
Where's Waldo?

I still have some more wrap up and list type posts, but I am sure you are all getting bored of those! So today, I will talk a little about where I am and what's happening, since I feel like I have been pretty lax in doing that over the last couple of months.

First of all, can you find me in this photo? I will try to make it big enough that you can try! 

Mur de Canuts (photo credit: Bugsy)

In case you are wondering, this is the Mur de Canuts in Lyon, which is a mural depicting the silk workers. The history of this is facinating, and it began in 1466, when King Louis XI set up a national silk working industry in Lyon, consisting mostly of Italian workers, who were known for their silk making skills. However, it gets even better, as in 1834 the workers revolted against their employers, starting one of the first general strikes in an industry anywhere in the world. There was a whole life around this industry for years, and you can still see the remnants of this today, both physically and politically. 

But I won't bore you with too much history! Let me give you a quick update on where else I have been besides Lyon!

Coming Home. In December, I went home from Seattle and spent some days seeing friends before heading up to my parent's house for Christmas. Despite me thinking that a week would be plenty of time to be with the family, I felt like it went fast, probably because in between playing games and visiting, I worked on packing, getting some photos scanned, and seeing a friend whose Dad is quite ill. 

Ornament made by my Mom

Beginning to Travel Again. On Christmas day, my brother and I drove back to the Bay Area, where I stayed with my friend K for the night. On Boxing Day, we flew out of SFO to Frankfurt Germany! We ended up getting a place in Wiesbaden, which was perfect, as we could easily get into Frankfurt, Mainz or other outlying towns from there. We visited Heidelberg, Koblenz, Wurzburg and Rothenburg and had a lovely time wandering and eating and showing the kids how taking the train is fun! 

Rothenburg ob der Tauber

We saw tons of castles, took a train on the Rhine river, and had a great time. The only downside was that it was freezing, literally! The weather was in the 20s while we were there, and it even snowed a little. That did not stop us, it just meant more hot chocolate was needed! I also kicked off my running season on January 1st with an early morning run with L, my friend's 10 year old daughter. She and I were up early every day and usually we would hang out in the warm kitchen, but she was game to take a run on one of the freezing days, so we went and it was great! 

My early morning running buddy

Marzipan piggy

Flying Solo. After the girls left, I headed to Strasbourg, France, where I had a great time buying pastries and wandering around. If you have not been here, I highly recommend it! However, once again, it was in the teens and twenties and snowed, so maybe if you go, go in April, May or October! I continued my running game, and am trying to go a few times a week, and I did that, even in the rain! It is nice to be in a place where I can go back and get warm, which was not always the case when cycling. However, I kind of am jealous of the folks with bikes, as there are tons of canals and bike lanes to enjoy! I may need to get a bike at some point. 

Petit France, Strasbourg

After Strasbourg I went to Dijon. It is a nice little town that I would also recommend. I started to get in a groove, found a good bakery where I could get my daily baguette, and found a nice running path on the Burgundy canals, where I even did my longest run in a LONG TIME, 11 miles! I love being able to pair running with exploring a new place; it really makes the miles go by so much faster. 

Dijon + Notre Dame Church

Lunch Buddies. After Dijon, I went to Lyon. I had a couple of friends meet up with me in Lyon and what did we do? EAT! Lyon is known as the gastronomic capital of France and it currently has five two Michelin starred and twelve one Michelin starred restaurants! The ones we went to were called Bouchons, which are the typcial working class restaurants of the silk workers, and the food was very good! We also did a walking tour, looked at lots of old building, ruins and churches, climbed lots of stairs, found plenty of pastry shops and had a great time wandering around Les Halles (the food market). 

Oeuf mayonaise

So many treats!

Praline tart

Now my friends are gone again, and I am on my own. I have been enjoying trying out the local bike share, getting my bearings a little, wandering around the Croix Rousse neighborhood and checking out the views from the top of the hill (my apartment is near the river). 

