I remember is 2020. It was my first official WFH day, and the kickoff to one of the happiest times of my life. Where I live winter gets pretty bad from mid January through the end of February, and inevitably it becomes hard to do anything except to sit around at home. Usually the first few weeks of March are the transition to better weather and the opening of a lot of possibilities. So in general March is a pretty good time.

    This post reminds me a bit of Stephany's post about Marches of Years Past. It is a pretty eventful month!

    I can't wait to hear about the new adventure.

    1. I actually had not seen Stephany's post until yesterday afternoon, but I completely agree that they are very similar! I definitely am ready to get outside and do some things, even though I have been outside despite the cold, but I am ready to go outside without a scarf or an umbrella!

      Since I did not WFH, I do not have that day as important, plus our first WFH day for the rest of my team was Monday the 16th, so I think many people equate that day with the "big day." However, the 11, 12, 13 were all very volatile days for the markets (but the 23rd was the worst)!

  2. Wow, March 23ish IS a time that things happen for you! It's a good day for me, it's my wedding anniversary, my son's birthday, and - we found out - Rex's birthday. I kind of wish things were a bit more spread out, honestly. My son was born at 11:55 pm, so if he had only waited five more minutes!

    1. Haha! Well happy birthday to Rex an son and happy anniversary to you! That is a lot of things at once; you should have stopped pushing for a few minutes so that it would not be so stacked up! :)

  3. You really DO get up to things in March! I've had two very eventful Marches. In March of 1985, my eldest son was born a couple weeks early. I was late to teach my last period class and ran to get there. A few hours later, I was in labour. In March of 1988, I was hugely pregnant with my second and had severe edema. I had to quit teaching and stay home, trying to rest with a three-year old. I had false labour at one point, and the hospital sent me home.

    Your Marches sound lots more fun!

    1. Wow, so March is a very fruitful time for you! :) We have a lot of birthdays in our family in March too; I guess August is a good time for making whoopie!

  4. Oh my goodness, this was such a fun read! Also, I feel like your life is about 1,000 times more eventful than mine year over year. And so much running. I continue to be in awe of you, my friend <3

    December is probably my busiest month - so much to do with Christmas. But October is my favourite month. All the beautiful colours, the sunshine, the return to routine. I just love it.

    1. So much running! But not so much anymore! I need to step up my game in that aspect! I would say that December is definitely a busy one, although for me usually July/Aug are also busy due to lots of summer activities. And as you know, May is my favorite, but the others are close behind!

  5. March is a crappy month in Minnesota so it’s not a memorable month for the most part. March 2018 I was on mat leave with Paul so that was a memorable month. And in March 2020, we were all home quarantining with 2yo Paul. March 2023 was the hardest month of my career due to the bank crisis. Paul was retiring so I handled most of the calls and would do something like 40 zooms/week when I wasn’t traveling to try to calm down preferred investors.

    Today we are heading back to Minnesota after 4 nights in Cancun! I would say the summer months are more memorable for us since that is peak weather season!

    1. I can't wait to hear all about your trip! For me March 2023 was bad, but March 2020 was worse, as far as dealing with clients and catastrophes goes. If I never have to have another time in my life like March 2020 I would be happy. And for me the pandemic was bad, but the markets and the fear and the constant management of all of that was really crazy for me.

  6. You've done a lot over the years in this period. so nice to review it this way. I have an app that shows pic of the previous years too, and i love seeing how kids have grown up.

  7. Wow, your Marches are a LOT more eventful than mine. HA. March doesn't tend to be a big month for me, but it's always fun to look back on what I was doing in years past. Mostly, I'm always astonished to see how many different hairstyles I've had through the years. I change it so frequently!


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