

The Halloween decorations are up and the weather is cool! I had my first below freezing day last week and had to get my puffy out for the first time in a while. 

The high of the last week was: A beautiful train ride through Quebec, and the fall colors; they are popping! Also getting to meet Elisabeth, but I'll tell that story later ☺️

The low of the last week was: I had a moment where I realized that I am glad that I'm going to be done cycling soon. I am kind of tired of making daily plans and want to settle in for a bit somewhere. 

Something I marked off my to-do list was: I booked accommodations for my first few months in Europe!! I will share location details later, but that was a big weight off my chest, plus it's exciting to plan it finally! 

The book I am reading is: On audiobook, I am reading By Any Other Name by Jodi Picoult. It's about a woman trying to break into the male dominated screen play writing world and it's good so far! 

The best thing I spent money on was: Accommodations for Europe!! I also spent a shit ton of money on my plumbing (sewer lateral) in Oakland, which was not fun, but it is the last missing piece of things to do there and now it's done! So that did feel good even though it hurt my pocketbook. 

Plans for this week include: Bob and I are taking a plane ride. It's his first time and he will be in a box so he is pretty nervous!! I am perfectly fine though. 

My favorite photo from the last week is: jumping at Peggy's Cove! 

Butt and Gut Update: All good in the hood! Although I've lowered my I've cream consumption significantly, which is sad, but I can't eat as much of it when I'm not riding as much! 

What are you reading? What was the high/low of your week last week? What have you crossed off of your to-do list lately? 


  1. I'm going to break my "no commenting while Kyria is here" rule and comment on your post because I am living some of those experiences with you. Can't wait to go hiking in a few hours ;)
    The high of my week was definitely meeting you.

    1. I know! I am so glad I finally made it to your side of the country! So far, it's been a very fun time!

  2. I can't wait to hear about your NS adventures! And Bob gets to fly!!!

    Books: listened to A Well Trained Wife - incredible writing, tough subject. Still reading The Wedding People, and still very much enjoying it.

    High - family trip to CHI! Low - having the sniffles for a few days and being bored to tears at work.

    To do - ugh I'll have to get back to you on that.

    1. Bob gets to fly! I am still wrangling with the box, but I'll get there. I can't wait to hear about your Chicago trip; were there lighthouses??

  3. Love the joy of the jump photo. What great news that your big trip is planned and accommodations are made and paid. And you're enjoying the company of another blogger! So much good stuff.

    We finally crossed a lot of stuff off the list at the lake: the boat is pulled, covered, and winterized; the deck furniture is all put away; the snowblower is out and at the ready. All of that being done is both a high and a low point. I'm glad it's done, but I'm sad that boating season is over. Still, it was absolutely gorgeous at the lake with all the fall colours and the beautiful huge moon at night.

    1. Yes, the turn of the seasons is always a little bittersweet isn't it!? I do love the satisfaction of another season gone by and things tucked away and stashed, but it's sad that they need to be tucked away!

      The weather here is (lucky for me) unseasonably warm lately! It was probably almost 70 today and I wore a tank top on a hike! However, we are going to have to face the music next week, when I think it goes back to being freezing.. 👎🏼

  4. I can’t wait to hear more about your time with Elisabeth! I can see why you are ready to get off the bike and settle in for awhile. I am sure it’s getting old to make plans each day about where to sleep and how to get from point A to B!

    I am reading ‘the great divide’ which I see you gave 3 stars. I’m about 1/3 in and like it so far. My high was a great trip to DC. My low was getting there and realizing I grabbed the wrong days of my days of the week pill box. I split off the days I need and only bring those but for the first time ever, I grabbed the wrong set of days so missed several days of meds… I debated calling CVS to get a partial fill but it seemed overly complicated. Luckily I had brought a container of prednisone so at least I could continue to take that. It would not be good to just stop taking that for a few days…

    1. Oh no! That's not good re the medicine! I hope that it ended up not being too much of an issue! Would they just give you a small amount of replacements at CVS and how hard is that to obtain?

      I thought the Great Divide was good, but not great, hence the three stars. I did like the history of the Panama canal and learning about the struggles of the immigrants in the country at the time.

  5. Can't wait to hear about your time with Elizabeth, I get the feeling that you two will have a lot of fun and deep chat. Europe sounds fun and it's a big relief once the planning is done, I get that feeling every time.

    1. I love planning and it is part of the fun bit it's also a relief when some of the big ticket items are locked into place. I am okay now to relax until it's time to decide what to do each in each city.


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