
Wine and Love (6)

It's time for this week's Wine and Love, hosted by Nora. This is where you list the things that are happening this week that are making you reach for the wine and all the things that you love!


- Not working. It sucks. I wouldn't mind it if I knew that I had a sure thing coming at some point, but not knowing the when or where is hard sometimes. I knew it would be like this going in, and I have money saved just for this reason, but still, when there is no "end" in sight, it is hard to plan the rest of my life.

- My running headphones are broken. I can only hear out of one ear bud. I guess it's time for new ones, but I swear, I go through about 2 pairs of them each year! It's getting to be an expensive habit!

- I haven't been reading. In March, so far, I have only read ONE book. I know it's my own fault; I am not making time for it, but I miss it. I need to fit it back into my schedule. I am pretty much on track for my 12 in 2012 reading challenge still, but I need to get in gear or I may fall behind!

- Gas Prices:


- That I have more loves than wines.

- Today, I am on a plane headed to see one of my best friends! She and I plan on doing LOTS of catching up, eating, window shopping, walks and time spent together. I can't wait.

- This week my brother met up with me in the city and we went to the Fillmore to see the Kaiser Chiefs. I haven't been to a concert in a long time, but it reminded me how much I love going to see live music!

- Sunday I had a great chat on the phone with both of my parents. It's nice to catch up and to hear their voices. I miss them.

- I finally bought new running shoes! I wore them for the first time on Tuesday for a 6 mile run and they feel GREAT! I was waiting to get a good deal; I looked online and compared prices and then ended up going to Sports Authority because they were having a sale PLUS 20% off one item. I scored my shoes for $50! Hurray! I was hoping to spend less that $70, so this was a steal of a deal!

- The weather. Right now we are having perfect, 45-50 degree days. It is great running weather, the sky has been clear and on my runs I can see all the way to the Golden Gate Bridge! I love it.

- One of my goals was to do yoga one day a week. I am doing it, although only for about 15 or 20 minutes, but it feels great. I am trying to build it up, little by little and am looking forward to seeing where it takes me!

What's on your wine/love list this week? What earphones do you use? How much is gas where you live?


WIAW (2) & Food Firsts (1)

I have a few different lists of goals. I have  a life list, which I have not put online, but it's been there for a while and I am slowly chipping things off and probably more rapidly adding things to it. It is a work in progress.

I also have a Project 52 list, which I made because of Karen's suggesting it. I also have not put this one online, as a lot of the things on my list are private, things I want to do for me. BUT. One of my goals for myself recently was to try a new recipe once a month. I have been pinning recipes, as well as just going and buying stuff and throwing it together on my own accord. I love doing that; it's like an experiment or a game. You win if it tastes good. You try again if it doesn't.

I have blown my goal out of the water. So far, I have probably made a new recipe at least once a week. Here is one I made recently that I liked! They are not too sweet, which I like, but if you have a sweet tooth, you may want to add a little sugar. Also, I will probably add more cinnamon next time! These make a great breakfast muffin or a nutritious snack. They have approximately 100 calories per muffin.

Low-fat Apple Oatmeal Muffins

Prep Time: 10 minutes / Cook Time: 20 minutes / Total Time: 30 minutes (adapted from this recipe)


2 cups apple, peeled and shredded
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup quick oats
2/3 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 cup fat-free milk (I used unsweetened Almond milk)
2 tbsp canola oil
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup plain fat-free yogurt
2 egg whites (I used one whole egg)

1. Combine wet and dry ingredients separately. 

2. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients. Stir. 

3. Put batter into lined or greased muffin tin. **NOTE: I used papers, and the muffins got stuck to the paper, so I ended up eating half muffin, half paper. I would suggest a greased tin or better papers than the ones I have! Darn it Martha!

I only filled mine about half full, since I would rather have more smaller muffins rather than less bigger ones. The recipe suggests 12 muffins, but I made 24 (obviously, if you only make 12, they will have approximately 200 calories per muffin instead!)

4. Bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes. 

5. Eat three two one (see, I am glad I made them smaller!)

For more recipes I am thinking of trying, or to find me on Pinterest, go HERE. Also, since it is Wednesday, here's WIAW, part deux, hosted by Jenn at Peas and Crayons.

Steel Cut Oats with Apple / Pumpkin Seed / Sunflower Seed / Almond Milk
Spinach & Egg Muffin with Yellow Bell Pepper
Gummy Vitamins (yum)

Mixed Bean Soup
Corned Beef
Chicken Breast

2 Apple Oat muffins
Strawberries with Cottage Cheese
Carrots and Hummus
Greenish Drink (Almond milk / Spinach / Frozen Peaches / Flax seed)

What I learned? I did not eat very much green stuff on this day! Also, I use the little light blue bowl a lot. Also, I need to work on my food photography. Katrina, over at Capture Your 365, suggests reading this article for some food photo tips.

