
Six Things to Do in Portland, Oregon

I first came to Portland about 15 years ago, and for the last ten years, I have been to Portland on average about once a year. It has been so fun to explore the city and the more times I come, the better the visits get, as they are very low key and I can spend my time doing what I love doing best, walking around and looking at stuff! Besides just doing that, here are six things that I would suggest to someone who was going to visit Portland. 

(1) Drink beer / go to breweries! I had to lead with this one, because if you are a beer drinker, you will love this town. There are so many options and I could name about a million of them but some of my favorites so far (and I am still testing this out) are Hopworks, Breakside, and Upright (I went to this one when it was basically just a cave in a basement). 

(2) Explore the neighborhoods: I had to say this, as this is one of my favorite things to do. There are so many little neighborhoods, each with their own flare or charm. Portland is set up in quadrants, and I like to check out a bit of each, but I have predominately stayed in the NE when I have come. Some fun ones are Alberta, which is known for its art scene, Hawthorne, which has tons of good food and shops and Laurelhurst, one of the oldest neighborhoods in Portland and one of the first planned neighborhoods ever. You can find more specific info about the 95 neighborhoods here

Rose City Park neighborhood during Halloween

(3) Forest Park: This park is right in the middle of the city. It is beautiful and it is easy to do loops of any distance and you don't even feel like you are near a city, even though when you are done, it is close enough to go and get a multitude of different foods (and beers!) within a few miles. 

Forest Park in winter

(4) Columbia Gorge: Although technically not in Portland, it is worth a trip out to see this. Whether you drive it or hike it or camp it, there is so much to do in the gorge. It is so green and lush and if you are feeling frisky, you can get up high for a wonderful view. Not only that, but you can fish, drink beer, eat great food and see tons of waterfalls, rivers and creeks. I suggest the Eagle Creek trail, where I once saw salmon spawning, and then lunch in Hood River at either Bette's Place or Mugen Noodle, and then an after lunch beer at pFriem Brewery

(5) Powell's: Books, books, books! This is the best bookstore and if you like books, you have to go here. If you don't like books, well, maybe go and get a coffee while your friends look at books. It is three floors of every book you can possibly imagine, plus they even have used books. Pro tip: go to the flagship store on Burnside!! 


(6) Eating! There is so much good food! I personally love a good breakfast place, and for that I would suggest Screen Door, Tin Shed or Pine State Biscuits. For lunch/dinner, I like Otto's Pizzeria (best GF crust I have had so far), Matt's BBQ...and so many more! 

Matt's BBQ

The above list is just a taste of all of the fun things there are to do! I still have a lot more exploring to do and I am sure I will find many more things that I love to do in Portland before long.

Have you ever been to Portland? If so, what is your favorite thing to do there? If not, what is your favorite city/place to wander around? 


  1. Ooh I have not been to Portland, and for that matter I have not been to Oregon. But I want to go so badly...I must make a west coast trip happen this year.

    1. I think you would like it. There is a great mix of cities and mountainous areas and rivers and historical things (plus food and coffee and beer) that there is plenty to do!

  2. I've been to Oregon, and I've been to Powell's and Columbia Gorge (although not to hike it). I love Oregon--that state has every kind of scenery and climate.

    1. I agree! It has a little something for everyone! It also does get cold but you can always go to the coast in the winter if you need a little getaway from the Midwest!

  3. I've never been to Portland! But my husband has been wanting to go to Canon Beach for so long, and we might road trip down that way some day.

    1. Canon Beach is beautiful and if you have a sunny day, the entire trip down the coast is really nice. Plus you need to put the Tillamook cheese factory on your list, which is close enough to Cannon beach, and you can go and watch them make cheese before trying some yourself! There are also a few cool stops along the coast, like a shipwreck and a maritime museum, that are worth stopping at.

  4. You know I am here for good breakfasts!!!

    1. The Tin Shed is a little bit hipster, but the Screen Door is down home southern breakfast, think chicken and waffles, and it is decadent! You will not leave hungry, that is for sure!

  5. I have never been to Portland. I keep saying we need to do a trip to the Pacific NW because I just haven't spent a lot of time there. I want to see Powell's flagship store!!

    1. You will love it. Make sure you set aside a couple of hours, because there is a lot to look at! I could just sit and stare at books for a long time! Plus they have a coffee shop and a used book section and a kids section etc.

  6. I have been to Portland twice. The first trip was to run the Portland marathon in 2010. We got to Portland the day before the marathon so didn't do much since we needed to rest our legs, and then I flew out the day after the marathon. We did go to Powells the afternoon after the marathon but I was so tired so I went to the coffee shop while Amber browsed. But there were a lot of signs about being removed from the store if you fell asleep and it felt like falling asleep wasn't outside of the question so I got out of there and we left after that in pretty short order because I was just so tired!

    Then Phil and I spent one night there when we went to Bend, Oregon several years ago. But it was POURING rain when we were there so we didn't really see anything besides - again - Powell's. I bought a really cute shirt that I wore to my bachelorette party because nothing says I'm a partier like wearing a shirt from a book store (but the theme was "girls gone mild" so it was very on point. So we definitely need to go back and actually see more of the city. We would especially want to see the Columbia Gorge. But Phil would like to try some of the breweries and I'd like to check out that GF pizza place!

