
Best of 2024: Books

Happy New Year! According to Goodreads, I read 173 books in 2024 and DNFed 27, which comes out to roughly 70,300 pages. Here are a few stats.  

Breakdown by star rating:
5 stars (loved/it was great): 8 (4%)
4 stars (liked a lot/it was good): 82 (41%)
3 stars (liked a little/it was okay): 68 (34%)
2 stars (barely liked/it was not that good): 15 (7.5%)
1 star (it sucked but I finished it): 0 (0%)
0 stars (DNF): 27 (13.5%)

Average rating including DNFs: 3.01
Average excluding DNFs: 3.48

As you can see, this year if it sucked, I did not finish it, which contributed to a high amount of DNFs compared to most years in the past. Also four stars was my most common rating, but still there were enough threes and twos that the average was not that great. 

You can find a list of all of my favorites from prior years on my bookshelf page or on Goodreads

My two favorite books this year were

The Indifferent Stars Above by Daniel James Brown: As a California native, we heard about the Donner party a lot! Any time we cross over Donner pass, we think of how they had to eat each other to stay alive. Any time we pass by Donner lake, we stop at the plaque and read about their struggles. I have heard it a million times. However, the author has a way of telling a story that just resounded with me. I really enjoyed this book (side note, see below for another one of my favorites by him) and the way he detailed the struggles of the Donner party. 

The Mountains Sing by Phan Quế Mai Nguyễn: This book tells the story of the Vietnam war and more, as seen from the point of view of a Vietnamese native. It is a multigenerational story and starts with the mother in the early 1900s and details the conflicts within both the country and the family as time goes by. Another book by the same author, Dust Child, was a four star read for me but didn't quite make the top cut.

The following books (in no particular order) were all five star reads

The Secret Book of Flora Lee by Patty Callahan Henry: A teenaged girl loses her sister during the evacuation of the children of London during WWII and she is traumatized for life. Then, as she is reading a manuscript for her job in editing, she reads a story that only her and her sister would know. This sparks a renewed search for her sister and we go through twists and turns to find out whether or not her beloved sister is still alive. 

None of This is True by Lisa Jewell: Who doesn't love a good thriller. I am constantly entertained by this author, and this book was no exception. It is the story of a true crime podcaster who interviews an interesting women, who later turns into a liability and the podcaster becomes the subject of her own podcast. Twists and turns at every corner make this an entertaining read. 

The Women by Kristen Hannah: I probably don't need to say much as this was a hot book this year, but I enjoyed learning more about the women who went to Vietnam to serve in the war. Also the story of how they were treated when they returned, as well as the mental struggles they had in both places were heartbreaking. 

Facing the Mountain by Daniel James Brown: If you have not heard about the Nisei soldiers, you have to read this book. This details the struggles that the first generation Japanese Americans had when they went off to fight in WWII against the Japanese. Many of them were sent on fool's errands, and they were treated badly by their own countrymen (Americans) even though they were fighting alongside them. 

The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt: I already did a write up on this, but in case you missed it, the book goes into some of the issues that the younger generations are having due to the amount of screen time they are using, as well as the platforms and apps that they are using on their phones/screens. 

The Wedding People by Alison Espach: Here is another book that will probably be a best of book on many people's lists. A woman goes to a hotel to kill herself and realized that there is a week long wedding party taking place at the same hotel. She is understandably annoyed, but things take a turn and the end is not what you think it will be. 


The following (in no particular order) were at the top of my four star reads for the year

Outlander (#1, #2, #3) by Diane Gabaldon: Men in kilts, romance, war. Need I say more? 

Kill Show by Daniel Sweren-Becker: A 16 year old goes missing, and a television network decides to make a reality show about trying to find her. It is written in interview form, which I liked, and also keeps you guessing what really happened until the very end. 

Mrs. Quinn's Rise to Fame by Olivia Ford: Basically the Great British Bake Off, as told from a very lovable older woman's perspective. However, we do find out that more lies beneath the surface than expected. 

The Golden Spoon by Jessa Maxwell: Basically the Great British Bake Off, but with murder. 

The River We Remember by William Kent Krueger: A high profile townsman is murdered, a Native American man is blamed, and the sherrif has to sort it all out. 

The Berry Pickers by Amanda Peters: A four year old Mi’kmaq girl goes missing from a Maine berrry field, and her family searches for her for years. Cut to the future, when a girl named Norma grows up in Maine and doesn't feel like she quite fits in. The author does a great job of detailing the trauma involved, as well as the struggles and love that bring the whole thing together in the end. 

All My Rage by Saaba Tahir: Told from the perspective of a young Pakistani boy whose family moved to America to open a motel, it is a tale of struggles and family and love and regrets. 

Never by Ken Follet: What would it be like if WWIII was on our hands? Follet does a good job of creating an event that many may be dreading. Also there is a woman president. Yay. 