Do you try new recipes often? Do you have a new favorite? Are you good at taking food photos?


Beach Trends

As you know, I recently spent some time on the beach, during spring break. So, I am here to tell you what this year's beach trends are going to be, based on what I saw.

{1} The Bandeau Bikini Top: These were EVERYWHERE. Small boobs, big boobs, on men. Okay, that part is not true. But. This was the top du jour! I even saw many a (brave) girl playing paddle ball, corn hole and even...running (yes!) in this top. It's the new sports bra! Personally, I have tried it on before and I think it looks horrible on me. You need to have medium sized boobs to pull this off, in my opinion.

{2} But Without the Matching Bottoms: Now you can keep all your old separates and wear them together, whether they match or not. I especially like it when one is striped and the other is floral. But hey, this is your chance to finally use all those pieces you never thought you would be able to use again!

{3} The Not Annoying at All Whistling Nerf Football: What's more annoying than a bunch of college guys throwing footballs on a crowded beach? College guys throwing footballs that MAKE NOISE. Yes, college guys have found a new way to be annoying. I guess they are smarter than we though.

{4} Sandcastle Shaped Buckets: Is it just me or have toys gotten way better since I was younger? These are awesome. Why didn't they have them when I was a kid? You don't have to shape the castle with your hands anymore, which always results in a castle shaped like a mound? Sweet! I may run to Target and buy some of these for myself right now.

This is what my castle building skill consists of.

This is what I could make if I had those buckets.

{5} Stand Up Paddleboards: These were everywhere. Old folks are doing it. Young folks are doing it. Where I was, the ocean was calm enough that you could do it right off the beach. And I can see why. It's a fun, relaxing way to get exercise and as a bonus, you can see into the water really well when you are 5 feet above it, rather than being in a kayak right at the water level.

Photo Credits: {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5},

So get out ye old swimsuits and get ye to Target to buy the new stuff before heading out to the beach this year, lest ye be behind the times. 

What do you think about bandeau tops? How are your sandcastle making skills? What is your favorite on the beach sport to play?


Red Brick, Black Mountain, White Clay

Red Brick, Black Mountain, White Clay by Christopher Benfey is a book about an unforgettable voyage across the reaches of America and the depths of memory. Red Brick, Black Mountain, White Clay follows one incredible family to discover a unique craft tradition grounded in America¹s vast natural landscape. Looking back through the generations, renowned critic Christopher Benfey unearths an ancestry--and an aesthetic--that is quintessentially American (excerpt from Goodreads.)

This book is written in three sections. The first started off on an interesting note, talking about the author's grandfather and his background in brickmaking and pottery in North Carolina. He talks about finding the clay, forming the bricks, and firing the bricks. He has a love of brickwork, learned from his grandfather, that I found sweet.

The second section is about the Appalachians and the author's great aunt and uncle, who came over from Germany to start an art school in the foothills of the mountains. This section also had some stories of WWII and how the author's relatives, who were Jewish, fled to Mexico in order to get over to the USA during the war.

The third section is about the search for the perfect Cherokee clay in North Carolina, which is used  to make fine porcelain. The author schools the readers on the two types of clay, residual, which stays where it was formed, and sedentary, which moves with the rain and waterways. The Cherokee clay is residual and is hard to find outside of China. 

I found this book informative, but to be honest, I had a hard time getting through some of the sections. There was so much talk about clay and art and the author went back and forth between great-uncles and grandparents and parents, that I got a little overwhelmed. I liked the idea that he was trying to portray a journey and to compare and contrast, but I think it may have been more comprehensive to stick with a main theme, rather than doing the book in sections.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from TLC Book Tours in return for an honest review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. 

Have you ever been to North Carolina? Are you interested in pottery, clay or art in general?


Grab a Water

This week, instead of grabbing a beer, grab a water. Why? Because I am trying to get back on the healthy track. Last week, Mr. Lovely and I came from opposite coasts to meet up in the "middle" in Florida to enjoy some time in a warmer clime. Because of this, I ate too much and I didn't exercise enough. The reasons are plentiful.

ONE: Location Change. I have a hard time deviating from my regular schedule. At home I make a big (usually pretty healthy) meal on Sunday and eat it throughout the week. I supplement this meal with salads and veggies and oatmeal and fruit. I bring my lunch to work. When I am in a strange place, getting up at a different time each day, living in a hotel, not having a kitchen, I go downhill quickly. Also, not being in the house  in order to make and eat the healthier choices makes a difference. Sometimes, we thought we would make it back in time to make lunch but then things took longer than expected, so we had Mexican for lunch. This happened several times.

