

I Run New York

50 cent ain't got nothin' on me! So you may have heard the song that he sings? I Run New York? I think he's talking about how long his gun is and how important he is in the City, but I, I actually RUN New York. Yeah. MOVE OVER, 50 (fitty); I will do the running of New York, thank you very much.

Last weekend I spent a marvelous weekend, if you can't guess where, in New York. Knowing I had to do a long run of 15 miles, I got prepared before I went. First I found the local running store and found out that, yippy, they had a group long run on the weekends. I emailed them. I did not get a response. Next, I contacted this runner, who lives in the city, and asked her if she could give me some advice. Hurray for the running community. Not only did she give me advice, she gave me a play by play of where I should run. So I google mapped it to figure out which specific streets I would need to go on to get in enough miles (and not accidentally do too many!)

So, as you can see from above map, I started in Midtown, ran East to the East River and then south along the East River to Battery Park. Here are a few examples of the views I had while running on the East River.  These photos were taken with my phone, which I carried.

I also carried a pack of Black Cherry clif shot bloks and a bottle of water. I still have not purchased a fuel belt, since the only one I have been able to physically try on is the Nathan Speed 2 and the Nathan Trail Mix. I like the feel of both of them, but want to have something to compare them to before making my decision.

FYI, in case you were wondering how my Fuel Experiment was going...the Bloks taste okay. They are a little sweet, but pretty easy to eat. I drank lots of water and only took two bloks over the entire 15 miles (one at mile 6 and one around mile 10). The only thing I did not like is that the aftertaste is a bit like cough syrup; it's a little medicinal.

After running to Battery Park, I headed north along the Hudson, which was a nicer path but in my opinion, the views from the East River were better. By the time I got to this side, I was pretty tired and did not take any photos. Also by this time (around 9 a.m.) there were TONS of other people out jogging and riding bikes and walking dogs. I may suggest getting an earlier start than I did (7:45).

From there I cut across to Central Park at 72nd St and then around the park and back down to my starting point. All in all, although my legs were screaming, the rest of my body, lungs and stomach felt great. To celebrate my longest run ever, we went to Zabars to fight the crowds for the last piece of lox meet up with some friends and have a huge (and I mean HUGE) turkey and pastrami sandwich on rye. Yummy.

Where did you run this weekend? Have you ever been to New York City? What's your favorite place to run and/or eat there? What fuel belt (or bottle) do you use?

Don't forget to link up with Jill for Fitness Friday! And if you have not already done so, go and Enter My Giveaway for Fun Scrapbooking and Photo Software! Ends October 16th! 


  1. I am envious of the fact that you got to run in NYC. I wanted to run in Central Park when I was there in April of 2008... but the airline lost my luggage and I did not get it back until I got home. :( I did spent a night witha friend who lived up by the Cloisters, though, and she lent me a pair of shoes so I could do a run with her, which was BEAUTIFUL.

    I think my fuel belt brand is actually "fuel belt" or something like that? I like it because the elastic around the bottles keeps them in place, and they are 8 oz bottles so they seem to bounce around less (there are 4 bottles). The downside is that the pouch is reallly really small, so it would not fit your phone...

  2. What a great place to run! I got into the NYC marathon for this year-but I just can't afford the trip from Kenya to day!

  3. I've never run in a big sounds and looks so exciting! I've run Boston just during the marathon and once to practice. It looks so fun! Great job on 15!!!

  4. How awesome that you got to run NYC! I have only been there once for a few days and I wasn't running much then. I hope to get back there this summer and run there. My run this weekend was on my favorite paved trail outside of my little city. It is beautiful and peaceful there.

  5. i LOVE this - i think that route would give me the running bug again ;)

  6. What a great run! Congrats on 15 miles.

  7. Wow. Looks great. I am so happy for you that you completed your 15 miles.

    I haven't been to NYC but would love to go. I love going places I have seen on tv and in the movies. Daydream about running Central Park.

    I don't wear a fuel belt but looking for one myself.

    Have a great weekend.

  8. I'm more of a walker than a runner (although I did run in school). I live near quite a few trails so finding a place to walk/bike is never a problem. I'd love to visit New York though. That would be so neat!

  9. I would love to run in NY! I think my favorite running cities are Chicago and DC. I love big cities specially if the city was planned for outdoor active lifestyles.

    Have you tried the Honey Stinger chews? They are by far the best chews on the market. Easy to eat and not too sweet. If you can't find them locally let me know and I'll send you a pack or 2 :)

    I bought a new water belt at the AIr Force Marathon and then bought a new fuel belt (no water bottles) from the same company while in Chicago. iFitness!! They're awesome and reasonably priced. I have a blog post about them for next week.

    Have a great weekend!

  10. I ran in Long Beach last weekend. And this weekend I'll be running for the hills... across the bay from SF.

    NYC scares me... I am such a wimp :P But it looks like you had a great run!

  11. what a great way to get your long run in, and NYC, who wouldn't love it! I will put that on my bucket list!

  12. Oh I would definately LOVE to run New York - if I ever get there I will be out doing it!

    Loved seeing your pictures as well!

  13. That sounds like SUCH a great run, but I'm afraid I was tired out just READING the words 15 miles!


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