Looking for Jane by Heather Marshall: Stories about the taboo subject of abortion and how girls would have to sneak around to try to get someone to help them in their time of need. Alongside this, we also have children that were taken from their parents by force at birth and the stories of trying to figure out later what had happened in those desperate times. 

The God of the Woods by Liz Moore: A wealthy teenager goes missing at summer camp, but the kicker is that she is not only the daugher of the camp owners, but her little brother went missing from nearly the same spot many years ago. We spend our time trying to figure out who took her or whether or not she has been killed, and of course there is a twist at the end. 

What was your favorite book of 2024? Do you mostly read audio, eBook or paper books? 


  1. Mrs. Quinn's Rise to Fame immediately went on my Audible with list! Thanks for that recommendation! I'm a big fan of DNFing anything that isn't keeping my interest. I DNFed one called Dial C for Chihuahua by Waverly Curtis. I thought it would be cute, but it was beyond bad. My favorite book of the year was The Great Hippopotamus Hotel by Alexander McCall Smith.

    1. I used to read a lot of the McCall Smith books about the ladies detective agency but haven't read a lot of his other ones. I did enjoy the ones I read though!! I will have to check out the Hippo Hotel!

      I agree re DNFing but it's taken me a while to get there. I used to try so hard to finish everything I started!

  2. I read paper books, mostly hardbacks that I buy. I read a ton of mystery books as a kid/teen/younger adult, and I feel topped out on the genre. It's a little tough to find a book now that isn't that.
    One book I read that I really enjoyed was Monstrilio by Gerardo Samano Cordova: its writing is very poetic and strong; its story is engaging and beautiful. Another one was The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben. It's a nonfiction book that describes the life of trees in such a way that almost humanizes them. I have the illustrated edition that has gorgeous photographs.

    I DNFed The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store by James McBride. I gave that book over 100 pages. I tried SO HARD. Nope.

    1. The Tree book sounds interesting. I read a similar one called Treeline which talks about trees, their important, and some global warming issues. I enjoyed it, but will have to check your recommendation out too.

      I am glad you DNFed the McBride. I did not love the one of his I read so will likely not try the Grocery book.

  3. We have a slightly overlapping Venn diagram! I read and enjoyed a few books on your list. I do not know what my favourite book of 2024 was, I had a lot of really great five star reads! I don't know if I can narrow it down to just one, honestly. I did just finish Tell Me Everything and it was absolutely perfect. I don't know that you'd enjoy it though, I feel like maybe you're not an Elizabeth Strout fan? I absolutely prefer paper books, but while travelling I like my Kobo. I haven't yet listened to an audiobook! Not one. I guess I'm too into podcasts right now to listen to a book.

    1. I am not really a Strout fan. Weird how we all differ eh? I see some comments below about Berry Pickers, and that Birchie was a fan but I also think she likes Strout. Did you read Berry Pickers?

      I love audiobooks and don't think I read any hard books this year but I did read a few ebooks. I would die without my Kindle!

  4. I would not count the DNFs toward your average star rating so am glad you also calc'd the average without them. DNFs are a gift to ourselves as readers - life is too short to read something that isn't working for you!

    I will do a reading recap post next week but my favorite book of 2024 was definitely The Wedding People.

    The Anxious Generation was one of the books we voted on for our 2025 book club but it did not win, probably because when we were discussing it as an option, a few members chimed in around some of the controversy around some of the author's studies. They said to google around but some of the analytical methods are apparently a bit questionable? I haven't read it and don't know that I will... I don't need more reason to be anxious about my kids which I know sounds like a total cop out but I am a worrier. But our kids aren't old enough for phones/social media yet so I am kind of plugging my ears about it.

    1. Hey, you do you! I enjoyed the book but I also liked that one about the guy in rehab that Oprah endorsed that turned out to be embellished. I have not fact checked the Anxious Gen, not heard that it was false. I may have to Google.

      I did like the Wedding People a lot. I am glad I finally got it off hold after so many months so I could read it this year.

  5. It is your fault I'm currently listening to The Berry Pickers and hating every second of it!! YOUR FAULT. I keep thinking I should DNF it, but now I'm more than 80% in and I feel like I to gut it out.

    Despite your dodgy Berry Pickers rec, I just got The Mountains Sing on my Kindle from the library and hopefully it will be the best book ever.

    1. If you want to cry and beat your fists on me, I can take it. I give you Berry Pickers, you give me My Brilliant Friend.

      I hope you like Mountains! If not, feel free to give me another piece of your ear. Not that I expect you to hold back! ☺️

  6. Looks like a pretty great year of books, Kyria! I am super disappointed that I ended up DNFing The Berry Pickers. You and Birchie, I think, loved it but I was not a fan.

