
What I Learned & Looking Back & Forward: February 2025

February is over, so you know what that means! Time for another wrap up! Please copy and paste the questions at the end and add your answers to the mix! 

1. What is the name of your last month's chapter or the theme of your last month if you prefer that? 

January: Baguettes and Many Steps
February: In Like Minnesota; Out Like Hawaii*

*It was freezing at the beginning of the month, actually way below freezing and then beautiful at the end.  

2. What did you learn last month? 

I learned so much that I cannot even list the things. I watched Schindler's List and then went to the museum in Krakow and although I knew a lot about the German invasion of Poland, I learned a lot more. I also learned some French, Polish and Dutch words. Bedankt!

3. What was the weather like where you are? 

I guess I had a spoiler alert with my February book title, but it varied! I think the lowest was about 9 F / -12 C and the highest was about 65 F / 18 C. 

When it's cold, I eat bread products!

4. What event last month was your favorite?

Well, I would not say "favorite" but I am glad I went to Auschwitz and saw it with my own eyes. It was very cold that day and I kept having to pause and think about how cold it would have been, and obviously how horrid, for the poor prisoners who were there. 

On the flip side, arriving in Spain to warmth and water has been a mood lifter for sure! 

5. What was the best thing you listened to or watched last month?  

Schindler's List. I don't know why I never watched it when it came out. Also I am still watching Jeopardy and am loving the Tournament of Champions (TOC for those in the know). It also makes me feel smart, as sometimes I know answers that the contestants don't. Of course, I have no pressure as I sit in my pajamas and yell at the screen! 

6. Tell us one funny recent story. 

I got chewed out by a cleaning lady in Seville on my first real day in Spain. She was mopping the outdoor tile patio at the Plaza de España, where there were hundreds if not thousands of people walking around (on the tile) and I walked over the wet part, and she came at me! Obviously I did not know all the words, but she was not happy, so I said, "lo siento (I am sorry)!" and she said, "lo siento, coño!" which is not a nice word. I almost giggled right in front of her, as I do not know a lot of Spanish, but of course I know the bad words. I managed to get far enough away to giggle without her seeing me. 

Plaza de España; see the tile? 

7. What are you looking forward to this month?

I have people coming to visit! My uncle, who has never really traveled out of the US except to go to the Bahamas (?), is coming, and my Dad and brother will be here too. I see many games of cards in our future, and we have already booked some hiking and sightseeing trips. It will be fun. 

1. What is the name of your last month's chapter or the theme of your last month if you prefer that? 
2. What did you learn last month? 
3. What was the weather like where you are? 
4. What event last month was your favorite?
5. What was the best thing you listened to or watched last month?  
6. Tell us one funny recent story. 

7. What are you looking forward to this month?

Bonus question! Have you ever been cursed out in a different language? 


  1. Oh wow, you've never seen Schindler's List before! It's so moving. My older son and I were discussing it last night, as we were watching the Oscars and I remembered it cleaning up all those years ago. My son told me that The Pianist, the star of which won an Oscar last night, is also excellent and similar. I might watch it, but of course it's going to be very sad. I think it's important to visit if possible and meditate on those terrible times/ places, especially these days. One day I will visit.
    1. What is the name of your last month's chapter or the theme of your last month if you prefer that? At the beach
    2. What did you learn last month? I learned this yesterday, which is technically March, but I'm counting it. Army ants are the most deadly animal in the Amazon. We watched a documentary and I'm surprised I slept after it.
    3. What was the weather like where you are? Beautiful spring weather! Temperatures around 10-12 degrees! (C obvs)
    4. What event last month was your favorite? Going to Mexico with my friends and husband.
    5. What was the best thing you listened to or watched last month? We watched Conclave and I loved it!
    6. Tell us one funny recent story. At the resort they played a dance remix of Wish You Were Here, which is itself hilarious to me.

  2. A couple of years ago I became obsessed with the AFI Top 100 films list and sat myself down to watch the 30-ish movies that I hadn't seen. Schindler's List was one of them. I can't imagine going from watching the movie and then being able to visit the real scenes, other than that it would pack an extra punch. It doesn't quite compare to my other AFI experience of watching Shawshank Redemption and going to the prison where the movie was shot (right here in Ohio!)

    You had an epic February and you will have an even epic-er March. And that's only 1/4 of the year!

    Here's my side of the story:
    1. One Week of Summer, Three Weeks of Deeper Winter

    2. I learned that going somewhere warm in the depths of winter is a game changer. I also learned that I need to be more proactive in scheduling my trips. Work "forced" me to go to FL and I built an epic trip around it, so I can do the same thing without work sending me somewhere. I also confirmed what I learned last year, which is that 100% of our blogging tribe are awesome people.

    3. The weather tho...in east Florida it was hot and humid, just like summer at home. West Florida was perfection - not too hot and not too cold. Back home it was cold upon cold with a solid layer of ice on the ground. It was so bad that the hiking trails were closed at one point. In happier news, toward the end of the month we got some milder days and I was able to run outside.

    4. Well of course the time in FL was my favorite!

    5. Seinfeld continues to hit.

    6. I see a trend that for two months in a row my funny story is the Most Epic Counter Surf of the Month. This month was the hard boiled egg caper. Hubs made a hard boiled egg for breakfast. He took it off the stove and let it cool down in the sink, then he peeled it, set it on a plate on the counter, and turned his back to throw the eggshell away. He set the plate in the sweet spot that is pretty far back from the edge but still within range of Doggo's snoot. She was very pleased with herself. She doesn't countersurf very often, but when she does she gets the best rewards.

    7. In March I'm looking forward to playing hookey this Friday to meet a friend for lunch, a family party this Saturday (first family party after my nephew got engaged!!!), and I'm working out the details for a solo trip in the middle of the month as well as some Cool Blogger meets for later in the year. I'm also looking forward to better weather which means more options for things to do at home. I've come up with quite a local bucket list for when the weather is better.

    Bonus: as far as I know I have not been cursed out in another language. I am not living my life right.

    1. What is the name of your last month's chapter or the theme of your last month if you prefer that?
    I Hate Winter/Snow
    2. What did you learn last month?
    I learned that my cat likes to watch bird videos; now he asks to watch them.
    3. What was the weather like where you are?
    Snowy, cold, wintry--awful.
    4. What event last month was your favorite?
    Spending time with my grandson
    5. What was the best thing you listened to or watched last month?
    We've been watching The Pitt on MAX--excellent series; I'm addicted to The Floor
    6. Tell us one funny recent story.
    Um...I woke up this morning, came out into the living room and the tv was on, but with no sound. My husband was still in bed. Nothing was disturbed. I know it was off when we went to bed. The only explanation I can think of is that one of the cats stepped on the remote, which was on the end table. Thankfully, the sound bar didn't come on, too.

    7. What are you looking forward to this month?
    My son is having a huge birthday party with food trucks and music later this month. Should be fun!

  4. I've never seen Schindler's List, either, despite that we played the music in orchestra in high school. I'll have to add that to my list of movies to see.

    So funny about the Plaza story!! I have a favorite pic of Ivan and me there on a hot beautiful day in September. I remember we facetimed with the boys from there (they were home with grandma and grandpa). We loved Spain but in general did NOT find the people to be overly friendly! In fact in restaurants etc they were often downright UN-friendly! And we speak the language! We wondered if maybe there was some kind of bias against our Mexican Spanish?? Or like some kind of weird complex between Spanish and Latin American people that we didn't know about? We were always really friendly and polite and respectful, so who knows. That was a little bummer, but oh well.


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