

I took a few days off of reading blogs and I came back and had instant FIG FOMO! Elisabeth encouraged everyone to talk about their FIGs (Finding Joy in Gratitude; I am not sure what happened to the J 😊) in February and the response was enormous! I have been collecting FIGs but did not realize that people were going to post them weekly and now I want to do that too! So you get an extra post this week from me. 

I actually started a little early, because, why not!? It is always good to look at the bright side! So here we go! 

29. Went skiing. What a beautiful day. First time skiing in the Alps! Also, to top it off, it had been raining a lot, but this meant that there was fresh snow, AND it cleared up just for me! I had a great time skiing, then eating pizza and drinking wine to celebrate my day. 


30. Took a trip to Annecy, and got to take an actual hike! It's nice to be in a place with mountains. I miss the dirt. Plus the views were very nice too. Celebrated my spurt of activity with fondue, and wine! 

Lake Annecy hike

31. Rode a bike around Lake Annecy. It's nice to be on a bike again! Although it rained on me a bit, the views were nice and it was good to feel the fresh air on my face. Once done, I had a great time wandering around the old part of town. 

Château de Duingt


1. Went for a run in Annecy along the lake, walked along the river, ate a baguette. I love having legs and eating bread! 

Lake Annecy

2. Had a lovely walk, went to the Sunday market. I could look at fresh fruit and veggies all day long. Also the area I am in has tons of murals and art and it is so fun to find new little nooks and crannies each day. 

The FIG mantra?

3. I made some new friends and started a project that has me very excited. 

4. Had a nice day of resting and catching up on admin things. I even started my taxes! Joy! 

5. Found a fun hike in the woods! Great catch up with a friend. 

Hiking in the city

6. Great catch up with a friend. Coffee out with French friends! Gave someone directions, in French! Knew where the place was and told him where to go! Video call with the family. 

7. A two baguette day, no regrets! Had someone reach out to me with a question and it felt good to be an authority on something! 

Yes, that is TWO baguettes!

8. Early morning run and a rainbow! Lovely coffee and conversation x 2. Bit of rain during the day, but that just meant that I finally got some travel planned that I have been putting off! 

9. Great run along the Rhone, nice weather, finished a good book. 

The Confluence (Saone and Rhone)

What have you found joy in lately? Are you part of the FIG collective? 


  1. French FIGs! How fun. I am part of the FIG collective but I'm not posting weekly. I'll have a special post later this month though! Stay tuned.

    1. I can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve!

  2. I have so many thoughts.
    1. I miss the dirt. I nearly choked on my coffee. This was hilarious.
    2. I love having legs and eating bread. Yes and yes. Both are FIGs I rarely stop to appreciate. Legs and bread are definitely FIGs.
    3. The "whatever's good for your soul" mantra might be problematic for a serial killer who finds their soul feels best when murdering people. Sorry, that got dark REAL fast, but it was literally the first thing I thought of. Some heinous crime being heard in court and the guilty party pleading, BUT I WAS JUST TRYING TO GET A FIG!
    4. With you I have literally no idea if the taxes FIG, followed by Joy!, is truthful or sarcastic. I'm leaning toward truthful and that you actually LIKE TO DO TAXES??!!!
    5. Never apologize for bread. It's a FIG! And it's good for your soul ;)

    1. I don't mind doing taxes; it is not my favorite thing, but it's not my least favorite! I do love bread, but as you know, was trying to stay away from gluten, but it luckily does not seem to be an issue here as much! I am over trying to figure out what is an issue and I am just eating what I want (within limits of course).

  3. Good bread, good photos, good times!

    I can make an entire meal out of just really good bread with olive oil or butter (and have)! It truly is a pleasure. This post sounds like you're having the time of your life. I'm so glad!

    1. Yes! Bread and butter are a great dinner! I remember my grandma eating saltines with butter for her snacks and the family talking about how that was not healthy but now I get it. Sometimes you just don't feel like making food, and a good loaf of bread with some quality butter is excellent!

  4. Great fresh figs! I am part of the fig gathering collective :)) Love the picture of confluence of the two rivers.

    1. Thanks! Like I said, I am behind on blog reading but I can't wait to hear about your FIGs.

  5. I had a similar FIG fomo and ended up posting a few of my bigger ones yesterday, but I'm not necessarily devoting entire posts to FIGs. Your travels sound amazing. Love the views. I laughed at the dirt and your appreciation for having legs. That graffiti was so appropriate.

    I made honey mustard chicken yesterday, which we haven't had in forever. Everyone was thrilled. I was grateful that I remembered to grab a few lemons at the store to go with the few 'skinless' lemons after I grated the skins for my GF lemon sugar cookies.

