

Cookie Monsters

Last weekend I got together with the girls and we had a cookie decorating party. The original idea was that we would have our friend C and her two kids over, so that we could have a fun time with them, but they were not available. This did not deter us; we decided to have the party without them. 

In attendance was my friend N and her mom, me and my mom and our friend C.  We were assisted by little C, who is about 18 months old and actually decorated cookies better than I did, I think. Excuse the lighting, the low winter sun was shining right in the window and made it really hard to get a good photo.

Everyone brought snack foods to eat while we were hard at work; as hard as I tried to eat only carrots and hummus, I think I may have snuck in a lot of cookies along the way too. I mean, you have to try each type of cookie with each type of frosting! Right? 

My friend made two kinds of cookies: sugar and gingerbread, and three kinds of frosting: maple, orange and butter cream. 

We had several shapes, such as a bone, a star, a Santa, a couple of men, a heart, a tree and a bell.

We used food coloring and sprinkles to create our masterpieces.

We had a great time, all of us adult girls, decorating cookies badly. 

Have you ever had a cookie decorating party? Do you think you could do a better job decorating (meaning if you have preschool skills or higher) than we did? 

Note:  I just realized that my posts from the last few days were not showing up in Reader! After much detective work, I went to a site that I already followed and signed in, and VOILA, they were back. What the heck, google.


  1. What fun! I haven't made cookies in ages... I'd love to do it with friends like that!

  2. Oh fun! Looks like a great event. I enjoy my gingerbread party but kind of miss the days of decorating sugar cookies. Although mine were always really ugly! i am better at gingerbread houses!

  3. It seems like everyone I work with has and is making cookies. I've never been to a cookie decorating party and that is probably because I don't eat cookies and the times I've decorated cookies they look ummmm...not so great :)

    The santa looks so cool!

  4. That looks like so much fun and I haven't done that in years


    I used to decorate a gingerbread house with my friends 2 daughters every year, too, but now we live too far away.

    Even if you don't eat cookies, you can still cookie party!

  5. Oh my that sounds like so much fun! I have never had a cookie decorating party but I did go to a class with friends and it was a lot of fun. Maybe I can help set this up for next year.

  6. I've never really had a PARTY but I decorate cookies every year. I used to do it with my brother and my mom but now it's just her & me. We usually wait until Christmas Eve to decorate. They are pretty hideous but it's always a lot of fun!


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