    1. Was your second Powell's visit more interesting? Phil would love the breweries and of course there are great places with food and live music and outdoor seating etc. so you can make a day out of it at some of them! Also despite your tale from above, I have rarely had rain when I was there, so there are actually sunny days. And if you have more time, the gorge is great, but so is the coast, and the Tillamook factory and Canon beach. What did you guys think about Bend? I know it gets overhyped, but I have found that it too has lots of great little hidey holes that I have found over the years, although at the surface it is sometimes not as exciting as advertised. I love that area too and could write an entire post about that area too!

  7. I love this post! Andy and I lived in Portland for a year and a half and it was so much fun. Our whole time there felt like a holiday (probably because we somewhat quickly decided we were moving back to the UK, so we just enjoyed the time we had). I love your summary and it makes me wish I could go back soon. We lived in SE off Hawthorne and have such awesome memories of life there.

    The food scene was incredible. I'm hungry just thinking of the screen door!

    1. I really enjoyed the Hawthorne neighborhood! We got an Airbnb there years ago to do a race in the gorge and we ate our way through that neighborhood that is for sure. Also, we enjoyed walking over to Mt. Tabor park and the Powell's over there too!

  8. I’ve been to Portland, and I loved it! The International Rose Test Garden was one of my favorite things. There was a Japanese garden close by and it was also wonderful.

    1. That's good to know! I have driven by there on my way to Forest Park many times, but have never stopped in. I will definitely make it a stop on my next trip there! San Francisco also has a nice rose garden with a Japanese garden close by (in Golden Gate park). Have you been to that one?

  9. i have never been to Portland!!! But I want to go. I have a good friend who recently moved to Oregon and one of these days I'll make it out there to visit. Yes to all the beer! And the bookstore. And, I was just looking through VegNews today and it was their annual "Best of" issue, like best vegan restaurant, etc. and a lot of places listed were in Portland.

    1. Oh yeah, there is definitely a lot of vegan/vegetarian options! In fact, the GF pizza I got was vegetarian (mushroom) and it was delicious! You would also like San Francisco for the same reason; you will never go hungry there either!

  10. I loooove those pics of Columbia Gorge!! The bike propped up there... such a cool photo!

    1. Kae, I had to work my butt off to get that photo :) But seriously, it is off of the old highway and you have to climb up this very windy road to get to that point. But it was totally worth it!

  11. I really want to go to Portland someday! Especially to visit Powell's!! If I do go, I will have to take a look at this post again!

    1. You would love Powell's. It is a book lover's heaven for sure. I think that the last time I was there, I spent at least an hour browsing! I don't even need to buy: I can just look at everything and be happy!

  12. I loved my one trip to Portland. Powell's Books was great, Voodoo donuts, but my favs were probably getting out to Cannon Beach and Multnoma Falls/Columbia Gorge. Loved all of the breweries we found, but I think Pelican in Cannon Beach was my favorite

    1. Yes, Cannon Beach is great and of course Goonies! I have not been to Pelican but I love OR beers; even in Costco you can get some really good ones. Of course going to the actual brewery is much more fun!

  13. I adore Portland. It is home to my sisters and their families, and my dad (deceased) and step-mom, so we've been many times over the years to visit. My dad and step mom's house is in a beautiful neighborhood, Willamette Heights. They are about a block away from an entrance to Forest Park, so we've spent a lot of time on those trails. My sisters grew up there, I grew up in California (we have different moms). They both live in NE Portland, and I love their neighborhoods as well.

    Favorite things to do there...well, besides visiting my family. I really like the Japanese Gardens. Hiking in the gorge is beautiful, though I think we've only done that once. Powell's has to happen, for sure, and we always go to the Burnside location. Hiking through Forest Park. Really though, we spend most of our time with the family. I do like the Portland Art Museum, the OMSI, and when my daughter was younger we would spend a lot of time at the Children's Museum and the zoo.

    1. I have not been to the Japanese Garden or the Art Museum! I actually went as a tourist a couple of times, then as a beer drinker/runner once (we really just raced and ate/drank on that trip!) and then a friend moved there and I go and dog sit for her about once a year and I love it! I like visiting her and just wandering; those are probably my two favorite things to do. However, maybe I will drag her to the Japanese Garden or the Art Museum next time!

  14. I have been considering a trip to the West coast - either to the northern CA region (I could meet San! maybe you! maybe Julie!) or to Oregon (one of my favorite states). Portland is fantastic, although I have only been 2x. Powell's...yesss.... Also Cannon Beach. There was the other ... shoot. That huge house above the city with the fabulous views. I can't remember the name, and didn't see it in your post unless I missed it. So glad you were able to wander through again. :)

    1. The huge house could be the Pittock Mansion? I have hiked up there in winter but not in summer so could not say (YET) whether it was cool or not! It's on my list now! Come west, young man! There are so many fun things to do in CA and OR! I am sure you would have a blast! I would love to meet you but I am currently on the road and could be in your neck of the woods before you are in mine!

  15. Sadly, I have not been to Portland, but I'd like to go!

    1. You should go! It's such an easy flight from SMF!


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