Basilica de Notre Dame du Fourvière 

Roman Theater

Plans include lots more wandering and a Saturday market (or three). I am also trying to get at least 10,000 steps (about 5 miles) a day, stretching for 10 minutes a la Nicole, doing daily pushups and getting back into my running routine! I am also doing at least 10 minutes a day of language lessons and I may also go to a weekly French conversation meet up if I can get my act together! It is still cold, in the 20s and 30s, but at least it's not raining! 

À bientôt! Bonne journée!

Have you been to Wiesbaden, Strasboug, Dijon or Lyon? Have you ever been to a Michelin starred restaurant? Do you like marzipan? What daily routines are you doing this year? 


  1. It's so interesting you mention the marzipan pig because that's a tradition in Denmark as well!
    I have never been to any of those places. I know John has been to Lyon and really enjoyed it.
    This post is 100% making me want to do something just like this with John once we retire (and the kids are independent - they can come visit). The thought of putting down "temporary roots" and really getting to know a town/location sounds incredible.

    Is that a new egg ornament your mom made for this Christmas, or is it a treasured one from the past?

    I'm so glad you had a great trip with K and the girls, despite the freezing temperatures. We were considering a Germany trip in March but decided to wait for better weather. We'll see how France treats us...it will be hit-and-miss. Should have gone to Spain instead, right?

    1. The ornament is one from many, many years ago. Surprisingly and delightfully, many of the eggs have not broken, despite being probably over 30 years old! We also made salt dough ornaments and some of them got moist and did not make it.

      I think you and John would enjoy a slower travel style for sure. It is so nice to not feel that go-go-go that you often do during a one week vacation. I think that France will be warmer in March, as this cold is a bit over the top, and I think it is due to the Mistral blowing from the north! I went to Paris in November and had a wonderful time, so I am sure you guys will too!

  2. Wow this is so fun, Kyria! I'm so glad you updated. I can't see you in that photo but I LOVE your photos! Mmmm. European food. It's just so good and so fresh! Well, it might be freezing but you're not going to have a problem with crowds (probably?). I have never been to France or Germany, but my husband has been to both. We are planning a trip to Paris in the fall, on the way to Morocco! I'm excited for it.
    I don't enjoy marzipan but oooohhhh so cute. Yay for your stretching routine!

    1. I am one of the people on the stairs! Haha. It is so lifelike that it is hard to tell. Yes, it is cold, but you are right, there are not swarms of people. However, there have been more than I thought there would be! In Strasbourg it was actually downright busy! Paris is great in the fall, but is another place where if you are in the touristy area, it is busy year round. However, I enjoy staying in a neighborhood like the Marais and then just sticking closer to home!

  3. I have not been to any of these places! I do love marzipan and any food shaped like an animal. The pecan tart tho...that's what I'm crushing on.

    I don't really track my steps but from what I remember getting 10k a day was is not a problem on trips like this. And heck once you're in "I'm going for a run...that turned into an 11 mile run" the challenge would be staying under 10k steps.

    It occurred to me that your luggage isn't limited to what Bob can carry any more. What's your setup right now? Backpack and suitcase?

    1. My run only turned into 11 miles because my other runs were shortened due to rain and I was trying to get in a certain amount of miles that week! However, you are right, when walking around a lot, it is not an issue. When the girls were here, we easily did over 20k per day. Sometimes I get lazy though!

      Re my luggage, I have a purse (personal item) and a backpack (carry on). I am not a suitcase person, as I prefer to carry my items, especially when there are stairs and cobblestones, or a lot of crowds!

  4. What terrific photos! I was hoping we'd hear from you soon. As charming as the little pig is, I don't like marzipan. More for you. That architecture is so pretty, like gingerbread houses. Enjoy all the great food!

    1. I think marzipan is a hit or miss thing and for me it is a hit. I actually ordered an almond croissant a few years ago in the Frankfurt airport and the guy specifically told me that it has marzipan in it. He must have had people come back and tell him that they didn't like it? However, I like it, so I was fine with that!

  5. That basilica - so amazing. I have not been to any of those cities. I was in France a bit, spent a day or two in Paris when studying abroad. I'd like to go back, but my travel plans are dictated by where the kids land for studying abroad. We hope to go visit Mini in Florence and go to Rome the end of March. I fear big crowds, but that's when it makes the most sense to go. I've not tried marzapan. I've not been to a Michelin starred restaurant. My daily routines are similar to last year, workout everyday. Try to carve out time to write. Listen to a daily rosary podcast.

