

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye

Last Friday was my last day of work. I was going to write a witty recount of my time there and talk about my feelings about leaving, but I don't think I quite have it in me yet. My brain is on half mast; I have DNFed three audiobooks this month and have not read any eBooks. All I can do is listen to podcasts and sometimes not even that, so I have reverted back to listening to music in the car. 

This month so far, I am batting 250 on books, and my one hit was only a single. I read Lisa Jewell's Watching You and it was just okay. I don't know if that is my mindset or if the book is not that good, so take my review with a grain of salt. I then DNFed Everywhere an Oink Oink (annoying Hollywood producer) and I Didn't Know I Needed This (annoying Twitter influencer) and started Murder in The Family twice and just could not get into it, so I realized that it's not you, it's me, and decided to just give it a rest. I think I may be ready to give it a shot again, but I need something light and funny and fun. Does anyone have a suggestion of a quick and easy read? No Emily Henry please. 

Speaking of music, I found an old SanDisk music player among my things and it still works! It cost maybe $15 and it holds about 3G of music, and it was about half full. It was so fun to turn it on and see what I was listening to when I last used it, which was probably at least ten years ago! I also added more songs on it so I will have something that doesn't drain my phone battery that I can listen to when I am on the road. The playlist includes a variety of songs like Shaggy's It Wasn't Me, So What by Pink, Jesus Walks by Kanye, Believe Me Natalie by the Killers and Sex Is On Fire by Kings of Leon. I also have a playlist on my phone as a backup that I have dubbed Pick Me Up, and will be used when I am feeling discouraged or tired and need to be pumped up. 

Testing out the SanDisk

It still works!

Speaking of that, if you are interested, I would love to get one song recommendation to add to the pick me up playlist from each of you. FYI, I listen to all genres, and would be just as happy with Pantera or Snoop Dogg as I would with Taylor Swift or James Taylor. So lay it on me folks! If you are one of my shy lurkers (you know who you are Berreaux!) you can text me or email me your suggestion. 

As I said, I have also been listening to more podcasts. If you love hearing a short story made long, I have one about this too. I used to use Stitcher as my podcast player. It was great, I had all of the settings down and everything was copesetic. Maybe six or ten months ago, they closed up shop and told everyone to migrate their playlists, and suggested Google Podcasts. I am an Android user and a fan of the Google suite, so I did what they said and have been very happy with the transition so far. However, about a month ago, Google Podcasts announced that they would no longer be around and that we would need to migrate our playlist again. Sigh. I don't mind learning new things but that is kind of annoying. So I moved everything to YouTube Music, which is where I listen to and get my music from. However, I don't love this platform for various reasons. So I am going to try out Podcast Guru, unless one of you has a suggestion for a great podcast app? Like I said, I am an Android user and I don't want to pay for the app. Any suggestions? And if so, why do you like the one you are using? 

Speaking of podcasts, one of my go tos lately has been All the Hacks and I just listened to a great one about FOMO and FOBO. I had never heard of FOBO but it is the Fear of Better Options, meaning that you do not make a decision right away because you think something better may come along after you do. It really hit home with me, as I don't really have too much FOMO, but I definitely have a case of FOBO from time to time. It is not unusual for me to turn on Netflix and spend half an hour trying to decide what to watch before finally giving up and turning the TV off. It is not unusual for me to put an alert on a flight price rather than buying one right away, in the hopes that the price will go down later or that the flight will be at a better time. I try not to be, but often am guilty of analysis paralysis. 

In the podcast, they talk about being an optimizer or a maximizer, both who want to get the best that they can out of the choices they make and it is fascinating to see how much I can relate to much of this. The opposite is a satisficer, who will pick something that is "good enough" just to satisfy. Supposedly, maximizers will take longer to make the decision, but it will often be a better decision due to the research put in, versus satisficers, who will choose quickly, but be happier in the long run. I take a long time to make decisions and often have to ask many questions to be sure I know exactly what I am getting myself into before I make the plunge. I know this is annoying to many of my satisficer friends, but to loop this back to work for the grand finale, has served me well in my industry over the last ten years! 

What fun book should I be reading now? What is your one pick me up song? What podcast app would you suggest I use? Are you a maximizer or a satisficer? 


  1. My one Pick Me Up song is "Lose Yourself" by Eminem. I love the way it ramps up in the beginning and unleashes at the chorus. And the message is uplifting, too.

