

Then and Now: November

Okay everyone, let's say it all together now: I can't believe that November is already over! I know; you have heard it before. But yes, it's December (already). November is over. What happened? Luckily I take photos, because lately I can't remember! Due to my blogger issue with photos, I am doing this collage style this time (thanks everyone for the comments -- I am uploading to flickr and then pasting the code into the blog). So here you have it, the Who, the What and the Where of 2011 vs 2012. 

Who: Baby A (aren't crying photos the funniest? Look at that face!). 
What: Chicken Feet and Bran Flax Muffins
Where: Massachusetts, Rhode Island, San Francisco, Sierra Nevadas

Nov 2011

Who: Ladies who lunch brunch
What: Crabs, Oatmeal pumpkin cookies
Where:  Santa Rosa, Oakland, San Francisco

Nov 2012

The Extras

2011: 10 / 2012: 4

Last year in November I read 10 books. Clearly I had a little more free time than this year! This year I only read 4. Last year, many of those books were really great. The greats included The Art of Racing in the Rain, The Book Thief and The Help. This year the best of the four was

2011: 126 / 2012: 131

It's weird; I thought I ran less miles this year than last, but I beat my last year mileage by 5 miles. Who knew? 

2011: 2 / 2012: 1

Last year I ran 2 races, a half marathon and a 5k turkey trot. This year, in lieu of the turkey trot, I ran on my own, but I still completed one obstacle race instead.

Do you like crab? What's your favorite holiday treat? Did you run a turkey trot this year?


  1. I love these posts!! We did a turkey walk on the beach this year!! I LOVE crab! My dad's friend is a lobsterman and from time to time he would drop off a bucket of crabs at our doorstep! It was awesome!!! I would say my favorite holiday treat would be a tie between peppermint hot chocolate and these Italian cookies that my hubby's aunt makes....oh I can't wait for them!!!

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  3. I love crab! I did my own turkey trot around the neighborhood with my husband this year. Didn't feel like getting up at the crack of dawn and enduring the cold weather for a 5k:)

  4. 10 books last year, wow!! I had fun at the local Turkey Trot, too... it's become a tradition for us.

  5. I read _Gone Girl_ this November as well and it was a page-turner even though I really loathed all the characters and found it hard to believe that things could come the conclusions that they did. I Turkey trotted on my own this year as there was no local race to take advantage of.

  6. Seems to me that your average mileage is WAY up this year, so even a "down" month turns out to be more miles than the same time last year!

  7. Another great month, girl! :)

  8. I keep hearing that Gone Girl is a great book. I'll have to put that on my to-read list for 2013!

    PS - Love crab, but prefer Atlantic lobster. Yum!!!

    PPS - I turkey trotted this year. It was the first time I ever raced ON Thanksgiving (though I've often run solo before the big feast). It's a tradition I'd like to keep up!

  9. I'm totally running a turkey trot next year. I keep saying I'm going to do it and then I never do. But next year, it's on.

  10. Ten books in a month? Or even four? I'm lucky to meet my GoodReads goal of 30 this year (I have two I still have to add--can't even find the time for that).

    I love crab!

  11. I like crab, but I don't eat it often as I am too lazy to get all the meat out! I prefer other shellfish, like shrimp that are less work. ;)

    This was a low reading month for me, too. I only read 2 books which is pretty crappy! And neither one was really all that great. And the book I am reading now is not great. So I really need to get out of this reading slump.

  12. I've read The Art of Racing in the Rain this year too and it was very interesting. I had never read a book from a dog's point of view.


Thanks for commenting! I love to respond to comments, so please check back soon for my reply!