

Travel Wish List + Paint By Numbers

I work with several financial advisors and they each have a different take on estate planning. One of them once said that he told his kids he would rather them take the money out of his warm living hands than his cold dead ones, meaning that he would rather do things with them now than give them money later for them to do things without him. It may seem crass to talk about, but that is literally what I do every day, talk about things that to many people are taboo. He does have a point too; I really do think that sharing experiences now is priceless and would rather spend my parent's money on vacations with them now than get it from them after they are gone. 😁 

That was a joke (hi Dad!)!! But seriously, regarding my parents, I would rather they spend their money on something they have always wanted to do; they worked hard to get to where they are now. I hope they use up every penny of their money by the time they go. For my own money, I would rather go for a dinner or weekend away with friends or travel or have an experience rather than a thing. Obviously there are bills and stuff, but I have really been trying to avoid spending on things that will just break, go bad, or be used just once before sitting gathering dust. I am not saying that everyone needs to do it my way; you do you! I bought a stationary bike during the pandemic that I barely use; I am not immune to idiocy. I am saying that lately I have been trying to ask myself if I really NEED something and if not, that money I have "saved" is going into the travel and experiences fund. 

So, let's get to the fun part! This summer, I had planned to go to one of the following: Bulgaria, Romania, Norway, Iceland or Taiwan. I know, this seems like an odd list, but these are just a few of the many places I would like to go. At the beginning of the year, I set flight alerts for all of them and waited for the prices to come down. You may already know where this is going, but the prices did not come down, they went up and it was ridiculous how much a two week vacation was going to cost. So I decided to double down next year and try to do a longer trip so I can justify the crazy cost of the flight. So that is the plan; next year I will make plans to go to one of those places. 

But wait, there's more! Last week, Ally Bean posted this chart and of course I had to fill out one for myself. (you can fill one out here). I won't lie, I was a little confused between stayed here and visited here, but decided that "visited" means stopped and ate but did not stay the night. You decide how you want to play it. 

So of course I have all of the white states above on my wish list too. I actually have tentative plans to go to Montana next summer. I have heard AR has some really pretty scenery and mountain biking, so I can't wait to check it out. MI, WI and OH are in a strange (geographically, not mentally) but beautiful part of the country, so Kae, Birchie and Engie, don't be surprised if I show up on your doorstep someday. SC is probably best to visit in winter and I won't lie, ND and SD just seem cold and flat. Can anyone tell me what I need to do and where I should go in any of the white/blue states above? Help! 

Of course, I also had to do the same thing for Europe. 

Doing this made me realize that I have a lot of gaps to fill. So many gaps and so little time! So I really hope to get a chance to see many of the white ones in the map above over the next few years. Have you been to any of the above white countries? Which one(s) and what did you think and what should I do and see if I go there? **FYI I am NOT a "check it off the list" traveler. I would rather stay one month in one place than try to go to 10 different countries in a month. Also, I have returned to many of the orange countries above rather than go to a white one, as a two week vacation really is not enough time to see an entire country! (off soapbox now)**

So there you have it, a very small slice of my travel wish list. Your turn! If you feel like painting by numbers, fill in the map and let me know (1) what your score was (2) what white gaps in your map would you like to visit first. If you do not feel like painting, tell me what is on your travel wish list. 

What kind of experiences or things do you find priceless? What is the best state or country you have ever visited? What places are on your travel wish list?


  1. One of the FEW places I've visited multiple times in America is SC (my sister + aunts and uncles live there).
    I should get my husband to do Europe. I wish there was a world map. Mine would be unimpressive but, again, I'd get my hubby to fill it out because he has been SO many places around the world. #LifeGoal to catch up :)

    Best state - well, I LOVE NYC, so I guess I'd say New York?

    Priceless experiences. I think those everyday moments that are SO elevated because of the location. Like a picnic in Paris at the base of the Eiffel Tower. A sunset over the lake at my parents. Picnics and sunsets are always nice, but somewhere else they can feel downright magical.

    1. A picnic in Paris at the base of the Eiffel Tower sounds great! I had the best time the last time I went to Paris (well, every time really) as I ran with a friend to the ET and then we went up to the top and ran back, so it was a combo city tour, exercise and tourist experience all in one. One of my favorite things to do in a city is to just run or walk around and get to know the crannies. Those are priceless times to me.

      So I guess I need tips re SC!!! Besides Charleston, what are your top to do's there!?

  2. I love talking about travels!!! I visited all three of your western yet-to-be-visited states on my road trip in 2022 and would be happy to offer suggestions if you want any.