    I tend to be a Maximizer when it's something of great importance or expense. I'm a learner/researcher by nature; I study and read and research pretty much for the fun of it. If I get interested in a topic, I read everything about it immediately. But if I'm just looking for something to watch on a streamer or trying to find a recipe for dinner using chicken or asparagus, I'm a Satisficer (and boy, do I hate that word; why is the C in there?). I'll weigh a few options, but if it's not that big of a deal, my time is more valuable than anything.

    1. Nance, your song is so good that I had already put it on the list! Eminem is a bit of a jerk, but his music is perfect for running or working out or whenever you just need a kick in the pants! I also already have Rap God and Till I Collapse on there. When I was dong marathon training Lose Yourself and Till I Collapse were always the ones I put on when I was struggling!

      I think I am similar to you in that the cost is a factor when being a maximizer or not. My grocery shopping is definitely quick; I am in and out and whether the green veggie for the week is asparagus or broccoli, I am happy enough either way.

  2. One of my pick me up songs is Julianna Calm Down, by The Chicks. I have nice, but can't think of them right now!

    1. That is a good song; I will admit, I am more familiar with the albums Wide Open Spaces and Fly and did not realize they put out an album as recently as 2020! I also was not aware that they changed their name. So in giving me this I have learned something new! Thanks.

  3. "Have a Cuppa Tea" by Great Big Sea is a fun song. I don't know how you can be sad when that song is on!

    Light book? Yours Truly by Abby Jimenez is a fun romance novel if you're into that sort of thing. (I think you might now be based on the no Emily Henry request.) A Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking is a fun cozy fantasy novel. Make of those recommendations what you will!

    1. That song is fun! It kind of reminds me of the Wellerman song, where it is kind of catchy and fun!

      I have read Yours Truly, but none of her other books so I am going to go borrow one now. That is a great idea, as it is very mindless. She is a bit Henry-esque, but that will be okay. Also, I have the Wizard's Guide on my Kindle per your recommendation from a way back, and I just need to get around to starting it. Now maybe that is the boot in the butt for me to do so.

  4. Phil is definitely a FOBO, just like you! It drove me a bit crazy when we were house hunting. And then he ultimately didn't like the house we ended up buying, mostly because of the yard. But he doesn't dislike it enough to move so we'll be here for awhile. I love our house, though. It is not THE BEST but I love the yard and mostly love the layout, especially the guest suite and the fact that the boys have their own bathroom. So it all worked for me.

    I told Paul about how we need to come up with song suggestions for you. So far we have one - "Hold Out Your Hand" by Brandi Carlile. It is a very upbeat/peppy song and one that both boys like (Phil can only listen to it like once/car ride as Brandi's voice grates on him a bit). I'm still thinking on our other suggestions. I'll get one from Phil will probably be Pink Floyd or something like that.

    I use Pocket Casts for podcasts but I think I had to pay for it.

    My reading has been very meh this year, too. Right now I"m reading a romance set during the winter holidays. yes, I realize it's March. But it became available and I was in the mood for something light. If you are in a funk, you could try some middle grade or kid lit? It's so plot-driven so can be a fast read. Maybe find a Kate DiCamillo book to read? She's one of our favorites! I really want to read her newest release but I think it's probably too advanced for Paul.

    1. House hunting is hard and it is one of those things you know you are going to be stuck with for a long time, which makes the FOBO even worse! I think, as Nance mentioned, my level of FOBO does increase with the increase in the price or time that you will have invested or will have to invest. However, for some reason, I was hesitant to start looking to buy, but once I started looking, I moved pretty fast. I am NOT picky about houses, and I know I can always upgrade something I don't like later, but in reality, I actually don't care that much about most of that stuff to do anything about it, so I guess with houses, I just make do. Weird eh?

      I added the Brandi song and will think of Paul when it comes on (and you of course). And you know Phil and I are kindred spirits because I would love a Pink Floyd song. I just borrowed Because Of Winn Dixie. I have ready Desperaux, per A's suggestion, a few years ago, and I liked that one, so I am sure I will like her other stuff.

  5. My favorite pick me up song is Shinin' on me by Jerrod Niemann. It's a country song, but it always cheers me up with the chorus:
    Today the sun is shinin' on me
    Sitting with my feet in the breeze
    Ain't sweating the little things
    And who knows what tomorrow is gonna bring
    But today, the sun, shinin' on me

    1. That is a good song! I actually like country and don't have a lot on the list. I know it's a bit pop, but I added some Dierks Bentley (51-50) and Zac Brown Band in the spirit of the country music!

