
Never Have I Ever

Never have I ever: 

* Milked a cow

But I have milked a goat!

* Eaten or been to Chick-Fil-A (PS one of my pet peeves is when people spell things wrong to be cute. This is not why I have never eaten there though!)

* Read Fifty Shades of Grey

* Seen Top Gun (either version)

* Been to the states of Arkansas, Delaware, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota or West Virginia (layovers on the plane don't count)

* Been to the continent of Antarctica

* Ridden a mechanical bull

* Brushed a dog's teeth

I've helped clip this one's toenails!

* Ridden on a scooter (motorized or non)

* Had kids

Volunteering at Bolivian orphanage

* Used one of the shared rental scooters, bikes, etc. in any city

* Had a gerbil, Guinea pig or hamster as a pet

I have had a lot of cats

* Put the toilet paper roll on upside down (flap goes over every time)

Which of these have you done (drink!)? And what things have you never done? 

If you haven't already, you can fill out this form with any questions you want answered for my upcoming ask me anything post!!

This post is part of NaBloPoMo. You can find the rest of my posts for this challenge here. You can find the list of participants and their information here


  1. Good times!
    - I've eaten and been to Chick fila - that's my spelling from memory, I refuse to take the time to google or scroll up to copy/paste. Ya gotta try it once.
    - I've read 50 Shades! Hey at least I haven't seen the movie. Did you read the Twilight series (that's what inspired 50 Shades)?
    - I need your ruling on Top Gun. I've seen the first one in the sense that I was alive in the 80s so of course I saw it back then. I don't remember it and I haven't seen the second one. I dislike Tom Cruise intensely.
    - I haven't been to Delaware, and I don't think I've been to North Dakota. Do I have to take a shot for each state that I've been to or just one for the whole list?
    - I haven't had kids, but I have two stepkids and a puppy. Do I have to take a shot or not?

    1. What is so special about Chick Fil A? I know people who used to stand in line to get a free sandwich! What should I order if I ever go there? Of course I read Twilight! I was doing the RTW trip and it was the only book in English so I read the entire series. Book one was okay and they got progressively worse from there! Also Bella, just get a grip on yourself girl and CHOOSE. (Team Jacob over here).

      I could watch Top Gun but I think that I will not enjoy it, since it is old and I don't care much for TC either. Is he in the new one too? You only have to take a shot if you HAVE done something that I have not; you don't have to add your own haven'ts and take shots for those. For the kids, you have to take a shot, just because why not. Are you drunk yet?

  2. Phil loves CFA. He would tell you to get a spicy chicken sandwich. It’s probably his fave fast food sandwich. I get a grilled chicken wrapped in lettuce which is not very exciting.

    I have had children. And I have used those rental bikes a ton - I had a membership when I lived downtown. I am surprised that we didn’t use them when you visited me in 2012!! I usually have visitors rent them so we can cover more ground. I have ridden a mechanical bull - it is very hard!

    I have not milked any sort of animal but have milked myself. lol. I have not had a pet like a gerbil. I’ve actually barely had pets. I didn’t for most of my childhood until we got a cat when my HS bf’s cat had kittens. My parents were strongly anti-pet but Brian convinced them we should have a cat and that cat really became my mom’s cat. He was mostly an outdoor cat but would come in to visit and my mom swore she meowed ‘mama’. Ha!

    1. I have milked myself! Hahaha. I know you have, because I have been there when you did it! :) I don't know why we did not ride bikes; I would have loved that. We probably didn't because we ran a race and also walked around a lot!

      Also, I am surprised that you rode a mechanical bull and I think I need to hear more about this. I always think this is a thing drunk girls do, and also you can't be shy because everyone is looking at you, or so it seems. Spill!

    2. When I worked for the mortgage division of Wells Fargo, I qualified for a rewards trip to…. Dallas/Fort Worth. Womp womp. Other years were Mexico, cruises, FL, CA, etc. I got that shaft. It was very western themed so one night we went to a ranch for a BBQ and there was a mechanical bull. We all tried it and I was stone cold sober. That whole trip was kind of a disaster because my boyfriend at the time also qualified. We each got to bring a guest so he suggested we bring another couple. So my friend Brooke and her fiancĂ© came as our guests. But then we broke up about a month before the trip… but then had to share a hotel room for that trip. So yah, not a great memory all around!!

    3. Wow. Maybe next time try getting drunk and the whole experience would probably be better.

  3. I refuse to go to Chick Fil A, probably for the same reason you won't. Ditto Hobby Lobby. However, from your list, I *have*
    Seen the original Top Gun
    Been to both Dakotas, West Virginia, and live in Ohio
    Had two kids
    Had gerbils, hamsters, and guinea pigs

    I'd be fine with milking a cow. I am obsessed with cows. Actually, I'd rather just hug them. There's something so agreeable and peaceful about cows in general. And the minicows! So darn cute.