    Of your yet-to-be-visited European countries, I have been to Poland and Denmark a couple of times and to the Netherlands once. I adore Poland. It is so rich with history and so beautiful and I would go back in a heartbeat. Copenhagen is such a fascinating city that I've been there twice and highly recommend it. And I definitely want to return to the Netherlands and visit cities other than Amsterdam.

    Love your idea for holding off on travel this year so you can have a longer trip next year I have never been to any of the places on your short list -- although I did stop in the Reykjavik airport once!

    1. I definitely want suggestions! Bring them on, please!!

      I have had Poland on my list for a long time but have not gone as I wanted to dedicate an entire trip to the country and not just tack it onto a trip somewhere else. Like I said, I would rather spend two weeks in one country than flit around from one to another. So it is definitely going to be a destination at some point! Actually my whole list is SO LONG that I obviously can't post them all, but yes to Denmark, yes to going back to the Netherlands, yes to all!

  3. I saw this on Julie's blog and am obsessed. I took "stayed" and "visited" the same way as you - stayed means that I slept there and visited means that I was there but not overnight.

    I've been to a bunch of states, but some were a long time ago and/or for work so I don't remember them/didn't get the right experience of them. I'm penciling in a goal to spend at least one night in each state in the next 5-10 years. Given the number of states that I visited last year without even trying I think this is very doable and will be a ton of fun.

    If you come to Ohio or nearby I can give you a looooooooong list of things to do and would be happy to join in on the fun. I don't have any definite plans yet but I'm 99.9% sure that a trip to WI will be happening in 2024 and that it will include visiting my blog friends up there. So if you were planning to go I'm interesting in coordinating! And yes I'll get out to CA some day but WI is closer.

    On to more serious topics, I am concerned about my parents not spending enough on themselves and we've had this conversation a few times. They passed their financial skills on to me and if you look at my net worth compared to the average person of my age's wealth, that's quite an inheritance.

    1. Yes to all of the above!! I love your idea to visit all the states, would definitely want to go to Ohio and have you suggest and join, and would love to go to WI (and have a couple of additional non blight friends to visit there too! Count me in.

      Re the parents, yup. They keeping trying to save it for us but I really wish they would just go and enjoy themselves and not worry about us so much! Maybe you and I need to start joining them on trips more as sort of a middle ground??

  4. Well I am learning some things about you because I did not know you lived in any European countries!! I did this one day last week but did not save it. My score was much lower than yours - I think around 120-130? I made the same assumption about visited/stayed. 2 of my good friends went to AR in the spring for a mountain biking trip! They went to Bentonville, I think? Count me out for that trip because I do NOT mountain bike. Some day we will take the boys to the Black Hills of SD. You could join us for that vacation! It is really pretty although it won't compare to the beauty of CA. I don't think ND is worth your time... the western part of the state is pretty. If you are close enough to it when you are in MT, you could pass over the border and see a bit of the Badlands. Medora is pretty - that is where Theodore Roosevelt spent a lot of time. But it is not pretty enough to warrant a visit IMO!!

    Well my favorite country is France! But I also LOVED New Zealand and would love to go back when we can spend 6 or more weeks there. It's such a long flight that I wouldn't go back unless I could spend a long period of time there. My favorite states in the US that I've visited are Hawaii (we had the best time in Maui) and California. Your state is so beautiful and we've just barely seen what it has to offer!

    1. Yes! I lived in Bordeaux for a summer and then in London and Istanbul for about 3 months each while using them as jumping off points for other places! I also stayed in Paris for about a month, but it was a little open ended so I am not sure I would call it "lived" although it was nice to take daily strolls along the Siene and sit in the park and read rather than go-go-go, that is for sure. Like you, I do love France and could really just sit in a cafe all day long watching the world go by. I also love NZ and have been twice; both times were about four weeks (I think) which was not enough time, but I definitely could not see going there for a two week vacation! ...last but not least, come back to CA and we will show you a good time! :)

      I have heard great things about Bentonville and am looking forward to going there and checking out the trails! I would love to join you and the boys in the Black Hills; just send me the invite when you are ready! I would like to do some biking around the country and will probably hit up a lot of my white and blue states then. Lucky for you, you are right in the middle of my two gaps, so I will probably have to stop at your house too!

  5. Ooh, I've been to Norway! It was years ago, but the fjords are so beautiful! We took a tour and I highly recommend that. There's also a ton to see around Oslo. We went to Stavanger too, but that was because my grandmother lived near there as a child (in Sandnes), so it made it more interesting to us.

    1. I have been wanting to see the fjords for AGES, but the cost has kind of kept me from bumping Norway up on my list. However, I would LOVE to bike around the country and they allow wild camping pretty much everywhere! Did you happen to get to to the Lofoten area? I really REALLY want to go there; it looks so beautiful! I checked out Stavanger; it looks like maybe a fishing town? I love those little waterside towns with their brightly colored buildings!

