
2024: A Year in Twelve Chapters

We don't exist in a vacuum, and other people's great ideas can be our best fodder sometimes. A year ago, Elisabeth started asking us what our monthly chapter names would be, and she kept it up for twelve months. Then Stephany did a post celebrating her chapters, and I love the idea, so I am totally copying it! Thanks ladies! 

PS Happy MLK day to the US folks reading this!

Chapter One – January: Everything Must Go!

As most of you know, in 2024 I decided to quit my job and pursue a life of full time travel. After giving it some thought and looking into renting out my house long term or on Airbnb, I ultimately decided that selling was the best option for me. I had lived in my house for nearly 10 years and it was time to go. Also, I felt that I could invest the proceeds and make more than I would getting a monthly income from renting AND I would have to do less work. 

After deciding that, I also decided that instead of putting things in storage and paying hundreds of dollars a month for an undefined amount of time, the best thing financially and emotionally would be to get rid of everything. Of course, this comes with its own emotional toll, but in the end, I am glad I decided what I did, as I feel like a lot of things I owned were owning me (name that movie!) and I really did not need (OR USE!) them (I am looking at you Nordstrom shoe closet). It was very freeing. 

I also took advantage of still living in the Bay Area and went on a run to the Golden Gate bridge, a walk with a friend around San Francisco and a trip to Big Sur with the girls. 

Selling crap, SF walks & runs, Monterey

Chapter Two – February: The Life Changing Event

Although I had been planning on quitting my job for a bit, I did not actually announce it until the last week of February, where I gave three weeks notice. I contemplated giving more, but in the end, I am glad that I didn't, as the last few days of work were a little slow, and I can't imagine what I would have done if I had to sit there for yet another week. Also, I did not announce anything to the Blogosphere for fear of being jinxed. 

I also spent more time walking around San Francisco, had my weekly time with the girls taking them back and forth to soccer, cooking dinner and playing with the Jelly-monster (the dog). I tried to squeeze in as much family time as possible, and went to Santa Barbara with the family for the long weekend and had a good mid-week ski with Dad. 

More walks around SF, Santa Barbara with the folks,
skiing with Dad & trying to drink all the sparkling wine in my fridge!

Chapter Three – March: A New Beginning

March was a dichotomy. The first thing I did was to finally tell you all about my plans! The first half consisted of wrapping things up at work, going away lunches and hikes and runs coupled with the frenetic pace of trying to sell or get rid of the last few things and trying to eat everything in my fridge, which culminated in some odd and not-so-healthy meals. I barely read any books because my mind was whirling with all of the things I needed to do and all of the things I wanted to do and all of the things I could do. It was a whirwind of stuff. 

Got the rack on the bike, emptied the house, took a run to the dump
and took one last hike in the redwoods

Then March 15th came, I had my last day at work, and my last trip to Goodwill and then my Dad came to get me and the two bikes and a few boxes and take them to their new home, my parent's basement. Yes, I am my meagre amount of stuff is basically "living" in my parent's basement. Just give me a gaming console and I will be good to go. Seriously though, a few books and a lot of backpacking and sports gear is apparently all that I need in life. I spent a week with the folks and had a great time wandering around, getting ready and playing games and then I was off! But only a week later, I was picked up by the girls and we headed to Oregon for some R&R. 

Sold the car, packed the bike, got on the road. 
Learned how to use my gear, hiked with the girls in OR.

Chapter Four – April: An Unquenched Hunger

After getting dropped back off in California by the girls, I started riding again, this time in earnest. Of course, the snow held me back a little at first and I had to figure out new routes a couple of times, and it was very cold. However, I made it through Califoria, Oregon and Washington and I even crossed the 1,000 mile mark and made it to Vancouver Island and the Sunshine Coast. I did take a break in Porland with a friend, but otherwise, I had a few times where I had ridden over two weeks in a row without breaks, and the result of this was a hunger that I could not quench! I ate and ate and ate, and even tried eating an entire half gallon of ice cream several times but I still was hungry! I found some new snacks, although sadly the TJ's mochi bites are seasonal and only can be found in April/May. If you are near a TJs during that time, you must try them! 

Riding in the snow, snacks, OR, CA, WA and Canada!

