

Race #1 Here I Come!

Well, the 12 in 2012 Running Challenge is getting going! Many people who are doing the challenge have already run their first race!

Yesterday I received a treat in the mail! Chica bands!

For a long time I have been trying to grow my hair out. This is a pain in the butt not only on an every day basis, but especially when I am running. I have tried many clips and rubber bands and hats and everything else, but there are always strays! So I was excited when Jill not only set up the 12 in 2012 Running Challenge, but she even went so far as to get sponsors, and one of them is Chica bands! I can’t wait to try them out, as I have heard great things about them from other runners. They are really going to be great to have for the 12 in 2012 Running Challenge!

Our other sponsor is iFitness, who have agreed to give us a gear belt to use for the races. It's a great belt, with a waterproof pocket that fits my iPhone as well as a couple Gus and an ID, which will be great in this rainy and snowy weather we've been having! With these two sponsors, I am going to be good to go!

My first race is tomorrow! It is a Brazen Race (there are many in the Bay Area). I have never run a race that is put on by them, so I am interested in seeing how it goes. The race is at 9, which I LOVE (the last one I ran was at 7). The weather forecast is good and I have a few goals this time, but they are not like normal ones. Here they are:

Finish: I have no doubts that this will happen, but I am always glad to just finish the race!

Don’t look at my Garmin: I am not running this one for time. This will not be a PR. I will wear my Garmin, but I don't plan on using it. I want to run at a pace that feels good. Also, since this is a hilly race, I will be running slower anyway, so I may as well just be comfortable and see where that takes me!

Time: Even though I will not be looking at my Garmin, I still like to have a time goal. However, I have no idea what kind of time to expect. On my trail runs at home, I usually average about an 11:15, but I think this one should be a little less strenuous. So I guess I will try for about a 2:20 goal, which is a little under an 11 minute mile. I really don't know what to expect.

HAVE FUN: I am looking forward to this race. It should be a fun one, since it has variable hills and flats, dirt and paved. I think it will be a pretty small race as well, so it will be fun to see what they have in store for us! 

Good luck to everyone who is running this weekend: Jill, Courtney...and anyone else! Go get 'em!

Have you run a race yet this year? Do you wear a headband while running/working out? Do you play for fun or to win?


  1. Good luck! I don't wear a headband while running. But a good headsweats product does keep the sweat out of my eyes!

  2. Good luck! I have really long hair, so I wear my hair in a ponytail and then a stretchy headband (like something made by scunci) to keep flyaways under control. If it's really sunny I wear a hat to protect my face from too much sun, and that controls my hair pretty well too. Anyway have a great race this weekend!

  3. Good luck! I never wore a headband much before the last month or so....always a hat. But I really like them. The Chica Bands are great. Can't wait to hear about the Brazen race!

  4. Good luck and kick butt!! I've already told you this but what a great goal to have!

  5. I've never tried headbands for running... but they're super cute! Have a great race! A trail race sounds fun- definitely trickier to set a time goal for... enjoy it!

  6. Good luck!! Sometimes the races you run for fun are the best ones :)

  7. For years now, I have not run a race when I didn't wear a Bondiband. I have tons of them. Keeps the flyaways out of my face (really annoying, flyaways). The times that I haven't run for time and just to enjoy the "ride" were some of my favorite races. But, most of the time, I try to do the best I can. Good luck and have fun!

  8. I always run for fun because I'm never really going to win haha. Hope the race goes well!

  9. I have not ran a race yet... my first one will be on 3/17! I do not wear a headband - i just put my hair back, but it's so long, it's not a problem for me to keep it in a pony!

  10. I hope you had a good race? going to find you on twitter now to see if you posted how you got on :)

  11. Hope your first race went great! Can't wait to hear more about it!

  12. I know I'm a couple of days behind, but I hope the race was awesome this weekend!

  13. I'm really late but I hope your first of 12 went great!


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