  6. Oh amazing! You have visited so many states and countries! I would love to visit Romania too - I did not realise how beautiful it is until recently. Norway is nice but so expensive. I have a goal to visit every state and currently only missing KY and ND. Both hard to get to… although ND harder than KY!

    I love reading other peoples travel adventures :)

    1. Oh this is rahelinwales :)

    2. It is funny that you made it to the states surrounding KY but not KY!! I went to Louisville and did a half marathon and then went to the derby afterward, and it was a lot of fun! However, I did not get out into "the country" much so I could definitely go back! You are a ways away from both of them now though; when you come home, do you travel around the US at all?

    3. I know - I've driven across the states loads of times and somehow gone above for below KY each time. We usually just visit California and Oregon when we go back, but I have great plans to do a 3 month road trip around the US in 5 or so years with the kids. When my husband and I moved to the US we did a 3 month road trip and it was amazing - I would love to do it again. I would want to do more of Wyoming, Montana, Utah... maybe I could put North Dakota in the mix?

  7. I think you could have a magnificent trip to my beautiful Michigan, if I do say so myself! We have lots of trails for hiking and mountain biking. Gorgeous waterfalls, lovely beaches and fantastic breweries. :) I have not been to Europe at all. I'd love to go to Italy. Outside of the United States I've only been to Canada, Mexico, and Jamaica. My sister in law lived in Montana for a few years and it is very pretty.

    1. I agree; I have always wanted to go to Michigan actually; I really love the look of UP and the beaches look fantastic. I remember the first time I saw a photo and I thought it was the Caribbean or something! So blue! So sandy! Definitely on my list. Also I have heard about the hiking, but did not know about the mountain biking. I am definitely sold.

      Europe is great; it is a bit dauting to know where to start but I have not actually found a place that I did not like. One place that really surprised (and delighted) me was Albania; the people were so nice and the beaches were great, and there are ruins and good food! Also Montenegro, which sits on the Adriatic, is also beautiful, although less well known than some of the more western countries. Italy is great too and the food is pretty much good no matter what even if you buy it from a street urchin and eat it out of a boot.

  8. There are so many places to go and things to see! I've been to some really cool places but there is so much more I want to do. I guess the most interesting place was Egypt - that was a really incredible trip.

    1. I also thought Egypt was really cool; there is nothing better than finally seeing the pyramids IN PERSON! And the history of it all is fascinating. I also really enjoyed diving in the Red Sea; what a treat. It is probably still one of my favorite diving destinations and before I went, I had absolutely no clue that it was so beautiful.

      I have only been to Amsterdam and it was only for a long layover (which ended up being a canceled flight and an overnight, which is why I colored it orange), but I definitely want to go back and see more of the city and the country as a whole. Plus my cousin is currently living there so what better excuse!? You are so right, there are so many places to go and I (of course) have a long list of places on all of the other continents and countries but they deserve a post of their own!

  9. Oh, and I have been to the Netherlands - highly recommend!

  10. Thaaaaaank you for this post!! I like to travel with my kids albeit they are still small. My partner thinks it's waste since they can't do ALL of the activities as adults will. But still I think it is a true privilege and a wonderful experience for them. Plus, we have two full months in the summer, what are we gonna do, sit at home? Nah...

    Thailand seems to be the country that allows Russian travelers with no issues so we may go their in the summer to meet up with my dad who lives in Russia.
    In the spring we have Paris.
    But yes, the cost of flights is absolutely astronomical.

    1. It is a pain having to deal with visas and stuff and that is something that I didn't even think about re Russians... I am sure you have it even harder than we do. I am always jealous of people with an EU passport since they seem to be able to pretty much go everywhere and for as long as they want! :(

      However, I do love Thailand; that was probably my gateway foreign place! I went to Europe before that, but it was the first place I went that was not as "comfortable," but it turned out to be so easy and fun and the people were so nice and I ended up going back a handful of times. Oh did I mention that I love the food and the smoothies and the cheap massages? I will definitely go back. You are making me feel excited about going somewhere now!!! (and OH PARIS! Yay!)

      Also, I think travel is great for kids; it opens up their mind and maybe they will be mentally and emotionally ahead of us fogeys who did not go to Thailand for the first time until we were in our 20s! I see nothing bad about getting them out of their comfort zone and letting them see the world!

