
Looking Back: Books + Life

I am a bit behind on updates, so I thought I would put it all out here in a kind of "Currently-esque" post with a touch of "Recently" sprinkled in. So without further ado, here is what's going on both with my adventures with #bobthebluebike, and with life in general. 

Currently I am reading the first book of The Expanse on ebook, and am listening to In The Woods by Tana French. I enjoyed the last book I read of hers but it was in print and for some reason this one is seeming more slow paced to me. Recently my favorite reads have been The Indifferent Stars Above (thanks for the rec Engie et al!), Ken Follett's Never and Maame by Jessica George. However, I DNFed about seven books over the last two months; the most recent few were Us Against You, Recursion and Sure I'll Join Your Cult (should have known just from the title). It's a shame because I really enjoyed Beartown, and Recursion had a 4.17 on GR. The last one was a read by the author audiobook by a comedian I have never heard of and I found her to be super annoying. 

Currently I am eating too much junk food! I am not a huge fan of sweets, but I've sure had a lot of candy (Haribo for the win!) and ice cream over the last few months. I fear that as soon as I stop riding the bike my stomach is going to swell like one of those little dinosaurs we used to put in a cup of water. I have no self control. Recently, I have tried several gluten free pizza places. My favorite is still Pizzeria Otto's in Portland, but the Rocket Pie GF pizza in Canmore was so good that my wheat eating friends ate my pizza and we had to order another GF pizza after that to share! 

Currently I am listening to the air conditioning unit in my room. After a super hot and humid ride through Southern Wisconsin, it cooled down a lot, and got less humid and last week the highs were even only in the 60s/70s. However, it's getting a tad warmer again! I actually don't mind it, but am not a fan of rain or high humidity. Dry is key! Nobody wants chafe in their nether region! Nobody! Recently I've been listening to the No Borders podcast with Brian and Carrie. They are a couple who have a YouTube channel about early retirement and travel that I've been following for a couple of years. They recently launched a podcast and I find it useful and of course it helps me dream! 

Currently, I'm spending a lot on accommodation. The option to wild camp is not as prevalent in the Midwest as it is in the West, and the established campgrounds are expensive. The last state park I went to in WI charged $35 for tent camping and some of them are closer to $50! (FYI usually Forest Service sites are ~ $15, and you can even get a site in Yosemite for ~ $27) The best thing I spent money on recently is a flight to Portland. Usually I go every fall to house and pet sit for a friend and although I considered skipping this year, I decided that I could work it in as a cycling break, which I think I will need by then! Plus it will give me a chance to send myself some things, since I will not be on the move for once! I've also enjoyed springing for a croissant or a coffee or lunch for those I've been meeting up with (and for those of you who wouldn't let me, thank you too!), since I feel so happy to have gotten to meet them and some of them have even fed and housed me! I definitely got the better end of the deal here! 

Currently I'm feeling a little under the weather. I caught a cold on the Amtrak and can't shake it. It's not horrible, but it just won't quit! Also camping with a stuffy nose is not super fun as I can't breathe and so I have to prop up my head with my backpack and then sleep on my side or back, which is not my preferred method. 

Currently I'm missing my weekly visits with the girls (A & L). I feel like I was really getting to know them more of a day to day basis, whereas only seeing them every few months is just not the same. 

Currently I'm looking forward to being back in Canada! I should be back there in the next few days, this time in a different province. Although, I've been to Ontario before, I haven't explored it much, so I am excited to see some new parts of the province. 

What are you reading? Eating? Looking forward to? 


  1. Indifferent Stars was great. I listened to it on a road trip from the comfort of my car, and I bet that it was an even better listen from the bike. Currently I'm reading 11/22/63, and I'm loving it and taking my time with it.

    I also like B&C's podcast, though I feel like they've cut back on their YT videos since they started it. Oh well.

    How does flying work with Bob? Can you take him with you or does he stay behind?