TWO: This is a Vacation! I would be happy to eat sandwiches most of the time in order to save money and time and my belly, but it IS fun to go out to a meal and really feel like you are not just sitting at home eating sandwiches. It makes it different, which is pretty much the problem in my case. Different = high in fat, cheese, alcohol and carbs. Different = delicious, but different ≠ healthy. I tried, really I did, but who wants the shrimp salad with the lowfat dressing when you can have a pollo burrito with all the fixins, a side of chips and salsa and a huge glass of sauvignon blanc? Every day? 

Or a 24 oz Bud Light. Hey, beggars can't be choosers.
THREE: It was Hot. I forgot how miserable it was to run in the heat. I hate it. I used to run in New Orleans after work and it would be 95 degrees and 98.9 % humidity. I don't know how I did it to be honest. I have gotten weak, I guess. Give me a hill and a high elevation run any day! But humidity, forget it. 

FOUR: Meals like THIS. 

Now, I wasn't just a lazy, drunken slob the WHOLE time! There were a few redeeming items on the menu. 

ONE: I Ran a 10k Race. This race adds one more state to my 50 State Race List! A total of 9 states that I have raced in so far. Only 41 to go!

And THEN I had a beer!
TWO: Paddle Boarding for 4 hours is a Good Ab Workout. Plus I got a sunburn that was back to white in one day tan, got an arm workout and got to see many fish, birds and stingrays!

THREE: Walking on the Beach is Good for Your Calves. I went walking on the beach a couple of times, which gives me the chance to get some exercise, people watch (post on that coming soon) and work on my burn/tan/whiteness all at the same time. 

FOUR: Meals like THIS. 

All in all, it was a fun time, but now it's time to get back on the ball and get back in shape! I feel kind of gross and overfed right now. Right now I am drinking more water and...going for a run!

Are you good at eating healthy and exercising when you are traveling?


A First For Everything

My parents used to always say that, "there is a first for everything", which was probably their way of saying, "just try it once! You may like it!" (aka don't knock it until you've tried it) or maybe it was their way of saying, "Make the most of your first one, because you only get one first one". Whatever their meaning was behind it, I took it to mean that I should try new things AND try to have fun and make the best of it, whatever it is!

In 2010, I went to the Himalayas for the first time. I hiked higher than I had ever hiked before. I loved it.

In 2011, I ran my first marathon. I am currently trying to figure out when my next one will be.

Yesterday, I went to my first live hockey game! This has been on my life list for a while, so I am very excited about it. It was a lot of fun and I now have several new heroes. These guys are awesome! Except for this guy. All he does is start fights, but even that is kind of "fun", or should I say entertaining?

And today, as you are reading this post, I am probably trying this for the first time:

Except without the dog. Or the sunset. But still, I am really excited about it, and am sure I will have tons of photos (or not, I mean, what if my camera gets wet?) I love trying new things, even if it's just once and I hate it, how will I know if I don't try?


Last but not least, the other day, I ran Move it Momma's Spring Fever 10k. I had a great time running it; I did it on the trails near my house and actually found a new one just for this race (another first!) I finished in 1:00:51, which is a 9:52/mile. It was a beautiful spring day and I love getting out and finding new running routes!

Here is my bib. Lucky number 13!

What things have you tried for the first time this year? Did you like it? Do you like watching sports?


Monday Misc

My friend Laura is doing a Purposeful Running series, where people talk about why they run. I was lucky that she featured me yesterday! Go over and check it out! To read other people's stories as well, or to submit your story to Laura, go over here!

Mr. Lovely hails from the East Coast, and as you know, I am on the West Coast. So sometimes we find a place in between to meet. This time we headed south for the winter. And are spending some time here.

We are having fun and I will probably talk more about it when we get home! I did make him run a race with me. I ran the 10k and he ran the 5k. It was a good race and he was a good sport! See, here he is; isn't he cute?

Just kidding; that's not him. But isn't that such a cute old man? I have an old man fetish; I think they are the cutest thing ever, especially when they are wearing hats. For real.


Today, for the first time in a long time, I went to a buffet. I quickly remembered why I don't usually go to buffets. Actually, I was pretty proud of myself; I only went up three times: once for salad, once for an entree and once for dessert. I wanted some more ice cream really badly, but seeing Mr. Lovely rolling around in bed later, groaning and clutching his stomach, reminded me that I had made the right decision.

