

Cinderella Trail Run: Race Recap

Last weekend, I ran the Cinderella Trail Run as half marathon number 5 of the 12 in 2012 Challenge. It was in Oakland about three miles from my house. The course ran through trails in both the Redwood Regional Park and Joaquin Miller Parks. This race, like the last trail race I did, was hosted by Coastal. I am so glad I found out about them! Their races have been fun, the field is very small (therefore intimate) and both the ultra runners and the race directors are awesome. Plus I get to eat gummy bears as fuel.

The details: This race started at 8 a.m. The weather was forecasting temperatures in the 80s, and in the morning, by about 7, it was already feeling pretty warm. Luckily much of the trail was in the shade. There was a 10k, Half Marathon, Full Marathon and 50k.

The course: This was a loop course. The half marathoners did the loop once; the marathoners did it twice and the 50k folks did it twice plus an extra 10k loop. The total ascent according to my Garmin was about 7800 ft. The course winds through a nice shady, wooded area mostly, and affords views of the city, the bay, the Golden Gate bridge and even the Marin Headlands!

The pros: * As I said, luckily the majority of the course was in the shade. However, the 1000 ft climb you see in the profile above was NOT in the shade. Go figure. * The other runners were very friendly. I usually am not one to talk to other people while I am racing, but surprisingly I had several conversations on this course. Granted, they were mostly things like, "whew it's hot, eh?" or "that's a big hill!" but still. * The volunteers were great, very friendly and eager to help. * There were few non-racing runners/walkers on the course. * There was a no shirt option, which saved $5. I took it! *At the finish, there was fruit, clif bars, soup, pretzels, candy, goldfish...and more! * They do the awards right away, so you don't have to wait around.  

The cons: * I did encounter some bicycles, but they got out of our way. However, maybe having the race on a non multi-use trail would be a good idea. * The sun on that big climb was a killer. 

The race: Right after we started, the course went uphill (you can see in the profile above). It was only about a half a mile, but it really took the wind right out of my sails! I was wheezing and panting and feeling like death. Around mile 2, the course started to go both up and downhill and I kind of got a rhythm going.

Mile 1: 10:03, Mile 2: 9:04, Mile 3: 9:03

Mile 4 had a large steep uphill. In case you have never raced trails before, you may not know that most people walk up the steep hills to save energy. I did not know this the first time and I tried to barrel up one of these steep ones and almost keeled over. Now I know. So I took this little hill slow and easy and then tried to get my rhythm back once I got to the top. However, I was still feeling very tired. I think that I ran too much this past week, especially after doing the Relay. I should have taken an extra day off. My legs feel like lead. Also, I don't think I ate enough breakfast. I didn't want to overdo it, so I fear I under did it.

Mile 4: 10:30, Mile 5: 11:43, Mile 6: 10:49

You would think that the downhills are easier, but sometimes trying not to fall on one's butt, twist one's ankle or crash into another runner (while falling on your butt and twisting your ankle) requires a lot of concentration! I feel like most of my soreness usually comes from the downhill sections. Mile 9 goes from about 500 ft to about 1200 ft in one mile.  

Mile 7: 9:03, Mile 8: 9:28, Mile 9: 13:10

Mile 10 goes from 1200 ft up to 1500 ft. This is where the, "when is this hill going to end" conversation is had. Finally the course "flattens" out before heading down a VERY sharp downhill section (a 600 ft drop in about half a mile) where I fear for my life, and then finishes with a mostly flattish section at the end. 

Mile 10: 11:33, Mile 11: 9:28, Mile 12: 9:59, Mile 13: 9:13

Finishing time: 2:10:29 (10:02/mi)

This is a 5 minute PR from the last trail race, plus I got 1st in my age group! I was the 2nd female overall; the first got a 2:08:49!! If only I wouldn't have stopped at that aid station and eaten those gummy bears! If only I would have run faster on that first mile! Oh well, next time I will beat her!