  6. Oh werk. It's a thing. I vote for you to get further into your work recovery/detox before spilling the tea. Don't get me wrong, I very much want to hear it, but it's a lot. For now it's good enough that you made it to your last day and freedom!

    I don't really listen to music that often but when I do...Shaggy is definitely welcome on the playlist! Also I had a couple of SanDisk players! They were fantastic. I loved being able to clip it to my neckline when I worked out. I kept using mine until 2019 when I got airpods and that's when I finally switched to using my phone for all music.

    I like Overcast a lot for podcasts BUT huge disclaimer that I have an iphone. My husband tried it on Android and didn't like it. That was a few years ago, so who knows if the app isn't good on the 'droid or if it was something with his phone.

    For reading I'd recommend the very cheeky Dover series by Joyce Porter. It's a satire/spoof on the great British detective mysteries. It doesn't require any brain power or special concentration, it's just funny and clever. When I hit a DNF streak, I sometimes turn inward and say "what's wrong with me?" and yes you're in a time of transition yada yada but...c'mon it's also very possible/not that unusual to just hit a stream of lame books. So I say that while it *could* be you it's probably not. I'm reading a really, really, reeeeeeeally great book right now - Every Last One by Anna Quindlen, recommended by Jenny, but it's a bit heavy so I'm not sure if it's right for you right now.

    Also we might be TV twins because I often sit down in front of the TV and can't settle on anything to watch so I end up on my phone or computer with nothing playing on the TV. If it's something that I really care about, I am absolutely a maximizer. But for things that are less important I'm Team Satificer just to get it done and be able to move on to something else.

    1. TV twins! I am also a maximizer for more expensive things, things that I have invested a lot of time in, things I care about more etc. I don't really care what is for dinner and will eat whatever is in the fridge. No need to waste time thinking any more about that!

      I also have wireless earbuds and love them, but they only last about six hours and I plan to be on the bike for longer than that some days so it will be nice to either have a backup, or save my wireless buds for times when I really need them. Also the Bluetooth does suck the phone battery faster, and I definitely do not want to do that on days where I may need the battery for more important things.

      I have your Dover recommendation on my list but my library does not have it in any electronic formats! I will have to read it when I am somewhere where I don't mind carting a paper book around, but unfortunately, that time is not now. However, I will keep it in mind, as I am very interested in this genre! I have enjoyed Quindlen's books in the past and will add Every Last One to my reading list, but maybe wait a little bit so I can fully enjoy it.

  7. I was also a very happy stitcher user and I moved over to podcast addict and am pretty happy with it. I googled "best podcast app not apple" (I'm also a die hard android consumer and refuse to pay for most apps) and a few lists suggested that one. I am also definitely a maximizer and nodded my head emphatically re: the 30 min to decide what to watch on netflix and then just turn off the TV. What's your itinerary for your travels??? So excited to follow along.

    1. I will check out Podcast Addict! I downloaded Guru but have not done any recon on how it works, so would be happy to take a recommendation by someone who has one that they like and have tried. I barely watch Netflix because I usually don't start or do start and then give up and just go and read my book anyway. Unless I have something I came there to watch, it is not fun browsing (ie wasting time).

      My itinerary is fluid, but likely headed north to Canada and then east! Due to possible snowstorms in the Sierra, I may be changing the route at the last minute but will still head generally north at first.

  8. I find Keep Your Head Up by Andy Grammer picks me up!

    1. That is a good song! However, it made me think of TuPac and so I also added his version to my list too! :)

  9. The first fun song that comes to mind is the B52s Loveshack, and with that suggestion you should be able to accurately pick the year I turned 18 and started clubbing. Yes the 30 min scroll through Netflix is painful. It mainly happens for us if we are trying to find something we’ll all watch.

    1. For got to log in. Melissa

    2. Tin roof! Rusted! I added Loveshack and that is definitely peppy! Its funny that you said that about clubbing, as my equivalent was Come on Ride the Train by the Quad City DJs. I would go in my short shorts and high boots and shiny shirt and drink Sex on the Beach (which are gross, but when you are 18 it doesn't matter) and would have the best time dancing my butt off.

