
What is Happening in France? And Other Randoms Around the World.

I have been watching the French news lately. In the place where I am, there are only a few channels; usually one with kids cartoons, one with some sort of CSI type show on it, and the news. I obviously only understand about three percent of everything that is being discussed, but I can tell you this. Firstly, French news anchors do not worry as much about what their teeth look like as those from the U.S. do. Second, they all talk over each other all the time, so if I could only understand three percent normally, at that point I understand about 0.02%. 

I also know that they are talking about Trump and Putin, but when they say the latter, it sounds like poutine, and so every time they start talking about Russia, I get hungry. Also there is another French word that sounds very similar that is a bad word, putain, which translates to whore but kind of means "shit" or "damn." Putin, poutine, putain! 

The other thing that was big news yesterday is that Macron went to an AI summit and so made a deepfake video about himself where he has his face on a bunch of 80s band members. You can see it here if you want to. I also did not realize, or maybe forgot, that he was so young. He is only 47! It feels like he has been around forever, but I just checked and he became president in 2017. So he was 39 when he got elected the first time! 

Also speaking of Trump, when they do the voiceover for him on the French news, they have a young guy doing it and I don't think it has the same effect when you have this youthful young French voice saying bad things about Canada. Speaking of Canada, a friend I met in France is from Halifax and she mentioned that Trudeau announced his resignation, which I did not realize. I knew that this year was an election year, and after talking to people last year while I was riding through, it appeared that Trudeau was starting to lose favor. 

I also watched a game show called N'oubliez pas les paroles! which is basically "don't forget the lyrics" where they have to sing along with a song and then the music cuts out and they have to keep singing. This was very fun for me, as I found some probably obvious French songs to add to my new playlist, the Euro version! This one is very catchy, and I have pasted a few other examples below. 

The other thing I have noticed here is that all of the younger ladies have wide leg pants again. Dang it; I should have kept those when I got rid of all of my stuff! Just kidding; I am not sure I will be able to pull it off anymore. I did wear some wide legged pants in my days though! Remember the 90s and the grunge era? I used to wear some big pants back then! 

The good thing is that, although people still smoke more than I am used to, it is not nearly as bad as it was the last time I was here. Maybe more people are just using vape pens, but the streets are definitely less smoky! Also there are so many bike lanes and bikes and people biking to work etc. I really wish that the US would get more on board with that in more places. For example, when I lived in Oakland, although San Francisco was not that far away, there was a bridge between us and half of that bridge did not have a bike lane, so there was no possible way I could bike to work. Even the mail carrier bikes in France! 

Mail carrier

The other thing I love is that the eggs come in packs of four, six, ten or twelve. If you are just here for one day but still want eggs, you got it! Also, of course, they don't refrigerate them. Do you know why that this is different than the US? Well, I will tell you! The US eggs are washed, which removes the protective layer on the egg, causing the need for refrigeration, whereas the French eggs are not washed and so they still have the protective layer. Plus their "normal" eggs are basically what we would call free range (and would charge up the wazoo for). Average egg price in France currently is about $2.75 - $4.00 per dozen. 

Four pack! Isn't it cute?

Also if you are at a restaurant by yourself and you want a glass of wine, you can instead get a carafe and feel like you are really treating yourself. My tip for that is that you should always order the carafe of house wine; don't get the bottle! You can get just as good of wine in the carafe and it is cheaper and you have various size options. Usually it is 25 cl, 46 cl or a liter. What does this mean to those not on the metric? This is basically a glass and a half, three glasses, or about six glasses, depending on how big you pour them! 

25 cl

And last but not least, I will leave you with this picture, which I believe needs no words. 

CHEESE!!! <3

Your turn! Do you have any European music that you suggest I add to my playlist? What is your favorite kind of cheese? What kind of pants are the teenagers wearing in your neck of the woods? 


  1. Tres bon! Thanks for catching us up on France. Speaking of poutine, is it mainly a Canada thing or is it a French thing as well?

  2. Oh, wide leg pants have been in for a while. I think skinnies were declared dead a few years ago - I still wear them obviously, because who cares what a middle aged woman wears - and it's been wide leg all the way. I won't wear them because I can't imagine a less flattering look for myself. I was going to ask if you speak French and how well you get along linguistically in France? Trudeau announced his resignation a few months ago, which is a relief.