    I share your Lofty Disdain for dumb spellings. Nothing irritates me more than a business using what they think is clever misspellings to be "catchy." Ugh.

    And, although I have done it in the past, I refuse now to:
    Eat outdoors
    Ride in a convertible
    Why should I set our civilization back hundreds of years? We have evolved so that we no longer have to battle the elements and wild animals/insects for our food and comfort. I'M NOT GOING BACK.

    1. Ooh man, you would not be able to travel too long with me, because I love to camp! It's not about driving to a spot and doing the same thing that you could do at home, although some people do do this. I want to hike out into the middle of nowhere and put my tent in a place with a view and enjoy it. To be fair, I do not enjoy mosquitoes, but I can handle a marmot or a bear (as long as they are far enough away) sharing the space with me.

      I have only ridden in a convertible once and I remember having VERY tangled hair. Nobody had warned me (granted I was in my teens at the time) that you must secure your hair first or it will be all over the place.

  4. I've never ordered a drink at Starbucks. I don't drink coffee, and I don't think I've ever had a cup of coffee - maybe a taste but I've never had a cup of coffee. (I've had tea and drank it a lot while studying in Ireland). I took my kids to Chick Fillet, *I'm with Birchie on the spelling, But I don't think I ate anything there, but maybe I'm confusing it with the burger place next door that has since closed. They got coupons from the library summer reading program. MEATHEADS , that's it.

    I've never smoked pot.
    I've never been to Vegas.
    I've never gotten a tattoo.
    I've never dyed my hair or highlighted it.
    I've never been to Hawaii - and I would like to go.
    I've never learned to play an instrument (aside from a few tunes on the tin whistle, but no actual lessons)
    (suddenly I feel like this list is revealing that I've never really LIVED. hee hee)

    I share many of the same have nots as you, but I have been to some of those states, notably Ohio (Coach's parents are from there and I attended many Irish dancing competitions there as a kid). And I've had kids. And I've seen both the Top Gun movies.

    1. OOH! I think tht I have done all of the things on your never list! Interesting that you don't drink coffee. My Dad doesn't drink coffee but I remember a couple of late nights on a long road trip where he would get one to stay awake and my brother and I were always appalled. On the flip side, my Mom drinks multiple cups per day.

      I think I need more stories about this Irish dancing competition. Were you in it? If so, did you do well and if so, I think we also need videos to prove it.

  5. Some people - including you, I guess - get very invested in toilet paper and I just don't get it. I put it underneath, over top, I really don't care. Just as long as toilet paper is available, I could not care less how it is set up. We have a Venn diagram with some overlap for sure - I have also never milked a cow, but I have a goat, I have never been to Antarctica or Chick-Fil-A, read 50 Shades of Grey, or had any kind of rodent as a pet. HOWEVER Top Gun is one of my all-time favourite movies, and I also love the Maverick reboot. I've been to North Dakota and I have ridden a scooter (non-mechanised). I brush my dog's teeth. As for what I haven't done, I have never watched a single episode of Star Trek or any of the movies, and I will not. I have never gotten a tattoo or kissed a woman, other than on the cheek as a friend. I'm sure there are many things I haven't done that I can't think of at the moment!

    1. Haha! I think I have done most of your "nevers" too! Wow, I have done everybody's nevers. Let's just say that I tried some things when I was in my teens/twenties! But not watching Star Trek; do you mean Star Wars? I hope not. Either way, my Mom was a trekkie and I have seen all of the different iterations, Kirk, Picard, Janeway...you will not know what any of this means, but let's just say that I watched a lot of Star Trek and Star Wars growing up.

  6. I agree about most of them but
    - not sure about the cow... could be that I did and can't remember
    - saw top gun, both versions
    - rose scooters 8in Copenhagen)
    - rented a car (when we didnt have one)
    - had a guinea pig /because tortoises were sold out)

    1. Haha! Because tortoises were sold out!? In the end, were you happy with the Guinea pig or would you rather have had the tortoise?

    2. I loved my guinea pig but I always (sand still do) want a tortoise.

  7. I've done most of those things except had kids, been to Antarctica (why would anyone want to go there?), or had a rodent as a pet.
    I have never:
    Been drunk
    Ridden on a hot air balloon
    Been on a dating app
    It's sort of hard to come up with things I've done, but I'm the most boring person in the world. I haven't done so many things!

    1. I haven't been on a dating app either! I think I may have been on a hot air balloon when I was a kid though.

  8. Fun list!

    Not done SO many things myself its not even funny - my bucket list would be ginormous!

