

Currently: December

Current Book - A Land More Kind Than Home. Actually to say I am "reading" it is kind of a lie; it is sitting on my bedside table though.

Current Favorite Celebrity - Brandon Flowers of The Killers. He rocks. Literally.

Current Drink - Wine. It's the holidays.  

Current Excitement - Last weekend I went to Not So Silent Night, where I saw Imagine Dragons, Grouplove, Passion Pit and more! It was really fun!  

Current fashion trend - Socks. Lately, I am loving a nice thick pair of socks.  

Current Favorite Blog/Website -  Amazon. It has what you need. Running stuff, toiletries, food, electronics... I even buy my lady supplies from there!  

Current Garden Item - Lemons! So many lemons. Do you want some? Anyone? 

Current Love - Walking. I have been taking a daily stroll around the block at lunch and it is so nice to get outside, get some fresh air, and to see parts of the city that I haven't noticed before. 

China Town  

Current Food - Cookies. I made 5 different kinds on Sunday to give away as gifts. I ate at least 2 3 4 of each to maintain proper quality control.

Currently Pondering -What kind of cookie I am going to make next. 


Current Indulgence - Brunch out on the weekends. It's not every weekend, but it's such a nice treat from time to time.  

Current Mood -  Holly and Jolly! 

Current New Find - a little dive bar across from my office that pours glasses of wine right to the tippy top. And they are only 6 bucks. It could be trouble.

Current Outfit - 
Dec Outfit  

Current Peeve - Cashews. I am not a big fan and the mixed nut can seems to be chock full of them. Why can't they put more of the good nuts, like almonds or pecans? 
Current Song -


Current Triumph - running in the dark. It's been fun actually, but getting the shoes on can be difficult
Current TV Show - Greys. I found all 9 seasons on the DVR and they have been my cookie making, Christmas Card assembling sidekick.

Current Wish-List - A Hydration Pack like this one

Currently Delaying - going to my yoga Groupon. Once it starts I have 90 days to use 10 sessions and for some reason I am procrastinating committing!

Do you like cashews (if so, want mine)? Do you use your Groupons? What's on your wishlist this month?


  1. I love cashews! I need to start the holiday baking. Thanks for the song, enjoying it!

  2. I like cashews, but in moderation! I LOVE groupons. I just activated one for a month long membership at a gym downtown that is known for having great classes!

    For Christmas, I asked for silicon potholders, slippers, and an anthropologie candle!

  3. Please send me your excess cashews. Thanks.

  4. Those cookies look amazing! Are you going to post recipes?

  5. Cashews are gross! But that guy from the Killers is NOT gross! :)

  6. Hi stranger! Feels like forever since your last post!Just this morning, I told Sweets I need new wool socks. I wear them all winter long and I swear they're the difference to me feeling cozy and freezing my butt off! Do you watch Top Chef? Every season, contestants get knocked (hard!) for not tasting their creations before serving it. So, seriously, if you're gonna be a great baker, then you absolutely must taste what you're creating - and more than once, just to make sure they're consistently good! =) I don't buy groupons, but I do love some lemons. Send them (and some cookies) my way!

  7. I will eat the cashews--that's crazy talk!

    I want some snowshoes for Xmas, but I haven't told anyone so I may have to wait for my birthday for that one. I really shouldn't get anything after the mint I spent on CIM.

  8. I love cashews! Probably too much... I tend to stay away because I will end up overeating them.

    This year I really want a Nike Fuelband! Oh, and some full length running pants. Most of mine are capris and that will just not do for outdoor running in these parts. ;)

  9. I can't believe you don't like cashews! They are pretty much my favorite this time of year - next to macadamia nuts. On my wishlist this year: some jewelry, a pair of black trousers that fit (I ruined mine but tearing the leg), and running shoes.

  10. Since first hearing radioactive I have been listening non-stop. Great song choice.

  11. Yes, I want your cashews!! Looks like you have a great part of town for lunch time walks. Nice job on all your cookie baking, too!

  12. I wish I didn't like cashews, but put some in front of me and it's all over!

    I'm hearing Greys is good again...may need to check it out. As long as Izzy is gone I might be able to stomach it.

    Great book I just read: The Light Between Oceans. Check it out!

  13. Oh, those cookies look GOOOOOOD! Yum, yum!

    Cashews are good. It's almonds that are ick for me. Weird, right? Right.

    I have a lot on my wish list. (Oops.) But mainly I would be stoked for a pair of TOMs and a new Kindle. And a juicer.

  14. I will take your cashews and lemons. And cookies. Please and thank you. :)

  15. I adore cashews.

    Your hair is so long! Pretty.

  16. I love cashews and always wish they would add more to the mixed nuts! I've never used a groupon. On my wishlist? Nothing much. Just an ipad and a treadmill :)

  17. Ooh, that bar sounds amazing. Any place that fills wine glasses to the top is a winner in my book. We are bad to procrastinate with our Groupon/Living Social deals and I've used a few on the last day possible.

  18. That's hilarious. I always feel like there aren't enough cashews in the mixed nuts!

  19. Your cookies look tasty! I'm so looking forward to cookie baking this Saturday and then making spiced nuts as a gift on Sunday. I bought a yoga pass that had 10 classes, but you have to use it in 60 days. As I didn't go for two weeks after the first class I took, I'm now stuck figuring out how I can use 5 more classes in two weeks. It's going to be a challenge, especially with the number of days they are closed over the holidays.

  20. I'm totally feeling Imagine Dragons right now too!

    Driftwood and Daydreams

  21. I only like good cashews. Lately, I seem to find mushy ones. Doesn't that sound even more gross to you?

    I really wish you had joined us last Saturday! There might need to be an 'event' between now and next year's JBH :)


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