    1. It must have happened right after I left or I would have heard about it, I think! Anyway, it seems that your election may be interesting this year!

      My French is not great; it's been about 25 years since I had to try to speak it (aside from a few short trips)!!

  3. Yup, the writing was on the wall for Trudeau. But when his finance minister resigned, that was the nail in the proverbial coffin. Canadians are definitely ready for a change (we don't have limits on how many terms our prime minister can serve). Parliament is not functioning until March, but I suspect we'll have an election fairly quickly after that.
    I'm not a huge fan of poutine, but Belle LOVES it. We're flying through Montreal when we go to Paris and her big excitement is that means poutine! (They serve really good poutine there; even I have to admit it wasn't half bad.)

    1. I like poutine well enough. I mean, I like fries, and gravy and cheese, so what's not to like!? HOWEVER, I am not a fan of soggy fries so it has to be done right! I hope that she enjoys her treat in Montreal!

  4. The kids are wearing athleisure. There are too many ankles and midriffs showing for February (*old lady voice* cover up your bits - it's twelve degrees out there). I honestly don't remember the last time I saw a college student on my campus wearing hard pants so I guess wide leg could be in, but only if your youngsters do more than just roll out of bed and come to class in pajamas. Do I sound judgy? Well, it's because I am. PULL YOURSELVES TOGETHER, KIDS. HAVE SOME PRIDE IN YOUR APPEARANCE. Also, get off my lawn.

    1. That is one thing that is not common in Europe. They wear REAL PANTS. Sometimes even when I am out for a run and I stop at the store afterward I feel a little too casual!

    2. Okay, I super duper paid attention when I was walking around campus today. The kids are wearing athleisure OR super loose jeans. I saw flares, straight legs, and boyfriend jeans, but all baggy. Mostly with holes in the knees and/or thighs. Various colors of blue from light to dark. Also, lots of sweatpants/joggers. I hate it, thanks.

  5. Northeast Ohio fashion/style is usually about 10-15 years behind. Wide-legged pants are not WIDELY worn around here yet LOL. As for me, I'm an old lady set in her ways who no one looks at anymore (except creepy old guys at the grocery store), so I'll keep wearing skinnier pants.

    All my Canadian friends are down on Trudeau, but I still think he's A) very goodlooking, and B) quite kind and smart. But let's face it; I am living in the USA and desperate for both in the White House at present.

    In our city, all roadwork being done has to include bike lanes or it won't get state/federal funding. That's a requirement.

    On one of my walking routes, I go past a hospital. Once in a while, there are people outside smoking. I hate that. The smoke invariably carries, and I have to walk through it. Once, I was walking and ended up behind a man who was walking and smoking a cigar. I had to cross the street and I could still smell it. Ugh. I had to turn down and go to another whole block to escape it. Smokers--UGH.

    1. I think that the US as a whole is probably behind Europe (and Asia!) in fashion sense, so don't be surprised when the wide legs show up there soon! I have one pair of jeans that I have had for over 10 years and my theory is....if they still fit, I will keep wearing them! Amen!

      Trudeau is good looking; if only that always equated to kind and smart! I also think Macron is good looking too, and he has a wife that is 25 years older than him and apparently seduced him at an early age. Go cougar!

      I am happy that you have to have bike lanes. Maybe someday the US will be at the level that Europe is today (it is kind of like the pants!)

  6. I do not listen to European music. I have a hard enough time understanding the lyrics in English. ;) I bet that lyric game show is hilarious. When Tank competed in a Mr. High School competition at our high school, they had a component like that and it was a ton of fun. When I was in Scotland in like 2017 for Curly's competition in World Championships for Irish Dancing, I was SO confused when I tried to buy eggs at the store. Where were they? Why were they not in the refrigerated section? I was assured they were fine, but never bothered to figure out how that worked. Thanks for the explanation.

    1. Oh my gosh, I thought you were going to tell a story about having to sing a song in Scotland, but the egg story was good too! Hahah. I went to a bar in Ireland with a friend and it was the small town that their family grew up in and all we did was drink and sing. I thought there was going to be some kind of story like that.... :) I would love to compete in that lyrics show, in English obviously, with American pop songs, because I would bomb it if the songs were all British!

