

An Apple A Day Monday: II

I love to bake, especially in autumn. That nice cinnamon smell about the house, the warmth; they are the epitome of fall to me. Besides that, I love figuring out fun things to make with the ingredients on hand. When I saw Kim’s Apple Bundt Cake recipe, I knew that since it was apple season, and we have several trees, and I finally have an oven to use, I would have to make it.

I didn’t make it once; I made it twice, and it was a hit all around (I took one to the Apple Cider potluck and it was gone in about 47 seconds!) I did not have a Bundt pan, but made it work with a bread pan and a pie dish instead. I bought buttermilk for her glaze, but ended up only using about 1/8 of the recommended amount of glaze, since I liked the cake just fine without it.

Kim’s Apple Bundt Cake

3 cups flour
1 tsp. Salt
1 tsp. Baking soda
1 tbsp. Cinnamon
1 ½ cups sugar
1 cup vegetable oil (or you can sub ½ c. applesauce, ½ c. oil for a lower fat version)
1 tsp. Vanilla
3 cups raw peeled, diced apples (I used 2 large apples)
1 cup chopped nuts (optional, I did not put them in)
2 eggs, beaten

½ cup melted butter
½ cup sugar (I only used ¼ cup)
½ cup buttermilk
½ tsp. Baking soda

Peel apples. 

Dice and sprinkle with cinnamon. 

Mix together all dry ingredients in a separate bowl. Add remaining ingredients, including apples, to dry mix. Stir together until well blended. Spread into a greased pan (1 – 10 inch Bundt pan or any other baking dish). Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour or until a knife comes out clean. 

For glaze: Mix together all ingredients and drizzle on cake after cake is cooked. I only used about 1/8 of the recommended glaze on one of my cakes and none on the other. I actually prefer it without the glaze, but you can do it either way! 

Notes: I don’t flour my pans, I only butter them, but Kim recommended using flour. It’s your call. Mine came out of the pan just fine. The batter looks like it needs more moisture when you are mixing it up, but it cooks just fine. I did press mine down into the pan on the second batch, which made it a little less crumbly, but also less tall. I recommend a light press, just to keep all the batter together, since the first time one of the cakes split in half (it still tastes great though!)

Next up: What will I do with the leftover buttermilk and the rest of the apples? Don’t forget to check back next Monday to find out...and for another edition of “An Apple a Day”, which will be a feature each Monday in November.

Do you own a Bundt pan? What is your favorite thing to bake in the Fall?


  1. Looks delicious! And I bet it has the most amazing aroma while cooking.

    I love to bake anything with apples or pumpkin during the fall.

  2. I don't own a bundt pan! I do such little baking because gf baking is tricky... I don't do much (or really any baking) in the fall. But my fave things to make are beef stew, chili, and roasted squash (not all together, obviously. Ha).

  3. That looks so good!

    I do not currently own a bundt pan due to an unfortunate storage mishap a few years ago which resulted in mold on most of my pots, pans, and some of my small kitchen appliances. I replaced most things, but never got around to buying a new bundt.

  4. I don't have a bundt pan either, I'm not much of a baker thought. I would love to give it more of a chance, but I don't usually have time to cook for fun! :( Maybe when I'm done with school!

  5. You got an award =)

  6. You can go ahead and just ship there here and I don't even have to worry about the recipe. K, thanks :) Looks soooo good, and thing apple in desserts I am down for. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  7. Looks beautiful! I don't have a Bundt pan.

    Will look forward to next Monday to see what else you made!

  8. I'd love to be in your kitchen when you bake this, what an aroma.

  9. That looks amazing! I don't have a bundt pan, but I've been finding so many delicious recipes lately that are really making me want to get one!


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