

Shhh, It's a Secret

A while back, I signed up for a blogger gift exchange at Run With Jill. Just in time for Christmas, I received my gift in the mail! My secret Santa, Kim, must have peeked at my blog, because she got me exactly what I needed!

First, she got me this great necklace made of a scrabble tile with my initial on the front and a world on the back. Perfect for me, since I love to travel AND play Scrabble! How did she know?

And an Amazon gift card! Which I totally asked for on my wish list. I can't decide whether to buy a book or this!

I went and checked out her site, Life in the Twin Lane, and she seems like a great girl. Not only did she find the perfect gifts, but she is training for several races, is a reader AND quoted Tommy Boy on her blog. So Thanks Kim! 

If you want to see what I got my Secret person, you can read all about it on her site!

Did you do any gift exchanges this year? How do you exchange gifts with your family? Do you give everyone gifts, pick names, or only give the kids gifts?


  1. In our family of 4 and extended family on my side we all exchange gifts -for my hubby's side we buy for his parents and the kids do a gift exchange drawing names. It's a lot of presents!

    I love that necklace!

  2. In our family we buy gifts for everyone. It adds up for sure, but I enjoy it. No gift exchanges this year but I have enjoyed reading about the secret Santa exchange on all of the blogs:)

  3. What a perfect necklace! And Kim is such a sweetheart, I love her blog!!

  4. Great necklace! I read Kim's blog and think she's pretty great too. My family all exchanges. My friends and I do a swap.

  5. I signed up for a blogger gift exchange but never got a gift :(

    Love the necklace!

  6. Ooo, I want that necklace!! And you did a great job as a secret santa. I hadn't heard of those honey bee stinger things. I will have to google and figure out what they are!

  7. That Scrabble necklace is great! I'm off to check out her blog now.

  8. A necklace and Amazon gift card?! That's awesome. I did a few different blogger exchanges this year that were pretty fun.

  9. Such great gifts! I came across that blog gift exchange just a bit too late... hope to participate next year!

  10. I am way behind on checking out the exchange gifts. Sorry. You majorly scored, what a great necklace, I love it! And perfect gift card :). I hope you have a fantastic 2012...I look forward to seeing all the great places you travel to this year :).


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