

Looking Back: August

Whew. August, where did you go? I know, I am so late that September is almost over and here I am talking about August still. However, I had a great month, albeit a busy one, and I had good intentions of talking about it here, but things have gotten a little out of hand over in these parts. So, it's going to be a recap in list form...

Some highlights included:

Running: I had a most excellent time with Amber and her family in Squamish in the beginning of the month. I also spent some time exploring Vancouver, which I still want to recap, because it was so much fun! Look for more on that at some point! I also had another 50k in the Marin Headlands, which I have yet to recap... In addition to that, I met up with a long-time-no-see friend for a run around the lake and we had a great time catching up, and I helped Broski conquer a hill near his house which has been on his To-Do list for quite some time.


Friends: I met up with a good friend for a hike in the Redwoods, another friend for a walk/brunch near the bay and had a sleepover with a different friend where we caught up and had some wine and cheese and acted like girls (even though one of the friends was a guy). I also joined a softball team at work and have been having a great time getting to know some of my coworkers, even though we have been losing a lot of our games! It's really pretty crazy that we all work together every day but barely ever see each other or talk to each other during the day!

Running in the San Francisco Marina

Family: My dad came to visit and I took him out for Korean food (he was very impressed by the Banchan, side dishes!) and then we did a mini walk around the lake. He just spent some time in NYC, so it was good to see him again and to have him back on the correct coast! We also all met up for my grandmother's 81st birthday. We went to our old standby, The Old Clam House, which has supposedly been there for 150 years. I also went to visit my family for Labor Day weekend and we had a great time running and cycling and swimming and eating, oh my!

On top of all of that, as I mentioned before, we had the Bay Bridge shut down for 5 days in order to switch over to the new one, I have been working overtime at work and I finally went to use my Groupon for Bikram Yoga that I have been procrastinating about. I also got rid of the car, have been biking more, and have been helping take care of the dog. Needless to say, it's been a crazy month.

In September, I don't have any races (I know, crazy, right?) but will still be doing a lot of running in preparation for the Big One (Firetrails 50 Miler) in October. There will also be more softball and biking and yoga. I am planning on having a couple of low key weekends though, as I feel as if I need some down time!

What did you do in August? Do you have any fun plans for September? Which month is your busiest month each year?


  1. Wow, you packed a lot of awesome things in during the month of August. Thanks for catching us up! I miss blog posts from you so having 2 days in a row of posts is a treat. :)

    August was a blur for me... I was gone more than I was in Charlotte, I think. I felt like I spent the month in a fog. I had fun/happy things happen, like passing the CFA, my trip home, hosting a friend, and visiting a friend in NYC, but the sadness of losing my aunt, Phil losing his dad, and my RA diagnosis sort of overtook the happiness of the month.

    September and October will be busy for me as I travel alot for work and for pleasure. I will be gone 5 of the next 6 weekends so have lots to look forward to. In general, Sept and Oct are busy months for me as I am usually gearing up for a marathon or race and things seem to pick up at work in Sept as our clients are all back from their vacations and ready to get down to business!

  2. So many great things for you last month!!! August was a mash of beach days and together time...August is my month that I panic as I see Fall approaching! My favorite were those long days at the beach with big groups of people watching our kids explore and the tide recede! My favorite!! I also got to go away with the hubs overnight to see Wicked in Boston!!

    My fastest month unfortunately is October...I say unfortunately because it is my favorite but we are always so busy with fun things that it flies by!

  3. You had a busy month in August. I don't know what it is about this year but every month seems to have flown by so far.

  4. Your two photos in this post are dreamy! Did you do any post-production work on them? I'm in love!

    August was a busy month for you, girl! And, I have a feeling that September will also be super busy for you, despite not having any races on the calendar (which sort of floors me!).

    September and the first two weeks of October are busy for us, too. (I clump early Oct in there, because that's the only time left until our big trip in the middle of that month!). We will be attending three little people birthday parties, celebrating two family birthdays, going on our last camping trip of the season, hosting out of town friends for a night, and making a pre-marathon meal (for Amber & friends!). Plus, the teen parent mentoring program I participated in last year is starting up again, which means weekly meetings with my mentee and monthly meetings with the other mentors. We have a big hot topic issue to address with our condo association, so we have another meeting related to that. Plus, I'm running one morning a week and one evening a week with a girlfriend. So, yeah, it's ridiculously busy and I'm quite certain we will be the ones packing for our two week trip two hours before we have to leave! AGH!

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  6. you've been busy!!!! Bikram Yoga is one of my favorites - I feel like I'm floating afterwards! Hope you get a little relaxation in!

  7. Busy month! My August was ugh! Too much focus on being injured and not running. Something positive in August, my kids have started school activities and they love it! That's when they're the happiest.

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  8. August was a bit of a blur for me as well. I feel like it started on a big high with Squamish and ended on a big high with my best friends wedding and everything in between was a bit of a blur! So far September is busy during the week but our weekends are much much more laidback and mellow, which I enjoy!

    I had a GREAT time hanging out with you in Squamish as well :)

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