

What I Love: Gadgets & More

You know how sometimes you buy something and it slowly migrates from the counter to the cupboard to a shelf in the garage? I know we all have these things. I have a huge canning pot / pressure cooker which was very cool when I was gardening more and was using it to pressure can multiple quarts of vegetables every year. Now it holds empty jars in the garage, because I am not using them as much anymore either. Or how about those wired earphones that got stuffed in a running drawer after someone gifted you wireless earbuds? Or remember when you went through that air fryer phase? 

On the flip side, sometimes I have been pleasantly surprised by some of the things I have. I just want to say that this is not a sponsored post. These are things I have paid for or was given and I have really appreciated and I feel like I have gotten my money's worth. However, if any of these companies do want to sponsor me, I am game! 

Instant Pot: I must confess, my instant pot is a Pressure Pro, but I love it just the same. I would guess that I use it on an average of at least once a week, and probably more, as some days I even use it more than once! I know it may seem like a gimmick, but it does so many things. I have always been a soup and stew lover, but also one of my favorite things to do is to get home from a run, toss a frozen pork chop and a potato in there with some salt and pepper and by the time I get out of my shower, I have lunch!! You can't beat that for efficiency! My second favorite, and this one I poopooed for a long time before finally trying it, is hard boiled eggs. They just slip right out of the shell when they are done. They have come up in price a little bit, but if you put a price alert on them, you could maybe get one for around $60.00. I also noticed that the new ones have all kind of fun things -- dehydrator, air fryer etc. It may be worth spending the $100.00 plus at some point! 

My baby

Grandma's blankets: I have quilts made by both of my grandmas and I use them every day! I love snuggling "on top" of my bed in a quilt and reading a good book. These are obviously priceless. 

Lap desk: I often will use my laptop in bed or on the couch and I bought a lap desk like this one about five years ago when I was studying approximately 20 hours a week for the CFA. I spent so much time on the computer at home that this was a life saver! However, it is also very handy now and sometimes when I am working from home I set it on the counter and use it like a standing desk. 

Ninja: It took me a LOOOOOOONG time to bite the bullet and pony up the dough for a silly blender. However, this blender is a rock star and I use it several times a week. Whether you are making smoothies or soups or salsas, this thing will get it done in no time. I bought the one with the side smoothie cup and the food processor and it was worth it. I probably use the smoothie cup the most out of all of the attachments. As a side note, I also got a Magic Bullet as a gift and I thought that one would make the other obsolete, but I actually like to blend up my coffee (or I used to do my scrambled eggs, but I have not been buying eggs lately) every day and I use the bullet for that, so I am getting a lot of use out of both gadgets. 

Kindle Paperwhite: I don't think I really need to say much about this! Actually, I would have been team paper books all the way but my brother got me a Kindle about 12 years ago for my birthday and after realizing I could put multiple library books on it quite easily, I have been a convert. My first gen died only about a year ago and I am loving the Paperwhite so far! Aside from gifts or using gift cards I have been given, I have not spent money on books for a few years now! 

Nothing better than a book and a beer...

The Red Rocket: This is my car. For a long time I did not have a car, and living in the Bay Area that was working out just fine. I took the bus to work, I can run straight from my house into the trails and I would rent a car if going away for the weekend. However, I started going away more for weekends and it was getting more expensive to rent a car, so I decided to buy a used car with good gas mileage to have in case I needed it. The rocket has served me well and during the pandemic, I would have been stuck at home (I never really went to working from home, even during the lockdown, since technically, we are "essential") without it. To learn more about the rocket and what the parking is like around here, go here

Buffs: This is kind of random, but it is an item that is very versatile and doesn't even cost much. In fact, if you run races, you may even get one for free. Some people call it a neck gaiter. Whatever you call it, it can be used as a hat, a headscarf, an ear warmer, a neck warmer, a wristband, and during the pandemic, a mask. In fact, my mom even put one around her and called it a skirt and another friend used it as a bandeau. I also use mine in a pinch as a pot holder, snot rag, pee rag and dishcloth (not the same one!) when camping. 

What item do you use the most in your household? What item have you thought you would use is now gathering dust in the garage? 


  1. I LOVE posts like this.

    I recently got an e-reader and am officially a convert. I had a slew of books come in on hold at the library yesterday (as in, physical, paper books) and last night I was reading one in bed and thought: Golly, I hate turning these pages. I mean...HOW LAZY CAN I GET?! For years and years I swore my allegiance to paper, but I LOVE having an e-reader.

    We don't have a blender and I really wish we did; maybe a wish for Christmas 2023?

    I use my Yeti Rambler every single day for water. I love our Robovac (Eufy). And while not technically a buff, I have a whole bunch of basic knotted headbands I use for my ears and neck...I use one daily at least 6 months of the year.