    I enjoyed None of This Is True and God of the Woods (although the latter wasn't as big a favorite). I have been reading almost exclusively audiobooks over the past year. Kind of kicking myself for waiting so long to get into them -- just think of all those books I could have listened to!

    1. I think audiobooks are a great way to get two things done at once and I am finding myself more distracted when I am actually sitting where I can read a book. With audio you can do it without having to fully sit and be resting. I love that.

      I am sorry you didn't like Berry. It does seem like it is a love it or hate it! I think Nance hated it too, even though she didn't mention that above. You can't win them all!

    2. I didn't hate Berry Pickers; I was meh on it. I felt it was lacking emotion and depth, especially for its subject matter and the people involved. It has so many themes that could/should have been more poignantly expressed, and they just...weren't. I was disappointed. The characters were so flat, and so was the writing.

    3. Ah! Sorry if I misrepresented you. I thought that since you DNFed it pretty quickly that you were solidly in the not a fan camp. I listened to it on audiobook while riding so probably didn't really notice the nuances that you mentioned quite as much.

  7. Oh I love this list. I plan to refer back here the next time I need something to read. My reading time is mostly spent on books for my book club. I don't have a ton of spare time aside from those books. I read a really, really long book at this time last year, The Covenant of Water. It was very good. Maybe that was my favorite? I'm not great at tracking what I read. I'm reading The Great Believers right now, and I really like it so far. I almost exclusively read paper books. I've done an audio book a few times in recent years when I had to drive long distances and that was so productive. I rarely drive in the car alone for long stretches though, and when I'm home doing things - I'm usually surrounded by loud tots and babies, and I need to be tuned into them.

    1. I imagine it is probably hard to get in reading time for you! I read the Covenant, and finished it, but felt it was just way too long. I would have preferred it be about half the length as I ended up being bored by the end.

      I actually DNFed the Great Believers, even though I enjoyed her other book I Have Some Questions For You.

  8. Agree to agree with Indifferent Stars, The Women, The Wedding People, and The Berry Pickers! Agree to disagree on GOTW, but as we all know I'm the only person on the planet who couldn't get into it.

    I'm Team Kindle for fiction and Team Audiobook for non-fiction. The only time I read physical books is if I'm rereading a book that I own or those rare times when the hold time on Libby is too long but I'm too cheap to buy it so I'm reduced to physically going to the library to get the physical book.

    1. I used to be the same way with physical books, as it seems like the hold list for those was more manageable. However, I have not been to the library since before the pandemic! I think I did read some of my shelf books last year and maybe a couple this year but I didn't keep track so maybe I read one or two physical books. Otherwise, I am probably about 92-95% audiobooks at this point.

      You should definitely read Facing The Wall since I know you like nonfiction and that author!

  9. Woo you read a lot Kyria! audiobook? or kindle? I guess as you were traveling alone you had more time. We are in NZ and saw some cyclists. They remind me of you and wonder how you did it! it looks hard and not safe. You are sooooo brave!!!

    1. I would say that it was 95% audiobook, but I did not feel like putting together the stats this year! However, I did read some ebook while camping, but pretty much did not read any physical books (except for perusing guide books from time to time).

  10. 173 books! That's an outstanding reading year. Do you normally read this much or was being out on the road helpful to reading more?

    There are a lot of my favorite books on this list! The Women, The Wedding People, God of the Woods, and All My Rage.

    I read mostly in print this year but for the first time ever, my audiobooks surpassed my e-book reading!

    1. I always read a lot! In the last five years, I have read over 150 books a year and last year was the top at about 188! I think the reason for the increase has been a lot due to my audiobook reading, as I can (and do) do that everywhere, so I am always doing it while cleaning, walking, gardening, riding etc.

    2. Engie and Birchie both loved The Indifferent Stars Above and I ignored them, thinking they were new to the story behind it so maybe it would hold their interest more. But like you, I studied it in school, and if you were still captivated enough to say it's one of your best books of 2024, I am going to give it a try. Gulp.

  11. Sorry, didn't mean to reply to your comment to Stephany. :)

    1. I think he does a good job of telling the story, and I learned new things despite having heard the story a million times before! I think you would like it!

  12. Holy moly so many pages read. I am in awe. And a bit jealous if I am honest.

    Oh so many good books. I have added a few to my TBR. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Yes, a lot of pages, but they were mostly audiobooks, so it was really a lot of listening time! I guess I should have put that stat on there? I hope you enjoy whichever ones you decide to read!

  13. We definitely have similar tastes! Just started The Women today and already sucked in; and had finished God of the Woods this morning. I'm on a streak of good holds coming in so I know that will end, and soon... Thanks for sharing all of these!

    1. It sounds like we are on the same page when it comes to books (pun intended!) I have been in a slump a little, or have been easily distracted by other things, and am not getting off to the best start in January!


Thanks for commenting! I love to respond to comments, so please check back soon for my reply!