    1. They have cut down on their YouTube videos! I bet it is so much easier, editing wise, to do the side by side on the couch podcast rather than an out and a out video.

      You can check a bike as large luggage (in a box) and sometimes it only gets charged as a regular checked bag! Or you can shop it in a box, or Amtrak usually lets you keep it whole and put it in the baggage car. However, I will leave him behind this time, as I don't need him in Portland!

  2. Where in Ontario will you be? If you'll be in the Niagara region, do stop in at Niagara-on-the-Lake, especially if you have Bob with you. Very bikeable and beautiful. Terrific wine region.

    I'm rereading Jane Eyre for probably the fifteenth time. I'm reading a piece from it for my son's wedding in two weeks, and I want to be able to have the whole thing fresh in my mind. I'm also reading I Capture the Castle for a book club, and trying desperately to find time to read The New Yorkers that are piling up on my coffee table.

    It's summer, so I'm making and eating a lot of pesto. And fresh tomatoes whenever I can. Do you get much fresh produce on the road?

    1. Thanks for the recommendation re Niagra on the lake. I also heard from some friends that biking along lake Erie was fabulous.

      I used to get New Yorker and I could never keep up!! And yes, I do get fresh produce, but it just started! I miss California for that, as we have more year round fresh produce. However, right now is prime time.in the north!!

  3. This is Lisa! I am glad the humidity broke because humidity is the worst! I am currently wishing that your arrival would have coincided with our annual trip to my parents so you could see a pristine Minnesota lake and enjoyed all the toys my parents have (kayak, paddle board, paddle boat, etc). But I am glad we saw you when we did and could show you one new spots in Mpls.

    I just finished The Wedding People and it was sooo good. 5 stars!! Now I am reading ‘Funny Story’ by Emily Henry which I am enjoying but I know she is not your cup of tea. I am looking forward to this week at the lake and then our kid-free week next week! And then we will be back here for Labor Day weekend and then school starts!!

    1. Woof! And then school starts! I can't believe it. No, Henry is not my cup of tea, but I put The Wedding People on hold already and am looking forward to it. I also finished Wandering Souls, which I enjoyed.

      I do wish I could have joined you at the lake, but there are only so many days in a year and I don't want to be stuck in the northeast once winter comes!!

  4. I loved this post, I loved getting all caught up. I'm excited for you to go to Portland because I love Portland so much. Mostly I spend time with my family there, so I miss a lot of the touristy things. Japanese gardens are beautiful if you haven't seen them before. I have a friend in Lewiston, NY, near the border. She says the Erie canal is surprisingly wonderful and interesting.

    1. I also go to Portland for visits, so do not really do the touristy things. However, I have not been to the Japanese garden, and will give it a look-see when I am there!

      Re Erie canal, I remember driving by them as a kid (my relatives live in upstate NY), but would like to explore them more as an adult!

  5. We enjoyed our recent trip to Ontario and Quebec - will you be heading up to Quebec? Whereabouts are you heading? Ontario is HUGE so I assume you will not be biking all over it (or will you? Probably not, it's August already). There has been some flooding in some regions so I hope that doesn't affect you.
    I didn't realize you are a gluten free person! Do you have celiac?

    1. I will probably not ride "all over" Ontario, but will ride near lake Huron and Erie before going past Toronto and Ottawa (big cities are not super fun on the bike, but we will see how it goes).

      I have been to Quebec, but may also go back through there, but that part of my journey is still TBD. It really depends on the weather, and my motivation as the trip gets further on.

      Re GF, I found wheat, excess fruit, garlic, onions, bell peppers and beans to contribute to my gut issues, so I normally try to avoid and/or minimize these things. I can have a croissant from time to time but tend to feel better if I do not do it too often.

  6. Thanks for the update! I'm sorry to hear that you caught a cold. After spending so much time outdoors, it must be torture to get on a train, and then to get sick afterwards. Ugh! A housesitting stay in Portland sounds like just the thing. I agree with J that the Japanese gardens are beautiful. Really, everything is beautiful there.