  7. Hi Kyria! Thank you for all the news from France! I really enjoyed reading about what's going on and I'm looking forward to listening to the music. I'm so out of touch with what's in style - which is fine, because no one is looking at me anyway! I'm all about comfort. The French would be horrified!

    1. I am out of touch with style too, but probably because I don't really care. Also I am traveling with one bag and in it I have what I have and that is not going to change! I do have one pair of jeans though, as I cannot wear sweat pants in France. That is just silly.

  8. My fashionable mom friends definitely wear wide leg jeans, but you will pry my skinny jeans out of my cold, dead hands! It will be very funny to hear a young French voice parroting for Trump. Ha! I like the carafe approach to house wine! Sometimes you want a bit more than a glass, but you don’t want a whole bottle so that gives you a better options! It makes me think of a time, though, that my friend and I ordered a liter carafe of wine when we were in Annecy during our 2 week grad school program. We kind of messed up the conversion and did not realize how much wine a liter was!

    1. You have fashionable Mom friends? I don't think (?) I have any, or I haven't noticed. I am pretty sure most of my Mom friends wear a lot of leggings! TBH I don't think I have seen most of my Mom friends in jeans in a while. Haha! A liter is a lot but it is not unreachable for two people, but you may be a little happy after that! I have gotten a 46 cl before and finished it off on my own but I think I needed a nap after!

  9. Putin, poutine, putain! LOLOLOLOL
    I love European music, try Rose (French singer), Patricia Kaas (old school), Milene Farmer (same),
    https://open.spotify.com/artist/3VI6nyKdPVIBxorjS5rYNd?si=tqwShxYQRTKIGVC8Yg8tPA - this links to Rose. I love her voice.

    1. Thanks for the recommendations! I will definitely go and check them out!

  10. Liberte eggs! I love it!

    I first noticed the wide legs on jeans when I was in Paris in 2022, so was not at all surprised when they started showing up here.

    This whole post made me happy. If you like bleu cheese at all, keep your eyes out for Carles Roquefort. We got some at the fromogerie outside of Paris, and if I weren't married and old enough to be the clerk's mother, I would have married him just for selling me that cheese. I love Roquefort, and I've had some good ones since, but that one was *Chef's Kiss* perfection.

    1. I love Roquefort too and did you know that the region is very tiny and the sheep are special sheep and the people of Roquefort are very annoyed when other people try to replicate their cheese! Just like champagne or parmesan.

  11. Yep - wide-legged jeans are definitely a thing with the Gen Z crowd and I think some millennials are trying the trend too. I am NOT a fan. Give me my skinny jeans and athleisure THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I'm much too short and chubby to look good in a wide-legged pant, haha.

    I love hearing all of this about what's going on in France. You're really getting into the local culture!

    1. Getting into the local culture is why I travel! I love really digging in and seeing what is under the few popular touristy things! That is why (no offense) I have not yet done a cruise; it feels like you would barely scratch the surface and then you have to get back on the boat. However, I have not tried it yet, and would be willing to, as maybe I would love it!

  12. I like all types of cheese but especially comte. I'm very inmpressed that you can understand 3% of the news in France. Europe has such good, inexpensive wine, I mean you can spend big but you don't need to.

    1. I agree. I used to buy "one euro" wine when I was backpacking around Europe back in the day and maybe my taste buds were undeveloped, but I found it quite good. I have bought a few 4 euro bottles in the store recently and they are perfectly fine to me!

  13. Oh, and I have a pair of high waisted wide-legged jeans that were what I took to Paris and Spain last year, plus another lighter pair for summer. The summer ones are my cooler (as in temperature not fashion-style) option instead of jeans which get a bit hot and sweaty.

    1. Look at you, all fashionable! I love wider leg jeans, and I got rid of some old pairs when I decluttered last year, but I had not worn them in a while. However, maybe some lucky girl found them in the thrift store and is wearing them now. That makes me feel good!

  14. It must be so interesting to watch the news in a different country. I always keep asking my parents about the news because I find it so fascinating what makes it to their news and what doesn't.... Tr*mp with a French voiceover must be something else. LOL

    You're right about the eggs though - they're also not refridgerated in Germany I did not know why that is, so thanks for the explanation.

    1. Yeah, they even have dirt and feathers on them! Are there a lot of things that your parents see (or don't) that you don't (or do)? I do wonder what you all are seeing at home actually, as obviously my view is different!


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