

Moving Right Along

Today I take my brother and the lady to the airport and this marks the beginning of everything. I haven't really talked a lot about the Boston weekend, but it really is going to be quite an adventure. My brother and the lady will be arriving in Boston early for some sightseeing and shenanigans before the parentals join up. I will head that way in a few days, along with my Bay Area running buddies, one of whom is from New Hampshire and the other who has never been to Boston before.

We have matching shirts. Yup. They are my favorite color (sarcasm heavy here): PINK. It just happened to work out that I had a free pink tank that didn't have writing on it and my friend TJ bought a pink one as well (totally unrelated), so now we are going to be the three Pink Musketeers.

Saturday my family will celebrate my grandmother's 80th birthday with the whole family, who are coming from all over New England and other nearby areas.

Sunday will be the expo and a lot of food and more friends and then...I will probably start worrying about the weather and what time I should eat and whether or not I am going to have enough clothes or too many clothes or...

...and then before we know it, it will be 6 a.m. and I will be getting on the bus for Hopkinton, where I will then wait around for four hours, worrying about the weather and if I should eat and whether or not I should pee one last time and if I am not wearing enough clothes or if I am wearing too many...

...and then we will be off!

The stats:

- I am in Wave 2, Corral 4, which starts at 10:20 a.m.
- My bib number is 12333.
- If you want to track my progress, text runner to 345678 and then enter in my bib number when it prompts you to reply. 
- If you are watching it live or on TV, look for me. I will be wearing this:

Boston shirt

If you see someone who is wearing the same shirt, but is not me, cheer for them; it is probably one of my running buds! 

**If you are going to be in Boston, let me know where to look for you! It's always nice to see a friendly face in the crowd! **

What are you doing the weekend? Do you like pink? Do you get nervous right before a big event?


  1. I don't love pink either, but it's cool that it says Oakland! Spectators love that stuff! :)

  2. EEEEEEK!!!! I'm so excited for you!!!! Even reading all the fun things you are going to be doing I have goose bumps for you!!! The time with fly in athlete's village and before you know it you'll be on your way!!! Can't wait to see you in Framingham....we'll be on the runner's left!

  3. SO exciting!!! Yes I do get nervous before big events;) You will do great!! Yes, I love pink as you know:)

  4. SO! EXCITING! I will be watching and looking for you!

  5. Boston is the best. You will love every minute of it--so fun that you'll have family there to cheer you on, too. And weather is looking perfect!

  6. I will be at mile 26 and WILL BE WAITING!!! :) Yay!

  7. Holy crap! I can't believe it's already time for Boston! I'm so excited for you! My weekend will be pretty dull by contrast. I think I'm going to do a 12 miler and possibly go to a party that's themed around thrift store clothing and flair.

  8. It's go time baby! Have a safe trip and great marathon!

  9. I remember running the NY Marathon - we were bussed to Staten Island, where we proceeded to wait for hours. It was mind numbing. Glad you'll be running with friends, so you have people to distract you during the wait. Also, HAVE AN EFFING BLAST! What a trip of a lifetime!

  10. I love your shirt, actually! It's really cute! :)

    I can't wait to track you during Boston! I can't believe it's almost here. WOO!

  11. Love your shirt for this weekend! Have a great time in Boston!

  12. Ah that's so exciting! I can't wait to hear all about it :)

  13. Ah, so excited for you! I am trying to find some tv or online coverage here in Canada... last year it was blacked out. Ugh!

    I will be looking for you and cheering you on! Have a great time.

  14. Yay! Good luck!

  15. It's time!!! :) So very excited for you!! Enjoy your time on the EC and good luck on Monday! Have a blast!!! :)

  16. so excited for your upcoming Boston! So cool that your family will be there - sounds like an amazing trip. I am not crazy about pink - but you will stand out. yeeHAW!

  17. I'm so excited for you! Have an amazing time!

  18. Wow! How awesome to have such a huge support team going with you, too... can't wait to hear all about it!!

  19. So so excited for you! I'l be watching to I'll look for you. Can't wait for the recap! I love pink so the shirt is prefect :)

    BTW, you're one of the 13 in 2013 Spring Giveaway winners! I'll send an email with details this weekend :)

  20. Have a great time! Will be thinking of you!


  21. GOOD LUCK!! I hope you have an amazing race and that the weather is nice for you!

    I do LOVE pink and wore it when I ran my marathon this fall (although my plan was to wear an obnoxious yellow color but it was too warm for a t-shirt so I wore a pink tank instead).

    That is great that you get to combine a race with time with family/friends!

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  23. Good luck!!! (although you're probably already on the bus) - I'm cheering you on!

  24. I hope you're okay! Watching the coverage online.

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