
Money Monday: By The Numbers: October

Finally, things have simmered down enough and it is time for my monthly spending recap, along with a few other random stats! For the month of October, my bike trip was slightly winding down, and I spent a lot more time visiting and housesitting than I did riding. All of the below numbers are as of October 31, 2024. 

Montreal bike (they were everywhere!)

Mileage To Date:

Total Days on the Road: 222
Total Days Ridden: 153
Days Ridden in October: 10
Total Miles Ridden: 8,540
Average Miles Per Day Ridden: 55.8 (vs 56.57 as of Sept 30)
Max miles per day: 101

Accommodation To Date: 

Airbnb: 12
Established Camp: 35
Friend: 36
Housesitting: 18
Motel: 69
Warm Showers: 9
Wild Camp: 40
Train: 3

Total Days: 222
Total average cost per day: $39

Verdict: Although October involved a lot of housesitting and stays with friends, the motels were more expensive than normal and there was no wild camping. This only brought the average per day down from $40 to $39. 

Total Cost: October
*Please note that I eradicated my travel category since basically all my costs are what I would have categorized in travel before. 

Accommodation: $1,106 (↓ from September by $15!) Includes any place where I rested my head for the night. In October this included housesitting (13), Motel (9), Friend (5), Airbnb (2), Established Camping (1) and Train (1). 

Dining Out: $174 (↓ from September) Includes coffee, ice cream shops, snacks and meals at a restaurant, including bakeries and the train canteen. This was down about 30% from the average for this trip. This is likely due to the fact that I was not on the move as much so could plan my groceries and meals out better. However, I did go out and get food in Montreal and Quebec a few times, and went out with Elisabeth! I feel like this was more quality than quantity though. 

Groceries: $254 (↓ from September) Includes food and snacks from a grocery or convenience store. This is down about 20% from the average for this trip. This is likely due to the fact that by housesitting or staying with friends, I tend to be able to shop less often so can stock up on more things. 

Health: $234 (same - insurance premium) Includes my health insurance and any costs for health care (which I have luckily not had!!!). I expect to go for my colonoscopy procedure in the next six months and it will be interesting to see what the out of pocket is for that with my new insurance plan. (by interesting, I mean please don't hold your breath!) 

Misc.: $33 (↑ from September) Includes CFA membership, shipping, gifts, personal care (as you can see, there is not much of that happening)

Shopping: $4 (↓ from September) Includes costs associated with cycling maintenance, cycling gear, running and camping gear and other clothing or toiletries. The $255 average for this trip is mainly because I've spent about $1,100 on bike maintenance, which equates for about 62% of this category. Luckily in October, I barely spent anything! Bob sure is high maintenance! (*Dad joke)

Transportation: $169 (↓ from September) Included one flight for me and Bob and a couple of local bus and train rides in Montreal and Quebec. Why is it so low, you ask!? I used points for a lot of this, which I talked about in my last Money Monday post

Utilities: $232 (↓ from September) Includes a monthly breakdown for the following, even though some of them are charged only once per year: phone, Garmin charges, subscriptions, credit card fees and internet security (NordVPN). 

Total Spent: $2,205 (↓ 20% from average and ↓ 27% from September)

Verdict: Pretty much all categories went down from September and most were lower than the average for the trip. I am still trying to figure out what I should target for my budget for next year, but I am thinking that $2,500 a month may be a good number to start with. I do think that there will be a couple of things that I will need to upgrade next year (for example, my normal travel backpack is from the 90s!) but hopefully they will not cost more than the cost of bike maintenance, so it will even out. 

This brings to total spent for seven months to $18,407 or approximately $2,600 per month. The highest month is still the Tour Divide (July) and the lowest is April with October coming in second lowest.

Verdict: Being on the move more or trying to go faster equals more expensive for the most part. Being able to slow down and buy things in larger quantities and stay in one place for a week really does make a difference. 