Chapter Five – May: The Next Province

I was in BC for a total of 32 days and I love it. It reminds me of home, of green trees and mountains and fresh pine air. It has oceans and bays and islands; it is just so peaceful and I could totally see myself living there. In May, my Dad came up to Vancouver to meet me, and I closed on my house, and set off through the moutains of BC. The great part is that finally I was out in the moutains again, although still there was snow in the high reaches and some passes could not be conquered. Note to self, start further south next time? However, at the end of May, I finally crossed over into my 2nd Canadian province, Alberta, and it was wonderful. Once again, I tried to go over the mountains, and once again, I was turned away by snow. But that did not stop me from having fun, riding on roads that were still closed to cars, and waving at no less than half a dozen bears as we passed each other! 

Peter Lougheed PP, Banff NP, Bear Spray, Ice Cream

Chapter Six – June: From Freezing Snow to Burning Sunshine in Three Days

I rode the Icefields Parkway, and spent some time in Banff before the girls came to meet up with me in Canmore and we had a great time hiking, eating and hanging out. Then it was off to the races, and I started riding the Tour Divide, heading towards Mexico. I went through the provinces of Alberta and BC and the states of Montana, Idaho and into the state of Wyoming by the end of this month. 

I also ate a shitton of food, got massacred by mosquitoes in Wyoming, had my tent break in a thunderstorm and windstorm in Montana, and had a recurring flat tire issue. I sent my Mom a postcard from the Tetons, and even got to camp in the National Park, despite it being very close to a holiday weekend. It was also at this point when I was having breakfast with a racer who was going the opposite way, that I realized that the fun was just beginning, as he told me that NM was the hardest state. I had thought it was going to be the northern ones, or maybe CO, but nope! Yay. I also made some cycling friends! 

Icefields Parkway, Banff, Peter Lougheed PP, Idaho/MT line, grizzly

People I met on the road

Chapter Seven – July: The Path Less Taken

It was hot, I was tired. Haha! Actually at the very beginning of the month, I crossed the Great Basin of WY, which was a 100 mile stretch with no water, cars, or people. It was very dry and windy and dusty and it was quite the adventure. Afterward, I could barely talk, and had to eat a pint of ice cream and drink a Snapple to recover. Then I crossed into Colorado, and even went through Steamboat Springs on Independence Day weekend. I would not recommend it. After that, I got to climb Boreas Pass, which is over 11,000 feet, which was actually not too bad, and then I had to knock on the door of a firehouse and ask them if I could stay the night! It was an adventure. For the fourth of July, I was with a buddy, and we crashed a small town party and they gave us cold watermelon and ice cream! Thanks Savery, WY! After CO, there was hell NM, and then the Tour Divide was over. Yay. 

Hot, rainy, cloudy..but beautiful.

The second half of the month was a flurry of riding and visiting. I got to meet up with a few lovely ladies and even used Lisa's house as a home base to get some errands done before setting off again. Oh, did I mention that July was hot? No? Well it was over 100 and with one million percent humidity as I rode through Wisconsin, and I think I lost about 800 pounds of water weight. It also rained a lot, which is not my favorite combination. The Midwest: Love the People, Hate the Weather. 

Birchie was in September, but I am too lazy to edit this collage.

Chapter Eight – August: The Great Expanse

I left Lisa's house and I headed towards the Great Lakes. I had only ever been to Lake Michigan before and had actually never been there in the summer time, so had not touched it. In July, I did touch it, and in August, I touched Lake Superior, Lake Huron and Lake Erie. Now I was four down, one to go! 

Lakes Huron & Superior, a mouse,
the forest of Michigan and the town of Kincardine

Chapter Nine – September: Taking A Step Back

After popping over to Buffalo to meet up with Birchie and try to figure out who has the best Buffalo wings (or ice cream), I rode to Toronto and spent some time with some friends, put my toes in my last lake (Ontario) and then headed to Portland for a week of petsitting and time visiting friends. It was a nice rest, and it was not boiling hot and humid, so it was nice to be back on the west coast again, let me tell you! I went back to Ontario from Oregon and set off again towards the east, or namely, Montreal, where I would spend two weeks petsitting before heading to Nova Scotia. 

Toronto, Lake Ontario, Portland & Buffalo

Chapter Ten – October: Unwinding

I had a great time petsitting in Montreal, getting in my 10 minutes of walking every day and getting some more downtime. By this time, I was getting a little decision fatigue from riding and I was kind of ready to have a break from that. My time in Montreal was the perfect opporunity to get into a bit of a routine, take a few runs, explore a new place, and spend time with a couple of buddies (furry ones). Then it was off again, through Quebec, for a visit to QC before heading to Nova Scotia on the train. Once I arrived, I took a few days to cycle around before meeting up with Elisabeth and hanging out with her and her family for a few days. Too soon, it was time to go, and I hopped on a plane for Bob's first plane ride. He was quite nervous, but I was totally calm. Luckily I had Elisabeth and her neighbor there, as her taking me to the airport was priceless and the neighbor had the perfect tools to take apart my bike (I actually ended up having the right ones too, but it was still nice to have his support!)

