

The Thrill of the Race

I admit, I have not been "feeling it" as far as running goes lately. It has been snowing, raining and cold outside. The fire is going inside, and there is coffee and things to do and to talk about! The cat and I have been enjoying our cozy indoor retreat.

However, like always, I go out and run anyway. Once I am out and about, it feels great. Even though it's cold or wet, I get a rush of adrenaline from running. But even then, it still can be a little boring. That is why I like to change it up, so to speak. I try different routes, run trails or hills if I can, do intervals if I can't. This makes it a little more exciting.

This week, with the snow, I am banned from the trails (they are obviously not plowed and are situated on a steep hill which could make running in snow deadly). So I have had to find other places to go.This week I went back to my normal road, which I have been avoiding since the trails are so much more fun. It was a little snowy, but passable.

The other thing I can do is go down to the valley, where there is no snow. So yesterday, I took a little field trip and had a great run in 50 degree weather!

Last but not least, another way to get pepped up when I am feeling low (on the running front) is to sign up for a race. There is something about the hype and anticipation leading up to the race, as well as the race itself, that just keeps me going and makes me feel great. Today I got an email from the race director about the race on Saturday, and it made me remember how excited I am! I had forgotten but now I am raring to go! And I just re-checked the elevation profile...I am going to kick this race's butt.

This is what the race looks like:

This is the trail that I have been training on:

I am ready. Bring it on.

How do you get motivated on off days? Have you ever run a trail race?


  1. Wow, you will rock that race! I haven't run a trail race by definition. I did run a half marathon where about 5 miles of it was on trails, but not the whole thing. Good luck!

  2. Nothing like a race to kick us into gear!!! You're going to do awesome!!!

  3. Good luck!!! I have been feeling a little blah about running with winter too so I've been asking friends to run with me a lot more than normal to get me through it.

  4. Good for you. A trail race sounds like fun.

  5. You are going to do awesome at that race with all the trail running you've been doing! Those hills make you speedy. :)

    I, too, register for races when i lack motivation. Racing keeps you honest!

  6. Wow you are going to be completely prepared to rock that race! Looks like even when you have to run on the road you have quite a view :)

  7. I should spice things up with my routes more often.

    I have never run a trail race. I am quite klutzy so I think I'll stick to hiking on trails and running on pavement for the time being.

  8. You're going to do great! I know you are prepared so get out there and have a fun time!

  9. Can you bottle up some of that motivation and send it my way?

    I haven't been to the gym in forever and have had no desire to run lately. I think you're right. Signing up for a race is the way to go.


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