

Looking Back: February

For a short month, February was chock full of stuff! Even during the short week after Presidents' Day weekend, it seemed like we crammed seven days worth of work into four days! In addition, I spent much weekend time working in the yard/backyard and around the house, so a lot got done on all counts!

Running: I logged 183 miles in February, and climbed about 35,000 feet. My favorite run was a 42k run with a friend on his 42nd birthday. In addition, I went home to visit my parents and got to log some snowy miles in one of my favorite places!

42nd B-day 42k

Reading: In February, I read 8 books. Actually, I never finished two of them, so you may call it 6 and two halves. My favorite was When Breath Becomes Air, a story of a neurosurgical resident who gets lung cancer. It is well written and moving. I read it in one sitting. I also enjoyed, but was quite disturbed by All The Ugly and Wonderful Things, about a 20-something biker who takes an 8 year old girl with drug addict parents under his wing. It's both sweet and cringe-worthy at the same time.  Lastly, Adnan's Story, a more complete explanation of the story behind the podcast Serial, was very interesting. Books I own are in bold.

Family Reunion (* couldn't finish)
Adnan's Story (****)
Suite Francaise (***)
In the Country We Love: My Family Divided (***)
When Breath Becomes Air (*****)
Lean In (***)
The Big Green Tent (** couldn't finish)
All The Ugly and Wonderful Things (****) 

Travel: I did not travel that much in February. Aside from a trip north to see my parents, I spent a lot of time in my own backyard. Literally. I will post more photos later, but essentially I have been spending a lot of time moving rocks from one place to another! It's been great cross training!  I would say all in all I probably worked in the yard for about 4 hours a day, at least 6 days in February. Check out these guns!

Views on my Rock Creek run

What was your favorite workout, book or destination in February?


  1. Wow, the view from that 42k run is gorgeous! I'm so envious of the beauty of the area where you live! Phil and I talked about our retirement plans when we were in San Diego (even though they are soooo far off) and we want to try to buy a condo in California so we can live there during the winter months and come back to Minnesota for the summer/fall. Then we'll rent the condo out when we aren't there. We'll see if that actually happens! But maybe we'll end up somewhere close to you when we are old birds. ;)

    My favorite workout in February was the 4 mile run that I ran at a 9:40 pace at the end of the month. I would be disappointed with that time before my surgery but am quite happy with it. Especially since it includes a 2.5 minutes walk at the start and a 1 minute walk at the 2 mile point! Besides that I really enjoyed the 21 day fix workouts I am doing as well as the barre classes I went to! The best book was a toss-up between The Faith Club and Born a Crime. And our favorite destination was the desert hike we did in the San Diego area. It was so beautiful and the weather was amazing!!!

  2. I also read When Breath Becomes Air and I loved it!

    183 miles - wow! That is impressive. I am trying to get about 20 miles per week in right now, so I don't know how you do it, but again IMPRESSIVE :)

  3. Not sure if my first comment actually worked. I felt the same way about all ugly and wonderful things. I really liked, but also felt so wrong for liking it. I was telling a coworker about it and couldn't sum up my feelings accurately on it

  4. I've said it before and will say it again, it seriously impresses me how much you both run AND read!! February sounds like a great month for you!

  5. That is some solid work for a short month! Cheers to a good spring.

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