

Last Week (2)

Hello and happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend! I had quite the eventful week last week. Here are a few of the things I spent my time on.

I started some seeds. We shall see how it goes. 
I am sure there will be a future post on this.
I am excited to try! My houseplant thumb is green; we will see how my veggie thumb goes.

I celebrated my birthday. 
For some reason Marlboro sent me a birthday card. 
(a) I don't smoke
and (b) even if I did, how the heck did they know it was my birthday?  

For my birthday, I had dinner in the city. 
And wandered. I love wandering. 

I love this sign. 

I went to see my parents. 
We took a nice hike. 

To a waterfall. 

 On Saturday, we went to the farmers market. 
Have you ever seen green eggs?

My dad ran a 5k and got 2nd in his age group! 
Go Dad!

Then something bad happened. 
I think Mr. Dell is mostly dead. 
I am hoping he will snap out of it. 

Sunday I ran 19 miles to volunteer at this race
It was hot.
I made some new friends.
This deserves a post of it's own. 

How was your weekend? Have you ever had computer issues? Is all your stuff backed up?


  1. I feel like a bad blog friend for not knowing your birthday. :( I know you told me at one point, but now it has escaped my mind. Shame on me! :P

    Yes, my computer crashed on me when I was in the middle of writing a midterm paper in grad school. I also had the flu and had recently broken up with my boyfriend. So basically, I was a hot mess. I went to best buy in, well, basically pj's, handed over my computer, and cried. For real. Luckily they were able to retrieve the information off of my hardrive. Phew. What a relief. Now I back-up to an external hard drive. My brother set it up so that it backs up every Sunday evening.

    My weekend was actually pretty good. Lots of studying, but i did 2 runs and went out for lunch with my aunt, uncle, and cousins!

  2. Marlborough sent you a card! How thoughtful! Was it a lung cancer screening reminder?!
    Happy birthday!

  3. Congrats to your dad :) A card from Marlboro? Interesting. I want to plant herbs and a few vegs this year. I wonder if I'm too late to start now?

    And last but not least happy birthday Kyria!

  4. Happy Birthday! What a random card.

    I stink at growing things - indoor and out. Good luck.

  5. Happy Birthday!! We started some seeds this year but for some reason they all fizzled out and died before they got too big. In the end I went and purchased starts to plant. So far they're doing well. Our Farmer's Markets aren't open yet but I am anxiously awaiting the day! Even if I don't buy anything, I love to wander around and just look at all the produce. My computer has gotten what I call the 'Blue Screen of Death' several times now. Luckily my husband and usually been able to fix it but I'm thinking it might be time to save up for a new one.

  6. My computer hasn't been backed up in about a month-thanks for the reminder! And happy happy birthday!!

  7. So weird I'm reading this post right now, because my computer was doing all kinds of crazy things this morning, when it's normally on its best behavior. I was on the phone with our I/T guy for over an hour trying to figure it out. (Prognosis: It's probably time to build a new computer.)

  8. Congratulations to your Dad! Sounds like a great birthday weekend!

  9. Sounds like you had a great week. I want to have a garden, but I don't have anywhere to plant anything. And your pictures make me want to go on a hike. Maybe this weekend!


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