To end this number heavy post, here are a few non-cycling related stats! 

Favorite Ice Cream: The Real Scoop in Wolfville. 

Favorite New Town: Wolfville, although Mahone Bay was pretty dang cute

Favorite New Water Related Venue: Hubbards Bay or Blomidon

Favorite Food Item: I really loved the family dinners at Elisabeth's house! However, I had a blast getting a loaded poutine at La Banquise in Montreal. Was it touristy? 100% yes. However, it was still a lot of fun and it was very filling! 

Favorite Book: God of the Woods. I will be doing a post about what I read later, or you can find my list on my Goodreads page here

Okay it's your turn!! Have you read God of the Woods? What was the best (or worst) thing you spent money on in October? What month is normally your highest spending month? 

If you haven't already, you can fill out this form with any questions you want answered for my upcoming ask me anything post!!

This post is part of NaBloPoMo. You can find the rest of my posts for this challenge here. You can find the list of participants and their information here


  1. This is so interesting! You're doing great at staying "on budget" I think!

    1. Well there have been some months where I was not sure I would make it, but I do think that it all evens out. HOWEVER, if I put in the amounts I spent on selling my house, this will be my highest spending year ever (not including the year I bought my house if you include the down payment, which I do not).

  2. Like many, December/late November is when I do the bulk of my Christmas gift shopping. That's when a big chunk of funds goes out.

    I haven't read God of the Woods; I'll take a look at it. Right now I'm dragging through The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store by McBride. I'm about 125 pages in, and if it annoys me much more, it could be a DNF and end up in the Little Free Library on my walk this week.

    I'm glad you enjoyed your poutine. I think I could live on just plain fries for a very long time. Potatoes in any form are just so good!

    1. Oh yes, spoiler alert, November is going to be WAY out of budget! I had to buy a new computer and I just can't wait until next year for it unfortunately. I have tried to read McBride and just don't love him! I struggled with Deacon King Kong...struggled! But I finished it. However, I am not in a rush to try reading another book by him.

      The poutine was good, and it was a meal! I also could live on potatoes; in fact, when traveling, they are an easy thing as they don't go bad and you can cook them in the microwave. I should do a post on travel related hotel meals, some of which can be very boring, but some are pretty creative!

  3. I've only had poutine once this year, but it was memorable. Engie and I split a side of vegan poutine at a place in Milwaukee when we met in May and it was everything.

    I had two best purchases in October. The first was a family weekend in CHI for my niece's bday. The second was - I hope you're sitting down - I upgraded my very old, very cheap refurbished iphone that worked well enough to a brand spankin' new iphone with no discount at all just cuz I wanted to. Sure it's just a phone but it's a bright shiny new phone and it makes me happy. Though I also switched to a cheaper cell phone plan to offset the cost over time;-)

    GOTW was a DNF. I loved her last book and I was so looking forward to GOTW, especially since it took months to come in on Libby. But it just didn't click with me. I know I'm an outlier, and I'm good with that - the stats are that 99.99% of people loved it, a few thought it was fine, and only one other "real person" blogger rated it a Meh.

    1. You bought a new phone!? With no discount? I am sitting down but I just fell out of my seat. Did you at least use Rakuten or something? What is happening here? My last "new" phone was refurbished from a site called Swappa. I bought it in 2021 for about $250; it was last year's model, and I am (still) loving it. I just could not stomach spending over $500 on a phone, although Fi does do some discounts from time to time. (Although I do covet the Pixel 9, but it is $800 and my phone still works perfectly fine). But I have surpassed the $1/use rule for my current phone!

  4. Our highest spending month is the month we pay our taxes, so April. We always have to pay in despite having Phil's December paycheck and his equity distribution go to taxes in the final months of the year... But so it goes! Beyond that, our heavier expense months are months that we travel but that is a pretty infrequent thing for us!

    I am glad you loved GOTW, too! It's one of my fave books of the year!!

