

Looking Back: May

May, as you may know, is my favorite month! This year, as always, it did not disappoint.

Running: In May, I ran 220 miles. This is mostly due to two races, one 100k and one 50k. Other than that, I had my highest mileage week this year, which was 73 miles. I climbed approximately 52,000 vertical feet, although my Garmin has been a bit wonky, so that is probably plus or minus 10%. I biked no miles...again! Biking fail. However, I did do about 1 - 2 x per week gardening / yard work, and I am calling that cross training!

Reading: I ended up reading 7 books, although it should have been more, as I took a long flight in May. However, I did get some "reading" done via audio book while running two races that took about 20 hours between the two of them! Usually I do not listen to music on runs, but this time, I used the time wisely! A silver lining early in the month was that all my holds at the library had really long wait times so I got some of my owned books read (in bold)! My favorites this month were The Sun is Also a Star, Stiff and Talking as Fast as I Can.

The Red Queen by Phillipa Gregory (***)
Sleepwalking with Me by Mike Birbiglia (***)
The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon (****)
Lolita by Vladimir Nobokov (**)
The Night of the Gun by David Carr (***)
Stiff by Mary Roach (****)
Talking as Fast as I Can by Lauren Graham (****)

Travel: Whew! May was a whirlwind of travel. All four weekends were booked! I went to Sacramento, San Jose, hiked Mt. Diablo with the folks, flew to Minneapolis for Lisa's wedding, went to Livermore/Fremont for a race and went up to my parents house for Memorial Day. It was full of good times with good friends and loved ones!

Lisa's wedding

Marin Headlands run

Feather River Canyon

My first game of the season

What was your favorite thing about the month of May? What was your favorite book in May? Where do you normally get your books (library/own/borrow/buy)?


  1. Dang you had a full month! I am glad you were able to fit my wedding in because it meant a lot to Phil and I to have you there! May was an amazing month between all the wedding festivities and our honeymoon! My favorite book was The Curious Charms of Arthur Pepper which was a great light read! I get my books from the library but also buy ones I really want to read off of deal emails from Modern Mrs. Darcy if they are around $3 or less as that's less than my weekly latte!

  2. Oh and my garmin has not been working right either. I installed an update last night so will try to run with it tonight and see if it's back to normal...

  3. Your race lengths, 50 and 100, plus I know the 50 was hot, that's just amazing to me!!! I'm so glad I got to meet you at Lisa's wedding! May is the month I actually finished books! I read at the airport and when we got back and then Michael bought me a Kindle Paperwhite so I can read at the pool, I've already read 2 books in June on that Kindle.

  4. Fantastic job getting in 220 miles among all of that travel. Still totally jealous that you got to go to Lisa's wedding! Looked like an amazing time and beautiful ceremony with lots of friends.

  5. You had a busy month of traveling and running! I so wish that I would have been able to come to Lisa's wedding- it looked like a beautiful day

  6. You had SUCH a busy month!! My May was pretty packed as well. SO glad I got to see you and spend so much time with you the weekend of Lisa's wedding. Man that was such a good time!

  7. 220 miles - I am so impressed! :)

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  9. River is looking so beautiful and you shared amazing things about your may trip. its really enjoyable and stunning photos you shared.
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