    1. I love honey mustard, but have not had chicken with it! We used to get fries with a side of honey mustard for dipping when I was in HS and it was the best. I don't know why I don't eat it more as an adult.

  6. Your FIG theme was water. I enjoyed all the water photos! Rainbows! Snow! Lakes!

    1. I am a fan of water; I try to stay near it whenever I can!

  7. I love this post, you are in such a beautiful part of France! I love every bit of it.

    I have been posting my FIGs on Fridays, just kind of shaping my regular Friday Randomness around it. It's fun, and a balm to pay attention and look for the bright spots.

    When we went to France in 2018, I woke up really early in the morning our first day, and Ted and Maya were still asleep. I went down to the hotel lobby, and they had a program on TV that looked like a woman reading a book out loud. Was it? I have no idea! I'm almost positive it was not a children's picture book, because she would have been holding that up and showing pictures, but I'm not 100% because it's been so long.

    1. I wonder what the show was. I have not really watched too much TV, so haven't seen that one but it sounds like an interesting concept! I love bright spots, and I think we have a lot of them, but don't always keep track!

  8. You definately ticked off the active pursuits in your list—skiing, hiking, biking and running! You are certainly making the most of your time. And there is certianly nothing to regret in a two baguette day. I'm collecting my FIGs but I'll do one post for the month.

    1. Yes, I am not really a sit on the beach kind of person! I may only do one more FIG post, as I only post once a week anyway and I definitely don't want ALL FIG posts! I can't wait for your list!

  9. I love that you have so many days outdoor in the beautiful scenery! I feel calm just looking at the pics

    1. I definitely prioritize outdoors, even when it's cold. It was 9 degrees yesterday and I went for s run. It was a short run though!!

  10. These are some lovely French FIGS, Kyria! You made me feel so happy and grateful for legs, bread, and dirt! I love that you were able to give someone directions in French. It reminded me of when I was walking in France and someone in a car stopped to ask me for directions. I was so proud to be able to tell them how to get there - but as they drove away, I realized in horror that I'd told them wrong. I am well known for NOT being able to give directions in English. There's a quote that says "I wonder whatever happened to the people who asked me for directions, pour souls."

    1. Hahaha! Luckily I am good with directions, even in English, so that helps! I have many a friend who often points in the wrong direction though... Thank goodness for Google!

  11. Lisa’s Yarns12 February, 2025 14:33

    I’m so glad you made it to Annecy! I spent a long weekend there when I was doing a two week abroad program in Lyon for grad school. It is such a cute little city with so many canals. I would definitely go back!

    You were making friends right and left! I’m envious of your language skills. I don’t think I’ll be giving French directions until I was in years of French language courses! You must have a knack for language acquisition.

    1. I did like Annecy, but it was a bit cold and rainy. I am sure it is just lovely in summer when you can do more hiking and swimming. I would have loved to go swimming! I do have an ear for languages to a certain degree but am hesitant to try to speak them!!

  12. Two baguette day! If I ever get to France, I am going to eat the SH*T out of some baguettes. My diet would consist of baguettes and cheese if I was there. HA. I imagine finding FIGs is a bit easier for you these days, and I love seeing all the fun French things you are doing!

    1. The trick it's that the baguettes go dry very quickly so you have to eat them pretty fast. So I usually just get one at a time. But I really committed to heavy bread eating for that session! I also could live off of baguette and cheese in a heartbeat.

  13. Ohhhh... mountains! I love the ocean, but I'm longing to see mountains. We don't even have hills here. And- eat those baguettes! YOLO! (not FOMO!)

    1. I know, I miss mountains too! I know they are in that photo, but that was just two days out of my time in France. The rest of the time was mostly wine region, aka flattish or maybe slightly rolling hills but nothing serious.

  14. I love that you were in Annecy, which I visited in, shoot, 2002? It was my first international scientific conference and I had an oral presentation! I distinctly remember going out to dinner with a bunch of senior scientists - including my boss at that time, long story there - and the fish dish I ordered was a bunch of teeny tiny fish, fried, still with their eyes. I may have started to consider vegetarianism/veganism with that trip...
    The bread, though. And the lake. Love. Love all of this post.

    1. Ha! Those fish are great! You just have to eat them in one go! The town and the lake were beautiful and I had a great time wandering and eating bread (and my new favorite pastry, a combination of chocolate croissant and almond croissant - the best of both worlds!)


Thanks for commenting! I love to respond to comments, so please check back soon for my reply!