    1. If you put in my house costs, this year April is my highest also. Not only did I pay my taxes, but I paid to have a bunch of work done to my house before selling. This year 2024 will be my highest spending year EVER because of that. However, aside from that, NOVEMBER is going to be my highest month because I bought a computer. That is kind of how it goes though; it is never smooth, which is why monthly tracking is a little weird. Like I feel like I should amortize my computer out, as it's not fair to November! Also travel and the holidays etc. tend to be more expensive like you say, but for me, that is a constant!

  5. Okay, can I just say it made me SO happy that you loved the Real Scoop so much. Plus, Blomidon and Wolfville being winning places - *heart bursting*. I was very worried I might have "over sold" this province, so either you're trying to butter me up, or you think my descriptions are pretty accurate.
    Mahone Bay is lovely. Next time you'll have to get to Lunenburg, too! Such quaint, colourful little towns.
    I am stilllll waiting for GOTW and feel like I'll be waiting on hold forever because it's so popular...

    1. I like to not do everything so that way I will have an excuse to go back to places again, so Lunenburg is still on the list! I feel the same way with The Wedding People as you do with GOTW! I feel like I have been on hold for months! I also sometimes feel like by the time I read some of the popular ones, I have been waiting so long and so many people are gushing over it, that they don't meet my expectations! I hope that is not the case!

  6. I'm not sure when my highest spending month is. I save money throughout the year to offset the cost of Christmas presents and events. The best thing I bought in October was my car, though!

    I loved God of the Woods, too. One of my favorites of the year so far!

    1. I think it's a great idea that you save money throughout the year because that's the hardest thing, having to spend it all in one lump. I'm so glad you were able to get a new car so fast. I wonder if it was harder after that for other people.

  7. I enjoyed gods of the woods, especially the ending, it's beautiful. I enjoyed a lot meditation for mortals, and revenge of the tipping point this month.

    1. God of the Woods was a great book. I never read either the other books you mentioned; I'll have to go look them up.

  8. This is so interesting. I can't get over how much you track. Amazing. I have not read God of the Woods. I spend more money on groceries than anything else. Even with kids away at college, or moved out, I still cook a ton. I make meals for our gap year son and I often deliver food to my elderly parents who live walking distance to our house. I also bake a lot as thank yous to people who do us favors like drive the girls to school.

    1. Oh Ernie you don't know the half of it; I am a total Excel nerd. I love tracking things! As you can see, I spend more money on groceries than on eating out. I just don't really eat out much. I do a little more when I am around other people, but even then, my family is not really a big eating out family. We may go for a hamburger from time to time, but generally we eat at home.

  9. I finished God of the Woods today, and am looking forward to your review! Travel can be expensive, but without the costs of maintaining your house at the same time, that must make it better, right? I mean, you're not paying a mortgage/utilities/garbage AND hotel/motel/food/bike repairs.

    1. This is true! Of course in 2024 I did all of that, and paid for the costs of selling my house, so this year is going to be my highest spend EVER. But in terms of travel vs real life, travel is cheaper for me, but I am not staying in five star hotels! I do save on things like internet and other utilities though.

  10. As you know, I love these round-ups. Stats are my jam :)
    I think the best thing I bought in October was moving and the "rent" to our new place LOL (it was a spendy month, is what I am saying).

    1. Well that is a very good thing to spend money on, and I get it. April will be my actual highest month (if you add back all of my home costs and don't just focus on travel) since that is when I was selling my home.

  11. I could not tell you what my highest spending month is. Maybe December with all the presents?

    My Best Buy in October probably some magnet wall hangings to spruce up my desk space. I just need to hang them and find/make the artwork.

    1. Mine will be April actually, because that is when I sold my house. But I think my second highest will be November since I have had to buy a couple of new electronics (computer!) which were not cheap.

      Once you hang the magnets, I will be interested to see how they look!


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