

Autumn Brown

Time to grab a beer!! This one is a new one for me. I live close to Chico, where the Sierra Nevada Brewery is, but have never tried this Autumn Brown Ale (photo credit). I think I would like it, as it looks dark enough for my tastes. Hmmm..

You know the drill. This is the point where we grab a beverage, make yourself comfortable and enjoy a recap of the week (a la Kim's Look What I Did Last Week).

This week was a busy one. I had the day off on Monday, so the (short) work week was more hectic than normal. Plus we are trying to finish up work in the area we are in and will be moving to a new area on Monday. So of course this week has consisted of tying up a bunch of loose ends and finding out at the last minute what the issues with certain projects are. Monday will be the last meeting and then we are out of here!

On top of that, I have been training for the marathon and so have spent most of my evenings running, running, showering, driving to running and....washing running clothes. between all that, here is what else I did this week.

I got more books from the library. My stack is growing.

Beware of the Evil Gost.

The running shorts get funkier and funkier! 

I went to New York. I love New York. Really, not just the I heart kind but REALLY. 

We went to Le Parisien for dinner. Yum.

I couldn't resist. Pluck U too buddy. 

We met a friend at Zabars for some cheese shopping. I love cheese. 
Almost as much as I love New York. 

We went to see the Freedom Tower. Expected to be done in...2021.

And of course, no trip to NYC is complete without a trip to Central Park. 

Goodbye New York. I will miss you.

Or should I say...Until Next Time. 
You can read about some of my other trips to NYC HERE

What is your favorite place to visit in the Fall? Do you have a place you keep going back to over and over? Do YOU heart NY? What did you do this week?


  1. Hey we should try to do the NYC marathon together! How fun would that be? I love NYC, too. I just love wandering around the streets. I haven't been there for over 2 years, though!!

    Where are you moving to? Can you send me your address when you know your next destination so I can mail you some music. My selection for you is EXTREMELY MELLOW. So you can listen to it when you freak out about the fact that you are running a marathon this year. :)

  2. Good luck with the marathon training!!Lucky you getting to NYC for a bit- I LOVE that place too :-)Bit more tricky to get there from the UK though :-(

    I must email you as got a bit caught up but still have your quote for a guest monday post. I was thiking of featuring you next Monday - 24th Oct? Ok for you?

    Hope you enjoyed the comment love!

  3. I have never been to New York but I've always wanted to go. Your pics are beautiful. :)

  4. I am really hoping that I can spend some time in New York here again before too long! What a great city!

    I have been working, working, working all week long. I'm just trying to get through this month, and then I think things will calm down a little bit and I can work more like 40 hours a week and not 60-70 every week.

  5. I love NY!!! Like love love love it, but maybe just to visit. My brother in law lives there and we will see him this spring. CAn't wait. Looks like you had such a great time there :)

  6. I haven't been to NYC since 2003, I loved it then! Also, cheese? It's pretty much my favorite food. It's bad!

  7. Those Evil Gosts will get you.

    I want to go back and see NYC for real. I spent one day there a few years ago and you know what? Not nearly long enough.


Thanks for commenting! I love to respond to comments, so please check back soon for my reply!