

No Words, Just Pain

I don't really have any words.

boston marathon

This week has been one of many emotions and I am not really sure that I am done sorting them all out. As you know, I went to Boston to run the marathon last weekend. My whole family was there. My friends were there. Their families were there.

I crossed the finish line at 1:46 pm. My phone had died about halfway through the race, so I slowly made my way to the family meeting area, which is about a block away from the finish line. I waited there for about a half an hour until they came, when we then went a few blocks away to find some food. We were just sitting down when the waiter turned on the TV and told us that there had just been an explosion at the finish line of the marathon.

As we sat there, aghast at what we were seeing, several ambulances, fire trucks and police went by on the street outside our restaurant. As we watched them go by, one after the other, we could only imagine how bad it was, as we also hoped it wasn't as bad as it seemed.

The first thing I thought of were my friends, some of who were behind me in the race, several others who were spectating and finally, members of their families that we knew would be reaching the finish right around this time. I charged up my phone and when it finally came to life, I was trying so hard to find out if my friends had made it out of the area safely, that I almost didn't notice all the messages from everyone trying to find out about me.

It was bittersweet. The first messages shouted congratulations; the later ones voiced concern.

My running friends made it over the finish line and out of the area in time. My spectating friends are okay, although one of them was right at mile 26 and not only saw the blast but had a very stressful time trying to find her brother, who hadn't finished the race yet (he made it to mile 25). A few people I know did not get a chance to finish the race.

My heart goes out to those who were in the area, who were wounded, who were witness to or who had to experience such a horror. I get emotional when I see the bravery of the folks who rushed to their aid. I feel sorrow and pain for those who did not get to finish the race when they worked so hard for this day. My emotions are still near the surface and I am not really sure I can articulate clearly how I feel about the experience as a whole.

Thanks to everyone out there who sent texts, Facebook posts and emails and made phone calls to find out if I was okay. I am so touched by all the concern that was shown to me.

Where were you when you heard about the incident? Have you ever been really close to an highly emotional event?


  1. Sorry this had to tarnish your Boston experience with such sadness. :(

  2. I'm so glad you're ok. I have been thinking about you since it happened.

    I can't believe all this.

  3. I am SO glad you are ok and were able to finish your marathon. It makes me so sad these people ruined what is an incredible experience for so many people. Thinking of you!

  4. I'm so glad you are ok. Do what you need to heal, and know that we're all thinking about you and everyone being affected by this ordeal. *hugs*

  5. I'm so glad you and your family are ok. You've been in my thoughts and prayers all week.

  6. I am so glad that you are ok and that your friends/family are ok, too! What a nightmarish experience! I am still in shock.

  7. This is all so surreal, Kyria. I'm so relieved you are ok. I'm so sorry your experience will forever have a stamp of historical significance. I was at work when I heard about it and spent some time trying to figure out where my parents were (they were out of town and unaware anything had happened). I sit here today listening to MSNBC as they try to catch the second suspect and just hope this very scary and intense situation is resolved soon.

  8. I have been following everything via the news. I am so thankful that you and your friends and family are safe. It seems so unreal that such awful things can happen.

  9. yea you were way closer to that than I've ever been to anything like that. I'm so glad you're ok! it's insane.

  10. I'm so glad you and your loved ones are ok. I can't even imagine.

  11. I'm so glad that you are ok. All of my friends are as well, although they are in a tough emotional spot now, like you. I would not be surprised if you all don't have a bit of PTSD going on...totally normal.

    I have been a mess all week, too, and I wasn't even there, so I can only imagine what you all are going through. Big hug.

  12. I'm so glad you're OK. That is just terrifying. As soon as I saw Twitter talking about the explosions I thought of you. I knew you had finished but wasn't sure if you were still near the finish line. I'm so sorry your Boston Marathon experience has been tainted by this horrible event.

  13. I thought of you immediately and was so thankful that you were ok!! Sending hugs and good thoughts your way.

  14. I was at work when I found out. I had been tracking you all morning and kept giving my co-worker who is not a runner updates on you because I had to brag about you to someone! Ha. We have tv's on our trading floor so as soon as CNBC covered the bombings, I knew about it. And then was so nervous about where you were at! I knew you had finished so wouldn't be on the course, but wasn't sure if you would still be in the finish area. It is all just so awful and I can see how you don't have the words to express how you feel.

  15. Oh Kyria! I was so glad to get the update text on you that you had finished!! I'm even happier that your family is ok! It is such a crazy time much uncertainty and now that he is on the loose...I have to say we are all on edge. Each loud noise makes us jump! Looking at people a lot closer!

  16. Man...I'm so sorry about the whole thing. I'm glad you and your family were ok. Take care of yourself.

  17. So happy when I learned that you were okay. I had been very worried about you and Jill - and was also happy that she found her brother!

    Of course glued to the tv today during the apprehension and of the second suspect.

    Wishing you some ease and strenth for healing from this horrible ordeal.

  18. I'm glad you are OK and very sorry your experience was tainted. Sending you good thoughts, Kyria!

  19. (((()))) My daycare provider informed me when I picked up my daughter and as soon as I left I logged on to twitter to find out if you were okay. I'm so glad you were!

  20. So glad you are okay Kyria! I got text alerts for you so I knew you had already finished and hoped you had cleared the area. Congrats on a great finish and prayers for strength moving forward:)

  21. So happy that you are safe along with all your family and friends! My hope is that you can put a tragedy like this behind you and move forward.

  22. I've been thinking about you all week and was so glad to hear you share your thoughts today. I was stalking you by text alerts too, so I was pretty sure you were away from the explosions, but was so happy to hear you check in. Continued prayers to everyone affected, I hope you can find some healing in the passing time.


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