

Since We've No Place to Go

Hello and Happy Sunday! What a fun week, but a cold one. It seems that winter has arrived. As you have seen, I have been busy during my time off doing lots of things that I wanted to do before but didn't have the time...or the do. So I've been doing some catching up on the enjoyable things in life. So, grab a pumpkin spiced latte (inspired by Kim) or whatever warm cozy drink you can think of and check out what I've been up to during my time off!

I've been using THIS a lot. 

To make lots of THESE. And other things! Now, who is going to help me eat them!? 

We got our first good snow! 

Remember that mountain I climbed? I'm glad I did it last week becuase it would be a lot colder this week! 

 I've been drinking a lot of this. Pots of it. That's coffee by the way. In my favorite mug.

Best coffee mix
Splash of cream (approx 1/2 inch)
1 Splenda

I finished this series. Not bad! If you haven't already jumped on that bandwagon, I suggest you go ahead and get on!

He and I have been having much quality time together. 

I've been working on my Christmas cards. Yes, it's almost THAT time folks! Here is a sneak peek. Very sneaky. 

What did you do this week? What are your plans for this weekend? What's your favorite Fall (Winter) drink? How do you take your coffee?


  1. I usually drink my morning cup with almond milk and splenda. I LOVE peppermint hot chocolate! I am also a huge fan of pumpkin latte! It looks beautiful at those mountains! Cold but beautiful!!

  2. you know i'm a tea fanatic. i love that shot of the mountain with the clouds -- so gorgeous. i'm reading julian barnes' "the sense of an ending" which just won the booker prize.

    i like your mug. :)

  3. you've been working on your Christmas cards....that is very organised of you..! I went to a yoga retreat and feel like a new person..i think it will not last long!

  4. I love pumpkin spice coffee. I make it at home. I just add ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, and cloves to my coffee. So good!

  5. I rarely drink coffee anymore...but I like my tea each morning with a splash of milk! I'll help you eat the cookies anytime!

  6. Coffee with a splash of TJs soy cream :)

    And I drink beer year round ;)

  7. It's fun to see what you are up to! I need to start working on holiday cards... meaning, I need to figure out what photos I will include on my photo card!

    My favorite fall drink is a pumpkin spice latte... My fave winter drink is probably just coffee w/ french vanilla cream, but if I want a treat, I love the mint chocolate mochas from Starbucks. But they are like a meal in a glass so I do not drink them often!!


Thanks for commenting! I love to respond to comments, so please check back soon for my reply!