

WIAW (4) & White Bean Chicken Chili

What I noticed when I looked back on my last month of posts, is that April must be bean month over here. First, there was Stone Soup, then Hummus and now, White Bean Chicken Chili. I guess it goes without saying that I eat a lot of beans? (so much so that Lisa sent me this recipe, which I will be trying soon!) I do eat a lot of beans, because they are cheap and easy, last a while, you can make a big pot of them, they are good and they are an excellent source of protein. Since I eat little meat, I use beans as my main protein source.

I have made chili before and subbed chicken instead of beef, but this time I wanted to also ditch the tomatoes and see how it went. The results are in; it was fabulous. So here is the recipe. Note, I often toss in a "little of this, little of that" so try this, and if it needs something, feel free to throw a little of your spice to the mix!

White Bean Chicken Chili 

- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1 Yellow Onion, diced
- 1 stalk celery, diced
- 2 carrots, diced
- 3 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 tbsp flour
- 4 cups chicken/veggie stock
- 12-16 oz chicken breast, cubed
- 2 cups dry beans -- I used Navy (1 1/2 cups) & Black Eyed Peas (1/2 cup) (Soak these for a couple of hours or overnight)
- 1/2 cup lentils  -- I used red ones (just for fun!)
- 1 Serrano pepper (the green one about the size of your index finger), minced
- 1 can or frozen bag of corn

A pinch or two each:
- cumin
- oregano
- fennel
- red pepper flakes
- salt and pepper

Put olive oil in pan. Sweat onions, celery and carrots for about 5-7 minutes. Add garlic and chicken. Cook until chicken is done, about 10 minutes. Add flour, stir until mixture thickens, about 3-5 minutes. Add chicken stock.

Add remaining ingredients. Cook for about 2 hours, until beans are soft. Mixture should be slightly thick. Mine turned out Pretty. Darn. Spicy. I used the packets of red pepper flakes you get from a pizza place. 4 of them. But I like spice so it's all good. You may want to skip that part (and the Serrano) if you don't like things spicy! (idea for this recipe taken from here) **Makes approximately ten 3/4 cup servings. Each serving = 220 calories.

And now, What I ate Wednesday, hosted by Jenn at Peas and Crayons. 

 Breakfast: Oatmeal w/ pumpkin & sesame seeds & strawberries / coffee x 3 / gummy vitamins

 Lunch: Quinoa pasta with broccoli, mushrooms and green beans
Snack: coconut water / brownie bite / orange / chocolate treat / celery w/ hummus / apple (not pictured)

 Dinner: White Bean Chicken Chili / beets / cottage cheese (straight from the tub; yes, that's how I roll) 

As you can see, I eat a lot of snacks! I guess I like single servings of...a little bit of everything! I don't normally eat that much chocolate, but since I made those brownie bites, I have to keep making sure they still taste good, right? I am totally giving them away tomorrow. For real. I have no self control!

Also, I added a RECIPE page so that everything will be in one place. It's just a baby right now, but given time, it will grow. Check it out if you feel like beans. Or baking.

What did you have for breakfast today? Do you eat a lot of snacks? What is your favorite bean?


  1. I'm a huge snacker. I don't like big meals but lots of little portions throughout the day. The white bean chili looks very good, saving the recipe!

  2. Yum. I am totally making this recipe - I love all the ingredients and I love spicy foods so I will not be altering it! We've actually had chili weather here lately! I have been trying to come up with a recipe to try this Sunday - now I've got one! :)

    For breakfast, I had toast w/ peanut butter + banana. And coffee. I eat that or eggs (over easy) with toast pretty much every day.

    And yes, I do like to eat snacks. I eat alot of fruit, popcorn, and hummus + veggies for snacks! And pickles of course!!

  3. This sounds amazing--I will definitely be making it! I love beans and especially bean soup!

  4. A friend of mine suggested a kick-ass major protein breakfast. Add two raw eggs to instant oatmeal and add a little water. Put in microwave for a minute, take out to stir contents and put it back in for another 30 seconds. Then, add a scoop of peanut butter and a little syrup with nuts or fruit. Dude, she's not messing around! I tried the oatmeal and peanut butter portion of this recipe and it was actually really good. Mmmmmmm....

  5. Your chili looks awesome! I love that you added lentils as well. Beans are definitely my main protein source, too. Or nuts. It's a toss up. :) Yay for adding a recipe page! Oh, and yes- I snack like crazy. I do a little better on wiaw days because I'm much more aware of what/when I eat, but not always.

  6. I eat a lot of snacks. When I'm tracking my food, I find that my snack calories add up to about a whole meal worth of food spread out over the day.

    I had oatmeal for breakfast as I do 95% of the days.

    Love the chili. I'm low on my soup freezer stash, I'm going to put this one on my to-cook list.

  7. That sounds delicious. I need to try this!

  8. Love oatmeal. Favourite bean is red bean as in red beans and rice creole style. Your recipes look awful good.

  9. Green monster smoothie for breakfast as usual. The chili sounds so yummy. I wonder how I could tweak it to vegetarian? I love pretty much any bean. My favorite it probably black beans.

  10. The chili sounds great! I know my entire family would enjoy the recipe...thanks for sharing, I can't wait to try it at home!


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