

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Finally the sun came out! But not for long. The last few weeks has been a lot of rain, and there is supposed to be more today but at least it was not too rainy this weekend, as I had outdoor things planned. Keeping fingers crossed that next week there are a few sunny days too. 

The high of the last week was: Hiking with my Dad and brother. Of course, in the typical fashion of our family, it ended up being more miles and more elevation than expected, but the scenery and the company made it worth it. 

The low of the last week was: Rain. Out of seven days, six had rain, and some of them were torrential downpours with thunder and lightning, which was not super fun. In fact, I think it even hailed a bit. The good part of it was that there were some nice rainbows! 

Five minutes after this photo, it was hailing

Something I marked off my to-do list was: I worked on my taxes but did not get them totally finished. I plan on doing that next week and will be glad when this task is done. I was trying to decide whether itemizing would work this year, as I gave SO MUCH STUFF to charity. It may be a little better, but I have to put in each thing, so it's a bit of an admin nightmare. 

The book I am reading is: The Passion of Dolssa on ebook and listening to Sociopath on audio, but I am not really getting much reading done at the moment. Thanks to Stephany, I did get Woman on The Ledge from the library and thanks to the rain, I read it in one day! It was good! 

The best thing I spent money on was: I haven't really spent too much, and I booked a lot of my accommodation a few months ago, so haven't had to spend big amounts lately either. But if the question is the "most" money, it would be a new phone, but if it was the most FUN money, it would be food, or attractions. We did a great walk yesterday that was very fun!

Caminito del Rey

Plans for this week include: Hiking, eating, spending time with family, looking at stuff. 

My favorite photo from the last week is: This definitely is the worst photo I have taken in a while (I was moving, it was dark, and I don't know how to use my new phone) but this guy walked by when we were having dinner and I had to get a photo with him! May the force be with you. Or should I say "que la fuerza te acompañe!"

What are you reading? What was the high/low of your week last week? What have you crossed off of your to-do list lately? 


  1. You are with your family? oh that's so nice after traveling for months alone. I haven't read much given my mind is spinning with to-do list in waking hours, but would love to get over with the move and dive into some good fiction.
    I've been seeing rainbow a lot this week in Brasilia too as it rains in the morning and stops when I start my run.

  2. How fun for you that your dad and brother are visiting! I had lots of highs last week, but the highest probably were the ABBA tribute concert and lunch with a friend. Low...I didn't get as much editing done as I wanted to. But I have blocked this week off and here we go!

  3. Hello from also rainy NJ! Are you in Andalucia now? So great that your dad and brother are visiting!
    I am still on Orhan Pamuk's book and I think I'm gonna stop. I get the idea, and got a taste of his writing and I think I'm ready to move on.
    High of the week: cleaning the whole house+ that counts as crossing things off the list. I've been meaning to deep clean for a while.
    Low of the week: pain in my forehead because of sinuses (I get spring allergies).
    Other things I crossed off the list... Finally getting jeans that fit.

  4. So great that you had time with family! Was this planned, or did it happen as a surprise?

    I've been reading the latest issue of The New Yorker magazine as well as the book The Sinners All Bow, which is an investigation into the woman's death which inspired the Hawthorne novel The Scarlet Letter. I've been trying to recover from a cold/virus that I came down with about 10 days ago. UGH. It's left me with very little stamina, and I hate that. I've struggled to get back to my daily full-length walks.
    Highs...last night we went to our local brewery for a pre-St. Patrick's Day hang. Good food, met some nice people. Saturday, we spent the day with Theo.
    Every day I write letters to congress--and that gets crossed off my list!

  5. How fun that your dad and brother are there!! Bummer about the rain, though, but it sounds like you are making the most of it!

    High of last week was taking long walks in NYC and having a really good GF pizza at a place just south of Central Park. I stumbled upon it and it had the best GF crust I've ever had! And it had a little flag in the crust saying it was GF. Had it not had that flag, I would have questioned if it was actually GF! No real lows that I can think of outside of the depressing news cycle here. Do not come back!!! For the to do list, I crossed off purchasing some travel sized items for our Mexico trip as we will carry-on. I also packed for the trip since there is ZERO overlap between what I will wear this week and what I will pack for Mexico!

    I am reading The Bee Sting right now and am enjoying it but it is very long - I think 700 pages? It is very character driven so I would NOT recommend it for you! There was also a long section without punctuation which drove me a little batty.

  6. I was just thinking about how much I love the new phone that I got last year and the answer is: a lot. It was expensive but worth every penny and I'm glad that I didn't try to cheap on anything. As far as "what" it does that's so much better, that would be that the battery is so good that I never have to think about how much charge is left, and the better camera.

    I just started reading The Secret Book of Flora Lee which I think everyone except me has read and loved. So far I can tell you that everyone was right! The high of the week was a long weekend trip, and the low was the grind of werk.

  7. The visit with your dad and your brother sounds like so much fun. I'm laughing at how your family is taking more steps, going further during hikes. So funny. My high last week was probably the great weather here. I was so excited to sit on the deck with my book and soak up some rays . . . before it snowed again yesterday. My low was getting hit with the tots' cold. I manage to avoid their germs majority of the time and I have the red chapped hands from extra washings to show for it. The dang thing gave me a wheezing issue, but happily my steroid inhaler kicked in, and I was able to enjoy most of Sunday.

  8. We had some lovely weather here at the end of last week and I had some truly marvelous dog walks. Hannah is so happy with this weather and that I will go out with her for more than an hour at a time.

    I'm reading The Death of the Author by Nnedi Okorafor and there's a book in a book situation. I like the non-book within a book parts, but the book is a big part of it and I'm on the fence about DNFing.


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