

Run Like The Wind

When I first started running, it was difficult. The miles went by slowly; it was hot outside; the work days were long and the last thing I wanted to do afterwards was suit up and go for a run. If you have ever run a mile, you know that in every run, the first couple of miles are hard. Your breathing is strained; your face is burning; your legs are screaming; your mind is wondering why you would do this to yourself. Then the endorphins kick in and it becomes, not necessarily easy, but tolerable. Easier. After that, you get through the run and when you are done, you feel good.

Snowy run on Christmas Day

Lately, I have not had that dreaded feeling of the first couple of miles. The runs have started out, dare I say it, fun. Even though my heart and lungs still need to get used to the activity, it’s not as bad as it could be. It doesn’t feel horrible. It doesn’t even feel okay. It feels good! This is a little strange to me, since I have been running trails lately, which are hilly, and also I am running at about 2500 feet elevation, which although is not high, is higher than the 400 in Missouri or the 49 in San Francisco!

It’s still hard to get out the door sometimes. I am comfy in my pajamas or I’ve had a long day or it’s too cold outside. But once the run starts, all those feelings go away. Today my Dad and I ran 6 miles, with a total elevation gain of about 2500 ft. It was hard. The hills were tiring. It felt great though. As I was running back down the trail with the wind flowing (literally) through my hair, I almost giggled with glee because it felt so good! Who knew, running CAN be fun!? 

Trail running with Dad
I know it’s great when I feel stressed and need something to calm me down; it’s a nice way to get out of the house; it’s good for an energy kick, for fitness and for health. But I never really did it for fun. I always heard other people say how much they liked running and I never really got it. I tried to think back over my time running to figure out when it switched from being a chore to being something that I like doing. I am not sure when it was, but it’s happened. After all this time running, I think I like it. I really like it.  

** I am still participating in the HBBC, hosted by Run to The Finish! There is only one more week! Here are the totals for the week of December 24 – 30: 25 miles / 7 days freggies (I took this from Elle of Eat, Run, Sail) = 31 total points** Don't forget to pop over to Jill's to see other participants of Fitness Friday! **


  1. I really want to get started on running, so this was very interesting for me to read! xxx

  2. This is a great post! I remember the days of not being able to run a single mile! And now I run miles at a time, and feel good doing it. My mileage has dropped down quite a bit from this fall, so I am not in the shape I was, so the first mile isn't awesome, but I still feel good on my runs. For me, I have to run in beautiful areas. Luckily, I have lots of spots to choose from in Minneapolis. But running on the treadmill? HATE IT. I think that is why some people hate running - they have only ran on the dreadmill and dead God, I would hate running too if that was my only exposure to running!

  3. Love this post!! This is the way I feel about running too. I used to hate it...never understood why someone would want to run any sort of distance, could barely run for any longer than 3 minutes. Then, I randomly decided to join a running clinic to see what all the fuss was about and I remain hooked! Some runs are definitely better than others and I still do have days when I want nothing more than to stay in bed another hour. I have never, ever regretted a run though - always feel so great while running and the high you get when completing a good run is a great feeling!

  4. A good run makes all the day's strange go away.

  5. Running is fun! Except when it isn't. :) I am finally getting back to the stage where my conditioning is rebuilt enough that not every run feels difficult and that allows me to play more with speed or to just enjoy being outside.

  6. You run in some beautiful places,I know it gets to feel easier and then time off feels like starting again.I can't wait for it to feel good again after a lazy month I went out today and its a hard feeling are doing great keep up the good work Happy New Year :)

  7. love this - it's totally true! Even when I'm not feeling great physically at the beginning of a run it always gets better and I end the run happy. You've run in some great spots!

  8. Some beautiful pictures! I've always enjoyed running, but definitely find that there are days that are more of a chore than others. So nice to get out and have fun on the run!
    I love that you can run with your dad, too!

  9. Getting started is hard some days. But I don't think I've ever finished a run and thought "I wish I stayed on the couch."
    Your pictures are beautiful! And that trail run looks tough!!

  10. It's the greatest feeling when you cross over the line where running becomes fun. I have been missing it and can't wait to get back on the roads!

  11. It always makes me feel better when runners say that the first few miles are hard. For the longest time, I really thought it was just me.

  12. Wonderful writing Kyria! I'm sure your thought are/have been on the minds of many (or most) runners. Beautiful photos.

    I think I like running too. I really like it :)


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