    We have three lap desks and use them all the time. I also got both kids reading pillows for Christmas and I find myself "borrowing" one from them regularly. Perhaps another wish for Christmas 2023 for me?

    The item I bought and haven't used nearly as much as I thought I would/"should" is my treadmill desk attachment. It works great, but aside from a quick flurry of use when I got it, this gizmo mostly collects dust.

    1. Haha. I totally got lazy about turning pages too! I like the romantic idea of reading real books but it's happening less and less as days go by. Sometimes a coworker of mine is reading a tomb of a novel and I think about the good ol days but am so happy not to have to lug that around or hold it up to read it!

      Re the blender, I am a huge fan of Google price alerts. If you search on Google for the one you want you can go to the shopping tab and track the price. I ended up getting about $300 off my mountain bike this way! Sounds like maybe you should do it for your 2023 wish list and maybe make it an early present if the price drops!

  2. This is Lisa - I can never log into my google account when commenting on blogspot blogs! You know we also love our instant pot and use it weekly and sometimes twice in a day! I also love our cuisinart coffee maker. I love that I can pour a cup while it is brewing and I am not patient enough to wait for it to be done! I love the gaiter I have. It’s different than the buff we got at the snowshoe race. It’s smaller and i think it’s made out of wool so it’s warmer which is key for Mn winters! I had never heard the term ‘buff’ until you said it! We also have a combo air fryer/toaster oven that also can bake my GF pizzas. Before we got it, we’d make the boys’ pizza first and then mine. It’s nice to make them at the same time!

    My newest love is my Apple Watch! I am still adjusting to it but I really like it so far. I get annoyed that I don’t get credit for as many steps as I did with my Fitbit but I think it might be better to focus on closing rings which is about calories burned, exercise, and moving around for at least 1 minute for 12 hours of the day. That one is oddly the hardest one for me to close. Especially when I am very busy at work and don’t come up for air.

  3. I was someone who bought a first generation Kindle years and years ago and have never looked back. The convenience of all the books all the time is unbeatable in my world. Also, I now find physical books to be challenging to hold as I get older and my hands get more and more messed up by life.

    We use our Instant Pot at least five times a week - we use to make rice A LOT, chicken for dog treats, and to cook veggies. It's such a versatile piece to kitchen equipment!

  4. I've recently gotten into the instant pot hard core, that thing is amazing

  5. I have a Ninja blender and smoothie cup too, and I love much more than I ever thought I could love a blender. They are so fabulous! I also have and adore a Kindle Paperwhite. To be able to read with the lights off is such a luxury!

    I have to admit that I own an Instant Pot and it freaks me out. I literally only use it if my husband is home... and even then I usually make him operate it. I have all these visions of steam explosions or something when I use it -- it's irrational, but very strong!

    1. Haha! You should put on a rain jacket and have your husband stand just around the corner in case something happens and then give it go! I think that they make them a lot easier to use than the original pressure cookers were!

  6. I bought my daughter a little smoothie blender last year, which she never tried out. I think it was Hamilton Beach or something. Finally in January I decided to make some strawberry daiquiris, and wow, that thing was WIMPY. I may need to buy a better blender soon, so I'm glad to come upon your recommendation.

    I adore laying on top of the covers and reading a book under a soft blanket. I wish I had my great-grandma's quilt, my mom had it but I think it was lost in a move. Sad. I'm not a big fan of the eReader for some reason. I have a couple of books on my iPad, using a kindle app, and I just don't really like it. I do love a physical, paper book, and I love listening to books.

    I was lured in by ads to get a little garlic chopper (actually, two different ones), as I dislike chopping garlic. I hate them both and stick with my trusty knife. The choppers leave too much garlic stuck to them, and while I wouldn't say that they are difficult to clean, the knife is easier.

    1. Yes a wimpy blender really is frustrating! I had one where I had to take it off and shake it over and over for everything to be even nearly mixed. I did NOT want to spend over $100 on a darn blender, but I found mine on sale for $89 and finally just went for it, and even though I still think that is very expensive, I am very glad I bought it.

  7. Like Suzanne, using the Instant Pot was scary haha. I had one and ended up selling it on FB Marketplace. I have an air fryer and I actually use it a lot more than I thought I would. It's great for veggies! I think my most beloved kitchen tool, though, is my slow cooker. I just prefer the way meat cooks in a slow cooker to the Instant Pot.

    I also love my Kindle. I still read lots of paper books; it's probably half and half at this point. The convenience of a Kindle can't be beat, though!

  8. I love these kinds of posts, love to hear what gadgets other people rave about! I know some people who love their Instant Pot, I have never felt the need for one, but you make me reconsider.

    I love my Kitchenaid Mixer (I use it every week for bread baking) and my Dutch Oven. I cook EVERYTHING in my Dutch Oven (and I use it for baking as well). Plus, it cleans so easily.


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