Have you ever seen "My Strange Addiction"? There was a girl on there who had an addiction to drinking gas. There was another who snorted baby powder. In the last 16 years, she has snorted almost 2000 pounds of baby powder. It kind of makes me feel like my need to have the milk on the top shelf of the fridge all the time is not that strange after all. 

My friend Sarah just posted a story about traveling to Africa on WRTR! Check it out if you get a chance! 

Why do you run? Have you ever been in a long distance relationship? Do you have any strange addictions?


Bidwell Classic Race Recap

Race #3 of the 12 in 2012 Running Challenge started off good. It was a little chilly, maybe around 40 degrees, but I knew that it wouldn't last for long. After about 1000 feet, we ran into the 5k racers who had already finished and I slowed down a little to see if I could see my Dad. This got me a "get out of the way" from one guy and a shove and a fake "excuse me" from another. I am not saying I didn't deserve a few complaints, but in case you want to seek revenge, his number was 197.

After that, I probably spent the next mile going over in my head what I should have said  back to him. Don't you hate that, when you don't say anything but then you keep thinking you should have? I mean, he didn't need to shove me! He kind of looked like an ugly Will Farrell. He was somewhere around 6'4" and 10 years older than me. I guess it makes him feel better to shove around people half his size. And way better looking. Sorry. It's all out of my system now.

Luckily his rudeness made me ignore the first mile, but for the entire second mile, I was thinking that maybe I should have just signed up for the 5k. I was still not feeling 100% and I was thinking that maybe I made the wrong decision when I decided to run the Half. But then I looked down at my Garmin. My first two miles had been run at 7:43 and 7:53. NO wonder I felt tired; this was faster than I normally ran (except for this race, which was "fast and flat"). So at this point, I told myself a couple of things: 1) stop being a baby (yes, I do this) and just keep running, and 2) I was going to try to keep it under 8 minute miles. Even though I was still a little sick, I thought that under 8 was a realistic goal.

So I powered on. The rest of the race went pretty well, especially when I got pleasantly surprised by the water distributors on the course at mile 5 and 11. Yummy. Everything went well until the last few miles, when I started to feel tired again. Usually during a half, I don't take any fuel. But this time I had about a quarter of a packet of disgustingness Gu just to try to stay awake. I was pretty fatigued. I haven't felt like that since my first half marathon, which was hot and my feet hurt and I was so ready to be done. Well, for this one, I was kind of ready to be done as well.

I crossed the finish line with a chip time of 1:44:02 (7:56/mi). Here is my Garmin readout. Don't mind the extra time; I always, ALWAYS forget to stop it right away. This time I was lucky to catch it pretty fast. As far as the extra mileage goes, I don't remember walking very far at first, so maybe the course was a tad long.

It's no PR (my PR is 1:42:40), but I am happy that I was even well enough to run this race, and even more happy that I kept it under an 8 minute mile. So that's a win in my book. 

To see some of the other races I've done, go to my Races & Places page.  There, you can also see suggestions of where to run in several US cities (International page still in discovery stages). Also, pop over to Jill's blog, where she hosts Fitness Friday each week! She is also the mastermind behind the 12 in 2012 Challenge! 

Did you race last weekend? When someone is rude to you, do you think of quick comebacks or do you think of a bunch of witty sayings only when it's too late?


I'm On Fire; I Need Water.

Remember the race that I was almost too sick to run? Here are a few of the highlights of the race and areas we thought could use improvement (supplemented by Dad). First good thing: the price. This race was only $40, which is a lot less than some of the Rock n Roll Half Marahons or other big races which can be over $100. When you are running 12 Half Marathons in a year, price comes into play, a lot. I often pick my next race based on price rather than other factors.

My Dad came with me and ran the 5k. It was good because he started at 8:30 and I started at 9, so finally I got to watch him start his race and cheer him on (and take photos of him) for a change! He did really well; he got about 26 minutes! Unfortunately, the start for the 5k and the start for the Half were in different places and since the half started at 9, so I did not get to watch him finish. However, he did finish in time to watch me run past him on the first mile of the course.

The fastest mouse in all Me-hi-co.
The race was the Bidwell Classic, which is a smaller race (about 1200 people in the 5k, Half and Half Marathon relay put together) put on by the local running club. It's one of the NorCal Half series, which includes about 20 in total. I would recommend this race to anyone in the area next year. It was a nice course through Bidwell park, the volunteers were very supportive and enthusiastic and the logistics of packet pickup was easy. The t-shirts were moisture-wicking short sleeved shirts in women's sizes (hurray! Unisex never fit right). There were plenty of water stops.