    1. I know! I think I was far enough away from people (mostly) for so long and then boom, I had hundreds near me! Talk about a shock to the system!

      I like Portland because I can just relax and not worry about seeing it doing everything. However, I have the Japanese gardens on my list!

  7. The Expanse!! That series is So Good. It's in my Top 5, for sure. If you ever get a chance to see the television show, it's also a pretty good adaptation.

    What are the logistics of flying with Bob? I need to know!!

    1. I have had several friends who have really enjoyed The Expanse, so I hope I will too. Plus if I do, it's what, like 9 books or something?

      To fly you have to box up the bike, which requires removing one wheel and the pedals and turning the handlebars so they are in line. Then you have to carry the box to the airport, which will probably be the hardest part for me! It's big and heavy and unwieldy!

  8. Ugh - that cold sounds so frustrating. I hope it passes quickly. The cycling break trip to Portland also sounds like such a good idea.

    I continue to be in awe of you, Kyria! This voyage you are on sounds amazing and terrifying in equal measure and I love following along.

    1. Thanks Suzanne! I am looking forward to the break, as the trip is fun and great, but sometimes it gets tiring to have to be in planning mode all the time. I just want to veg out sometimes! Also I like routine, and although I have one of sorts, it will be nice to get up, make coffee, go for a run, stuff like that.

  9. I'll also recommend Niagara-On-the-Lake. It was such a great spot - I wish I could have spent more time there. There's this really old-school bookstore there; the woman wrote down my receipt on paper!

    I'm glad you're going to have a little biking break in Portland. That will be a nice reset for you, I'm sure!

    1. NOTL sounds quaint!! I checked and the bus doesn't go there so I would definitely have to ride to it! I love old bookshops though!

      A break will be nice. A routine, if even for a week, will be nice.

  10. Great little life update, Kyria. I am so impressed with your travel and how you keep up with it all (and I am excited that you'll have a little getaway to Portland. What will you do with your bike?).

    1. The bike will stay in Canada with some friends I think. Hopefully I'll get back to it, but if not, I guess I'll donate it to them. Ha! 😁

  11. Thanks for the update, Kyria!! I have been re-entering since Italy and slowly prepping for the school year- for ME and the kids (two different school districts).
    Reading: Elizabeth Kostova's Shadow land- set in Bulgaria. A bit superficial but I'll finish it.
    Eating: I am in search for sustainable easy meals for the school year. So far, I have salmon with salad, chili, roasted chicken, tacos, and pork chops...
    I am looking forward to New Jersey fall. Cooler temperatures, all the scents and the turning leaves. I am also looking forward to teaching again- next week and all the routines that work brings It will be hard but I am craving structure at the moment.

    1. Thanks Daria! Somehow this comment snuck by me, sorry!!I do love fall, and places where it is an actual season (not too much in coastal California). I remember fondly those crunchy leaves and crisp mornings!

      I am craving structure too! Sometimes I just want to have a few days in one place rather than having to constantly be on the go, and not knowing what the next days will bring.

  12. So... will you go back on the bike after Portland? Or is this the end of this segment of the road? Time for another change? Where to next? So many questions! Also.... I'm not sure of how the girls are related to you. Niblings? Friend's kids? Other? Hope you are feeling better. Being around people kind of stinks in terms of increased risk of nasty infections. :(

    1. Nibblings!? Sounds like either a dog treat or a cheese and cracker platter (so I guess food!). I would call them nieces not by blood, but their Mom is basically my sister from another mister, aka, her family is family to me! They are 14 and 10 and before I left I was seeing them at least once a week if not more.

      After Portland, I will come back to Canada and keep heading east with a goal of getting to the Atlantic Coast before winter! After that, probably home for a.little bit, then off for another adventure, this time probably some international travel.


Thanks for commenting! I love to respond to comments, so please check back soon for my reply!