

How To: Plan Your Vacation With AI

I recently fiddled around with AI a little to see what it could offer in the way of vacation planning. It is not all encompassing but it can definitely be a good place to start! Here I will walk you through what I did to create an example of an itinerary for a trip to Germany in December. I used ChatGPT, which can be found here. To get information you just type what you want into the chat box; you can also paste information in the box and ask it to summarize, analyze or expand on the information. 

First, I asked it to create a seven day itinerary in Germany in December that could be done without renting a car, all within 150 miles of Frankfurt, and it should be fun for kids aged 10 to 15, with interests such as WWII history, castles, medieval cities and traditional German food. I did this and it spit out a good itinerary, but then after reviewing it, some of the places were a bit out of the way, like one day was 150 miles to the west of Frankfurt and the other was 150 miles to the east, which seemed like too much time spent on transportation and not enough spent in the cities themselves. 

Additionally, some cities on the list had lots of large government buildings, which seemed less important to me than WWII history or castles. I decided I wanted less government buildings and maybe a live sporting event, which would be fun for the kids, so I told it to edit those parts and it did. It even told me that if I want to go to a live hockey game, I may want to get tickets early, as they sell out fast. Here is an example of one day on the itinerary: 

For this example specifically, I asked it to provide some restaurants with vegetarian options in old town and it came up with seven of them. Here is an example: 

I then asked it use the finalized itinerary and do the following: Please use the last itinerary to provide a cost estimate for four people, using the train or bus and staying in low/mid range hotels. It broke it down by category and summarized it here: 

Obviously this may not be exact, and I have not fact checked it yet, and we would probably not eat out every meal or need two hotel rooms, but this is a pretty good start! I then decided that with four people, the transportation by train and bus seemed a little high, so I asked it to recalculate using car rental and parking in the estimate instead. Here is what it came up with: 

It also reminded me of the following: 

Additional Tips for Car Travel

Insurance: Ensure you have adequate car rental insurance coverage. Check if your personal car insurance or credit card offers coverage to potentially save on additional rental insurance costs.

Navigation: Use a reliable GPS or smartphone navigation app to help navigate unfamiliar areas and find parking locations.

Parking Apps: Consider downloading parking apps specific to German cities to find and pay for parking more conveniently.

Autobahn Rules: Familiarize yourself with German driving laws, including Autobahn regulations, speed limits in certain areas, and winter driving conditions.

Isn't this cool? As you can see, you can really drill down if you want to. I don't know if we will use all of the suggestions, but will likely use a couple of them, so it is a lot easier than having to do all of the research myself! Please let me know if you would like more info on what the full suggested itinerary looks like! In addition, let me stress that my favorite way to find good travel suggestions is from real people! So, I will ask all of you: if you have ever been to Germany, do YOU have any suggestions of places to visit within 150 miles of Frankfurt? 

Have you ever used AI to plan a vacation? Have you ever used AI for anything else? If so, what was it and how did it go? 


  1. I haven't ever used AI for this...but clearly I should.
    The only thing I have ever used ChatGPT for is to write a really difficult letter. I put in the situation and even that it needed to be worded delicately and it gave me an excellent framework. I was impressed for sure! But next time we travel I'll have to play around with using ChatGPT for suggesting itineraries.

    1. I never have either, but I was having trouble nailing down a few cities to visit so I thought I would try it, and it gave me more info than I ever hoped for! As you say though, I think it is definitely a framework, and is a good start but I would still edit it (if it were a letter) or look into stuff on my own (for the itinerary).

  2. I've used AI to check grammar, summarize, for work mainly. For life, I trust my process more and enjoy it too. Planning a trip is part of the fun, the anticipation of it, knowing what our family like and dislike. I guess you can provide all these information to the AI in principle, but so far I haven't. Now that you show it, maybe I'll ask AI for some suggestions, especially places eat that has vegan options. @coco

    1. I definitely agree that planning is part of the fun, but let me tell you, when you have to plan every day, every week, every month all the time, sometimes it sure is nice to have a few shortcuts! The people I am traveling with also have someone with a nut/seed allergy and so it is easier to have some help planning food options rather than having to scour menus on my own.