  11. I very much would like to visit Montana and hike! There are so many places I would really love to visit and perhaps eventually I will be able to plan for this. In this season where I currently am it's not on the table. I was supposed to go to Phillipines in 2020 and we all know what happened that year. I honestly really enjoyed my visit to Wisconsin, it's now been 17 years since that trip. My friend was living there with her husband in West Bend. We visited a winery and then Milwaukee. It was October and I lucked out that the weather was really pretty! I have not been to MI but I love watching my lottery dream home and he is in MI quite a bit! It definitely looks like it's a beautiful state to visit! West VA is gorgeous! We drive through on our way to PA and I always look forward to the beautiful scenery! SC is generally warm from March-November. There are some colder days depending on the year but I've been barefoot on the beach in January and March as well as November. I also really enjoy Greenville, SC. It's more in the foothills of the state so the weather is a little more temperate. I have not been to Europe and there are plenty of places I would like to see someday. I have traveled to many US states and if not to at least through a lot of them!

    1. Barefoot on the beach! That sounds like a good country song! I have had WI on my list for a while but it is just smack dab in the middle of the country! I need to make a point to go to a WI/MI double header, maybe during the summer though! I have never really had WV on my radar but saw a video of a mountain/gravel bike race there recently and it is beautiful! I did not realize it was so hilly, but I guess I just never really thought much about it since if I did I would have realized that the Blue Ridge Pkwy is there... My grandma used to always go to Kure beach and Myrtle beach but now she is older so she stays home more, but I always thought that I should have taken advantage of that when I could have!

      You should really put the Philippines back on your list; they are beautiful! I went to several of the different islands and it was easy to get around and the flights were cheap and the people were super nice! Also, two words: cheap massages! You can't get much better than that!

  12. I saw the map and was like, whoa, no Wisconsin?!! Haha!! I know it may seem underwhelming on the surface, there’s a lot of greatness here!! Promise!! ;) love the idea of the map. I have sooo many gaps, especially in Europe, that it wouldn’t even make sense for me to do this! But I totally agree that I would rather spend money with my parents than have it when they’re gone. I love traveling with my mom and dad!!

    1. I Wisconsin!! I am just leaving the best for last I guess. I have had it on my list for a while, and I used to go to more of the Midwest states when I was living in IA, but it was a little far of a drive for a weekend, so I never made it there. I would love to go in the summer/early fall and make a double header trip with MI and WI, but I will need to spend a few weeks, not just a day or two, as there are so many things I want to do! However, I would love to hear what your "cheat sheet" has to offer!

  13. I fell in love with Paris on my honeymoon, 30 years ago. Most of our vacations from 1993 - 2018 were to visit family, with a couple of exceptions (Hawaii twice). 2018 we went to France to celebrate out 25th anniversary and our daughter graduating from college, and we went to France! We spent about a week and a half, and I would have loved to make it longer. We went to the West Coast of Brittany, Normandy, and Paris. I went back with my cousin in 2022, and spent almost a week in the Cote d'Azur, and then a few days in Normandy, and more time in Paris (just outside). I never get enough time there. I would love to spend a year or two in France, do like you said and just BE there, not playing tourist so much. That wouldn't get me any more points on the map, though.

    1. LOL, I wish I could edit my comment and fix my typos. Oh well. You get the gist...J = Francophile.

    2. Yes, Paris is a magical place, isn't it!? There is a reason why it has such a good reputation! I lived in Bordeaux for a few months and have traveled to Paris a few times, but the best one was when I stayed there for about a month, just walking and reading and eating. I was on a limited budget so I stayed in a room with a shared bathroom and ate lots of bread and cheese but I had the best time! I would love to go back to France and stay somewhere longer. I don't really care about points on the map too much, except for a way to get possible ideas!

  14. I started filling the map out but got confused between stayed here/visited here/stopped here so I gave up. My number wouldn't be all that impressive because I haven't done a ton of traveling. Mostly by cruise ship! I hope you are able to make a big vacation a possibility next year!

    1. I listened to a podcast you would probably like -- It is about all the different types of cruises and how you can get good deals and how there is a cruise for everyone, even people who "don't like" cruises! I have also heard of people who use them as their main transport instead of flying and the pricing actually can make good sense sometimes! If you can get a transatlantic cruise for $1,000, you get meals and accommodation for those days too, where the flight may have been just as expensive. It seems like an interesting way to travel!

  15. This is so fun to look at... I have visited a few states, and I've only lived in CA, so I have many gaps to fill.

    Re: the estate planning, I agree that I'd hope my parents spend their money on things they want to do or experiences for our whole family. These are the memories you'll be able to forever take with you.

    1. It is fun to look at and to dream...but there are a lot of orange states or even red ones that I have not even fully explored, so there is a lot of ground to cover (and this is not even including all of the other places around the world!)


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