Then I was in Vancouver, on the last long ride of the month, to Burlington Washington! Halloween was in full force and it was nice to wander around the PNW again in the fall. 

Ice cream, Bellingham, Quebec City, Montreal
Last camping of the fall, Burlington WA Halloween

Chapter Eleven – November: Tides, Tasks and Trails in the Emerald City

After Burlington, I went to Seattle and spent the majority of the month of November there. I got to stay in two different neighborhoods, and I liked both of them (NE and SW). I also met up with my cousin a few times for lunch and for a Seahawks game, and he took me on a tour of his Navy ship. I walked the dog a lot, and spent a lot of time exploring. I even took at 10 mile run, my longest run for the year! 

Frankie, the Navy ship, Seattle, Fremont Brewery
Seahawks game, US Customs

Chapter Twelve – December: West Coast Whirlwind

I ate, I visited, I scanned photos, I took hikes! I left Seattle and took the Amtrak to Oakland, where I met up with G-money for lunch. Then I stayed with K for a few days, spent some time hiking and eating with friends, and then headed to my parent's house for Christmas. That time went very fast, but we had a great time playing games, taking hikes (my brother even walked in the rain with me, and our hike went longer than planned; oops!) and cooking and eating! We went to a Christmas market, and I got to see several family memebers and friends before getting everything packed up again (but first, unpacked!) and getting back in the car and heading to the airport! Then it was NYE in Germany and the year was over. PS the Germans all set off fireworks and it is loud, but in typical German fashion, there must be a curfew, as the noise basically stopped abruptly around 1 am! It was great. 

Seattle, home, Germany

And...that is a wrap! Just like I thought when I read everyone else's wraps, when you lay it all out, it does seem like a lot of stuff, even though sometimes when you are in it, you don't realize all that is going on. 

Did you participate in the Chapter a Month this year? If not, what would a few of your monhtly chapter names be, or what would your 2024 book be titled? 


  1. This was so fun to read! You had such an epic year. I wish you had seen steamboat at a better time. I have such fond memories of my time spent there, but Independence Day weekend is definitely a rough time to visit a touristy area. I’m so glad that we got to host you for a few days!

    I didn’t keep track of the titles of my months of 2024. I think I might be a little depressed to go back and read them. Lol. I think a comments said a lot on being tired and in pain and tired of work travel. :/ Maybe I will keep track of the titles this year though if we do it again.

    1. I think we should do it again! I think that when it is fresh in your mind, it is much easier and more accurate to make the chapter names then, and then going back is more easy to recap. Otherwise I can barely remember how I felt about something last week, even though at the time I may have been very emotionally involved! I am so glad that you got to host me too and that I got to visit and also cool down a little, stay out of the rain, and do errands!

      I hope that your 2025 is worth writing about!

  2. What a year you've had, Kyria, and I've enjoyed watching it every step of the way. "...even though sometimes when you are in it, you don't realize all that is going on." - isn't that the truth. I didn't do a chapter a month but 2024 was an excellent year for me. I don't expect 2025 could be as good but here's hoping anyway!

    1. I used to write a journal and have completely slacked off on that, so it was nice to go back and revisit some of the things that have happened over the year! You had a busy 2024 and I think your 2025 is going to be even better, based on some of the things that you have planned! Plus now your kids are getting older, your garden is planted, things are going to be nice and smooth! :)

  3. The thing I'm most excited about is seeing you watched White Christmas at Christmas. Is that a thing for you, too? I LOVE White Christmas.
    As you know I did write chapter titles for each month. At first I had no desire to do it again in 2025, but now I'm thinking I might do this in my planner (not necessarily on the blog). It was interesting to try to summarize an entire month with a single sentence.
    2024 was a really unusual year for me, but I see a lot of growth physically, mentally, spiritually. Some very unexpected things happened, but I also feel like I prioritized things that I'd let slip over the last few years. So it was a good year, and I feel like it has put me in a good headspace heading in to 2025.

    1. You definitely had an interesting year, and a lot happened! I think that this year can only be better, since some of the things making the last few years rough have gotten a little better. Regarding White Christmas, absolutely! We have a line up and we put them on repeat, so it's Muppet's Christmas Carol, White Christmas, Rudolf, Frosty and Santa Claus is Coming to Town. Usually there is also the old grinch but we did not watch that this year! Actually, when I was living in New Orleans, we went to a live show of White Christmas which was so much fun. My BF at the time was not really into it, but he indulged me, thank goodness!