  3. Oooh guess how I will be wasting my time on the internet today? I just got back from a long weekend in Rochester. I'll be interested to see how AI would have spent the weekend compared to how I spent the weekend.

    1. I will be curious to see what it gives you when you put in your preferences for sure! I find I am an overthinker, and sometimes I research things to death, so it is nice to have a little help narrowing them down before I start to dig in a bit more into a few of them.

  4. This seems like a great timesaver. I never would have thought of it myself. I love Birchwood Pie's idea of comparing it to a real-world scenario.

    1. I actually love planning travel, but this does help to narrow things down! I also have not fact checked anything yet, so maybe it is total BS? We shall see!

  5. I have never used AI. I am not great at embracing new technology unfortunately. I'm a slow adaptor. But this looks very very cool and is something I will keep in mind when I take a bigger trip (which is probably many years off - ha).

    BTW Phil would like an update on your plans after your biking adventure. He asked me and I was like - I don't know anything besides her plans to go to Germany with K and her kids. I think because I can tell him where you are at any given moment he thinks I have all this intel about your future plans. But we are both curious so text us when you want to/have time.

    1. I had never tried it before and actually like planning vacations, but thought I would try it and see how it went before I started to dig into the meat of things! I will report back once I have fact checked and will let you know if what is says is correct or not. As for the second part, I will shoot you a text!

  6. I have an inherent suspicion/fear of AI (which makes me feel ancient, and out of touch), so I haven't really tried it (beyond using Alexa/Siri/Google), but this seems like a really useful strategy! My family is planning a trip to France in 2025 so I may play around with Chat GPT to see if it's helpful.

    1. I am still getting the hang of it, but I think it does have potential! Also, I think I mentioned this to you but it is also good for recipe planning, especially if you have any (or multiple) allergies or intolerances!

  7. We used ChatGPT to get some ideas of things to do when we were on our Oregon road trip this summer and it works really well. We tried to get recommenations for things to do with teenagers and most ideas were approved and deemed good ideas after the fact.
    If you are going to Frankfurt you should also visit Mainz. It's really close by train or S-Bahn and I do love that city. It has the Gutenberg museum what is about printing, a cathedral, the Chagall Mosaique Window in the St. Stephan's Church and remains of an Isis Temple hidden in the basement of a shopping mall. If you travel with 4 it is cheaper to get a car for longer distances but if you can take the local trains in the close vicinity it is often easier and cheaper going that way. You could rent a car for part of your trip? Most parking garages don't have an app and paying with credit card is mostly fine, google maps works in most areas and if you take public transit you should get an app for the transit that is used (Deutsche Bahn App for trains). If you plan ahead train tickets are cheaper - they get more expensive closer to the date. Hope that helps a little ;)

    1. Thanks for the tips! I have been to Germany and Frankfurt before and I just used the train and bought tickets a la carte and found it to be pretty inexpensive. However, I do think you are right about doing it with four people, and actually went once alone and once with a friend and when we were two, we did rent a car and found it made more sense. BUT, I do think for the kids, I would like them to experience a more non-American (aka no car) way of life, so may just take the train for educational purposes alone!

  8. I'm trying to avoid using AI for anything because I hear how much energy it uses. But this seems really helpful and useful, so perhaps I would give myself an AI allowance and use it for only things such as this. I'll confess that I used it to help me with the wording when I was writing letters to potential voters recently!

    1. Well being in the tech industry, I am sure you probably have a hate it or love it attitude for some things! I know in Finance I often saw the bad parts of it as well as the good! Some advisors are such BSers while others are truly genuine, but I saw both types and see how it can be intimidating for people to choose! I think a lot of people are wary of AI, and I don't think I will use it to do everything, but I do think it can be a nice aid for a human!

  9. I did use it once to help plan an itinerary for a vacation we never took. I thought it was more useful as an idea generator than an actual planner. But it was nice to have as a starting place.

    1. I completely agree; it's a great starting place!


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