

I'm On Fire; I Need Water.

Remember the race that I was almost too sick to run? Here are a few of the highlights of the race and areas we thought could use improvement (supplemented by Dad). First good thing: the price. This race was only $40, which is a lot less than some of the Rock n Roll Half Marahons or other big races which can be over $100. When you are running 12 Half Marathons in a year, price comes into play, a lot. I often pick my next race based on price rather than other factors.

My Dad came with me and ran the 5k. It was good because he started at 8:30 and I started at 9, so finally I got to watch him start his race and cheer him on (and take photos of him) for a change! He did really well; he got about 26 minutes! Unfortunately, the start for the 5k and the start for the Half were in different places and since the half started at 9, so I did not get to watch him finish. However, he did finish in time to watch me run past him on the first mile of the course.

The fastest mouse in all Me-hi-co.
The race was the Bidwell Classic, which is a smaller race (about 1200 people in the 5k, Half and Half Marathon relay put together) put on by the local running club. It's one of the NorCal Half series, which includes about 20 in total. I would recommend this race to anyone in the area next year. It was a nice course through Bidwell park, the volunteers were very supportive and enthusiastic and the logistics of packet pickup was easy. The t-shirts were moisture-wicking short sleeved shirts in women's sizes (hurray! Unisex never fit right). There were plenty of water stops.


Okay, lets talk about the water stops for a minute. This was actually the best part of the race. As I was running along, I noticed a fire truck up ahead on the course. I figured someone must have been hurt or passed out or something and I was worried and sympathetic. Until I saw what was actually happening. The firefighters were handing out Gu and water! Isn't that fitting? Firefighters with water? They should have firefighters at every race. I am a big fan. I almost stopped running and had to drag myself away to finish the race. As it was I did take a Gu, even though I hate Gu.

Where was I? *drooling* Ah yes. There was a ton of food at the end: wraps, chips, bagels, peanut butter, rice cakes, drinks, bananas and oranges. There were tons of picnic tables, so you could sit down and eat in the sun or shade. There were free massages which I never, ever get, but Dad got one and said it was sweet. The only complaint I would have was that there were no napkins. Also, there were not enough port a potties, and they were kind of far from the start and finish line. Otherwise, it was well managed and fun! Would I do this race again? Yes!

I signed up for 12 in 2012 Race #4! April 7th in Tilden Park in Berkeley. Anyone going to be there?

Race recap coming tomorrow. 

Does anyone in your group of friends and family ever run races with you? How do you pick your next race -- location / price / swag / number of participants? Do you have a crush on firefighters like I do?


  1. That's great that you could be there with your Dad and actually get to watch each other. That's one of the worst thing about doing different events - usually there is no way to catch the other person.

  2. Bwahaha! I imagine those firefighters might have ruined a couple of PR attempts. :) I really wish sometimes that anyone in my family liked to run because I think it would be something fun to do together, especially when I read posts like this.

  3. I can't tell you how many technical shirts I've had to give to my boyfriend because the unisex small just drowns me. Everyone thinks *he's* the runner in the relationship!

  4. Firefighters at the race? Niiiice. I agree: there should be firefighters at every race. ;)

    My mom is more of a runner than me. She's faster, she has more endurance. She leaves me in the dust, ha! We do a lot of races together, though, so it's fun. :)

  5. Sounds like a fun race! Yay for you and your dad! yes, firefighters should be made mandatory at race water stations! :-)

  6. I like the idea of the Firefighters too...wowsa! :-)
    LOVE THAT! lol

    P.s. Im having a neat "green" giveaway - hop on over and enter...

    xoxo from Trinidad

  7. Sounds like a great race. Most races need more portapotties LOL.

    I love running Marine Corps races because, well, the water stops are, umm, really attractive. ;o) So, I could totally get behind firefighters handing out water.

    I may not even run 12 races this year, much less 12 half marathons...

  8. I love well-done smaller races. Nice work on another half!

  9. That is awesome that they had fireman distributing water. I think I heard that they have fireman giving you a medal at the finish of the nike's women's marathon. Pretty sure we should do that together, I'm just saying. ;)

    I usually race alone, and run local races. I don't have a ton to choose from, though, but I still find a way to do enough races in a year. As far as destination races go, I usually decide with Amber, or this past year Amber, Lauren, and I decided. Next year, Amber and I are doing Chicago. We tend to plan far in advance as it requires a travel budget...

    By now I am thinking you might be in FL, so if so, put your feet in the sand for me! :)

  10. I'm still thinking about the firemen way too much to remember what else I was going to talk about. Ahh, why I pick races. Price and location are my big factors. I prefer to stay close or race in a city where I have family or close friends. The cheaper the race is the more likely I'm going to be to look into it.

  11. So neat that you and your Dad got to get in on the same overall event. Good to have support and company I think.

  12. Um, yes. The firefighters, I mean. Big crush.

    I actually just signed up for a 10K at a local airport here, because they also have a kids' one mile that Cass wants to run. I cannot believe I actually signed up for a second race!


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