Bof, and you guys thought I forgot about the AMA questions that I asked you to submit in November but never answered. But I never. Here are some of the questions about life in general that I still have on my list, and stay tuned, as there are some long lost bikepacking questions that I still have to wrap up! You can find other Q&As here. Also, to my US friends, I hope you are enjoying your day off! Yay. Here in Europe, it is cold and people are at work. But the good news is, I will be staying with a friend for the next week, so we will be trying to stay warm together.
Basilica de Notre-Dame de Fourvière, Lyon |
Stephany asked:
How long do you plan on doing your bike trip and do you have any idea of what comes afterward? Well, this is a great question. As you know the bike trip ended "officially" in December, but stay tuned, because my feet are itchy and I think there is some exploring to do in this neck of the woods. TBD.
What is the #1 piece of advice you'd give to someone else planning to quit their job and travel the world? I could get really long winded here, but first I would say that you need to save some money and also track your spending so that you know roughly how much a year of living costs you.
If you have already done that and are financially prepared, I would say, don't wait. It is so easy to stay in the comfortable and to not branch out, but the worst that can happen is that you do it and you don't love it and you go back to what you were doing before. You have to give it a try.
And then more practically, I would say that you can take a lot of the stress out if it is your first time by doing a group trip, or daily group tours and excursions, or if you are more adventurous, it does help to plan some things ahead of time so that you are not scrambling when you are in the new place. I prefer to have extra time to sit around because I planned ahead, than to be scrambling later on. However, I also think it is good to factor in some downtime and "nothing" time, so that if something fun comes up that you were not aware of, you can do it without being super rigid.
What is something you wish you had done differently (and this could be about anything - relationships, schooling, the bike trip, etc.)? I am not really big into regrets, as in, there were things that I did not do efficiently, but they shaped who I am so I feel okay with those things. However, if you made me answer...I would say that I could have been more efficient with my college years. I transferred schools and did not prep well so had to retake certain classes that did not transfer. I went to France and was going to go and live there permanently and so did not register for the next semester and then the France thing fell through and I just kind of went "meh" and didn't try to get into the fall semester. I then spent a year goofing off (well, working) before finally deciding to shape up and go back to school. I could have definitely been done with school faster but I was not very motivated.
Melissa asked:
You mentioned your next adventure will be slow travel. What destination would you most like to spend a month in and why? Oh Melissa, this internet is not big enough to list all of the places I would like to spend a month. I would like to go back to several places where I have already been and spend a month there. Some that come to mind are South Africa, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam, Argentina, Columbia (oh the list goes on). And then there are still over 100 countries that I have never been to and I am not a huge "box checker" and would like to spend some quality time checking them out too! And then every time you post a travel recap, I want to do that (Camino, back to Paris etc.),000 places to go before I die, I guess!
What's your favourite US National Park and why? Is there one that you would like to visit and haven't? This answer is very similar to the last. I love Yosemite and Kings Canyon and the high Sierra in California A LOT. I suggest everyone go there. However, I think out of the 63(?) NPs in the US, I maybe have only been to about 20 of them, so I have a long way to go! I would like to visit Glacier, and I have never been to Yellowstone!
When flying roller-case or backpack? Backpack 100%, no hesitation. I like being able to walk or run or climb stairs. I like to be able to squeeze it in the overhead. And I hate dragging something behind me, and I hate the sound the roller bags make when they are headed your way; I feel like running away sometimes!
Diane asked:
What are your "go to" things you do when you visit a new place? (Or even when you re-visit a familiar place) I have a checklist for things to check before I go; here is a list of some of them:
How to get from the airport/train station?
Is there an app for public transit?
Can I use tap to pay to get on bus/metro?
Did I / can I buy my airport transport ticket in advance?
Is it worth buying a weekly/monthly pass?
What is the exchange rate/currency?
Do I have the currency loaded on my calculator app?
How to say: Do you speak English? Please/Thank You. Hello/Goodbye.
Do I have the language downloaded on Google Translate?
Do I have the offline map downloaded on Google Maps?
Do I have my list of possible things to do done?
Do I have ideas for restaurants or foods I want to try?
Have I booked any critical things in advance?
Have I booked walking tour(s) or excursion(s)?
Do I have lodging and walking tour locations saved on map?
Where are the walking/running routes?
Is there an expat or meetup group?
Is there a running club?
For each of these things I have a column with Y/N and if applicable, the information (like foods I want to try). So I guess to answer your question, yes, whether I have been there before or not, I want to try new foods, walk around or maybe run around, see attractions and meet people!
Do you have any scars or broken bones? I have only broken one bone and it was my pinky finger. I have a few scars, mostly from skinned knees, but also I once cut my thumb-pit pretty badly with a knife, and I once fell and hit my chin on a doorframe. The latter was my ONLY time I have ever had stitches (and I was in my 20s).
Who was your favorite elementary school teacher? This is a trick question, because I went to a one room schoolhouse, so we did not get a new teacher every year. In the years of K-6, I only had three, and they were all wonderful. BUT, the Kindergarten teacher used to strum her guitar and we would sing (it was the 80s, I remember a lot of Yellow Submarine and Anne Murray) and I loved that!
Ernie asked:
I guess I could scroll back, but I wonder what you did for work before this trip and when/if you are done traveling will you start back to a job and if so will you work in the same field, or try something new? I used to work in Finance and it was lovely, but I don't anticipate going back. However, we do have licenses that we have to keep current, and I am contemplating whether I should keep renewing them. Re going back to a job, I am working on becoming a free agent, so we shall see how that goes.
Bugsy asked:
As I am staring at my jury summons...what, if anything, do you need to deal with something like jury duty? If you are traveling, you can try to make a case that you are not in the country and they will often postpone it. If you are living outside the country, you would need to show that you are no longer a resident of the state that you are registered in and give them your new address and then I think you would be excused for good. However, just a side note, even if you are not living in the US, even permanently, you CAN VOTE. So, go and vote, people!
Have you considered (or have already) considered changing your residency to a non-state income state? I've seen people on YouTube talk about South Dakota, "America's Mailbox." I am guessing that you watched this episode. To this I would say that you should do your homework. I believe that some of the states where there is no income tax may not have a very good affordable care act healthcare program. So, if that is something that is important to you, you may want to read the fine print. Also, CA and NY are notorious for making people jump through more hoops than states like TX or GA when you want to "prove" that you are no longer a resident of their fine state. So, do your homework and if it works for you, have at it. I am going to hold off for now.
Okay, well that is a lot of things to digest. Now it's your turn!
Did any of my answers surprise you? I would love to hear if you guys have a "go to" list or any kind of checklist that you use when you are going on a trip or vacation. Also, backpack or roller bag? Let's discuss!