  10. For a great pick me up song, I really like “Have It All” by Jason Mraz!

  11. Added! It really is an upbeat song and I love all of the different genres I am going to have!

  12. Many many years ago we had a dinner party and for some reason we all started talking about what our theme songs would be, i.e., what song would play any time you came into the room, like Darth Vader. It was so funny. Half our guests were my husband's colleagues at the very stodgy conservative company he worked for, and the songs that were suggested were pretty amazing. One guy went with Gangsta's Paradise, for example, and every time I hear that song I think of him. My husband's was Welcome To The Jungle, which still makes me laugh imagining him going into the board room and suddenly the guitar riff starts playing. Me, though, the song I chose was Maneater. Any time I hear the opening bars of Maneater, I stand a little taller and strut a little. My song! Whoa, here she comes! Watch out boys, she'll chew you up! I love it so much. So that's my suggestion for you to add - Maneater. It is a hell of a bop.

    1. I love this. I also love that you said "like Darth Vader" instead of "like when Barry Bonds came up to bat" (his was The Next Episode by Dr. Dre). Can you imagine Darth coming out to the tune of Britney Spears Toxic? It just wouldn't be the same! I also think it's fun to see what people name for themselves versus what others would name for them. I may see my theme song as 18 And A Life, but you may see me as La Isla Bonita (why, thank you!)

      When you said Maneater, I did not immediately think of Hall and Oates; I thought of Nelly Furtado! I do not have the H&O song on my playlist, but I do have the Nelly Furtado version! I will add the H&O now and will think of you strutting into the yoga studio with that song in the background.

  13. Oh wow - I had a sandisk once! That's amazing that yours still works. I really love Sia - especially The Greatest. It's my runnning and life song, a reminder that I do have stamina. I love finding old playlists of mine, sometimes I think "wow that was a great song I haven't heard in ages" (like when I recently discovered a mixed CD with Crazy Game Of Poker by O.A.R) and sometimes I think "oh this song is terrible why did I like it" (like when the same CD had It's Your Birthday by 50 Cent).

    Also I love the satisficer mentality - I was definitely a previous Optimizer or Maximizer and I think I'm generally happier when I try to be more of a satisficer. Sometimes when I spend time with my Optimizer family I find it exhausting now, and I realize how much I've changed.

    Also well done on recognising you are in a season of podcasts. It's interesting to note when we DNF books because of us vs. because of the book. It can't be all reading all the time! I hope you get inspired again soon!

    1. Hey shorty, it's your birthday! I actually like that song and it reminds me of Giants games, as it was one of the player's batting theme songs. I wonder if the maximizer/satisficer relationship changes as you get more busy or more things are happening in your life. For example, people with one kid want everything to be perfect; people with three let them eat food off the floor. Or if not, I wonder what creates that change.

      Per Engie's request, I just started The Wizard's Guide (on Kindle) and actually I am enjoying it so far! I think I am in a better mind space than I was a week or two weeks ago, for sure. I am ready to try getting back into it at least!

  14. I'm pretty sure I also had a SanDisk at some point - what a blast from the past!

    Hmm... fun song. I'll suggest Happy by Pharrell Williams!

    As for light-hearted books that aren't cheesy romances, sheesh. I'll try my best! Maybe Cover Story by Susan Rigetti? It's very fast-paced!

    1. Happy is a great one! So great, in fact, that I already had it on the list! I just went and borrowed Cover Story! That one barely got through your GR ratings criteria, as it is a 3.71!

  15. my pick me songs are from black pink, doudoudou, bombayay, shutdown are my favorites, I always put them at the end of my runs.

    1. I added those to the playlist and can't wait to have one come on randomly! I always used to listen to a lot of Eminem, The Killers and Black Eyed Peas for my runs. I like the beat and even though Eminem is a bit rude, his beats are inspiring!

  16. I have nothing helpful in terms of songs or podcast apps, so I will simply say that I hope your transition to nomad life is going smoothly, now that you are out of the house and no longer working for pay. Can't wait to follow along on your adventures. :)

    1. Thanks Anne! So far, so good! It's been a little rainy and snowy, so not quite the weather I was hoping for, but otherwise it is good!

  17. Well, I am obviously too late to make any music suggestions, but I hope you had a SanDisk full of songs that will make you smile when you're on the road. Safe travels!

    1. You are not too late! I loaded up the Sandisk, but am always looking to add to the Pick Me Ups, which I access on my phone!


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