

Grab a Mulled Wine

Normally, the recap for the week is on Sunday, but we all know that this Sunday is a very important day. So, this week's Grab a Beer (inspired by Kim) is today instead. My week, of course, has been filled with all the things I talked about in this post. Also here are a few additions!

It snowed! It did not stick for long. There is still a little left, but only in the shadowy places.

We bought mandarins from an orchard. Oh I love it when they are fresh from the tree. 

We went bird watching. This is where the geese from Canada come in the winter time. There were so many of them, as you can clearly see! 

My bird watching buddies. 

Can you find the duck? 

And we made hundreds of these, literally. It was a lot of fun

What did you do this week? Are you ready for the holidays? Is there snow in your neck of the woods?


  1. We have no snow. :( I am kind of sad about it. I don't miss the blizzard after blizzard after blizzard of last winter, but it's weird to have a brown Christmas.

    This week I was busy with happy hours! I have been trying to find a little outfit for my nephew Charlie but have had no luck, so the search continues! Other than that, my shopping is done and is all wrapped!

  2. the geese shot is unbelievable! so amazing. love the photo of your mom and dad -- wish i was right there with you. xoxoxo

  3. I'm in Louisiana and am just fine with having a brown Christmas! It looks like you have been having an amazing time!

  4. It's so warm here, my mom and I are planning to go to the BEACH on Christmas Eve! I just like the oddness of it so much, I'm itching to go, ha!

  5. We're down south, so no snow, which makes me very, very sad (I grew up in Michigan). On the bright side, I got to sit out in the glorious 75 degree sun and read a book at lunch today, so it's not all bad.

    Love the cookies! Love the geese!

    I am not at all ready for Christmas or Solstice (tonight!!). My office is still full of gifts that need to be wrapped - and some that I need to finish making! Erg.

  6. The geese picture was nice.
    No snow for us here in NE Georgia (USA)
    Have a Happy Christmas.

  7. That's a LOT of geese! I would be a little frightened, honestly, of that many geese in one spot!

  8. Geese are some of my favorite creatures. You guys did a great job with the cookies!


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