    Your travels are so interesting. I love the photos. How great that a 10 year old would agree to go for an early run when it is so cold. I've been wondering where you were.

    1. The 10 year old is social and pretty much game for anything! At first I was a little annoyed that she was barging in on my morning time, but we soon got over that and developed a morning routine, while her Mom and sister slept the morning away. It was very fun, and she would read her daily journal to me every day, and even cooked me breakfast a few times!

      I am not a fan of big crowds either. I think March should be okay; what part of Florence is Mini living in? Maybe if you just jet over to the churches early in the morning then get out of the city center, it will be less crowded!

  6. Oh, Kyria, seeing your photos makes me wish I were there! I lived in Pau, in southwest France for a year, and it was beautiful. I never got to see the places you mentioned - I stayed in my little corner and got to know it well. Of course, that was a long, long time ago, and I'm sure things have changed a lot. I have never eaten in a Michelin starred restaurant. But, pretty much every meal I ate in France was amazing! The marzipan pig is so adorable! I've never tried marzipan, but it looks like fun to play with.
    The mural is amazing! I can't tell which person is you - I'd guess the one front and center with a foot on the step?

    1. You are right! I am the one on the step! I have never been to Pau, but it looks lovely! I went to a little town called Albi a few years ago and it was tiny but very charming! Also, I agree that every meal in France is pretty much good, although maybe its just me, but I feel like they often need salt. It is probably just my chemical imbalance!

  7. Thanks for giving us an update on what you’re up to! Your picture with L is so cute. What a cute little early bird!! Of the places you listed, I’ve only Been to Lyon. I was there for two weeks for grad school, so didn’t get to see as much of the city as I would’ve liked, but I loved checking out the passageways in the old part of the city. I’ve never been to a Michelin star restaurant either. I wish I was one of the friends that was meeting up with you! Although it would not be very fun traveling with this cast situation.

    1. I know; she is a trooper! She just loves company and will pretty much do anything if that means spending time together. She was my early bird buddy on this trip! The passageways are cool and the streets are very eclectic! I wonder if it was more gritty when you were here as I have heard that they have done a lot of improvements over the last 20-30 years.

  8. So beautiful! The half timbered houses remind me of Rouen, as well as the Cathedral. I think I've been to a Michelin starred restaurant, Le Train Bleu in Paris, which was beautiful. My trips to Paris have always felt more rushed than I would like. I would love to plop myself down in a neighborhood and just be there for a month. We were in Marais on our honeymoon, back in '93. I think I would like to hang my hat there for a bit, with occasional excursions elsewhere. I love this post, it looks like you're having an amazing time.

    1. I think that La Folie used to have a star, so I think you have been to more than one! Also I know Quince has a couple, but Cotagna may not, so... I love just puttering around Paris and have done that a couple of times. I know the touristy things are fun, but living the life is so much more interesting to me!

  9. Well, I've been to Frankfurt, but none of the other places. I was going to ask if you could rent a bike, but it sounds like there is a system in place. Also, I'm laughing because in my last post I complained that my running routes are monotonous- and here you are running around, exploring new cities in France- THAT'S what I need!!! How long are you going to be there?

    1. I think there are pros and cons to either one; sometimes it is nice to know where you are going and how the roads are and how to get there, but yes, sometimes it is nice to explore! Yesterday my phone died but I found my way home! That was my adventure of the day. I will be in Lyon for about three more weeks and then I will move on, but I plan to be in Europe for the entire year.

  10. So cute to have a morning running buddy!! It all looks amazing!! I have never been to Germany, and in France, only Paris for a short trip when I was in college (visiting my sister who was studying abroad in Ireland and we went for a long weekend).

    1. Germany and France both have a ton of cute little towns that are really cute and of course, not like Paris or the bigger cities! I like exploring both!

