

Looking Forward

When Lisa introduced me to the idea of "looking forward", I knew I was going to copy her borrow it from her. It is a great way to remind yourself of all the good things that are coming up in your life, rather than worrying about the bad ones.

Today I am looking forward to my run. I had a really great run last Saturday, where I went all around Oakland, through all the little neighborhoods and up and down the hills, and it really reinforced my belief in how much I love where I live. Today my run will be a bit shorter, but regardless, it will be beautiful. The weather has been in the 60s with a nice cool breeze coming off the bay, so I am ready to get moving!

This week I am looking forward to seeing my parents. I got to see them for dinner on Easter weekend, but it was a pretty short visit, so I decided to drive up and see them for the weekend, so we can relax and visit some more. I miss bossing them around, making them eat what I cook, playing games with them and just plain hanging out with them! So I will probably make up for lost time and do all of the above. Also the wildflowers are in bloom, so we will most likely take a hike and have a photo walk! It will be really fun!

This month I am looking forward to my once a week walk/run with a friend. She put her name in for the Nike Half Marathon and is hoping not to get picked, since she can't quite run a mile without stopping yet. But I have devised a training program for her and we are doing run/walk intervals, so she is going to be fine. It's fun seeing her starting out and knowing how much improvement she will see week by week. It reminds me of how much we are capable of. It's pretty amazing.

Next month I am looking forward to so many things! The Relay, Mother's Day with my real mom and my "other mother" (my friend's mom who has put up with me for so long she gets honorary motherhood), my next 12 in 2012 race, which I think is going to be another trail race, going to a Giants game and much, much more. May should be a pretty busy month!

This year I am looking forward to running another marathon, a possible vacation in Oregon, the Giant Race with my friend Hashi, my Grandmother's 80th birthday party, swimming in Lake Tahoe, many baseball games, times with friends and lots of good food!

What are you looking forward to?


  1. This is a great list of things to look forward to! I've always wanted to do the Nike Womens Marathon - maybe some day! If your friend gets picked for the half, she'll do great with your training plan, I think!

    Today I'm looking forward to a bike ride after work. This week I am looking forward to dinner w/ girlfriends on Saturday night. This month (meaning the next 30 days) I am looking forward to going home for my Godson's first communion in May. This year I am looking forward to the Olympics. I LOVE the summer Olympics!!!

  2. I am only looking forward to having these stupid rental properties off of my books.

  3. I love this!! I am looking forward to my 1st race with my dad next weekend and I'm looking forward to my husband coming home this year!! Ok I need to look forward way more often!!! Today I'm looking forward to my lunch, vegetarian sushi from Trader Joes :-) Thanks for sharing!

  4. So many wonderful things to look forward to! I just shelled out a lot of money for tickets so I'm really looking forward to a summer vacation and a chance to see family!

  5. Right now I am looking forward to the weekend! :)

  6. I love this!! Maybe I'll get in to the Nike Women's Half and we can meet up?!

    Have a wonderful weekend with your family.

  7. Lots of lovely things to look forward to! We are going on vacation in Oregon this summer and I'm REALLY looking forward to it!

  8. What a great list!!! I am looking forward to going on vacation for a few days tomorrow!!!

  9. I love this idea!

    Except that I really don't know what I'm looking forward to. The end of the semester, definitely.

  10. I also love Lisa's series. You've got a lot to look forward to, for sure! I'm looking forward to a two-week vacation in August. We so rarely take off that much time from work ... and since we have to save up our vacation time in order to do it, we don't have much going on between now and then. I really do wish Americans got more time off from work ... I'd even take long weekends during the summer months ... sigh.

  11. Love this idea. Looking forward! I'm looking forward to feeling better and meeting blogging and running friends at my next half.


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