

Friday Recap

The high of my week was a nice dinner out with my team from work. We have a deal with our boss; if we make a certain amount of money in one month, he springs for dinner. Last night we went to Michael Mina and had a 5 course tasting menu. The food was good and the company was even better! It's so nice to all get together outside of work; you really feel like you get to know everyone a little bit better. We spend a lot of time together, but these outings are still one of my favorite things!

The low of my week was a couple of silly things at work kind of set me off this week. Sometimes working with all guys is fabulous; there really is not a lot of drama. However, sometimes they joke around too much and getting them to focus is challenging. This week there were a couple of those times...

The book I am reading is The Vacationers and Allegiant. I am midway through the Vacationers and it is okay so far. I have not really started Allegiant yet. I just finished The Martian and thought it was a great book!

The workouts I did were a long run on Saturday and Sunday, a short run on Tuesday and Thursday and an elliptical/core workout on Wednesday. I am finally almost feeling back to normal, although I do still have a tiny cough and my ankle is not at 100% (maybe it's at 95% though, so I will take it).

The best money I spent was on a flight to Europe. I hemmed and hawed over it for a long time because it was quite expensive and I was really hoping the price would go down, but finally I just bit the bullet and bought it. I don't have anything else planned yet, but knowing I have the flight makes me feel a lot better.

My plans this weekend include some running and probably some relaxing, as this is the last weekend in a while that I will be home for and do not have a lot of plans scheduled. From now until September, I literally have about 2 "free" weekends.

What are your plans for the weekend? What book are you reading?


  1. My plans this weekend include a girls night out tonight to celebrates a friend's birthday. We're getting mani/pedis and going out to dinner - so excited! Right now I am reading The Boston Girl, which I am really enjoying!

  2. This is the last weekend I've got nothing going on as well! It's going to be nice to relax before the spring crazy stuff sets in.

  3. Your team dinners always sound like a lot of fun! Woohoo, Europe! Your travels are always impressive and the money well worth it! I'm currently reading The Big Leap and a baby whisperer book to get us prepped for Baby Moe. :)

  4. This weekend I want to do some major spring cleaning and organizing in our house. I wanted to do it last weekend but then got sick! I also have to work for a few hours tomorrow night and we have a softball practice for the spring team we joined on Sunday afternoon.

    That's SO exciting about your trip to Europe!!

  5. The team dinner sounds fun! Especially since you like the people (well, for the most part). That is exciting that you booked your trip! My weekend will be pretty quiet which I am happy about. I'm going to barre in a couple of minutes and making lentil enchiladas tonight with Phil. I always think of you when I make them since I made them for you when you came to visit! I'll run with my club tomorrow and we'll stay in tomorrow night and then on Sunday I'm going to a local history museum. And right now I am reading "The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down" which is about the treatment of a Hmong child with epilepsy. The author weaves the child's story together with information about the history of the Hmong people so it's a really interesting read.

  6. That's pretty sweet that your boss will do that! And I think a flight to Europe is money well spent. Where are you heading to?

  7. EUROPE, now that's something to celebrate!!!! Hooray! The last bit of my week and weekend were spent in New York with family and friends. Fun times! I'm currently reading Ghost Boy. Interesting & true story, not the best written book, though.


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