

A Month at a Time

Okay so I finally decided to jump on the year recap bandwagon! I was fighting it for a while, but since I love making lists, why not take this opportunity to do another one? Here is a list, by month, of some of the great moments of 2011.

January: Celebrating New Years in Hong Kong. 

February: Hanging out at the Beach in Thailand (and getting pretty sunburned!)

March: Cutting off all my hair for Locks of Love.

April: Scuba diving in Bali.

May: Helping my parents with some home improvements (hard work, but feels good!)

June: Goingback to work after a long hiatus.

July: Going to my first rodeo!

August: My little niece’s first birthday party.

September: Finally being in shape enough to run a half marathon, and break the 2 hour mark!

October: Conquering another High Point (Taum Sauk, MO)!

November: Pigs and Turkeys in Massachusetts.

December: Running my first marathon, with my family there to cheer me on. 

What a great year! 
How was your year? What was your favorite thing about 2011?


  1. Nice work on breaking the 2 hour barrier. That is definitely one of my goals for 2012! 2011 has been great for me. Starting my blogs is at the top of my list of favorites for sure!

  2. What a crazy, exceptional year you've had! Awesome, awesome, awesome. :)

  3. Sounds like a pretty amazing year! Here's to 2012 being just as amazing (or even more so!)

  4. Wow, you had a great year, too! Lots of accomplishment, and you saw some amazing things! I totally forgot that you used to have long hair!! I am doing locks for love next fall after Nora's wedding. I did it before in 2007 and can't wait to do it again!

  5. Wow, what a year! My favorite thing in 2011 is an easy pick - having a baby :-)

  6. Yay for recaps!

    You've inspired me. I think I want to plan to be out of the country next New Year's Eve. How awesome!


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