Okay, lets talk about the water stops for a minute. This was actually the best part of the race. As I was running along, I noticed a fire truck up ahead on the course. I figured someone must have been hurt or passed out or something and I was worried and sympathetic. Until I saw what was actually happening. The firefighters were handing out Gu and water! Isn't that fitting? Firefighters with water? They should have firefighters at every race. I am a big fan. I almost stopped running and had to drag myself away to finish the race. As it was I did take a Gu, even though I hate Gu.

Where was I? *drooling* Ah yes. There was a ton of food at the end: wraps, chips, bagels, peanut butter, rice cakes, drinks, bananas and oranges. There were tons of picnic tables, so you could sit down and eat in the sun or shade. There were free massages which I never, ever get, but Dad got one and said it was sweet. The only complaint I would have was that there were no napkins. Also, there were not enough port a potties, and they were kind of far from the start and finish line. Otherwise, it was well managed and fun! Would I do this race again? Yes!

I signed up for 12 in 2012 Race #4! April 7th in Tilden Park in Berkeley. Anyone going to be there?

Race recap coming tomorrow. 

Does anyone in your group of friends and family ever run races with you? How do you pick your next race -- location / price / swag / number of participants? Do you have a crush on firefighters like I do?


WIAW (1) & Meal Budgeting

I have never done one of these before, but I always sometimes take photos of my food and so all I needed to do was get on the ball and take everything in one day and then remember to post them! (I didn't know it was green month, but oh well).

I know that some people get tired of food photos; everything looks so gross. So, my post is twofold. I have recently been doing a little meal planning. Not so much that I am changing any buying habits, but I made a goal to do a couple of things. 1) Try/Cook a new meal each month. This has actually turned out to be more like one a week**, but I didn't want to overload myself at first. And 2) Figure out how much this is costing me.

One of the reasons I decided to do this was that a friend of mine, who goes to Starbucks EVERY day, eats lunch out probably 3-5 days a week and eats dinner out probably 1-3 times a week, was saying how she wanted to get on track with her spending. She also wants to lose weight in time for a late summer wedding. She asked for my help.

So, on top of trying a few fun new recipes**, I decided to both price out some of my meals and do a calorie count for certain meals, so I could give her a good idea of what to make for herself. It's easy for me to tell her to just stop eating processed foods, but it's hard when you work long hours, don't really like to cook, and have kids. It's easy to buy things that you can nuke or throw in a pan. So, one step at a time. First, a few easy meals. Next, the world.

So, here, without further ado, is my first What I Ate Wednesday, hosted by Jenn at Peas and Crayons. And my first Meal Budgeting post, with both dollars and calories per meal sited. I tried to keep it short, so I wouldn't bore anyone to death. To me, crunching numbers is fun. I like to be aware and this helps me.

Quinoa/Craisins/Sunflower&Pumpkin Seeds/Almond Milk (**adapted from THIS recipe) - $0.85 /254
 Coffee (x 5 with creamer) - $0.60 /100 
{total breakfast:$1.45 / 354}

Brussels - $0.25 / 66
Greek Salad (goat cheese, tomatoes, cucumber, corn) - $1.04 / 201 
{total lunch: $1.29 / 247}

Mac n Cheese (**adapted from THIS recipe) -$1.58 / 220  
Brussels - $0.25 / 66 
{total-$1.83 / 286}

Orange-$1.02 / 62
The whole bag of 1/2 cup Dried Apples - $0.72 / 220
12 Chocolate Covered Gummy Bears - $0.50 / 134 
{total-$2.24 / 416}
TOTAL: $6.81 / 1303  

(note: these totals may be off. I am not a mathematician, nor a dietician, nor an excel mastermind. I apologize in advance for any rounding errors. Calorie info taken from Loseit) **this week I also made THESE. See, Pinterest isn't a waste of time after all. 

So, what did I learn? One, even though I hear that some people spend less than $200/month on groceries, clearly I am not one of them. Not with my snack habits the way they were today ($6.81 x 31 days = $211/mo) Two, eating out is expensive. Whether your habit is a latte ($5/day) or lunch out (easily $10/day), it not only can add up, but is more than an entire day's worth of home cooked food! Now, obviously I am not making gourmet meals over here, but even with a nice piece of fish ($2-$3 per serving) or meat or a fancy sauce or dessert, you can still spend less for an entire day than you can for one meal out!

Now, having said that, next week I am going to be traveling, so will be eating out a lot. Hey, you win some, you lose some. But today I am saving my money for next week's meat with fancy sauce and  dessert!

Have you ever broken down the cost of your food by the month/week/day? How much do you spend on groceries per month?Do you ever eat only one food group or one food as an entire meal (see above lunch)?