Afterward, I volunteered for a couple of hours. Its so great to stay and watch the ultra folks coming through. They are all so positive, even though they are going to have to go back out in the heat and do another loop (or two!) It's really inspiring!  Also, it's good to meet other Bay Area runners. Even if I am not a group running person, it's still nice to be part of the running community!

The verdict? I would run this race again. However, I would take a full rest day the day before, and I would get up earlier on race morning and eat more breakfast. I had no gas in the tanks this time! I thought I knew better than that!

Do you ever talk to people when you race? Have you ever had one of those "lead legs" or "empty gas tank" races? Would you (or have you) ever run an ultra race?


  1. Way to go! That is awesome that you won your age group and came in 2nd overall! Impressive!!

    I try not to talk to people when I race... I know that makes me anti-social, but I am usually "in the zone"! And I have absolutely no interest in running an ultra. I think it's great that others do those races (and am very impressed by them!) but the marathon is challenging enough for me, and I feel like I have a lot of room for improvement on that race, so I prefer to focus on that distance, or on getting faster at the half distance!

  2. Great job on the trail race and congrats on the age group win! I don't really talk to people when I run other than the very brief normal chit-chat. I certainly understand the lead legs feeling, doesn't really look like you had them in this race though with all those climbs! :)

  3. Wow congrats!! That's awesome! I would LOVE to see more "no-shirt/save $$" options for races because I never end up being able to wear the shirt. I'm always drowning in whatever the smallest size they have is, and then just give them to my boyfriend to wear even though he didn't run the race to "earn" them.

  4. It's tough to claim that you under did it and still came in 2nd female overall. Great race!

  5. I usually talk to people if I'm running with pace group or a friend during a race, but otherwise I tend to be pretty anti-social out on the course unless the mood strikes me.

    That long hill did look like a killer. I'm so impressed with your dedication to the 12 in 12.

  6. well done-good time considering you were low on gas. i always talk during runs and races...not at the start though-i wait until I get into it and speaking to strangers passes the time-as you said-even if it is a 'phew, we are doing well', 'that was tough' etc

  7. Wow- congrats on your strong race and getting 2nd place! Trail races sound like such a fun adventure... I've never done one, but want to someday.

  8. I wish races around here offered a no t-shirt fee. I love that idea. Great job on your race.

  9. Congrats on a great race! I've never done a trail race before, but they definitely sound interesting. I am not a big talker when I am running....I am usually concentrating too hard!

  10. Congrats! That is awesome fora trail race! I LOVEEEE trail running. I just went for my first run since the marathon this morning (a tough and hilly trail run) and I was SLOOOWWWW but I loved it! I'm so excited to get back into trail running this summer!

  11. By the way, do you read She's in the same area as you and just did a 50-mile trail race. LOVE her blog!

  12. Congratulations on your race. I have run 2 10K races in New Orleans in the spring. It is flat as a pancakenbut the humidity is murder.

  13. Yikes that looks hilly! Great job :) Yep, my half last weekend was one of those lead leg races.

  14. What a cool race! I am sure the trail was beautiful. I wish I was a runner, but I have terriably bad ankles.

  15. Been a long time since I did any serious running, but I do recall grunting, wheezing, or coughing a few words to fellow runners - mainly asking them to slow up a little so I could stay with them ;-) Did lots of hiking in the mountains when we lived out west. I have to chuckle when the locals where we live now refer to a small hill nearby as 'Blue Mountain' - wouldn't even rate as a pimple on the foothills in Alberta.

    Congrats on the good finish, despite the hurdles.

  16. Great job girlie!

    xoxo from Trinidad

  17. Way to go! Sounds like fun. I prefer the smaller races too:) I better get my butt in gear. I have only done 3 half's for 12 in 2012:( Yikes. I have talked to people in races before, not often though. Yes, I have definitely had emty tank races before. Hate that!

  18. Amazing race! You had an incredible time considering that elevation gain. My trail half on Saturday was pretty bad, but it didn't have a hill anywhere close to that elevation chart shows!!!

  19. Congratulations!!! Wow, that hill looks like a killer. Great job.

  20. Wow, that's exciting to win your age group and be the second female overall. Very impressive!


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