  4. I can't get enough of the chapter posts!!! You did a lot last year, and all of it good.

    Chapters of the month was easy enough, but I couldn't figure out a title of the year.

    1. Your yearly title could be Fur and Far Flung Places! :)

  5. You had such a huge year! A fearless one, really. I loved living it vicariously through your blog.

    (I need to let go of my shoe collection, too. I have my own little High Heel Museum. That's going to be SO HARD.)

    1. Yes, the shoes have a lot of memories, plus they cost money, plus I guess there is a little princess in all of us who thinks that maybe one day the shoe will fit, there will be a place to wear it and it will not be uncomfortable at all! Not!

    2. The Cinderella metaphor is perfect here. I do hang on to the idea that I'll still be able to wear each pair at least once again. That there will be an occasion, and I'll have The Perfect Shoe for it. But I even bought a new pair of shoes for my son's wedding last September! Better to box them up and donate them to a place where someone can/will actually use them. Sigh.

  6. I did do my yearly chapter and I have to admit that my year was a lot less fun than yours! What lovely memories you're making for yourself!

    1. I loved your yearly chapter review! I think we all have our own adventures in our own way! However, you definitely went through some hard things in 2024 and I hope that your 2025 brings more joy!

  7. Your year was epic indeed, such big changes. And the year ahead promises to be amazing as well!

    1. Well it was epic because I met up with you! :) I am glad we got to meet finally, even though I am not sure what took us so long. I guess sometimes you just do it when the time is right!

  8. Kyria, I think you win for having the most extraordinary adventures in 2024! I'm so happy you blogged about your travels, and I really enjoyed following along. This chapter by chapter wrap up is the perfect way to summarize all the cool things you did!

    1. It is nice to go back and revisit some of the things, for sure. Sometimes it is so easy to forget what we did for the year and looking back at the photos and things really helps! Every time I do something like this, it makes me realize how glad I am that I take way too many photos, as they are nice to have later for sure!

  9. Wow. Just wow. I showed up midway through your year, but gosh you are a heck of an adventurer. I'm in awe of all that you did and so much of it solo in the elements. Incredible.

    I do not do a chapter a month. If I did, um - well, the year '24 would have a couple of interesting chapters. March would be called 'Settle' probably, since we settled our lawsuit, and July would be 'that's a wrap' when Curly's travel season was complete. I'd have a fall chapter about tailgating, and 'All Good Things Must Come to an End' would be August when summer is over and my daycare starts up again. My year paled in comparison to what you did.

    When you refer to 'the girls' is it friends or nieces? I'm guessing it's your close friends.

    1. The girls are my friend K and her two daughters. They are family; her Mom is my second Mom; her kids are my nieces. When I was still in the Bay Area I would go shuttle them around to sports and would make dinner for them and stuff. I missed doing that, but it was nice that they could come visit me in Canada, and come to Germany too!

      I will have to go back and read more about your year, as I don't think I knew about some of the things that you mentioned above!

  10. What a fabulous year you had and so many adventures. I've really enjoyed following along and look forward to vicariously living through more adventures this year.

    1. I think you had a lot last year too! I have bookmarked a few of your travel posts for some ideas and possibilities!

  11. This was so great. WHAT A YEAR, Kyria! I am super excited to see what 2025 has in store for you!

    1. Thanks! I am sure that you had an exciting year too! I think 2025 is going to be a good one.

  12. You had such a big year, Kyria! And to think this is only the beginning... :)

    I'm sad to hear that Elisabeth isn't going to do the chapter titles this year but understandable! I think I'm going to do monthly round-up posts on IG and I'll put in my chapter titles there so I can keep this going in 2025.

    1. I think I will also continue to make a list of titles as I do love the idea and it is great to be able to look back on them later!

  13. Your year was incredible. A lot of people will never do all that in an entire lifetime. And your adventures continue! I'm excited to hear more about Europe.

    1. Thanks Jenny! Now I need to just get back into running! I am doing it a little, but not as much as I could be! Want to do an international race with me?

  14. I dient do the chapter of a year thing. I have a hard time labeling things like that. But it was sure fun to follow everyone who did it.

    your your was full of exciting things.

  15. I love this format of recapping a year... and what a year you had! Thanks for letting us re-live it through this awesome summary!


Thanks for commenting! I love to respond to comments, so please check back soon for my reply!