    I've had a hamster and Guinea pig as a kid though, and loved them dearly. And a cat as adult, but currently only fish. :)

    1. I went through a fish phase, but I think it was in an apartment where I could not have cats. Once I moved, I got cats, plus the fish did not last very long!

  9. How fun to read your and everyone's responses. I've never done a lot of things. Maybe I'm pretty dull! Recently, someone was pretty upset that I've never read The Lord of the Rings trilogy or Game of Thrones or seen the movies.

    1. Yeah, LOTR and Star Wars are classics, and there are not too many people who have not read/seen them! I read the first GOT book and have not seen any of the show!

  10. I've done several of these. I have been to Delaware, I had 3 hamsters growing up (RIP Shawna, Amanda, and boy hamster whose name I don't remember), I have seen both Top Gun movies (dumb, second is better than the first), I've brushed my dogs' teeth (though generally Ted does this) and I've had a child.

    I've never: had a tattoo, done cocaine, jumped out of an airplane, been to Africa, Asia, Antarctica, or South America.

    I have: lived in a homestead in Alaska without running water or a phone (I was little, don't be impressed); had the best 3 dogs that have ever lived; driven from San Francisco to Philadelphia twice (1st time, 3 days; 2nd time, 4 days), but never from Philadelphia to San Francisco.

    1. Wow, there are a lot of non-tattoo people here! I had the same experience at work; my 75 year old boss asked if anyone had a tattoo and between like ten of us, I was the only one! What is wrong with the kids these days (most people I worked with were in their 20s)? I've also been to Africa, Asia and South America, and would recommend all of them!

  11. I've never seen Top Gun either! I've also never seen any of the Godfather movies, which I feel like whether or not that is surprising depends on one's age.
    I've also never read all the Harry Potter books. I think I stopped at #3. Haven't seen the movies either. I think this also might be surprising depending on one's age.
    One thing I want to be able to do, but can't yet is learn to juggle.

    1. I only just saw the first Godfather movie about 10 years ago, and basically because everyone was aghast that I had never seen the Godfather movies. And it was only so-so, so I did not watch the other two. Now when someone says, "take the canoli" I get it, but otherwise I could have done without watching it.

  12. I've milked a cow (and even got to name a calf - I dubbed him Cherry, after Don Cherry the famous Canadian hockey personality).
    I've eaten at Chick-fil-A.
    I've watched both Top Guns and the second one (from a few years ago) is AH-MAZING if you like that kind of movie.
    We've had one hamster. I had a pet rabbit for a very short time as a kid.
    I've had kids.
    I've been to South Carolina many times because I have family living there.

    1. How was the milking? Was it hard? I had a bit of trouble milking the goat! We had rabbits when I was a kid, but they were in the backyard and I am not sure if we ate them? We had a pig in the backyard that we DID eat, but I cannot remember really if the rabbits were pets or food. I have also eaten Guinea pig. I have never (that I know of) eaten hamster.

  13. This was fun!

    I have eaten at Chick-Fil-A. MANY times. It's my favorite fast food. It shouldn't be but it is.
    I have been to Ohio, South Carolina, and West Virginia.
    I have brushed a dog's teeth.
    I had a hamster as a pet when I was a kid!

    1. But why is Chick-Fil-A so popular? What is your favorite item there?

  14. I've never eaten at chick-fil-a (and I don't like cutesy spellings either)
    I've been to all states except Alabama, Mississippi, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Kansas, Nebraska
    I've brushed a dog's teeth
    I've never ridden on a scooter or rental bike
    I've had kids
    I've never had a cat
    And I am sorry because I know it bothers a lot of people but I don't notice the direction of the TP roll
    Great idea for a blog post!

    1. If you like mountains, Wyoming and Idaho and Montana all have some good ones! I will forgive you for the TP; I mean, as long as you change it, that is good, but I would probably flip it over if I went in and it was upside down. :)

  15. Yeah, never been to Chick-fil-a and refuse to go to Hobby Lobby and Walmart.
    I also never read the 50 Shades or the Hunger Games.

    1. I don't think I have ever been to Hobby Lobby; what is that, like Michaels? I have definitely been to Walmart. When I lived in Louisiana that was the only place to get groceries!

  16. I have milked a cow, but I found it surprisingly difficult. And yes, I have also milked myself and that was much easier! I've seen both Top Guns. Had kids and ridden on their scooter. And I'm positive that I've put the toilet paper under because I never notice it. The rest of these I have not done.

    1. I am assuming you milked yourself with a machine! It would be easier to milk a cow that way for sure. I tried on a goat and had trouble getting the motion down.

    2. LOL, actually mainly by hand, but I had way too much milk, so not much effort was involved.


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