  11. That first picture is so cool - you're the person in 'black' right in the middle at the bottom of the stairs, right? It was hard to see at first ;)

    Sounds like you've been living it up in Europe and I am so happy you got to spend some time in Germany! I've been to Wiesbaden and have a friend who lives there!

    1. You spotted me! Nice work! Isn't that mural cool? I am enjoying my time in Europe so far, but have a lot of exploring left to do! We enjoyed the more laid back vibe of Wiesbaden and the kids loved that they could basically walk to the train station on their own (we made them lead the way most of the time) and enjoyed their train rides around the country!

  12. Oh, my goodness -- you're certainly the world traveler, Kyria! It sounds like you had a wonderful time with your friends and the young lady who kept you company in the mornings is such a sweetheart!

    That mural is awesome! It's so realistic! Hmmm....which one are you? Are you on the bottom of the stairs wearing a black top/jacket?

    I have never been to any of those cities. I don't enjoy marzipan but my husband loves them -- so the more for him, I guess! Ha! I don't think I've ever been to a Michelin-starred restaurant...but now I want to! We tend to go to smaller moms&pops places but a change every so often is welcome!

    1. You found me! Ding, ding, ding! I really liked this mural and the history that goes along with it. I did have a wonderful time with my friends and L is a trooper! We ran over three miles!

      You should look into Bib Gourmand. It is basically a restaurant that is not quite one Michelin star, so it is usually very good, and often half the price of a Michelin restaurant! There is a list and you can find it on the Michelin website https://guide.michelin.com/en/restaurants/bib-gourmand I have been to some of these in the Bay Area and they are very good!

  13. That mural is amazing! I only found you when you pointed it out in a comment, haha. Now I just want to go there to see the mural and take a cool picture like that.

    A whole year in Europe, just traveling and putting down roots and seeing all the sights. What an adventure! I can't wait to live vicariously through you this year. <3

    1. You should go and see it! I think that France is a great place to go and Lyon is not as big as Paris, so it feels a bit more down to earth, even though Paris is also very easy to get around. You know, they do cruises along the Rhine and the Rhone and you could do one of those! That way you could see a lot of cities at once without having to organize the logistics of things as much!

  14. I love that ornament you mom made! How talented she is!

    We are going to France for four weeks this summer, and Alsace is on that list, for about a week. I want to see the Alsacian wine route, the villages, Colmar, of course, and Strasbourg where we will return the car and meet T in Paris.
    Interestingly, we, by luck, ate at two Micheline restaurants when I was in Paris with the kids last year. I googled them later and oh my, they had one Micheline star each. Good for us ;) we didn't even know at the time, except it was delicious!

    1. You are going to have so much fun in France! I loved the Alsace and would go back there again for sure. I think it will be much nicer when it is warmer though, as it rained and snowed and was cold when I was there! However, I did avoid the crush of tourists!

  15. I have not been to any of these spots, but I do want to go to Lyon at some stage. We went to Casa Marcelo a Michelin starred restaurant in Santiago de Compostela and it was fantastic, and not outrageously expensive for what we got either. We also had dinner at the bar at The Dabney in Washington which was also excellent and reasonably priced.

    1. I have found that some of them are not super expensive but it really depends! There are a lot of options in France, that is for sure. In Lyon there are so many of them! However, you can also get really good food at regular restaurants and the bouchons are worth going to, as they are more "working class" dishes and are not quite as expensive.

  16. Ah I was wondering if you are already in Europe.

    I have actually been to Wiesbaden in order to have my exams taken in 2005. But I didn't see much of the city. Strasbourg was our class trip in Senior year which made sense since my major was political science and the Europe parliament is there. I have been to Strasbourg on two other occasions. I have been to Lyon in summer 2023 and decided I needed to go back,. I was very interested in the history since I was not really aware prior to being there.

    Marzipan is one of my favorite candies so sign me up. Best Marzipan is Lübecker Marzipan where it originated.

    1. Wiesbaden is no Munich but it was a great jumping off point and is more residential and quiet than Frankfurt. I also liked Mainz, but it was more expensive to stay there, but we could easily go on the train! I like marzipan too, but it seems like it is hit and miss for people!


Thanks for commenting! I love to respond to comments, so please check back soon for my reply!